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[Danger Danger Band Picture]

Artist: Danger Danger

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Danger Danger Homepage

CD Title: Cockroach

Danger Danger Cockroach Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2001

Label: Low Dice Records

Catalog Number: A2 52159


Disc 1
Paul Laine
Bruno Ravel
Steve West

Disc 2
Ted Poley
Andy Timmons
Bruno Ravel
Steve West

Originally recorded in 1992.


Disc 1
1.  Still Kickin'  4:17
2.  Sick Little Twisted Mind  6:08
3.  Good Time  3:42
4.  Don't Break My Heart Again  4:40
5.  Tip of My Tongue  3:52
6.  Walk It Like Ya Talk It  4:45
7.  Goin' Goin' Gone  3:49
8.  Afraid of Love  5:07
9.  When She's Good She's Good  4:46
10.  Shot O' Love  4:03
11.  Don't Pull the Plug  6:16
12.  Time in a Bottle  2:56
Total Running Time:  54:21

Disc 2
13.  Still Kickin'  4:18
14.  When She's Good She's Good  4:46
15.  Shot O' Love  4:02
16.  Afraid of Love  5:08
17.  Tip of My Tongue  3:51
18.  Walk It Like Ya Talk It  4:44
19.  Goin' Goin' Gone  3:53
20.  Good Time  3:43
21.  Don't Break My Heart Again  4:42
22.  Don't Pull the Plug  6:17
23.  Sick Little Twisted Mind  5:46
Total Running Time:  51:10

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Danger Danger CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Danger Danger are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: James Date: June 16, 2002 at 11:03
someone finally added this little gem to the site, whoever you are thank you. It is a shame that D2 if fractured into two fan bases, kinda like Van Halen. You have Ted fans vs. Paul fans. I'm on the side of Ted, not that Paul is a bad singer but not what i feel is D2. i fell in love with the first and second album. the albums that followed got a little darker so to each their own likes but DANGER DANGER is a great band in any time frame. cant wait to hear this album.

From: Tony Date: June 16, 2002 at 13:32
Just an excellent pop-metal album. No one does this stuff better than these guys. This album seems like a natural progression from "Screw It" and is just good fun snap your fingers rock-n-roll. "Tip Of My Tongue" just is the most killer cut here. As for Paul vs. Ted who gives a crap really y'know?? Both are good singers and seem like genuine good guys. I prefer Ted as "Screw It" is my favorite pop-metal cd of all time but Paul's albums with these guys rule too!!!

From: ted Date: June 17, 2002 at 12:44
una maravilla de disco de hard rock americano su mejor trabajo despues del insuperable "screw it",ted poley demuestra q es el mejor cantante de hard USA y paul un vocalista mediocre,el cd se grabó en 1993 iba a ser su tercer álbun

From: ted Date: June 17, 2002 at 12:45
una maravilla de disco de hard rock americano su mejor trabajo despues del insuperable "screw it",ted poley demuestra q es el mejor cantante de hard USA y paul un vocalista mediocre,el cd se grabó en 1993 iba a ser su tercer álbun

From: M. Allen Date: June 17, 2002 at 15:23
This would have been (or is, if you prefer) a brilliant follow-up to DANGER DANGER's classic "Screw It" album. "Cockroach," regardless of which vocalist you like better, is pop/hair-metal at its finest, loaded with more hooks than a tackle box, big, catchy choruses, and great backing vocals, once again reminding us why D2 is considered one of the best bands to ever grace the melodic hard rock scene. They crush most other bands like insignificant bugs.

From: RichieRocker Date: June 22, 2002 at 11:33
Goin Goin Gone, is one awesome song, I cant stop playing it Ted Poley sounds awesome man. When it comes down to vocals, I like Ted and Paul equally, but I prefer Ted for the classic and original sound!!

From: Bryan Date: July 28, 2002 at 1:57
Visit Bruno Ravel and Tony Harnell's Official WESTWORLD band site:

From: RichieRocker Date: August 4, 2002 at 12:36
This would have been an awesome follow-up to "Screw It" "Goin,Goin, Gone, Has awseome beats and melodies, and Shot of love is just awesome, I would have to say these guys are right up there with Bon Jovi when it comes to Melodic rock/Pop Metal.

From: Purrfect Kat Date: August 4, 2002 at 12:52
I agree with Richie....I had one version of this cd but now have both ever since my friend dropped the song "When She's Good She's Good..When She's Bad She's Better"...on I can't get the friggin song outta my

From: tonikki Date: August 20, 2002 at 14:12
10,10,10,10,10...a masterpiece.better than bon jovi.melodick hard rock kings.

From: thehoef Date: August 21, 2002 at 4:52
Mega brilliant unreleased third killer album from Steve West & Co now as a double CD containing both versions with Ted Poley and Paul Laine. I love it

From: Steve T Date: September 5, 2002 at 6:32
This release only serves to show that Ted was the weak link. Paul Laine is, without question,a tecnically better vocalist but it is also the maturity that he brings to the songs that is highlighted. I see it like this:- Ted was okay for a while but he brought the music down to his level. With Paul it elevated the music to a higher plane altogether. I have played both back to back and, after listening to Paul's version, I have found I can't listen to Ted's voice any longer and not laugh......

From: Steve T Date: September 5, 2002 at 6:34
....which isn't meant to disrespect Ted at all. But the difference in class is cavernous and, frankly, I'm surprised Ted lasted as long as he did in the band. Let's face it...everything Ted has done since is just not up to standard, and his new release is just shockingly bad. In my opinion.

From: purrfect kat Date: September 5, 2002 at 7:17
I agree with you Steve that Paul Laine elevated the music when he joined the band but once Ted Poley left then the band lost that distint catchy sound that made them Danger Danger. . . . Without Ted they may never have made it as far as they did cuz I can't imagine anyone singing the tunes Bang Bang etc. other then Ted Poley.

From: Steve T Date: September 15, 2002 at 9:12
purrfect kat.......that's a fiar point. I'm not a Ted hater and I loike ALL of the bands albums but, in my opinion, Paul's albums are the better ones. My brother disagrees....he's a Ted man through and through. But for whatever reason I just love Paul's stuff better. C'est la vie!

From: dokken6008 Date: September 26, 2002 at 7:23
Sorry, haven't bothered to read any of your posts regarding 'Cockroach' yet (I WILL get around to it), BUT here is my five and a half cents: Poley is gone and he ain't comin' back. Laine is a good (very blues-inspired)singer, but I don't really care for him. D2 progressively went further into the hard rock direction leaving their pop metal debut "roots". Poley isn't really fit all that well to hard rock singing, but Laine is. D2 screwed Ted & Ted screwed D2. Timmons is gone. So am I. Bye.

From: ROBERT Date: October 20, 2002 at 11:08
otro gran discazo, pero aki ya empezaron a cambiar. no obstante nos dejaron super temazos, yo me quedo con la version del gran TED.

From: Federico Date: December 2, 2002 at 11:14
A very good cd, There are only six new songs and the price is double but that's ok for a fan. Personally I prefer Ted's voice, in my opinion is more particular and distinctive than Paul's voice. Laine is a top singer too but less original than Poley. I'm waiting to hear the new cd from Poley and Picler, I will order it tomorrow.

From: Jhonnyrocker Date: March 10, 2003 at 10:25
this is simply one of the best album i've ever listened to.really really great tracks just a killer album!andy proves to be one of the best guitar player in rock today(listen to his solo stuff)and the song with their huge choruses are amazing!!my favourite are:good time,when she's good,shot o love e tip of my tongue.there's no reason why D2 are not where Bon Jovi (my favourite band of all time) are today! question:there's a song by D2 on winmx called believe in your it a demo or what?

From: James Date: March 10, 2003 at 16:02
the song "believe in your heart" can be foune on Ted Poley's Bone Machine album called DOGS. That is a pretty good album, kind of D2 on the lite side

From: maxi_danger Date: March 27, 2003 at 14:59
Sin dudas la mejor banda de hard rock, me encanta, Aguante el Heavy y el Hard Rock. Danger Danger sin dudas la mejor, Ted Poley el mejor cantante que tuvo. Aguante Danger Danger. Aguante Jason(Heavy Metal Argentino)

From: Gonzalorock Date: April 5, 2003 at 12:40
Without a doubt, the best album of D2 and one of the best of the last 5 years in its style. Cockroach is the perfect example to explain why Paul is better singer than Ted. there are no doubt, Paul's version gives me more.

From: JC Date: April 10, 2003 at 13:52
My God, does it get any better than Ted singing "Afraid Of Love?" Hearing him sing this song is worth the purchase. I give it a 9.

From: argentino aor Date: April 10, 2003 at 20:24
Fiesta! Fiesta! Fiesta! Nada mejor para levantar el ánimo que DANGER DANGER! A saltar!

From: Date: April 10, 2003 at 20:25
hey! Maxi haber si nos contactamos entre los FANS ARGENTINOS de DANGER DANGER!

From: argentino aor Date: April 10, 2003 at 20:26
¿no será a ver?

From: NUNO Date: May 16, 2003 at 6:06

From: the rocker Date: May 31, 2003 at 14:21
el q a escrito q paul laine es un cantante mediocre ni siquiera merece calificativo alguno de desprecio tan solo hay que oir <> para darse cuenta de que paul es un vocalista como pocos y ted poley uno mas entre otros...

From: Rycheage Date: June 15, 2003 at 2:06
Fans of any American stadium rock that haven't discovered this band, or previously wrote them off as being too light n fluffy, need to take a serious new look at this release. Then you need to get Four The Hard Way and The Return Of Great Gildersleeves. I love this band, I love their sound and there is no reason why they shouldn't be where Bon Jovi are today.

From: robert Date: June 27, 2003 at 10:06
Muy muy bueno!! temazos impresionantes... eso si me kedo con el TED POLEY, el es DANGER DANGER!!!

From: Gabi Date: June 30, 2003 at 13:18
Uno de los mejores cds de Danger Danger. Se nota alguna influencilla de los Leppard en algunas canciones. Ted Poley está que se sale!!! Qué tres primeros CDs con los Danger!!! ;D

From: bretijani Date: August 14, 2003 at 20:02
Aver..los de cantantes mediocres..os pasais un poco no?...cuestión de gustos pero son dos pedazos de cantantes, vamos creo yo...yo me quedo con Ted, pero el delos primeros eh!..y este disco, yo no sé si seré el unico o se me va ya la perola pero por más que lo oigo me parece muy flojo, salvo alguna canción, muy lejos de lo hecho con laine y con respecto a los 2 primeros ni comparo vamos...como puñetas iba a ser éste el 3 cd de D2!..casi me alegro de la ruptura, si ésto era lo mejor que tenían...

From: pepus71 Date: September 18, 2003 at 13:09
ambos vocalistas son buenos, super temasos, que nunca muera el hard rock,fuera el nuevo rock!!!

From: Maxi_Danger Date: October 5, 2003 at 23:21
Sin Dudas es una de las mejores bandas de Hard, nunca dejo de serlo a pesar de que cambio de cantante, a mi gusto prefiero la vos de Ted Poley el (Naughty Naughty), pero con Paul laine tambien se sarpa de buena esta banda. Esta banda tiene los mejores temas para levantar el animo, Yo lo escucho antes de salir de gira, y me poner las pilas a Full. AGUANTE DANGER DANGER y Aguante el Hard Rock.

From: a the rocker Date: December 15, 2003 at 14:04
Ted Poley jams grabaria la mierda del "Dawn" y fue el quien grabo el primer cd de DD y el "Screw It " aparte de la V.O de este gran "Cockroach" ,Ted Poley es un vovalista colosal y excelso ,Pàul Laine es un cantante del tres al cuarto ,!que vuelva la formacion original de Danger Danger!

From: Yoyo Date: December 29, 2003 at 14:25
Estoy contigo, the Rocker; la consisténcia que da Paul a la banda, aunque sea un cantante de alquiler para Danger Danger, no la cambio por nada del mundo.

From: Mallorca´s rock Date: January 5, 2004 at 8:31
yo me quedo con Paul Laine, es mucho mas cantante, Ted Poley me agobia, y sino escuchad sus discos de Melodica, son buenos, pero que pesado que se me hace el tio ¿y en directo que?... En cuanto a este cd, es bueno, pero no al nivel de su debut, aunque eso si, ojala todos los discos de Hard que salen ahora tuviesen este nivel... 7/10

From: run2u Date: February 5, 2004 at 12:54
Sin ánimo de entrar en polémicas,este disco no puede estar nunca al nivel de su debut...pero es que no me parecen comparables!Para empezar,en el 1º(AOR grandioso,un clásico)no tocaba Andy Timmons;por otro lado,el teclista abandonó la banda.Como resultado,COCKROACH es un INMENSO álbum de hard,destila calidad por los cuatro costados y para mí este debería haber sido el GRAN DISCO de DD.Una pena los problemas legales que tuvo...y una pena Paul Laine "chupando" temas de aquí,eh?

From: Toni Date: March 8, 2004 at 12:34
Pasada de disco!El mejor sin duda Paul Laine. El que ha dicho que es mediocre no tiene ni puta idea de lo que es cantar.

From: MelodicBoy Date: April 4, 2004 at 2:07
TED IS BACK!!! Check out the story on They say they're going to do shows with him, no plans for a new CD at this point. Let's hope we hear some new music from the reunited classic lineup!

From: Carmine Rose Date: April 4, 2004 at 10:38
Great news guys, Ted Poley is back in Danger Danger!!!

From: ALEXX GLAM Date: April 12, 2004 at 13:54

From: wicked man Date: May 17, 2004 at 11:42
This album blows me away!!Easily their best, better than their first releases!I miss the keyboards on this on thought. Without doubs, Paul Laine is a better singer, but by far DD are Ted Poley!'Still Kickin' is worth the whole album!

From: wicked man Date: May 27, 2004 at 11:04
Well, today I've listen to the Paul Laine version and now I'm hoping HE will coming back instead of Ted Poley!!!! : ) What an awesome singer...

From: TIM (2) Date: May 28, 2004 at 4:50
Paul Laine is technically very good and will be missed. Check out his Shugaazer CD as although style-wise it's a bit 'nu-breed' the vocals are so high in the mix and sound awesome. "Cockroach" is probably their most consistent CD, and the idea to release this as a double-CD with both versions was inspired.

From: glamster Date: June 17, 2004 at 4:26
Their best album: a mix between the quality of songwriting from the debut and the "more balls" attitude from "Screw it!" album... A must have!

From: rocknroll Date: June 17, 2004 at 10:20
I like both singers, but Danger Danger is Pop Metal or whatever they call it, and this album is better listen with T. Poley. This is one of the best releases of DD1, second is screw it! . Later albuns with P. Lane changed DD to something between Hard-Rock and Grunge and I don't like Grunge but love Hard-Rock. Also good albuns but not Pop Metal anymore...

From: Big Papa K Date: June 26, 2004 at 1:13
The peak of Danger Danger. They go for a harder sound and get rid of a lot of the terrible cliches that ruined "Screw It". Contains my favorite D2 songs in "Afraid Of Love", "Still Kickin'", "Goin Goin Gone" and "Tip Of My Tongue". I give the Ted Poley version a 9/10 and the Paul Laine version a 8/10, as these type of songs sound better with Poley singing, even though I am a bigger fan of the Laine era.

From: Carmine Rose Date: August 6, 2004 at 20:59
Ted's back guys...I hope the next album is like Disc 2 of Cockroach!!!

From: WhiteLion Date: November 2, 2004 at 19:25
Awsome cd , both of them. A Must have 9.5/10

From: David Gil Date: November 8, 2004 at 20:14
I think this one is the best DD relase, i like toooooo much Paul Laine´s version, in "don´t break my heart.." i started to cry while in Ted´s version i started to laugh, Ted is ridiculous i don´t like Ted Poley at all, paul got more guts performing this one. Is a shame that Ted is back. The best song of the cd is "Walk it Like ya talk it". 9/10

From: glamroxxx Date: January 1, 2005 at 5:04
Awesome release and unfortunateley a couple of years too late, but better late then never...I like more the Ted Poley´s version, because to me Danger Danger exists only with Ted Poley (also Paul Laine is a great singer). The albums with Paul Laine got more the modern touch, wich is not bda at all, but a bit different for what I call "Fun Rock´n Roll". 10/10

From: Geoff Date: March 2, 2005 at 6:28
I love both vocalists, but think Ted's is best here and is an all-time classic album. Most the songs were already known and Ted's version of all are killers. 'Shot O' Love' is great commercial hard rock, 'Afraid of Love' is stunning with Ted on vocals, 'Walk It Like Ya Talk It' is much better in it's original form, 'Goin' Goin' Gone' is one of the best melodic rockers ever and 'Don't Break My Heart Again' is literally one of my top 5 ballads of all time and worth the price alone. Perfect CD/s.

From: Aussie Dave Date: March 23, 2005 at 17:14
Some of these tracks by Paul Laine were on the last couple of albums by Danger Danger! But man, what an album. At last the long lost third album with Ted makes it out! And it was well worth the wait! It's a pit this never got released back in the day, because this baby would have been huge! Every song is amazing, and it is great to hear both singers do each song! Some songs suit Pauls voice while others suit Teds. Just an amazing set of hard rock songs here! well worth the 8 year wait! 10/10....

From: Jesse Date: April 11, 2005 at 8:56
Finally got to pick this one up. Saw Danger Danger headline for the first time on the 1st...what a show! Ted Poley is such a great vocalist. Onto the album...I think Paul Laine has a great voice, but I prefer Ted's voice. Danger Danger isn't the same without could pretty much rename the band if you're going to have a different front man in this case. Why this band isn't far above Def Leppard or Bon Jovi in popularity is beyond me...this is better than anything by either of them!

From: Axe-Machine Date: February 5, 2006 at 19:12
Never much cared for the Paul Laine version, but the Ted Poley version is an all time classic. No offence to Paul, but he the music just doesnt sound Danger Dangerish with him at the mic. Shot Of Love and Dont Break My Heart Again are all time classics. This is essential.

From: firetruckdriver Date: November 3, 2006 at 10:34
Whether you like Ted or Paul better, this is a great collection of songs. Neat thing here, choose which of the two you like best and pop that disc in. That's unique. Aside from the singer debate, the songs are really good! Like some said, this would have been a great follow up to the "Screw It" album. Hopefully these guys will get something together and put out a new album sometime. And I hope it is along the lines of this one, Screw It, and the 1st one. Excellent group!

From: Metalmusicman Date: December 11, 2006 at 13:51
I am so glad that this collection of tunes has finally seen the light of day, as is some of the best stuff D2 has ever done. Originally recorded as the follow-up to "Scew It", these recordings were shelved due to the split with Ted and copyright BS. From the very first note, till the last cymbal fades, it's perfection. Both versions kick ass, but clearly Ted's, being the intended and original, is the best. You MUST, MUST, MUST have this one!!!

From: West Of Sunset Date: February 21, 2007 at 6:47
I respect all the guys that preffer Ted over Paul, but i cannot understand. Only because ted is the former singer is not necessary better at all. i THINK THAT PAUL LAINE IS 10000 MILLION TIMES BETTER THAN TED POLEY. TED VOICE SOUNDS FORCELESS AND SOMETIMES HE SINGS MLIKE A CHILD, BUT PAUL HAS GOT THE SPECIAL FORCE AND IS EMOTIONAL AND AGRESSIVE. Paul has got the emotions and a superb voice. Ted not. Only think the 2 first albums with paul on vocals, it would have been a great bomb in explosion..

From: West Of Sunset Date: February 21, 2007 at 6:54
Song by song the album with Paul is better. "Still Kíckin´", "Walk it like you talk it", "tip of my tonge" are songs with a solid and agressive voice with Paul on vocals, Ted is too cheesy singing. The song "Don´t break my heart again" is the best example: While Paul sings it with an incredible emotion, Ted literally destroy the song, specially in the chorus: "Don´t break my heart agaiiiin, nooooo" is realy a disaster for me. I only conceive this band With Paul.Now he´s gone, is a real shame....

From: West Of Sunset Date: February 21, 2007 at 7:01
Talkin´about the album (With Paul Laine),for me is the best album of the band, and one of the best hard rock acts in the 90´s, along with Red Dawn- never say surrender, Harem Scarem- Mood Swings (this is the best album of all time for me), Giant- Time To Burn, Dare- Blood from stone, Winger- Pull, Saraya- When the blackbird sings, Unruly Child- st, among others. Absolute classic (the one with Paul on vocals). Contact:

From: dave Date: June 17, 2007 at 23:24
Los dos cantantes hacen un buen trabajo pero aqui se demuestra la superioridad de laine que hace sonar mejor todos los temas.

From: dave Date: June 17, 2007 at 23:27
good work by both singers but the superiority of laine is clear, that it makes sound better all the songs.

From: juan carlos Date: July 6, 2007 at 23:05
Paul Laine tiene gran voz y Ted pues tambien, con los dos me la paso muy bien. "Afraid of Love" en la versión de Ted Poley es lo máximo mi Súper-Favorita. "Goin' Goin' Gone" "When She's Good She's Good" en la voz de Paul se sale y "Shot O' Love" "Don't Break My Heart Again" me encanta en las dos versiones. Muy recomendado y para Fans de Danger Danger ni que decir. 8.8/10

From: aorfan Date: August 29, 2007 at 15:49
Probably one of the best melodic rock albums of all time with Ted on vox of course, paul who? Not a bad track to be found here, total perfection 100/100 and every reader on this site should own a copy, if you don't you should be ashamed to call yourself a melodic rock fan ;-)

From: West Of Sunset Date: August 30, 2007 at 7:29
Oyendo el directo Live & Nude me reafirmo cada vez mas en que Paul Laine es inmensamente superior a Ted Poley para este grupo. Las canciones antiguas suenan con mucha mas garra y personalidad con Paul Laine. Y en este Cockroach igual, Paul le da el toque agresivo que le falta a Ted y ademas Paul tiene mas y mejor voz. Lo dicho, con Paul mejor.

From: edwithmj Date: August 12, 2008 at 18:33
This is only good with Ted as it's meant to be! I wish this album could've had more keyboards and I think they made a mistake by losing Kasey Smith as they sound too generic on this album. It still stands out as one of the best though just not as good as the first two. 8/10

From: djimenezgarcia Date: September 1, 2008 at 12:44
Este es el mejor disco para comparar a un vocalista y otro,sobra decir que Ted Poley pasa por encima de Paul Laine,para mi el canadiense es un vocalista de medio pelo y Ted Poley es un genio que grabo los 3 mejores discos de DD y gracias a Dios ha regresado al grupo y a buen seguro no obsequiara con otra joya en 2009

From: Alexxtcatz Date: April 2, 2009 at 9:09
I always preferred Ted Poley version

From: 123charpenay Date: May 8, 2009 at 17:02
i have nothing against paul laine who realise a fantastic solo album (stick it in your ear) but the SINGER of danger danger is ted poley this super cd s is the good example.ted poley s version is very better than paul laine version.without a doubt

From: WookieEnthal Date: July 10, 2009 at 2:02
The version with Ted is, without a doubt, the better of the 2. Nothing against Paul Laine because he is fantastic in his own right but this has always been Ted's band. There are still a few modern elements but, overall, a great release.

From: Swedish Rocker Date: September 19, 2009 at 9:56
My favorite DD-album, and personally i prefer Paul Laine. Better and more powerful voice that suits the heavier songs better

From: BDrums1971 Date: October 22, 2009 at 22:10
Why name the cd cockroach? What a stupid name!!!! Haven't heard it yet, but and looking forward to it.

From: cquicmoi Date: January 14, 2010 at 22:29
Hi Bd. The album was called Cockroach as the band had gone through a lot during the last years, and yet the former bandmates still stuck together. They were resilient like a cockroach. It is a very good album. Some songs sound a little too pop for me, but still, they rock. We had waited for so long to hear these songs... Great guitar, two great voices and rock 'n' roll to its purest. Go get it. It's really worth it. Enjoy!

From: hair metal again Date: November 9, 2010 at 1:05
amazing release by hair metal giants DANGER DANGER ,that was locked in the basement for many years because of law trouble between band mates.anyway this is worth of waiting so many years cause it is perfect from every aspect.great guitars by andy,strong and melodic hard rock songs and a party feeling all over .my favs are "shot o love","when she s good she s good", "afraid of love" and "don t break my heart again".this is a hard rock masterpiece and a must have for everyone

From: Jimmy D Date: April 16, 2011 at 15:58
Was about to bid on a copy on eBay, but it's already over $3O. I found it is available on Danger Danger's website for only $24.

From: MelodicMetal4Ever Date: July 11, 2011 at 16:19
awesome album...whehter you like Ted better or Paul better. They BOTH are really talented singers..for ME..i prefer Ted for the 80's party rock type songs such as "Afraid Of Love" & "When She's Good..." The songs I prefer Paul singing are the more "modern" such as "Sick Little Twisted Mind" & "The Girl Ain't Built To Sleep Alone". JM2Cents Keep Melodic Alive!!

From: the rocker Date: December 28, 2011 at 22:23
This cd is so AWESOME!, my favorite without a doubt. The production, the guitar tone(so crunchy-I LOVE IT!)The songs,the chorus'. Tip of my tongue & Don't pull the plug are the only filler, but I don't dislike those 2, It's just that the other 9 songs are that good. By the way I like the Ted version more, but Paul sounds better singing on a couple of songs than Ted does.

From: 123charpenay Date: December 29, 2011 at 15:48
i confirm the ted poley version is a b omb.danger danger as it s best.what a fantastic cd a wet dream for all melodic rock fans all over the world.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 8, 2012 at 1:12
Wow! These guys should'tve just skipped the mediocre Screw It! and released this one instead. Much more consistent than Screw It!, and consistently heavier than the debut. Well, better late than never, right? So we get not one, but two versions of the album, and of course the debut rages over which one's better. Me, I like 'em both, but if you made me pick one, I think I'd go with the Ted Poley version. I just associate his voice with this band, and that was the original version after all. Nothing against Paul Laine, but to me, his voice is more generic. All the while I was listening to his version, I was wracking my brain trying to put my finger o who he reminds me of. Maybe a little Jon Bon Jovi? I can't place it, but I feel like I'tve heard a voice very much like his in many also-ran, never-was bands from the '80's.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 8, 2012 at 1:18
As far as actual songs go, "Shot Of Love" should'tve been a hit! 'Tip Of My Tongue," "Still Kickin'" "Walk It Like You Talk It" and "Don'tv Pull The Plug' are all great as well, and the two ballads are decent, but not mind-boggling. "Goin, Goin' Gone" is sort of a filler track, and I HATE the long keyboard part in "Sick Little Twisted Mind." But overall, this is a very good disc.

From: MetalllianStallion Date: January 8, 2012 at 7:27
Doghouse, have you ever noticed that the musician that replaces an original member of a well known band is usually a better musician? IMO that's what we have will Paul Laine. DD was at Rocklahoma a few years back with the original lineup(-Andy Timmons) and there was a maybe 150 people in the crowd. Just because a singer is the original doesn't make them better. Paul Laine was signed to a major label for his solo 'Stick it in your ear' which was a top 5 rated seller in the UK for 1990. If you haven't heard it I would encourage you to hear the remastered version and update your assessment. IMO DD would have been a much bigger band with Laine at the helm from the start with his singing,writing ability, and stage presence. He would have taken that big slab of horn dog cheese off the top lyrically that Poley, his gay grin, and very limited vocal range(whine) are known for. Here's the proof in the pudding, both singers on stage at once. TED WHO??

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: January 8, 2012 at 12:28
I dunno, dude. Laine's voice reminds me of when I'm listening to Hair Nation on XM, and some generic band with a misspelled name comes on that I don't recognize, and I go "Now, who is that again?" You may be right though, as the cheese factor definitely held this band back when they came out. Again, I like both versions of this album, but to me, Ted's version just sounds a little more "fun." As I said, though, the debate rages on.

From: the rocker Date: January 8, 2012 at 14:20
To each their own, but I do agree with Doghouse. Ted's voice is Danger Danger to me, but like I said before Paul is great to.

From: 123charpenay Date: January 8, 2012 at 15:57
i confirm my last comments.the ted poley version is better no doubt.he is the real singer of danger danger.the ted poley s solo albums are very very average but with d d he is an other man.i have seen in concert danger danger with paul laine in my town lyon in 1997 they support u f o.very great concert but sorry for the real danger danger is with ted poley.

From: Hair metal hero Date: May 23, 2012 at 14:14
D2, oh man what a great band. This album is really killer. Love almost every track from it. A must have for 80's rock fans. 90/100

From: 123charpenay Date: December 13, 2017 at 12:51
their best record ever.the more mature,the more varied ,the more smart with a perfect production.a real masterpiece.(ted poley version).

From: Palash Date: August 15, 2019 at 5:10
Good album. It's just a compare between the two main singers of the band. Both are good.

From: MelodicMetal4Ever Date: June 11, 2021 at 21:54
here's my $.02. Who's better? Paul or Ted? To tell you the truth I don't really care. Mickey Mouse could sing Danger Danger songs and as long as it "sounds" good that's all that matters. Paul and Ted each have their own singing qualities. If I want to hear some "harder" rock I'll put in Paul Laine with D2. If I want to hear some "pop metal" I'll pop in Ted's D2. This is like asking better singer in Van Halen?? God forbid you ask THAT question. World war III will start. Just listen to who you want to. They BOTH have songs I like so I'm happy. Just my opinion.

From: Palash Date: December 24, 2022 at 8:34
It's just a compare between Paul & Ted. Both are good singer.

From: curemeok Date: December 26, 2022 at 9:52
ted poley is better to fitting for danger danger

From: juan carlos Date: December 31, 2022 at 1:56
I love both but i agree with curemeok, Ted Poley is for DD as DD is for Ted!

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