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CD Title: World on Fire
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Category: Melodic Hard Rock
Year: 1995
Label: FEMS (Japan)
Catalog Number: APCY-8283
1. | Tonight | 4:05 |
2. | Back to You | 3:29 |
3. | World on Fire | 4:29 |
4. | Coming Home | 4:44 |
5. | Hold On | 3:35 |
6. | If It's Over | 4:35 |
7. | Sweet Adeline | 3:49 |
8. | Stranger in the Night | 4:15 |
9. | Cruise Control | 4:27 |
10. | Shot Down | 3:41 |
11. | Rough Boy | 4:33 |
12. | Runaway | 4:54 |
13. | One More Time | 5:39 |
14. | Wing and a Prayer | 4:53 |
15. | Lady Midnight | 5:47 |
16. | Got to Know | 4:08 |
17. | Forgotten Heroes | 4:14 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 75:17 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Anthony Wild |
Date: September 11, 2002 at 22:49 |
Poor sounding short samples but I like what I hear!
From: Sander |
Date: September 17, 2002 at 16:28 |
This CD is a must have for melodic rock fans. I have over 800 CD's but this is one I cherish. Not a bad song. Unfortunately, unknown to the big public.
From: koogles |
Date: September 19, 2002 at 12:52 |
I agree with Mr. Sandler! This CD is a great companion piece to such AOR essentials as Red Dawn "Never Say Surrender", Roxx Diamond's debut, etc. A very solid CD with lots of memorable choruses and great production. Sometimes the singer reminds me of Sammy Hagar.
From: robert |
Date: October 21, 2002 at 17:59 |
IF IT'S OVER q cacho temazo, esta muy bien este disco vaya q si, lo tengo con otra portada, pero bueno lo q importa son los temas y me parecen verdaderamente buenos..
From: Daniel |
Date: November 5, 2002 at 4:20 |
This is a great masterpiece album for a AOR Melodic fan. All songs are awesome! One More Time is my favorite. But too bad, they're 'over-shadowed' by famous bands. If they can make it, they'll be big time! They have a S/T album also which featured 'Watercolor', which is another great album. It's worth collecting!!!
From: Kim |
Date: March 13, 2003 at 19:30 |
Does anyone know how i can get the first cd??? I have been looking for years and finally found this site. Please let me know,,, Thanks, Kim
From: TIM |
Date: March 13, 2003 at 23:17 |
I just got this yesterday Kim and it is awesome!
From: TIM |
Date: March 13, 2003 at 23:23 |
Kim, go to PJ has 4 copies available. Tell him I sent you.
From: Alex |
Date: March 26, 2003 at 21:33 |
I'm from New York where TDF is from. I was in a band back then and was friends with them and hung with them in the scene plenty of times. (I actually went to highschool with Bill, the bass player.) Anyway, they were gods on the scene and it's a damn shame they didn't get a chance to tour, etc. I ordered "World On Fire" from Ebay today and look forward to hearing those songs again! TDF rocks!
From: Scandinavia |
Date: June 7, 2003 at 10:42 |
I recently got hold of this album but with a different cover (picture of a bomber plane) plus the track "tonight" wasn't included...Can anyone tell me something about the version I got? I'd rather have the version on this site...Regarding the music I must say some tracks blow me away. "Hold On", "Shot Down", "Back to You" and "Forgotten Heroes" really rock but man, I should've known it's demo material. Call me a jerk but I like clean and crisp production. Tour de Force should've been bigger.
From: Scandinavia |
Date: July 29, 2003 at 17:32 |
This album really grew on me...It's worth the chorus of "Hold on" & "Shot Down" alone...Were it not for the very varying sound quality this would be 10/10...Unfortunately I can "only" give it 9.5/10...These guys should've made it big time!
From: TIM |
Date: July 29, 2003 at 19:12 |
I don't recall the variation in sound quality- is yours Japanese? Maybe I need to check again but I loved this one.
From: Scandinavia |
Date: July 30, 2003 at 2:42 |
What I'm referring to is the mix...The overall sound seems to vary. Sometimes the vocals are upfront then in the next tune the keys are louder than anything else...But don't get me wrong I LOVE this album...Don't really know what version I got but the track: "Tonight" isn't included unfortunately...
From: Scandinavia |
Date: September 24, 2003 at 15:20 |
Why these guys never made it remains a mystery to me....This album is spinnin' in my cd player for the 500th time or so...It just gets better & better...Correction to my message above: I was referring to the production of "Unreleased" I guess...SORRY!!! This album is excellent!!! Back to this album: It's one of those cds where you keep discovering new details...Very high degree of professionalism here....Magic in the making!!! 100000/10...Just so damn perfect!
From: Scandinavia |
Date: September 24, 2003 at 15:23 |
It grows on your like pubic hair...Haha
From: BOLIN44 |
Date: November 7, 2003 at 19:51 |
I really don't agree with any of these comments on this CD. I just obtained this and there's only 4 good songs on this! The first three songs that you can hear on this site are GREAT and the song "Rough Boys" is pretty good. The lyrics and the melodys are laughable on most tracks. I think the vocalist is the weakest member and should have been replaced. Maybe this why they never made "BIG". Had they had Larry Baud,Mark Free or even 220 Volt's singer this might have been a huge standout!! Sorry i
From: Scandinavia |
Date: December 21, 2003 at 8:05 |
Please tell me who made "Tonight" originally??? Michael Bolton?
From: 80sMetal1 |
Date: January 22, 2004 at 16:42 |
Great cd from an awesomely talented band. I know Billy Blaster; real nice guy who now plays in an 80s metal cover band in New York. My friends, who were part of bands called Silent Listener, Vandal, and Livesay, used to jam with these guys. Great stuff all around!
From: AOR freaky |
Date: May 2, 2004 at 8:52 |
I can agree with most of the above comments. Great AOR/melodic hardrock. Really recommended !!!!
From: TIM (2) |
Date: June 3, 2004 at 6:15 |
"Tonight" is a Michael Bolton composition that I think is only on the Japanese version. It seems very out of place as the opening track though as it's poppier than the rest of the material. If you already have this I wouldn't bother buying it again just for this track, but if you don't have the album then track it down. Hardly a filler in the 17 tracks. Superb stuff.
From: Rycheage |
Date: June 5, 2004 at 0:41 |
The songs are a superb example of melodic rock at it's best. songs like 'Back To You', 'Sweet Adeline', 'Hold On', If It's Over' and 'One More Time' will undoubtedly ring bells. For me the stellar moment on the album is perhaps one of the best rock ballads of all time in 'Coming Home'. The keyboard solo is straight out of the Zon and Roadmaster textbook! Let's not forget the opener 'Tonight', with a spectacular flurry of keyboards coming on strong. Excellent.
From: Kip |
Date: August 29, 2004 at 22:45 |
Hey, where's Geoff's comments? lol. He's just above me on all my other favorites... Anyway this CD was soo good and it has so many great songs it took awhile to grow on me. Let's just say theres about 8 or 9 essential tracks here, where most albums have 1 or 2 if their lucky. Highlights include Tonight, World On Fire, Coming Home, Sweet Adeline, Shot Down, Rough Boy, Wing and A Prayer and Forgotten Heroes. Forgotten Heroes is one of my personal anthems and Shot Down just kicks! 10/10!
From: Geoff |
Date: August 29, 2004 at 22:51 |
Sorry Kip, I'll have to put them afterwards this time. Another great CD. I was just listening to this one the other day, in fact. A great collection of melodic / commercial hard rock. A few fillers, but plenty of killers to satisfy any hunger. Excellent CD!
From: Harald |
Date: September 3, 2004 at 18:59 |
Found this in a bargain bin a couple of years ago, it´s killer melodic rock on the now passed long island records label. 9/10
From: Dean |
Date: December 20, 2004 at 16:54 |
Upon first listen i HATED this but after giving it a few more listens based on the comments here i discovered one hell of a good AOR album-thanks guys.
From: Scandinavia |
Date: December 20, 2004 at 16:56 |
Exactly the same for me!! But it really grows on you doesn't it? - Excellent piece of Melodic HardRock/AOR here....
From: jfox66 |
Date: March 14, 2005 at 23:55 |
I have a very limited (possibly management promo) cassette that features seven of the first eight songs on this album. Though this is a great album. I prefer the versions of those songs on the tape. Seems they remixed them or something here. The vocals on the cassetee version of IF IT's OVER just soar and the overall production on the tape is much cleaner. The cassette has no info, Just the band logo and drawings of the members on the front and management name and address on the back.
From: jfox66 |
Date: March 14, 2005 at 23:58 |
If anyone has any information about this cassette, I would like to know exactly what I have.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 24, 2005 at 10:18 |
KILLER AND AWESOME AOR ALBUM!!! Si asi con mayusculas Santa Madre de Dios que tremenda JOYASA del AOR, hey muchachos amaran este disco, señores este disco es Impresionante no esperaba tanto ya se convirtio en uno de mis discos de AOR favoritos, quiza la produccion no sea de lo mejor, pero lo que vale son la calidad y gusto de los temas y este disco te hara volver a la DECADA que jamas debio terminar larga vida a los 80 CARAJO, es como si tuvieras a Beau Geste, Phenomena, Refugee y Survivor.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 24, 2005 at 13:18 |
E hicieramos una mezcla, imaginen lo que saldria un SUPERALBUM, a ver si me datean, este disco no salio en los 80? es como si fuera de 86, y si es del 95 que album va a igualar a este jajaja, temazos por todos lados   If It's Over, Hold On, Tonight, Back to You, World on Fire, Sweet Adeline, Coming Home(mis 7 FAVORITAS)  cuando e tenido 7 favoritas en un album jajaja pocas veces, un album completo y tiene 17 temas que mas le puedes pedir a la vida, AUUUUU!!! BUY OR DIE, COMPRA O MUERE.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 24, 2005 at 13:23 |
Que carrera que nos brindaron Schumacher y Alonso ahhh, hace años que no veia una asi, que bien por toda España al tener un piloto asi se ve que sera el proximo Senna o Schumacher.
From: stryper |
Date: July 7, 2005 at 5:09 |
From: SCANDI |
Date: August 10, 2005 at 13:43 |
Well.., of course this is melodic rock -or better AOR- with punch, together with a lot of keys & it's not "too hard" but for me it doesn't have the ultimative & memorable melodies or moments of an album I call top class. It's still very good and the first track "Tonight" promises a lot which in my opinion the CD can't keep. To compare it I guess of a mix between SKAGARACK & FM. Of course it's neither scandinavian nor british.. so you hear a bit of SIGNAL or even early BON JOVI.
From: SCANDI |
Date: August 10, 2005 at 13:45 |
Now I get the idea I needed of an even better comparation: GIUFFRIA. As a result of points I give it 7,9/10
From: Erik |
Date: August 26, 2005 at 3:35 |
Thanks to my US buddy (walley)Eric i got this album today. Man i love it. The comparison of a mix between Skagarack( 75%) and FM (the other 25%) is spot on. Some awesome melodic rock and i have to agree with stryper also: No fillers on board. Brilliant and should have been a million seller. 9,1/10 So for lovers of the scandi sound: THIS IS A MUST HAVE !
From: Nick C |
Date: September 9, 2005 at 0:37 |
Another CD I have only recently bought and I'm kicking myself for not tracking it down sooner. Great balance between AOR and hard rock and as Erik says there's no filler at all on here. At the moment it's one of those discs that has the honour of not being put back in the's always hanging around to hand so it can be played in an INSTANT!!!!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: September 30, 2005 at 10:35 |
Definately track the Jap version of this one down, as it contains the best track on here, namely Michael Bolton's 'Tonight', which is a fab slice of AOR. The rest is all excellent aswell, with 'Hold On' 'Rough Boy' 'Runaway'& 'Coming Home' being my other choice picks. There is a noticeble difference in production halfway through, with the second half not sounding as good as the first half (I believe that these are demo's) but this is only a minor complaint when a release is as good as this.
From: Carlos A. |
Date: February 13, 2007 at 14:08 |
Esto es puro HARD ROCK clasico y elegante, nada menos se puede decir...FABULOSOS teclados y riffs atemporales(a rememorar bandas de finales de los 70´s hasta la fecha...!!) el cantante es aceptable interpreta mas con sentimiento que con tecnica pero tiene sus momentos rockeros DIVINOS!!!! a este disco le atribuyo la hazaña de hacer que me guste la onda sleazy por los fantasticos y monstruosos "Stranger in the Night" y "Shot Down"...PAY ATTENTION: NO FILLERS!!!! totalmente recomendado 9.5/10
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: February 13, 2007 at 16:05 |
AOR/Melodic Hard Rock es lo que encontraras en este album(aunque mayormente AOR y mas aun si los mejores temas son de esa pasta), HARD ROCK clasico y elegante son Whitesnake, pero bueno si quieres puedes decir que hacen Death Metal
From: Carlos A. |
Date: February 14, 2007 at 11:36 |
Que tu pienses que hacen death es tu rollo, (aunque esa onda tiene lo suyo...te recomiendo el world demise de Obituary, buen death y rockeas tranquilo pues es No Satanic)este disco es hardrock/AOR de clase y solo encuentro ese par de buenos temas onda Widowmaker x ejem.estilo que difiere notoriamente con otros mega temas AOR como "Hold On" o "Sweet Adeline" para la musica como para casi todas las aficiones pisitivas hay q ser Open Mind pero no tanto como para confundir esto con el Death por favo
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: February 14, 2007 at 12:09 |
NOOO MI AMOR!!!   tipo Bartola cuando lo imita Carlos Alvarez ahora no valla a ser que un Baboson escriba abajo diciendo que soy gay jaja me divierte Carlos Alvarez cuando dice esa frase, no hombre solo puse eso para divertirme y pa que no confundan las cosas esto no es puro HARD ROCK como escribistes esto es AOR/Melodic Hard Rock hay que saber diferenciar los estilos para eso somos capos en esto eh! ah claro por alli algunos albums de Death tambien me agradan como el primero de Death...
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: February 14, 2007 at 12:15 |
... sin duda el mejor album de ese estilo sobre la tematica satanica como Guerrero Inmortal en el lado de la justicia tambien debo saber lo que escuchan los aliados de satanas porque para un enfrentamiento debes conocer el lado de tu enemigo sus debilidades y fuerzas.
From: Carlos A. |
Date: February 14, 2007 at 12:32 |
Bueno,cuando digo puro Hard rock no me voy x la tangente del purismo absoluto lo digo porq es lo dominante en el album y claro,tiene AOR(con mayusculas)y ratos melodicos,Si no pongo AOR es x mera cuestion de opinion osea porque quiero,el hecho d no colocarlo no va a dar pie a discusiones y a decir quien es el capo JAJA aca no hay capos hay gente q le gusta el rock y punto y si m respondes q "tus gustos son los mejores" bueno,esperate 10 años mas cuando te dés cuenta q eso es lo q MENOS IMPORTA.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: February 14, 2007 at 12:59 |
Bueno sobre lo de Capos lo dije por todos ya que conocemos bastante y nos gusta el mejor estilo de la musica en general pero si no te gusta no te incluyas pero a ver dile eso a gente como AOR freaky o Koogles porque ellos saben que lo son y aunque por fuera digan no por dentro quieren sentir que los demas los reconocen, ahora sobre esperarme 10 años no gracias mi momento esta por llegar y sobre mis gustos mmm que mas puedo decir sobran las palabras, saludos y no te enojes compatriota.
From: Carlos A. |
Date: February 15, 2007 at 11:11 |
No estoy molesto, deberia molestarme mas seguido cuando leo comentarios q no tiene nada q ver con musica sino con insultos innecesarios o interpretando de la peor manera lo q se opina aqui...pero finalmente me causa gracia y a veces me rio un monton de eso...por lo demas todo esta bien en este sitio,hay un monton de buenos albumes q opinar y ya la corto q esto esta pareciendose mas a un debate de politicos del"Especial del Humor".Saludos desde Trujillo en donde esta haciendo un calor de la P.M.
From: FiglT |
Date: March 19, 2007 at 23:11 |
Great keyboard-heavy melodic rock with catchy choruses. 'Shot Down', 'Forgotten Heroes' and 'Back to You' are my favorites, but there is hardy any filler among the 17 tracks.
From: Dreamaholic |
Date: April 26, 2007 at 15:49 |
A good solid album with some production issues, some fillers and some good tracks. My faves are Back To You (in my mp3 favorites rotation) and Cruise Control, like someone else said similar to Sammy Hagar, although doesn't approach Sammy's songwriting. I think $12 is alot to pay for this ($6-7 would be better), but if you're hard up for some new music it might be worth it.
From: juan carlos |
Date: April 28, 2007 at 20:09 |
AOR/Hardrock melódico muy bueno, con una producción que pudo ser mucho mejor, lástima porque los temas lo merecían. Mis Súper-favoritas: "If It´s Over" maravilloso!, "Wing and a Prayer" Riffera y enérgica y "Lady Midnight" teclados muy afinados. La voz muy a lo Sammy Hagar y los coros por momentos a los Harem Scarem. 8.8/10. Hey Obituary Rules! Sobre Death: "Scream Bloody Gore" gran debut Death primitivo, "Leprosy" mucho mejor pero su joya suprema sin paliativos es "SPIRITUAL HEALING" JOYAZA!!!!
From: Carlos A. |
Date: April 30, 2007 at 19:45 |
Yeah Juan carlos Obituary es fenomenal pueden tener su sonido rustico y repetitivo pero esa voz es la mas gutural que salio en los 90´s pucha ya me hiciste recordar mis epocas oscuras....mas hardcore Pantera a partir del War...Megadeth, el primero de Machine Head o el Low de Testament con esa tremenda fusion, pucha aquellos años...escuchate mas de este Shot Down ligera y facilona pero it´s turn you a headbanger.
From: Heavy.AOR |
Date: May 15, 2007 at 13:34 |
So this album is fucking brilliant with Tonight song.But my mind talk this album 80-90 years and last album Tour de Force is same Tour de Force.11*/10
From: Mustaine_TW |
Date: October 29, 2007 at 6:12 |
great aor/melodic rock album, this one is much better than the self-titled cd imo 89/100.
From: hernanHRM/AOR |
Date: December 13, 2007 at 18:51 |
SUPER DISCO DE Melodic Hard Rock/AOR!!!!! totalmente enamorado de este album de su peculiar stylo intenso y melodico, vaya que calidad demoledor un AOR de primera clase definitivamente se convierte en uno de mis favoritos, tan solo escuchar el "Wing And A Prayer, Lady Midnight" temas con ese toque Melodic Hard Rock/AOR impactante impresionado con este buen trabajo sin duda alguna brillante 9.5/10
From: lalorock |
Date: December 15, 2007 at 15:50 |
Discazzo,AOR con toques hard rock de excelente factura,su estilo me recuerda a bandas como Red Dawn,Aviator,White Sister,tremendos temas: Shot Down,If it´s over,Forgotten heroes,Hold on(mis favoritas),canciones con mucha fuerza y melodías que te enganchan,power ballad Coming home tiene unos teclados y un feeling impresionante que combinados con esa guitarras marchosas! te dejan helado, el inicio de Shot Down con unas guitarras acústicas y luego la rompen llegando al clímax, gran disco,9/10.
From: BIG-TIME |
Date: February 29, 2008 at 14:26 |
Very average and not just not good enough! I agree with BOLIN44 the singer is not that good and the music is just very generic. If you like hard rock mixed with loads of keys then this is for you I like that but this sucks...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!
From: KurtmanJP |
Date: September 11, 2008 at 11:18 |
Excellent, KILLER album. Especially the first 10 songs on it! It's hard to pick a favorite here, but the title track "World On Fire" is a mind blowing classic! Songs like "Back To You" "Sweet Adeline" "Hold On" and the monster ballad "Coming Home" all come in as VERY close seconds. After track 10, the songs aren't quite as killer but still remain solid enough to listen to the end. Fans of Sammy Hagar-sung Van Halen songs would greatly enjoy an album like this gem!
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: September 3, 2010 at 15:05 |
Amazing album with plenty of catchy songs and with a vocalist that sounds like Sammy Hagar at times!!! ,"Back To You" excellent,"World On Fire" is a killer one!,"Coming Home" a monster ballad ,"Hold On" catchy....i mean every song has its particular attractiveness...well done Tour De Force!!!!.."Forgotten Heroes" reminds me of Christopher Cross' Arthur's Theme song (the movie ) in the paragraph lines (not the choruses) this album a.s.a.p.!!!.96/100
From: 123charpenay |
Date: January 27, 2012 at 15:55 |
pure magic aor.ok 3 fillers track 11.12.13.but the rest yessss that s pure aor.the japan import is hightly recommanded cause the bonus track "tonight" is a buy buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: March 1, 2013 at 9:20 |
to be very complete and very honest i add this little comment.the sound of this record is decent ,the production could be better.on tracks 15 and 17 (two very great songs) the sound of the drum is awful.
From: Ultschik |
Date: January 9, 2014 at 9:04 |
This AOR Masterpiece is to remember Erwin "Sondi" Sonderbauer, a good friend of mine and one of the greatest AOR-supporters ever, who died so young in the 90ties. As the founder and owner of the legendary LONG ISLAND RECORDS, he mastered together with Adrian this fine Disc. We miss you all, Sondi! We'll meet again in some years (but not too soon, i hope).
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 12, 2015 at 8:13 |
hair metal masterpiece by the great TOUR DE FORCE and def a must have for your collection!in general they remind me of HOUSE OF LORDS and that s a good thing!many great songs ,astonishing guitar work &vocs and some sensational hooks!"tonight","hold on","if its over""rough boy" so many killers!
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