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Top 100!

This is a list of the top 100 highest rated CDs here at Heavy Harmonies, of those that have received 10 or more votes. This list is not updated in real time, meaning that ratings are only updated when the list is recompiled.

NOTE: The rating system has completely changed. It is now based on a score from 0 to 100. Only one vote per user counts towards the average rating; subsequent ratings simply change their existing rating.

Last updated Fri Mar 21 11:08:35 2025

Rank Avg Rtg Votes Artist CD
1 92.12 129Harem Scarem Harem Scarem
2 92.00 135Strangeways Walk in the Fire
3 91.76 123Queensryche Operation Mindcrime
4 91.34 97Harem Scarem Mood Swings
5 91.32 117Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet
6 91.22 60Paul Laine Stick It In Your Ear
7 91.17 103White Lion Pride
8 91.10 84Queensryche Empire
9 91.07 89Firehouse Firehouse
10 91.05 58Stryper To Hell With the Devil
11 90.98 95Dokken Back for the Attack
12 90.95 91Europe Out Of This World
13 90.88 93AC/DC Back In Black
14 90.87 104Giant Last of the Runaways
15 90.86 74Valentine Valentine
16 90.80 158Def Leppard Hysteria
17 90.72 47Victory Culture Killed the Native
18 90.65 71XYZ XYZ
19 90.57 37H.E.A.T. II
20 90.49 104Giant Time to Burn
21 90.45 95Europe The Final Countdown
22 90.38 42Voodoo X Vol.1 The Awakening
23 90.28 57220 Volt Eye to Eye
24 90.27 79Red Dawn Never Say Surrender
25 90.22 120Danger Danger Danger Danger
26 90.21 86Bonfire Fire Works
27 90.16 62Stage Dolls Stage Dolls
28 90.14 76House of Lords House of Lords
29 90.11 70Talisman Talisman
30 90.10 68White Lion Mane Attraction
31 90.05 76Van Halen Van Halen
32 90.05 44Ozzy Osbourne Bark at the Moon
33 90.02 49Yngwie Malmsteen Eclipse
34 90.02 126Def Leppard Pyromania
35 90.02 66House of Lords Demons Down
36 89.93 76Winger Pull
37 89.91 23The Defiants Drive
38 89.88 42H.E.A.T. Tearing Down The Walls
39 89.87 31Helix No Rest For the Wicked
40 89.84 57Yngwie Malmsteen Odyssey
41 89.82 121Hardline Double Eclipse
42 89.81 72Scorpions Love At First Sting
43 89.79 102Bon Jovi New Jersey
44 89.76 49Van Halen For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge
45 89.74 47Danger Danger Live And Nude
46 89.69 62Danger Danger Cockroach
47 89.66 70Bonfire Point Blank
48 89.66 29Helix Walkin' The Razor's Edge
49 89.65 46Mr. Big Lean Into It
50 89.63 52Stryper In God We Trust
51 89.60 77Tyketto Don't Come Easy
52 89.57 75Unruly Child Unruly Child
53 89.55 73Ratt Invasion of Your Privacy
54 89.54 61H.E.A.T. Address the Nation
55 89.54 84Alias Alias
56 89.53 59Treat Organized Crime
57 89.51 75Work of Art Artwork
58 89.50 14Helix Over 60 Minutes With Helix
59 89.47 60White Lion Fight To Survive
60 89.46 79TNT Intuition
61 89.44 43Survivor Caught in the Game
62 89.43 44Queensryche Rage for Order
63 89.41 92Signal Loud and Clear
64 89.41 27H.E.A.T. Force Majeure
65 89.40 85Boulevard Into the Street
66 89.39 31Treat Weapons of Choice 1984-2006
67 89.38 61Marcello/Vestry Marcello/Vestry
68 89.38 16Giant It Takes Two plus Giant Live!
69 89.35 43Heart Heart
70 89.32 77Skid Row Skid Row
71 89.32 41Twisted Sister Stay Hungry
72 89.30 91Bon Jovi Bon Jovi
73 89.29 17Rush Moving Pictures
74 89.29 72Van Halen 1984
75 89.29 87Icon Night of the Crime
76 89.28 116H.E.A.T. H.E.A.T.
77 89.27 52The McAuley Schenker Group Save Yourself
78 89.27 97Guns N' Roses Appetite for Destruction
79 89.27 30Joshua Intense Defense
80 89.27 30Tour de Force World on Fire
81 89.26 42The McAuley Schenker Group Perfect Timing
82 89.26 31Stryper No More Hell to Pay
83 89.24 50Masquerade Masquerade
84 89.23 64Ratt Detonator
85 89.23 47Toto Toto IV
86 89.23 77Ratt Out Of The Cellar
87 89.23 86Winger In the Heart of the Young
88 89.22 72TNT Tell No Tales
89 89.22 18Van Halen The Best Of Both Worlds
90 89.18 76Shy Excess All Areas
91 89.18 22Stryper Fallen
92 89.18 55Vain No Respect
93 89.18 145Whitesnake 1987
94 89.16 31Helix Long Way to Heaven
95 89.15 40John Norum Face the Truth
96 89.15 54Alien Alien
97 89.14 71H.E.A.T. Freedom Rock
98 89.14 36Y and T Black Tiger
99 89.08 25Victory Temples of Gold
100 89.08 53Y and T Contagious

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