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Hard Rock and AOR Bands - J

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Click on a flag icon to see a list of all of the hard rock, AOR, and melodic metal bands and musicians here at Heavy Harmonies from that country.

Country Artist Genre

swedenTommy JMelodic Metal
USAJ-Train80s Hard Rock
ukJack J. Hutchinson80s Hard Rock
USAJ. K. Northrup and David CagleAOR /
Melodic Rock
germanyJ.B.O.80s Hard Rock
USAJ.J. Muggler BandSouthern Rock
germanyJ.R. Blackmore Group80s Hard Rock
Melodic Rock
germanyJAST80s Hard Rock
Melodic Rock
swedenJD MillerModern Hard Rock
USAJJT80s Hard Rock
ukJOANovARC80s Hard Rock
USAJPS Project80s Hard Rock
swissJR Cruz80s Hard Rock
spainJacare Jack80s Hard Rock
Melodic Rock
denmarkJack Cracker80s Hard Rock
brazilJack LaserSleaze Glam
USAJack Russell / Tracii Guns80s Hard Rock
USAJack Russell's Great White80s Hard Rock
swissJack Slamer80s Hard Rock
USAJack Starr featuring Rhett Forrester80s Hard Rock
USAJack Starr's Burning StarrMelodic Metal
germanyJack's HammerMelodic Metal
USABrian JackAOR /
Melodic Rock
ukJackViperSleaze Glam
denmarkJackalMelodic Metal
germanyJackbox80s Hard Rock
finlandJackflash80s Hard Rock
netherlandsJacklynAOR /
Melodic Rock
finlandJackrabbit80s Hard Rock
finlandJackripper80s Hard Rock
japanJacks'N'JokerSleaze Glam
USAThe JacksAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJackson Stone BandSouthern Rock
USABen Jackson80s Hard Rock
canadaJacksquatAOR /
Melodic Rock
germanyJacky the BandAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJackyl80s Hard Rock
finlandThe Jade80s Hard Rock
germanyJaded HeartAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJaded Past80s Hard Rock
USAJaded Reign80s Hard Rock
irelandJaded Sun80s Hard Rock
USAJaded80s Hard Rock
swissJade80s Hard Rock
ukJadisProg Rock
argentinaJafSouthern Rock
USAJag Wire80s Hard Rock
ukJagged Edge U.K.80s Hard Rock
USAJaggedy Ann80s Hard Rock
USAJaguar Blaze80s Hard Rock
USAMichael Jahnz80s Hard Rock
USAJailhouse80s Hard Rock
germanyJail80s Hard Rock
ukJaimz Vokins80s Hard Rock
ukSteevi JaimzSleaze Glam
argentinaJakks80s Hard Rock
USAThe James Byrd GroupInstrumental Wizards
USAJames GangAOR /
Melodic Rock
canadaJames LaBrie's MullmuzzlerProg Rock
USAThe James ProjectAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJames Young GroupAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJack JamesPop AOR /
USAMelvin JamesAOR /
Melodic Rock
ukNathan James80s Hard Rock
USATommy JamesPop AOR /
USATracy James80s Hard Rock
australiaTyler James80s Hard Rock
USAJamie's Law80s Hard Rock
USAJamilyaMelodic Metal
USAJimi JamisonAOR /
Melodic Rock
swedenJan Akesson's Shadow Rain80s Hard Rock
norwayThe Jan Holberg ProjectAOR /
Melodic Rock
denmarkJane Doe80s Hard Rock
franceJanny Lee80s Hard Rock
franceJannylee80s Hard Rock
 Janstate80s Hard Rock
USAJanuary RoseSouthern Rock
canadaPaul JanzAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJason Bieler and the Baron Von Bielski OrchestraModern Hard Rock
ukThe Jason Bonham Band80s Hard Rock
canadaJatoAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJaugernaut [a.d.]Prog Rock
USAJaugernautProg Rock
USAJavadogs80s Hard Rock
germanyJavanAOR /
Melodic Rock
ukJava80s Hard Rock
germanyJaxSleaze Glam
ukJaylerModern Hard Rock
USAJealousy80s Hard Rock
swedenJeerkAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAThe Jeff Austin ProjectAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJeff Carlson Band80s Hard Rock
USAJeff Cosco / Don Mancuso80s Hard Rock
USAJeff Cosco and Times SquareAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJefferson StarshipAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAGary JeffriesSouthern Rock
swedenJekyll and Hyde80s Hard Rock
USAJekyll80s Hard Rock
USAThe Jelly JamProg Rock
greeceJelusick80s Hard Rock
ukToby Jepson80s Hard Rock
USAJeremiah Freed80s Hard Rock
USAJerry-KellyPop AOR /
USAThe Jersey Syndicate80s Hard Rock
ukJerusalem80s Hard Rock
USAJerusalem SlimSleaze Glam
swedenJerusalem [CCM]80s Hard Rock
USAJesse Bolt80s Hard Rock
USAJesse Harte of Southgang80s Hard Rock
USAJesse Strange80s Hard Rock
USAJesse's PowertripAOR /
Melodic Rock
denmarkMichael Jessen80s Hard Rock
USAJessica Prouty BandModern Hard Rock
USAJester80s Hard Rock
canadaJester80s Hard Rock
USAJesterProg Rock
USAJester JonzeSouthern Rock
USAJester's CrownPop AOR /
canadaJester's Destiny80s Hard Rock
USAJester80s Hard Rock
Melodic Rock
USAJet 6880s Hard Rock
canadaJet Black StareModern Hard Rock
USAJet BlackSleaze Glam
swedenJet Circus [CCM]Pop AOR /
mexicoJet JaguarMelodic Metal
USAJet Red80s Hard Rock
swedenJet TrailAOR /
Melodic Rock
swissJet VanishAOR /
Melodic Rock
australiaJet 80s Hard Rock
USAJetboySleaze Glam
USAJetlinerAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJetset Royals80s Hard Rock
canadaJett BlackAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJoan Jett80s Hard Rock
ukJettblack80s Hard Rock
USAJettison EddyAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJettset80s Hard Rock
germanyJezebel's TowerProg Rock
Country Artist Genre

ukJezebelle80s Hard Rock
swedenJim JidhedPop AOR /
USAJillian [CCM]AOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJillson80s Hard Rock
USAJim Breuer and The Loud and Rowdy80s Hard Rock
USAJim Peterik and World StageAOR /
Melodic Rock
swedenJim AOR /
Melodic Rock
scotlandJimi Anderson GroupAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJimi Jamison and Jim PeterikAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJimmie Van Zant BandSouthern Rock
USAJimmy Davis and JunctionAOR /
Melodic Rock
luxembourgJimmy Martin and New DealAOR /
Melodic Rock
ukJimmy Page and Robert Plant80s Hard Rock
 Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes80s Hard Rock
USAJimmy Waldo and Steven RosenAOR /
Melodic Rock
canadaThe JittersAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJizzy Pearl's Love/Hate80s Hard Rock
ukJo Dog and Paul Black's Sonic Boom80s Hard Rock
USAJo' Mama80s Hard Rock
germanyJoalAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJoe Bruce and 2nd AvenuePop AOR /
USAThe Joe Chemay BandPop AOR /
USAThe Joe Davis BandSouthern Rock
ukJoe Elliott's Down 'n' Outz80s Hard Rock
USAJoe Mansman and the Midnight Revival Band80s Hard Rock
USAThe Joe Perry Project80s Hard Rock
canadaJoe Rockhead80s Hard Rock
USAJoe's FriendAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJoel Hoekstra's 1380s Hard Rock
USAJoey C. Jones and the Glory HoundsMelodic Metal
swedenJens JohanssonInstrumental Wizards
USAJohn 5Instrumental Wizards
USAJohn Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band80s Hard Rock
germanyJohn Diva and the Rockets of Love80s Hard Rock
ukJohn Hackett and Nick FletcherProg Rock
irelandJohn Harv's Twisted MindMelodic Metal
canadaJohn Kay and Steppenwolf80s Hard Rock
ukJohn Lawton and Steve DunningAOR /
Melodic Rock
ukJohn Miles BandPop AOR /
USAJohn Payne and Andy NyeAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJohn Petrucci and Jordan RudessInstrumental Wizards
USAJohn Philbrick / Steve Maggiora80s Hard Rock
USAJohn Prestia Group80s Hard Rock
bulgariaJohn Steel With Doogie WhiteMelodic Metal
bulgariaJohn SteelMelodic Metal
canadaJohn Thomas80s Hard Rock
ukJohn Wetton and Ken HensleyProg Rock
ukJohn Young BandAOR /
Melodic Rock
italyJohnny BurningSleaze Glam
USAJohnny Crash80s Hard Rock
USAThe Johnny Hiland Band80s Hard Rock
USAJohnny LawSleaze Glam
finlandJohnny Lee Michaels Revenge80s Hard Rock
USAJohnny Smoke80s Hard Rock
USAThe Johnny Van Zant BandSouthern Rock
finlandJohnny Yen80s Hard Rock
USAJohnny80s Hard Rock
norwayRanveig JohnsenAOR /
Melodic Rock
USADamon Johnson80s Hard Rock
USADon JohnsonAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAEric JohnsonInstrumental Wizards
USAFrank JohnsonAOR /
Melodic Rock
canadaNick JohnstonInstrumental Wizards
USAJoined Forces80s Hard Rock
germanyJojoAOR /
Melodic Rock
brazilJoker80s Hard Rock
germanyJoker80s Hard Rock
USAJoker80s Hard Rock
USAJoker Five Speed80s Hard Rock
portugalJoker [Portugal]80s Hard Rock
czechJoker's IV80s Hard Rock
ukThe Jokers80s Hard Rock
USAJokerz Wild80s Hard Rock
Melodic Rock
USAJon Anderson and The Band GeeksProg Rock
USAJon Bon Jovi and FriendsAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAThe Jon Butcher AxisPop AOR /
USAJonah Koslen and BreathlessAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJonah Koslen and The HeroesAOR /
Melodic Rock
swedenJonas Lindberg and the Other SideProg Rock
USAJonas RidgeSouthern Rock
canadaJonasModern Hard Rock
 Jonathan MAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJonathan Tyler and The Northern Lights80s Hard Rock
USAJones StreetSleaze Glam
USAAyron JonesModern Hard Rock
USAJeff Jones80s Hard Rock
ukJoey C JonesSleaze Glam
ukMick Jones80s Hard Rock
ukMikey Jones80s Hard Rock
ukSteve Jones80s Hard Rock
USAThe Joneses80s Hard Rock
USAThe JonesesSleaze Glam
finlandJonna's Problem80s Hard Rock
swedenJonny's BombAOR /
Melodic Rock
swedenJonoAOR /
Melodic Rock
ukJordan RedModern Hard Rock
canadaKeven JordanPop AOR /
USAMarc JordanPop AOR /
canadaSass JordanAOR /
Melodic Rock
norwayJorn Lande and Trond Holter80s Hard Rock
USAJosephine's QuarantineAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJosetteAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJosh Todd and the Conflict80s Hard Rock
USAJoshua [CCM]AOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJourneyAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJovian StormProg Rock
polandJoy Machine80s Hard Rock
australiaJudge Mercy80s Hard Rock
 Juicy Lucy80s Hard Rock
canadaJuiseAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJukebox HeroesAOR /
Melodic Rock
germanyJulian Angel's Beautiful Beast80s Hard Rock
greeceJulie Massino and George GakisAOR /
Melodic Rock
ukJuliet's Not DeadModern Hard Rock
USAJuliet's ViceSleaze Glam
germanyJuliet80s Hard Rock
USAJulliet80s Hard Rock
USAJuly ReignMelodic Metal
germanyJump The Gun80s Hard Rock
germanyJump The GunMelodic Metal
 Jump The WallPop AOR /
ukJumpProg Rock
USAJunebugSleaze Glam
germanyJune80s Hard Rock
USAJungle Blue80s Hard Rock
swissJungle80s Hard Rock
denmarkJunkyard DriveSleaze Glam
USAJunkyard80s Hard Rock
USAJupiter Cyclops80s Hard Rock
spainJupiterAOR /
Melodic Rock
swissJuraya80s Hard Rock
USAJust JayAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAJust Say Joe80s Hard Rock
australiaJust Strait80s Hard Rock
USAJust-If-IPop AOR /
ukTommy Justice80s Hard Rock
USAJustice480s Hard Rock
USAJustice [CCM]80s Hard Rock
USAJustin HeatSleaze Glam
canadaJustin Sane80s Hard Rock
USAJustin Sayne80s Hard Rock
USAJynxMelodic Metal

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album cover
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album cover
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