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CD Title: 1987
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Category: Blues Hard Rock
Year: 1987
Label: EMI Records (United Kingdom)
Catalog Number: CDP 7 46702 2
David Coverdale vocals
John Sykes guitars, backing vocals
Neil Murray bass
Aynsley Dunbar drums
European release of the U.S.
self-titled album, but contains 2 tracks not on the U.S. version.
1. | Still of the Night | 6:36 |
2. | Bad Boys | 4:06 |
3. | Give Me All Your Love | 3:31 |
4. | Looking for Love | 6:33 |
5. | Crying in the Rain | 5:37 |
6. | Is This Love | 4:43 |
7. | Straight for the Heart | 3:39 |
8. | Don't Turn Away | 5:10 |
9. | Children of the Night | 4:24 |
10. | Here I Go Again 87 | 4:34 |
11. | You're Gonna Break My Heart Again | 4:11 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 53:04 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: WhiteLion |
Date: September 20, 2001 at 9:13 |
Increadible album! A classic that puts the H and M in Heavy Metal A must for any hardrocker out there.
From: Rob |
Date: October 10, 2001 at 11:35 |
One of the greatest metal songs of all time -Still of the Night-.
From: Jason |
Date: December 28, 2001 at 22:45 |
Coverdale and Sykes were a match made in Heaven! Too bad it didn't last because this CD smoked! Killer guitar work.
From: David |
Date: May 13, 2002 at 21:51 |
After so many years I have just worked out who these guys sound like, a cross between Racer X and Kingdom Come.
From: TIM |
Date: May 14, 2002 at 0:06 |
Actually this is a combo of 2 or 3 of their earlier albums. They combined them, got some hired guns for the videos, then stormed America. This is a great album for sure. Tawny Kitaen being in the videos certainly didn't hurt them.
From: TIM |
Date: May 14, 2002 at 0:09 |
This has my favorite version of Here I Go Again. The version on their greatest hits wasn't to impressive. I prefer 'axemenship' over keyboards any day.
From: TIM |
Date: May 14, 2002 at 0:13 |
Actually, I have the Geffen release. The aforementioned statements still apply however.
From: Andre |
Date: May 21, 2002 at 12:46 |
It's my favourite Snake album.This one puts you in the frontier between hard and metal.Dave shows an outstandig vocal approach,becoming a true 'hard to follow' singer.Sykes was in hell in this one ,playing like he was possessed.Aynsley hit the drums ,and Neil do his job.The whole record is fabulous,but try to listen to:'Still','Is this','Children','Give me',you name it.The perfect cross between comercial stuff and good HEAVY rocki'n!The 'live' line up is my favourite.I wish it lasted a record
From: Rockforever |
Date: June 25, 2002 at 12:48 |
I think this just beats Slide It In to be Whitesnake's best album. This European release is far superior to the US version, as the two extra tracks we get here are must-haves. Looking for Love is one of the best rock ballads EVER, while the closing track is a decent rocker. Opener 'Still of the Night' is a rock classic, even though it rips off Zeppelin blatantly. Is This Love and Crying in the Rain are among the brilliant tracks. The only bad track on the album is 'children of the night'.
From: Baris |
Date: September 12, 2002 at 3:53 |
INCREDIBLE AND HUGE ALBUM. This is extremely what WHITESNAKE is...No need to mention anymore...
From: Richard H |
Date: September 27, 2002 at 10:24 |
The album and style that that set the trend for others to follow for the period 1987-1991.Everyone wanted their album to sound like this.A true rock classic if I ever heard one...esential to to your collection.
From: robert |
Date: October 19, 2002 at 16:05 |
Este es mi disco favorito de todos los tiempos de puro HARD ROCK, Es insuperable, jon sykes y david coverdale juntos.Tiene temas acojonantes y alucinantes como el magico:LOOKING FOR LOVE Amo este pedazo de discazo!!!
From: Fernando-Cádiz |
Date: October 22, 2002 at 2:04 |
Increible!!! gracias a este disco existo. Llevo años escuchandolo y no me canso (y eso q tiene ya 15 añitos, parece q fue ayer coño), Entre Coverdale y Sykes crearon caña,lo mejor, nunca habrá otro 87. Un saludo para Robert.
From: Trick Taylor |
Date: January 11, 2003 at 3:30 |
Enough with the Satriani already!! Zzzzzzz! Going to get my tix for the Scorps/Snake/Crocken tour tomorrow. Can't wait to see if Coverdale still has the pipes. How do the people think this tour will do (that would be you guys, even you OBNOXIOUS)? Honestly? I will guess 2500 to 5500 a night depending on the market. As I said before, would have been more if somebody like Tesla and not Donald Crocken were on the bill. Too bad Coverdale/Sykes couldn't get it together. That would've rocked.
From: Dusty |
Date: January 20, 2003 at 11:42 |
Coverdale & Sykes, a good, very good combination. This album is their best
From: Evandro |
Date: April 17, 2003 at 17:10 |
This CD is a instant Classic .. The Guitar Work is wonderful and the COverdale .. hummm coverdale is one of the best vocalists ever ..
From: fernando-santan |
Date: June 1, 2003 at 1:46 |
llevo años y años escuchando musica y nuca he escuchado un disco tan completo,rockero y cañero.produccion excelente,the fucking best hard american rock i have ever hesrd
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: June 4, 2003 at 14:37 |
Till my surprise also the rating of this wonderful record (same with Rainbow) is down ! Someone is not happy with these records in the top 25 ! Whoever it may be, the poor guy/girl dont' have a clue about classic hardrock, not blues hardrock this one (the man who titled this blues hard rock has to learn what hardrock, heavy rock, blues rock, pomp rock, metal, AOR, southern rock, melodic metal, glam, symphonic rock etc. exactly means. This is pure CLASSIC hardrock, their best with songs as
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: June 4, 2003 at 14:39 |
Still of the night and 'Is this love' as the highlights. All by all, not to be missed, this gem by Whitesnake !
From: motley |
Date: June 16, 2003 at 23:41 |
Motherfucking amazing cd!!!!!! Ill say it is my fave....I was never into the old Whitesnake but I have to say this one really makes it big. Yeah I know a lot of people hated when coverdale went into the hairthing but I feel the music got much much better and the guitarplaying here is just unbelievable. Just listening to the solo of Crying in the rain.....GHOOOOOOSTBUMBS.......
Date: June 26, 2003 at 5:08 |
THIS ALBUM IS ONE OF THE BEST EVER.REALLY GREAT HARD ROCK EFFORT...COVERDAL'S VOICE IS STELLAR!!! P.S. THERE ARE TOO MUCH PEOPLE IN THIS SITE WHO WRITE IN SPANISH....PLEASE WRITE IN ENGLISH SO EVERYONE COULD UNDERSTAND...IF YOU SAY NO io allora mi metto a parlare tranquillamente in italiano e infesto questo sito con cazzate ok?cosa cazzo vi costa far capire a tutti quello che scrivete?
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: June 26, 2003 at 8:38 |
This is indeed bloody great, jhonnyrocker, and still after all these years ! Not dated, this one, like Tyketto ! So you can see a difference in real class !
From: Dusty |
Date: July 26, 2003 at 13:27 |
I saw Whitesnake a month ago in Holland. It was a kick-ass show. Adrian Vandenberg appeared as a guest player, he did 'his' solo in Here I go again. It was great, Reb Beach, Doug Aldrich and Adrian Vandenberg playing together. What more can you hope for? Whitesnake really kicks major fucking ass!!!!!
From: Nanteau |
Date: September 6, 2003 at 17:51 |
HERE I GO AGAIN really bites! Buy it it's a classic!
From: rock master |
Date: November 17, 2003 at 18:59 |
nobody loves this album like me!
From: Fabricio |
Date: January 17, 2004 at 21:36 |
when I had 13 years old I both this record, my first whitesnake disc I'm go fast to my house to listen, I'm really shoked whe I listen coverdalle and the others gys playing, after this I'm fall in love with whitesnake and buy the other disc. Now I had 24 and never stop to listen, this is a real great band
From: steve-o^ |
Date: February 24, 2004 at 13:30 |
Whitesnake are a band that will always play a huge role in my life. 1987 was the first vinyl I ever picked up and shoved into a record player - the rest is history. Whether it be the blues days, or the hard rock days, Whitesnake will always be something special. On that note, Coverdale can still really sing, 25+ years on. Long live proper music. Steve
From: AORster |
Date: April 8, 2004 at 20:08 |
This is not Whitesnake as I'd define it. Shure all very competent and polished but where is the feeling? I was a big fan before this album but this put me off for good. The 'axe murder' versions of Crying In The Rain and Here I Go Again are just sad imo. Still listens to the older albums thou. 5/10
From: Aldas |
Date: April 18, 2004 at 20:08 |
This CD is perfection !
From: pozermaniac |
Date: April 26, 2004 at 18:37 |
This old lady put her make up on,fixed her hair up pretty, stole Led eppelins Black Dog(name it Still of the night...)and sold 7.000.000 albums worldwide.Come on.If you want to laugh take this album.LONG LIVE THE ORIGINALS:TESLA, BON JOVI, MOTLEY CRUE, BULLET BOYS, FIREHOUSE, CINDERELLA, SKID ROW, DOKKEN, LA GUNS, WARRANT, WINGER.Reb Beach stay away from Coverdale.
From: pozermaniac |
Date: May 3, 2004 at 14:51 |
Reb Beach was in the 2003 Whitesnakes World Tour!And what the hell is wrong with that? He wasnt the main guitarist!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!He didnt played not even one solo in the whole tour cause of Doug Aldrich!Doug who?Shame on you fuckers!Go home David!You made a fortune cause the music we love!And you were fake!Whitesnakes fans-the real ones- know what i mean!OLD Whitesnakes rules!Only the old!
From: charvel man |
Date: May 11, 2004 at 18:22 |
This album is an absolute must own for any fan of this type music. Bad boys and still of the night are 2 of the best rock songs ever recorded! And is this love is the most incredible ballad you will ever hear. along with Angel from aerosmith. Saw these guys live last year with reb and doug filling the guitar chores. David coverdale still has it after all these years! I hope the snake lives forever rock on!
From: mushmouth |
Date: June 17, 2004 at 13:25 |
1 of my fav all time releases & imo Coverdale is 1 of the best & most EMOTIVE vocalists within the metal genre... u actually FEEL the heartache as David sings.... I agree with motley above GOOSEBUMPS... do urself a favor & buy this today
From: jack |
Date: July 19, 2004 at 6:49 |
Perfectly executed album! Whitesnake producing blues metal and del leppard melodic metal-how cool is that. In my opinion ,great white,cinderella and whitesnake is the best band at mixing blues with metal while def leppard,dokken,winger and europe are the best at combining melody with metal. The above may sound lame but it gives some definition in hard rock/metal!
From: Uusiolli |
Date: August 5, 2004 at 19:04 |
A mixed bag here. Some excellent songs here, some nice, some fillers and then Is This Love. What the hell happened to the band that could make cocky ballads. Song that were so much anti-Whitesnake I could not believe it is the same band. For Crying In The Rain the new monumental production worked, but poppy Here I Go Again sank like Titanic. Anyway 8/10.
From: Geoff |
Date: August 17, 2004 at 1:20 |
Call me an 80's loving pooofter if you must, but this is where I begin with Whitesnake. I think this is an awesome slab of hard rock, and I love the obvious 'Is this love' and 'Here I go again'. I don't love every other track, but most are great and the riffs are explosive. Just a big f*cker of a hard rock album!
From: Wotty |
Date: August 17, 2004 at 13:42 |
Geoff,there is no such thing as an 80s poofter as you delicately put it.Its just an appreciation of the quality of music that was about then.1987 was a gem of an album,but isnt it funny how people are supposed to hate the 80s,but the albums produced then always inspire fierce debate.I loved the 80s....
From: AOR freaky |
Date: August 17, 2004 at 14:50 |
Indeed Wotty, I like and miss the eighties too ! And this is without any doubt Whitesnake's finest moment ! Great, great CD !
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: August 18, 2004 at 14:16 |
Great album all round, nothing much more needs to be said about it, but 'Come An' Get It' is still there finest album by a long long way.
From: illimey |
Date: August 24, 2004 at 6:50 |
I fell into the 'Here I Go Again'/'Is This Love' trap and bought this CD based on those song. I was young and searching for a musical direction. I liked the power pop-rock ballad thing and didn't see the gloss for the glitter. Basically, this album sucks. It's one, long. self-congratulatory whine. I later realized that Whitesnake can actually be a quite original, very accomplished band. This album does not do them justice.
From: Adam Blackheart |
Date: August 29, 2004 at 10:28 |
From: Wotty |
Date: August 29, 2004 at 11:27 |
Hey Adam Blackheart.I agree the album is fantastic and a rock landmark,but I cant say it inspires me the way it does you.....
From: Ratt72 |
Date: September 18, 2004 at 15:08 |
Pozermaniac you make me sick!!!try Backstreetboys and forget about Whitesnake reviews.This is a classic album, and many bands named above like Tesla for exemple are truly influenced by snakes and others.The best Ws Album ever made.
From: jojo |
Date: October 22, 2004 at 8:28 |
one word for pozermaniac - WANKER!
From: Propane |
Date: December 1, 2004 at 21:36 |
Outstanding feat of accomplishment!!! My only regret here was 'Is this love'. Always hated that song. That being said, other musicians only wished they had this kind of song writing ability at that time. Pure rock at its best.
From: Layla |
Date: December 24, 2004 at 6:56 |
I was new to Whitesnake when i first listened to this and this album made me a fan, fave songs include here i go again, still of the night etc. Good album.
From: |
Date: January 7, 2005 at 21:58 |
I have about 400 Aor/hard/metal Cd´s this is my favourite album ever !! cant get any better than this , even Coverdale could not repeat it even if he wanted to.Hard rock at it´s peak , damn wonderfull
From: lovehunter |
Date: January 8, 2005 at 8:33 |
best hard rock album ever, but where's crimson glory's second album?
From: rene |
Date: May 29, 2005 at 16:11 |
The only real heavy metal song that WHITESNAKE recorded is on this album:BAD BOYS, a real killer song. I love this album.
From: Remastered Reason |
Date: January 15, 2006 at 0:41 |
By this time, the shine was polished to perfection. Whitesnake hit the big time & cashed in on corporate America. No doubt the high point of their career. Essential listening.
From: swriter |
Date: January 23, 2006 at 19:05 |
great line up with Sykes!!!! too bad this was the last really great one, and what a great one it is, one of thee best!!!!! we all know the big hits but the ones that hit me r the others, Give me all your love, Straight, Children, Cryin and Still. FANTASTIC
From: lduarte |
Date: February 22, 2006 at 18:01 |
MY FAVOURITE ALBUM OF ALL TIME 10/10 . Changed forever my way of understanding music.Coverdale is such an amazing singer (up there with Steve Perry and Lou Gramm IMO ), Sykes plays those fast licks like no one , Neil and Aynsley playing tight and flawless.Wish this line up would lasted longer.If anyone wishes to trade opinions email me at
From: Vikki Roxx |
Date: August 28, 2006 at 14:10 |
Yeah this one's one of the best albums in history of music.
From: metalhead4life |
Date: September 28, 2006 at 14:53 |
Definately a must for any rock collection. John Sykes is sick on the guitar and Coverdale has a great voice. Excellent album!! Saw them live with Scorpions and Dokken a few years back and Whitesnake stole the show!! Coverdale still has a great voice.
From: Darkstorm |
Date: March 4, 2007 at 13:00 |
You can't get much more definitive 80s than this.Crying In The Rain starts this album of with a bang thanks to Sykes exellent riffs and mindblowing solo, and it continues with the excellent Still Of The Night with it's awesome melodic bridge. Here I Go Again and Is This Love? both speak for themselves and are amazing, then there's the more commercial songs like the infectious Give Me All Your Love and The awesome keyboard driven Straight For The Heart.The album then closes in fine form with the
From: *Say It With Love* |
Date: August 7, 2007 at 12:34 |
From: darobinson |
Date: October 5, 2007 at 19:10 |
This may be one of the finest rock albums of all time!!!! To bad Mr. Sykes did not play on the follow up Slip Of The Tongue. Vandenberg I can listen to. Vai is not that impressive.......
From: keeper7k |
Date: October 31, 2007 at 7:37 |
Without this album 80s Hard Rock would be poorer. An effort full of killer tracks with one of the most gifted singers alive. My second 100/100 goes here. No mistake in it
Date: September 28, 2008 at 6:02 |
From: rockhardrock |
Date: March 25, 2009 at 9:15 |
this one is defenitely one of the best rock albums of the golden 80s. i love all tracks on this album except "Straight for the Heart" and "Don't Turn Away" which can't stand next to the remaining 9. you must listen to that one!!!
From: george_the_jack |
Date: April 1, 2009 at 15:35 |
Simply the best ever album in rock history...If you have never experienced this album, you'd better start listening to hip hop!
From: Put-Put |
Date: August 11, 2009 at 2:16 |
this album is so fucking overrated i'm still not a big whitesnake fan but i thing it's a good album but much overrated i say
From: GlamSlam |
Date: September 9, 2009 at 22:07 |
i have the same opinion: Overrated i think this record is boring and i can´t realize why people like this so much. There are few really good songs but most songs r boring best song in this album is you´re gonna break my heart again. I am not big Whitesnake fan n i don´t listen this band much, but some of my friends do and they say pretty much same that me about this record
From: edwithmj |
Date: September 10, 2009 at 17:20 |
Seriously this album isn't overrated at all. I was actually put off Whitesnake for a while. I don't know why. Perhaps it was because of all the different members and albums but I got this album to start off with as it's their best one by far. The album starts off quite averagely in my opinion with Still of the Night until finally Looking for Love and Is This Love start making the album brilliant. After that the album is killer with Staraight for the Heart, Don't Turn Away, a MUCH better version of Here I Go Again and the fast paced You're Gonna Break My Heart Again. This is much better than Slip of the Tongue and I'm glad I took the plunge and decided to get into Whitesnake.
From: CC |
Date: September 10, 2009 at 17:56 |
Like many people, this was the first Whitesnake album I ever heard and owned, and after buying earlier stuff and then buying later stuff, I can honestly say, for me, no other Whitesnake album would have encouraged me to do that. Not to say that the other Snake albums are bad, just that they dont come anywhere near to the sheer commercial hookable rock of this one. While some will mourn the loss of the bluesy material of the earlier albums, for people like me who just love BIG 80s rock, this is damn near perfect. Songs like Still of the night, Is this love and the re-worked Here I go again (yes, I believe it to be better than the original, sorry to the traditionalists) really does make this album stand out as one of the true 80s gems that should be an essential part of anyones collection. Certainly not overrated in my opinion as its all a matter of personal choice. I think anything that has stood the test of time like this, certainly has a reason for all the plaudets.
From: luisduarte |
Date: May 13, 2010 at 15:04 |
personaly speaking a lifechanging record for me
From: pie75 |
Date: August 22, 2010 at 8:33 |
this album overated? you gotta be kidding me this an 80's masterpeice from start to finnish loud guitars, awsome vocals,loud banging drums what more could you want and the song's back it up too i upgrade to the anniversary edition with the dvd well worth the purchase still of the night,give me all your love,looking for love,is this love,straight for the heart,don't turn away,here i go again and you're gonna break my heart again are just simply classic rock everybody should own this cd
From: MikeTuinstra |
Date: October 10, 2010 at 13:20 |
The best of Whitesnake by my definition of the band. This album takes the old Blues Rock sound, which was upgraded to Hard Rock, and launches the band into Heavy Metal territory. Something that became part of them ever since. Benefiting from all the modern sound techniques, this album is out of the old fashioned into the modern. Because of its perfection in musicianship and appeal, accompanied by the cool looks with explosive live shows, I witness it often unjustly termed a sell out by pejorative means. It's heavier and shows evolution of a sound once started by Zep and Purple, with the soul of Whitesnake still in tact. An important album in Rock and Metal music history.
From: antrazit |
Date: December 17, 2010 at 10:17 |
Great Album, but actually I prefer older albums, and also original versions of “Crying In The Rain” and “Here I Go Again”. It is not kinda music that Coverdale really like to play. But it still a killer record.
From: Animal! |
Date: January 31, 2011 at 14:20 |
This effort and MTV sent this band into the stratosphere. This is a must have, and I think still stands up to time.
From: rocksoul |
Date: May 3, 2011 at 15:00 |
this is a real expression of music. because real music is only ROCK! Toghether this I put also appetite fro distruction. Those are first two my fav bads. Every one in this world might have this cd. Play this music play whitesnake and the world could be more nice and easy. This, is a real classic of hard n heavy. Thank you Dave! Pherhaps the best lead vocal ever!
From: hair metal again |
Date: May 23, 2011 at 12:09 |
if i had to leave the planet and get only one cd with me ,this could be the chosen one!a total hard rock masterpiece that stands the test of time.thanks guyz for that piece of art!
From: bighooks |
Date: June 23, 2012 at 17:24 |
This is a masterpiece that deserves nothing less than 100/100
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: October 8, 2012 at 15:44 |
I know there's quite a few people out there who insist the early, more obscure albums are the REAL Whitesnake, and that the MTV years were a sellout. Fine, but I consider this to be the band's best release, and certainly the heaviest. FOr us Americans, two songs were trimmed out and the disc was renamed simply "Whitesnake," with the songs in a different order (incidentally, on the 20th-anniversary edition, the songs are in yet another sequence). Anyway, "Still Of The Night" is the top highlight here. Who doesn't prick up their ears at that intro? And then comes that riff! And the slow, brooding part in the middle. definitely one of my top songs that epitomizes '80's metal. Elsewhere, "Give Me All Your Love" cruises along like nobody's business, and "Bad Boys," "Straight For The Heart," "Children Of The Night," and all the other rockers follow suit. The ballads are good, if a bit over-the-top with the keys and cheese. An essential disc in any hard-rock collection.
From: ShadowAngel |
Date: March 2, 2013 at 18:10 |
It was a complete sellout to MTV and the american Pop Metal Audience but it is an awesome album, even the Remakes of older songs (Crying in the Rain and Here i Go Again) are well done. I really enjoy this album, there's just not a single bad track on it.
From: $$ixx |
Date: September 17, 2013 at 18:45 |
Obviously one of the most popular hardrock albums of all time, it contains only really good songs both the mega hits and the non-singles smoke, and it contains Coverdale's best vocal performance ever as well as John Sykes' best guitar performance ever imo. Fantastic album from start to finish actually. The only (very minor) negative thing is the mix of the drums. The drums sound much crispier on Slip of the tongue. But the rest is more or less melodic hardrock perfection, really a classic. As with many bands.. money, power and ego somewhat killed the moment - can't believe that Coverdale fired everyone - Sykes, Murray, Dunbar as well as the manager, just when the album was done. Very sad and hence we never got to see the real Whitesnake 1987 band live on stage together performing these excellent songs. The recent line-up with Doug Aldrich is very good too, but the new albums still do not come close song-wise compared to magic "1987"
From: Stixx |
Date: June 18, 2016 at 8:18 |
Imagine, for a moment, that you're an aging rock star whose guitarist just helped write and record the best album of your career. What would you say to him when he finished cutting the guitar tracks? "Thanks"? "Love ya"? "I couldn't have done it without you"? Try this: "You're fired." Hard to believe, isn't it? But that's what happened to Blue Murder guitarist John Sykes after he helped David Coverdale write and record the multi-platinum 1987 album "Whitesnake." "Me and David, we wrote the songs between us," says Sykes. "We went to France, wrote the songs, then took the whole thing over to LA... .."I'd realized that everybody who's finished up their job is history," says Sykes. "So I said to Kalodner: 'Look, I'm kind of wondering what's going on. I can't get ahold of David, and I'm starting to wonder if I've been fired.' "And Kalodner said, 'Well, it's kind of looking that way.'"
From: tomdwa |
Date: April 21, 2020 at 18:29 |
This one launched them into worldwide stardom, mainly thanks to the mega-hit and beautiful anthem Is this love. Despite of the status it gave the band, the album is quite heavy and guitar oriented though, John Sykes really rips from the first song to the last. I prefer the more melodic songs on the cd like Give me all your love and Looking for love (fantastic!).
From: fdr |
Date: August 20, 2020 at 12:18 |
At the time, their worst album by far, in my opinion, but only because later he managed to do even worse! How can he con from "Slide it in", soulful bluesy huge sounding hard rock, to this plastic, soulless, badly recorded and badly mixed mess that has very little to do with what Whitesnake meant until then is one of the misteries in history of hard rock. He tried a couple of times to come back, with "Into the light" and "Restless heart" but it was too late. Sure with this album he broke the american charts but from a musical point of view he completely killed the band.
From: Auslander |
Date: May 12, 2021 at 22:02 |
The untimely death of Tawny Kitaen made me reminisce about this album again, especially the film clips back when glitzy MTV videos meant something. What an album this was, and it has rightfully become something of a timeless classic. Every time you hear Here I Go Again you are transported back to a time when people were more optimistic and summers were long, and the thrill of finding a new love was all that mattered. I remember the summers by the local pool when Is This Love blared over the tinny speakers and being transfixed by the sound and coming to the realisation as a child that this love of a woman thing must be the greatest thing in the universe. Still Of The Night, Crying In The Rain... this is an almost perfect album. Sometimes lightning strikes and almost the whole world woke up to the glorious sound that was Whitesnake in 1987. Rated A+.
From: MelodicRocker |
Date: October 11, 2022 at 13:52 |
Bob Rock at Little Mountain Studios recorded the amazing rich and cool guitars with Sykes (and Bob then also produced Blue Murder). Most people, and Sykes in '86 thought Sambora's guitars on Slippery were great (smart guy and good ear, listen to the first track Let it rock or Raise your hands and there are very nice and rich guitars right there!) Drums and bass were recorded by Mike Stone, whose productivity was limited by alcohol and sadly he later died from complications of it. (If correct info on Wikipedia.) The remake hit song Here I go again was recorded by Keith Olsen, who tried out a solo with extremely talented Giant studio veteran guitarist Dan Huff, who immediately thought they should bring Sykes back, because he too thought the guitars were very badass. Now that's a compliment.
From: MelodicRocker |
Date: October 11, 2022 at 14:06 |
Then just how DC fired the entire recording band and then brought in hired guns/posers to pretend to play the songs in the videos, is so unfortunate. Well he made money off of it, but the credibility was somewhat lost. The original band on 1987 with Sykes, DC, Murray and Dunbar was already as good as it gets, so it's very sad that the world never got to hear them live on tour for this recording. When you check out these songs on live clips, you realize that there was only one guitarist who could fill his sound alone, Sykes and even today there are two sharp guitarists live on tour, Beach and Hoekstra. After all, Beach is known for Winger - hair metal's Dream Theater and a great virtuoso band - with Hoekstra being mostly a hired gun, nothing wrong with that, but what Sykes also brought was the ability to write huge songs, over half of them on 1987 and his sound more or less makes the album what it is. And live, DC always sing a whole bunch of songs from this success record.
From: Simon |
Date: August 2, 2023 at 15:41 | I'd like to give credit to the one and only super drummer that is Aynsley Dunbar, who is a Rock & Roll Hall of Famer with Journey (April 2017), and has played with plenty of famous artists. Both Sykes and Murray have complemented Aynsley to be very quick and accurate in the studio when at Little Mountain Studios recording these all-time classic drum tracks in Oct-Nov of 1985. "This album has it all. Aggressive double bass drumming to soft ballad playing, all tempered with dynamics and just the right fill at the right time. ‘Crying In The Rain’ kicks things off in bluesy style, with Aynsley setting the pace with humongous sounding drums that build to a monster fill as the track takes off. ‘Still Of The Night’ is truly epic, with Aynsley helping build the tension with tightness, flair and no shortage of big rock fills." Taken from
From: Simon |
Date: August 2, 2023 at 16:52 |
Aynsley Dunbar's had a truly amazing career! He was 39, almost 40, when he recorded the drums on "1987", but was already very experienced both tour and studio work. Sad thing with team DC+Geffen, somewhat similar to Dio+Wendy or Ozzy+Sharon, they stopped wages to Aynsley and Neil in April ’86, and according to Neil, Aynsley immediately left. Before him, Cozy also left due to poor payment/contract (he went to play with/form Emerson, Lake & Powell). Micky Moody (who has a great book "Snakes and Ladders") does not talk to David, Marsden states DC twists the truth in interviews of old days, and the great writer and guitarist of Slide It In, Mel Galley, was insensitively dumped in connection with an accident of his left arm. Gladly, Mel proved he could still come back, and joined his brother and many of the other ex-Whitesnake musicians for the fine project Phenomena. As of Sykes, he's stated: "When I tried to confront Dave, honestly, he ran away, got in his car and hid from me!"
From: Stixx |
Date: December 10, 2023 at 16:05 | (1985-1986 photo, very rare of original RECORDING band for album "1987", a collage, but still great to see!)
From: $$ixx |
Date: February 7, 2024 at 12:00 |
Lots of interesting facts here at HH. This is a very popular album, still, almost 37 years later down the road. Dave has again said that Sykes tried to take over the lead vocals, when DC was not able to sing in '86, but Sykes is still denying that with: "How on earth could anybody think of replacing Coverdale's voice in his own band, just ridiculous, it's nothing but a lie to make himself look better in hindsight", This original band (Sykes, Dunbar, Murray) with David did NOT need the glam/"hair metal" hairspray as can be seen in the facebook collage/picture above (AWESOME pic!!) and was in fact even better looking too imho. Aynsley is, in fact, one of the most experienced and appreciated drummers in history. Agreed Simon, Aynsley truly is a hard-to-copy world-class drummer. Even Jimi Hendrix liked him: "Mitchell won out the drummer position in Jimi Hendrix Experience over highly regarded drummer Aynsley Dunbar, with the final selection allegedly decided over a coin toss."
From: Hofmann |
Date: December 30, 2024 at 6:48 |
Never liked the poser line-up of this touring band, horrible! The recording line-up was WAY COOLER in every way, but as described above David did not pay them (many solo artists rip off their members, history is the same). The small 'Personnel' picture is amazing to see, very few pics around of this killer line-up. David has tried to cooperate with Sykes several times since, but of course Sykes hates him for firing him right before the much delayed album launch+tour. So what does Dave do? He tries to rewrite the history saying 'it would never have worked' but we don't buy his bullshit. He's a cheater and has to live with it. In that sence, you have to love a band like Poison, splitting money equally between the members (even if CC writes most of the songs); thus they are still together. Sykes is ON FIRE on this disc, and Dunbar is one of THE most beloved and merited drum legends on the planet. Without them, wouldn't have been the same. Sadly, Bob Rock only recorded Sykes' guitar parts.
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