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[Def Leppard Band Picture]

Artist: Def Leppard

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CD Title: Hysteria

Def Leppard Hysteria Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1987

Label: Mercury

Catalog Number: 830 675-2


Rick Allen drums
Joe Elliott lead vocals
Phil Collen guitars
Steve Clark guitars
Rick Savage bass

Deluxe 2006 re-issue with bonus disc of B'sides and bonus tracks


Disc 1
1.  Women  5:41
2.  Rocket  6:34
3.  Animal  4:02
4.  Love Bites  5:46
5.  Pour Some Sugar on Me  4:25
6.  Armageddon It  5:21
7.  Gods of War  6:32
8.  Don't Shoot Shotgun  4:10
9.  Run Riot  4:38
10.  Hysteria  5:49
11.  Excitable  4:19
12.  Love and Affection  4:35
13.  Tear It Down deluxe bonus track  3:38
14.  Ride Into The Sun 1987 re-recording deluxe bonus track  3:12
15.  I Wanna Be Your Hero deluxe bonus track  4:29
16.  Ring Of Fire deluxe bonus track  4:42
Total Running Time:  77:53

Disc 2
17.  Elected live in Tilburg, Holland  4:19  Cover: Alice Cooper
18.  Love and Affection live in Tilburg, Holland  4:50
19.  Billy's Got a Gun live in Tilburg, Holland   5:21
20.  Rock of Ages Medley
1. Not Fade Away
2. My Generation
3. Radar Love
4. Come Together
5. Whole Lotta Love live in Tilburg, Holland   
21.  Women live in Denver  6:29
22.  Animal Extended version  4:41
23.  Pour Some Sugar on Me Extended version  5:38
24.  Armageddon It The Nuclear Mix  7:41
25.  Excitable Orgasmic Mix  6:27
26.  Rocket The Lunar Mix  8:43
27.  Release Me  3:33
Total Running Time:  66:24

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Def Leppard CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Def Leppard are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: tarek Date: February 7, 2001 at 14:50
Best Hard Rock/Metal Album Ever !!!!!! Plain and Simple !

From: SMASH Date: February 16, 2001 at 20:15
this yet another kick ass album by a kick ass band..all hail the LEPS....

From: Parker Lewis Date: February 27, 2001 at 6:10
One of the BEST Hard Rock Albums

From: Glam Rokker Date: April 4, 2001 at 10:17
Simply the best...........enough said!

From: Date: June 10, 2001 at 13:07
Worst album they ever did. High N' Dry was their best because it was straight forward metal not the synthesized bubblegum bullshit on this one. Women and Gods Of War are the only good tunes. The rest of it sucks. Rick Allen lost his arm,Steve Clark lost his battle,Joe Elliot lost his voice and the band lost it's ability to write music that didn't need layer upon layer of backround vocals and keyboards. Extremely disappointing effort.

From: RockBrigade Date: June 10, 2001 at 18:33
This guy obviously has no clue of what the hell he talking about. First off, most of the songs don't even feature any keyboards at all. Second, the fact that this album sold over 15 million copies should say it all right there. Third, Women was the first single released off Hysteria and absolutely flopped. If it weren't for Pour Some Sugar On Me (not to forget the other 5 singles later released), the album might never have taken off.

From: RockBrigade Date: June 10, 2001 at 18:34
As most normal rock fans would say, Hysteria is without a doubt one of the best rock albums of all time...PERIOD

From: Date: June 11, 2001 at 15:59
You've obviously forgotten what ROCK music is. Women (a rock song) flopped because people didn't want to hear rock music anymore. They wanted synthesized crap like Pour Some Sugar On Me. You trying to tell me that if you compare High N' Dry and Hysteria you can't tell the difference between REAL rock music and crap? Def Leppard sold out...PERIOD. Seems to me Milli Vanilli sold millions of albums too, but it doesn't mean it was any good.If this is the best you've ever heard, I feel bad for you

From: RockBrigade Date: June 11, 2001 at 18:30
If you claim Def Leppard sold out, then they did 4 years earlier with the release of Pyromania and it's huge success. And comparing them to Milli Vanilli! Now you're just desperate to make them sound bad. You can say the album is synthesized, I called it polished and perfected just like Pyromania. I'm not saying High N' Dry nor any of their other releases are bad albums, Hysteria and Pyromania are just clean and perfected rock.

From: RockBrigade Date: June 11, 2001 at 18:31
I guess you would say AC/DC sold out on Back In Black due to it's great success as well.

From: Date: June 12, 2001 at 15:43
You brought up that the album sold 15 million copies so that made it good. I was not comparing them to Milli Vanilli. AC/DC didn't sell out because they didn't change their sound or type of music to sell records. Def Leppard did. Yes they started to change with Pyromania but they didn't go overboard. I used to be a huge Lep fan until Hysteria came out. I heard Women, was psyched, bought the album and was pissed when I heard the stupidest song ever done- Rocket. Sounds more like Hip-Hop than rock

From: james Date: June 12, 2001 at 19:21
This is without a doubt one of the finest rock/metal albums ever assembled. Yea, they went with a little different sound but everyone who is successful changes. Look at Van Halen. They went with a keyboard heavy album with 1984 and Kiss always changed some. The fact is that this album along with albums like Bon Jovi's Slippery When Wet and Van Halen set the tone for what became the design for metal in the 80's. They didn't sell out they invented to sound. If you want to talk about an album that

From: james Date: June 12, 2001 at 19:26
was close to a sell out then you must mean SLANG. They were following trends on that one, not inventing and being a trail balzer. Hysteria when it came out was all origional, nothing sounded like it. But everyone has their own taste but Pyromania and Hysteria both set the standard for hard rock in the 80's.

From: RockBrigade Date: June 13, 2001 at 16:08

From: Date: June 13, 2001 at 20:27
I posted my opinion just like everyone else. If mine differs from yours, too bad. You can try to justify your opinion to me for the next 50 years and it's not going to change my mind. This album sucks and always will.

From: Date: July 7, 2001 at 21:07
I guess it's my turn to comment. I was a Leppard fan from On Through The Night to Pyromania. then the novelty wore off! Kudos to Rick for sticking with it! They had raw talent and energy with Pete Willis. But as with anything, you grow and mature and you change. Die hard fans stay die hard regardless of the changes. F****NG wankers just like to criticize because they're not true fans! Coparing one band to another is just bad form period! The name of the game is to sell as many albus as possible!

From: Date: July 7, 2001 at 21:12
And another thing, if you don't like hip hop or, rap or techno, then that's your biz! But the fact of the atter is it's the new music and old bands have to stay current. It replaces the old fan base (guys like me) who move on, whit newer, hipper fans. It's called the point of diminishing returns. And in this business (something of which you wankers have no clue whatsoever)it's all about market share, popularity or, whatever you want to call it! Bottom line, you don't sell, the label drops you!

From: Date: July 7, 2001 at 21:16
Finally, when you go through changes in personnel, changes in genres, changes in attitude or anything, you tend to change you overall perspective on things. I a a writer and I know that my style is constantly changing. It shows maturity, versatility, and good comon sense. the worst thing a band can do to itself is to sound too much like itself. I get tired of listening to bands who keep recycling their same sounds, songs, etc. over and over. Look at Van Halen. When Roth left and hagar took over

From: Date: July 7, 2001 at 21:19
a totally new band emerged. A new sound a whole new attitude. So as with Leppard, the resultant change reflected growth and change. And they still sold millions of copies! Don't begrudge the their success. They earned it, they deserve it! Period! Now go crawl back in your holes and shut up cause we're sick of listening to you! Signed, Die Hard Leepard Fans!

From: Date: July 7, 2001 at 21:26
P.S. Sorry about all the grammatical errors, but someties my Mm's stick and I was trying to make my point and didn't take time to proof read. Def Leppard, love 'em or hate 'em, they didn't do it all on their own. The fact that they were so young (Rick Allen was like 15 or 16 when On Through The Night was recorded)helped the alot. And they were decent musicians fortheir ages. But, if not for Mutt Lange, they probably never would have made it to the status that they achieved.

From: Lep fan Date: July 10, 2001 at 21:52
So, which side were you calling wankers and telling to craw back in their holes? some of your comments sounded like you were for the hysteria album and some of it sounded like you were against it. only one guy, who couldn't ever put a name, was bashing the group and the others had praise. I agree, Mutt made a huge difference, what he touches turns to gold but may I say that when older bands try to fit into the new sound it doesn't work. they lose their origional fans and don't gain any new.

From: alonso Date: July 11, 2001 at 13:18
es el mejor album de rock de la historia. Jamas ser' superado. Es la perfecci'n del hard rock. Estos chicos se lo merecen porque se lo han currado. Animo y seguid rockeando

From: Hysteria Sucks Date: July 19, 2001 at 20:09
Wanker? Gee,there's a knife through my heart.Thanks for proving my point.They sold out.Basically they told the fans who made them famous to screw.They blew their load with this album and have done what since? Nothing? Great career move.I suppose you don't have any lifelong friends because that would mean they're not 'newer' or 'hipper'.Thanks again.Oh and Lep fan? I put a name up this time.I now see how that makes such a huge difference in the world.

From: Dennis Clark Date: July 30, 2001 at 8:04
Simply, the greatest and the best album I have ever heard, this ranks no.1 for me forever, no rock band eversince came out and had an answer to this album in my opinion. this is quality album at its' finest. This happens when the best producer(Mutt Lange) and the Best rock band work together. The bottom line is, if I'll get stuck in an island like Tom Hanks(Cast Away), I'll make sure I bring this album along. Kudos! Long Live Def Leppard!!!

From: TYTAN3K Date: July 30, 2001 at 21:18
The ultimate 80's rock album. Don't believe the naysayers...this is the album by which all others were judged and will be judged in the AOR/Hard Rock genre. Many have tried to duplicate this...many have failed. Long live the Leps!

From: Thrasher Date: September 4, 2001 at 22:44
If you are looking for HEAVY metal, you are looking at the wrong album. If you are looking for GREAT AOR rock, this album is the best one out there. All the people putting it down are missing the point of ALBUM ORIENTED ROCK.

From: metal_man73 Date: October 31, 2001 at 16:51
If you compare this with High N Dry or Pyromania, it is not that good. I used to do that in tha late 80's and early 90's. I bought this cd when it came out and I just liked it about 3 years ago. You can say they sold and they did.......they sold out every stadium they played in!!! Just think, if it was not for albums like this one, hard rock would have burned out(not faded away)long before it did!!! Can you tell me you would not love to hear an album like this released today??? I know i would!

From: Frank Date: November 6, 2001 at 13:55
Second only to Bon Jovi's S.W.W. in terms of the greatest releases of all time. Incredibly, both bands toured the States in 1987 in support of their mega-smashes. How many of you were fortunate enoght to catch both shows? I was!!!

From: T-Phelps Date: November 27, 2001 at 18:07
I don't care what anybody says about Def Leppard or about there albums. I think they are the most kick ass band of all time and all of there albums are the best. And i do not care what any body says. They are even awesome live.

From: TYTAN3K Date: December 12, 2001 at 23:37
Proof enough that this band matters and this album stands out...just take a look at the number of posts for it here. Nuff said!

From: joe Date: December 14, 2001 at 1:52
Apart from the last two tracks (what are they doing on here?) This is a all time classic mass appeal rock album and I don't think there is anything wrong in that. It might be a dirty job but'

From: Date: February 18, 2002 at 20:00
This is to end all the furor about this album. The real problem with this album is that it's been overworked in the studio. It goes against everything we know about rock & rol. Mutt Lange must have had a field day on this album. And a lot of people got dissapointed 'coz they have already heard a lot of killer stuffs from the band.

From: TYTAN3K Date: March 11, 2002 at 1:54
Yeah...that really ended all the furor about the album.

From: dokken6008 Date: March 17, 2002 at 4:44
Not much can be said about 'Hysteria' that hasn't already enthusiastically been said or shouted--there really is not much left to add. Def Leppard broke through new barriers with the earth-changing 'Pyromania' but with 'Hysteria' they brought to us a whole new universe. Steve Clarke gave Def Leppard's songs feeling and meaning and we all miss him now that he is gone on to a better place. 'Hysteria' shall forever be remembered as a true masterpiece and a rock-monumental----forever.

From: TrendsDestroy Date: March 29, 2002 at 20:33
I'm not saying this is a terrible album, but I am saying that I preferred High N Dry and Pyromania to this. However, it's certainly a good collection of pop-metal tracks and a lot better than any Def Leppard album to come after it.

From: dokken6008 Date: April 4, 2002 at 15:30
Well you can 'prefer' 'High 'N' Dry' and 'Pyromania' all you want to 'Hysteria' but track for track and song for song, 'Hysteria' beats the hell out of those two--especially 'High 'N' Dry', give me a break! 'Hysteria' was totally original & inventive but what was 'High..'? Just a standard rock and roll album that sounded the same as anything else that came before it. Even the 'non-hits' are good on 'Hysteria'. Check out 'Run Riot','Exciteable' or even 'Don't Shoot Shotgun'. There is no contest.

From: Desslar Date: April 5, 2002 at 12:08
Great album. Intricately orchestrated, highly innovative songs. On the downside the raw energy of High and Dry is mostly absent here.

From: Motley Date: April 9, 2002 at 1:15
Mr. No name apparently doesnt now good music. HYSTERIA IS Def leppard greatest album ever (in my opnion). The music, the production, the image everything is Def Leppard and I wish they still played this music. Love the cd and the power. Great great great.

From: dokken6008 Date: April 9, 2002 at 13:49
You can't have it both ways. 'High 'N' Dry' was pretty raw sounding and I DO like that record, but it amounts to nothing compared to Lep's breakthrough 'Pyro..' or their best ever, 'Hysteria'. People can call 'Hysteria' overproduced all they want, it is still Def's best. And Motley, the dude with no name is a dickhead. Who gives a fuck about him? He is just another jackoff who posts attention-recieving negative half-assed reviews. But I disagree w/ DL not still playing good music--they STILL do.

From: Mr. Right Date: May 8, 2002 at 23:21
Don't let any of thses people get to you JASON. Alot of them don't like it when you say a band sucks hind-tit. It's ok to have your own beliefs about albums and/or bands. The problem is when others start to rip on you for it. I have read some of your reviews and I think they are strait to the point. Now I may not see eye to eye with you on some, but we all have are views. Jason, you are doing just fine!

From: dokken6008 Date: May 9, 2002 at 7:32
I'm not here to give jason the finger or to piss off the other posters, but let me say this: for some reason, people like to give new reviewers a hard time (especially very OPINIONATED reviewers) and when they disagree with what the poster had to say they will often toss out a few expletives here and there. I know--I experienced it first hand. Once again, giving Mutt Lange all the credit for DL's success is stretching it. A good producer he is, a god he is not. Good-night, (most) everyone.

From: Knuckles Date: May 15, 2002 at 12:31
Yes Buy

From: Samolice Date: May 31, 2002 at 13:56
With this album Def Leppard invented a new kind of 'hard' rock. In this style no one does better since! After this album ... the deluge!!!!!!!

From: James Date: June 18, 2002 at 22:56
To all Def Leppard fans. If you crave the sound that DL had in the 80's then you have to try the band Blue Tears. Check the comments about the band on this site. The money you spend will be worth every penny. The song Crush could be a follow up the Pour Some Sugar On Me. Same sound!!! Rockin on the Radio sounds like Jon Bon Jovi singig for DL. Do your self a favor and check the band out.

From: Richard Hall Date: June 19, 2002 at 13:05
A ground breaking album for them,15,000,000 sold and still counting.This releases influenced a number of artists around that time,especially production wise.Listen to Starhips' 'Love Among The Cannibals',The two Dare albums,Blue Tears etc. Def Leppard is simply a great band with an amazing track record for putting out quality product.Their entire catalogue are classic releases save for 'Slang' which may take a while to get used to.

From: Rockforever Date: June 25, 2002 at 19:09
It may be obvious to say so, but Hysteria remains the best album in Leppard's catalogue, and is one of the alltime classic rock records.They managed to overcome all the problems they had in the mid80s and came back with this.Sure,it's well-produced,but the album is stuffed with great songs and great playing-hell Rick Allens probably a better drummer with 1 arm!! The only below average song is Excitable. Rockers and ballads go sidebyside,while Gods of War is a brilliant political epic. SUPERB.

From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 Date: July 5, 2002 at 11:09
Posiblemente el disco mas perfecto de la historia.Todos los temas perduraran de por vida,y la produccion es la mas bestial que se haya echo jamas en la historia del Rock Melodico.10/10.

From: Jed Date: July 9, 2002 at 13:23
I've read through all these comments.. Everyone can have their opinion, but facts don't lie. The album was great, each of them are in their own way. Fact is they are still making and selling albums. Who cares if Mutt helped form them.. I do believe that EVERYONE has had someone teach them to be better at what they are. Are we going to criticize people for going to school and being taught to be better at what they do? Def Leppard rocks and they have been my favorite band since I was 6.

From: JAVI Date: July 20, 2002 at 12:19
la primera vez que escuche este lp me quede asombrado, era diferente a todo lo que habia oido nunca,era ysigue siendo perfecto en todo su contenido un lp 10 que pasara ala historia de la musica para siempre

From: B. CASARIN (MEX Date: July 27, 2002 at 22:57

From: dokken6008 Date: July 31, 2002 at 1:18
Jed's statement makes a lot more sense than some of you might know.

From: koogles Date: July 31, 2002 at 7:19
After all the dust and debating has settled, one true voice rises from the rubble... KOOGLES. And I say, this is one of the Big Six hard rock albums of the 1980s. The other five are AC/DC-Back in Black, Bon Jovi-Slippery, GnR- Appetite, Metallica- Ride The Lightning and Iron Maiden-Number of the Beast. Each defined and refined metal in its own way. Even if you don't like the music, you HAVE to appreciate 'Hysteria' for its technical merits. A work of studio art. And yeah, for my money, IT ROCKS!

From: Purrfect Kat Date: July 31, 2002 at 9:34
When Pyromania first came out,,I thought this band was really good but when they followed it up with Hysteria then they became GREAT and will always be remember my many that way....I love every song from both cds but my favorite song is Hysteria...I have been disappointed in all their work after Hysteria and now they just sound like any other band on the radio.

From: TIM Date: July 31, 2002 at 11:39
I think Hysteria would have to be my favorite too Kat.

From: Albert Date: August 3, 2002 at 7:18
This is by far the best melodic hardrock album ever made!!!!!

From: Milan Date: September 11, 2002 at 14:17
HYSTERIA is one of the BEST albums EVER made. 12 songs, every song could be a hit.

From: Michael Davis Date: September 19, 2002 at 16:18
I love this album, I took over my mom's. They are all hits!!!

From: Firechicken Date: September 19, 2002 at 16:27
I too, once loved this album, until I see them on this tour in my native land of Slabodovia and those bad men, they took my hat and called me fancy names. Then they threatened me to kick my gonads. I still want to pee when I listen to these scoundrels.

From: Reno Date: September 19, 2002 at 21:30
Bad men did what to your gonads?

From: Kim Date: September 19, 2002 at 22:46
Lol Reno. What are GONADS.??? LOL.

From: Reno Date: September 20, 2002 at 0:11
Family Jewels, Nuts, Slim Jim & The Twins, Piss Bump, Purple Headed Yogart Slinger, etc. Any questions? Ask Fire Chicken

From: Kim Date: September 20, 2002 at 16:04
Ahhhh. Balls. LOL

From: Baris Date: September 23, 2002 at 4:59
For me this album is the 990f Def Leppard's career. Ah, 'Pyromania' and 'Adrenalize' are also great ones but when compared with this, they mostly save the day. But 'Hysteria' is just what Def Leppard is. A very significant classic.

From: robert Date: October 20, 2002 at 18:17
'que puedo decir? un clasico total, uno d los discos mas vendidos d la historia d la musica. OBRA DE ARTE ABSOLUTA!!

From: ARXONTAS Date: December 21, 2002 at 19:53
Third masterpiece from lepps and maybe the best hard rock album in the later history of music.Thank you again lepps...Absolutely No Alternative

From: 80s metal freak Date: December 31, 2002 at 3:59
wooooaaaaaaaaa!!! can we say way over the top pop metal crap,because thats exactly what this is. I feel sorry for people who say this is Def Leppards best album, those pansies don't know what real rock and roll is. I've only got two words SELL OUTS!! lets face it, probably the hardest rocking song on here is Women, and it has the most pointless lyrics ever. this doesn't deserve to even be called pop METAL.oh,and one more thing.WHAT IS THE BIG FREAKIN DEAL WITH POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Blue Tequila Date: December 31, 2002 at 4:21
Dude you obviously weren't in high school when Pour Some Sugar On Me was popular. Damn missed the boat. To bad, it was a great time.

From: 80s metal freak Date: December 31, 2002 at 14:40
i'm just saying. Pour some sugar on me was a good song, but compared to earlier stuff, damn, it wasn't all that good

From: Scott Date: January 4, 2003 at 13:18
Too pop for me...I like my rock more on the metal side than the pop side...I like the first three cd's from these guys only. Songs like Rock Brigade made me a fan and songs like Pour Some Sugar On Me turned me off. Just my opinion.

From: Date: January 6, 2003 at 15:06
The fact that it took 3 years to make this record says it all. No album should take that long! Over produced to the max. What I wanna know is how many people on here play an instrument? Coz from my experiences, people who play an instrument tend to look at music differently. I've been playing music for quite a few years and this album does nothing for me. What do other musicians think? What do the non-musicians think?

From: Trick Taylor Date: January 6, 2003 at 15:27
This was the beginning of the end for our beloved Leps. If you embrace this as a decent hard pop record then fine. If you look at the big picture and see it as a waste of raw materials, over produced, desperate attempt to maintain their star, then it isn't so good. For me High-n-Dry is an awesome record. Once Mr. Mutt gets in the mix the whole Lep vibe goes in the toilet. They got softer, and less interesting with each release. Face it folks: This one SUCKED!

From: ARXONTAS Date: January 6, 2003 at 15:56
I think that something sucks around here but for sure this isnt Hysteria...Trick Or Treat ?

From: alejandro Date: January 12, 2003 at 8:04
Only one word to define Hysteria: 'Masterpiece' Nuff said!

From: Pat Date: January 22, 2003 at 3:51
Hysteria is undoubtedly the best piece of work by ANY artist, period!

From: D Date: February 1, 2003 at 17:22
Def Leppard: Loved By Many.. Hated By Few... But Respected By ALL! Def Leppard Rule! It's time everyone just accepted that. Cos It aint gonna change!

From: Date: February 1, 2003 at 23:39
Qu' voy a decir yo, que no se haya dicho anteriormente de esta grabaci'n.Obra de arte absoluta.Hay discos que te agradan por su ejecuci'n t'cnica.Otros porque te gustan(te caen bien ja,ja...) y punto.Pero 'ste,yo dir'a,por eso y por mucho m's,es especial.Lo adoro.Un saludo a todos!!!

From: Tony Barcelona Date: February 1, 2003 at 23:45
Por cierto soy Tony (Barea) Barcelona

From: Jhonyrocker Date: March 11, 2003 at 18:44
Pour some sougar on me is simply one of the five best song EVER!!!!!wow what a killer party rock song!!!also the whole album is fantasmagoric even if it isn't the best rock album ever....anyway great choruse great lyrics and great guitar (they are not into a completely guitar driven rock so for their music is however great!)10/10

From: BigRed Date: April 15, 2003 at 12:58
This is a classic rock album and Def Leppard's finest disc to date!!! OK, maybe it isn't so terribly heavy, but then again, why should it be? This is definitely top-class hard rock! Perhaps the best song IMHO here is 'Women', which is a bit underrated, but every song on the album is good. Don't get me wrong, I like their old style, too. Pyromania still rocks! In my opinion, this was a very succesful change of sound. One of the best rock albums ever, a masterpiece. Period.

From: steve Date: April 16, 2003 at 17:28
must have i, have it

From: HairMetalManiac Date: May 30, 2003 at 21:49
What needs to be said that aready hasn't been? If the word 'awesome' comes to mind, it applys here...Rock On!!

From: Slap Maggie Date: June 3, 2003 at 13:48
After months of reading reviews on this site, I can't hold back. Hysteria is perhaps heralded as one of the greatest rock albums of all time... by puberty stricken nymphs or Corporate suits. This is nothing more than technopomp bubble gum pop. All the songs are ridiculous, childish, and complete sellouts. Take 'Pour...' for instance. I will say that Raffi puts more thought and intellect into his songs. The Mighty Def have gone awry with Hysteria.The road to county fairs begins here.

From: Carlomagno Date: August 12, 2003 at 18:11
A Masterpiece!! But I think peple didn't realize that Def Leppard evolved from a Metal grou'p to an AOR group. Now listen carefully to the newest 'X' to Undestand. This magnum opus will endure forever!! 100/100

From: RR-Finland Date: August 29, 2003 at 14:21
If you read all those messages before you write your comments, you might come brain washed! I was 10 years old when this album came out. I recorded for a tape a few years later and I remember how I liked that album then. In that age you don't care about things how some record is produced or how many albums that's gonna sell. You just dig the music. If this album has been one of your favourites in your chilhood, it's pretty hard to take that feeling from your heart away anymore.

From: J.Elliot Date: September 4, 2003 at 10:05

From: pablo Date: September 6, 2003 at 8:21
Joya sublime repleta de calidad en cada segundo de duraci'n del mismo un verdadero 10 bu or die!

From: Poderoso Yiro Date: September 14, 2003 at 23:22

From: keebler Date: October 7, 2003 at 23:31
i know this cd is full of hits and i like most of the songs but i love guitar and they don't play very much on this cd not my fav.

From: 80s fan Date: October 17, 2003 at 10:53
In fact, every song could be hits. No bad sound on here. I love all the songs. If there is someone who hates this album, that person is just deaf. Or just jealous because this is one of the best albums recorded in the history of rock. If I'm not mistaking, is one of the top 40 best albums ever in THE HISTORY OF ROCK. And this album proves it, by selling about 15 millions of copies. Wow! That's much! I have my copy, so mine is one between those 15 millions they sold. hahahahaha

From: Stich Date: November 26, 2003 at 9:06
I remember when this album came out it spent well over a year on the charts. Almost every song on this album was released and played on the radio. A great album. Not real heavy, but good 80's style pop metal. Alot of good times were had with this music in the background....-sigh-

From: iaffprofireman Date: November 28, 2003 at 4:32
A good album, but I myself prefer High & Dry and Pyromania much more. Women, Gods Of War, and Pour Some Sugar are my fav's. Honestly can't get into Love Bites or Hysteria too much at all. But there are alot of people who do like those songs, which is cool. Everyone has their opinion on what they like. As far as the album, it is good and worth having. But I honestly don't feel it is their best.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: December 10, 2003 at 11:59
Hmm, just happened upon this in my collection, and I must say...I didn't like it when it came out, and I don't like it now. I remember I was big into High 'n Dry & Pyromania and I COULD NOT WAIT for this to come out and then it did, and I was sad. It's like Phil Collen took a hard rockin' hard drinkin' badn and turned it into something that your mom would enjoy listening to. See Michael Davis' comment, hell he took his mom's copy. I respect that they carried on, and the awesome production...

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: December 10, 2003 at 12:03
...but other than that, it really felt watered down to the point where at times I wondered if maybe Phil Collins had joined the band as opposed to Phil Collen. I respect all the (many) positive opinions re: this release, but to me it will always be one of my top ten disappointing releases, right up there with Wildside's S/T and King Kobra's Thrill of a Lifetime...I'm going to hide behind my desk now as I anticipate many things being thrown at me.... but hey, it's only my opinion...

From: Dean Date: December 10, 2003 at 13:04
The first three cds were classics. I still don't know how anyone can listen to Lady Strange and not pull out the air guitar. I remember buying this the first day it came out and BAM-I hated it. Over the years some of the tunes have grown on me esp 'Gods of War' but to this day i can not listen to 'Pour some sugar on me' without cringing. Obviously lots of people love this disc and that's cool but i just wish they had went in a different direction. I actually prefer all the b sides from this cd.

From: Mallorca's rock Date: January 5, 2004 at 7:48
Si no el mejor es una de las mayores obras de Hard Rock jamas escritas... temazos, produccion y como no de 1987... 9/10

From: Mr B Date: January 25, 2004 at 12:22
THE MASTERPIECE! One of the best albums ever. Incredible sound and SUPERB choruses. The previous albums were good but their sound was too similar to AC/DC. In this album they achieved the genuine Leppard sound. A 9.75/10 (not 10 because I dislike 'Excitable'). Obra maestra!

From: Metal T Date: February 3, 2004 at 10:33
Hysteria' one of the most overrated albums by one of the most overrated bands. Dokken's 'Back For The Attack' & G'n'R's Appetite' both released the same year(87') f**king blow it away by along shot !

From: red Date: February 10, 2004 at 16:43
I agree with Metal T about this one. I loved High -n- dry and Pyromania and waited four years for this and it was a grand stinker. Gods of war and Run riot are cool and that's about it. What was even worse was when they waited another five years and released another stinker that sounded just about the same.

From: manugol Date: February 19, 2004 at 22:32
jamas en la hystoria creo q se haga un disco mas perfecto q este, todos los temas cojonudos sin desperdicio, impresionante es poco es la rehostia.

From: Dave..... Date: February 25, 2004 at 13:55

From: PJMuso Date: March 6, 2004 at 8:47
18 million people can't be wrong...can they? Love it or loathe it...they achieved something truly special with this one!

From: DEF LEPPARD FAN Date: March 12, 2004 at 13:41

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: March 12, 2004 at 14:00
Blows what? I have a leaf blower AND a snow blower. So many choices...

From: Kristian Date: March 27, 2004 at 13:59
This Album has sold about 15 million copies or more. Should shut up all the Dokken lover boys. This is Leppards best album by far. Every track is a masterpiece. Especially Pour some Sugar on me, and the marvellous Hysteria. I wish all hardrock could sound like this. Extremely melodic and extremely catchy.

From: jack Date: March 29, 2004 at 6:36

From: fallen angel Date: April 6, 2004 at 21:28
estupendo.gran imaginacion,guarda la linea de lo ke en ese momento gobernaba el ambiente,pero es mucho mas heterogeneo,mucho mas profundo(aunke suene raro,sobretodo despues de escuchar pour some sugar on me),la balada hysteria es sencillamente increible.como la brisa de la ma'ana.diego_firehouse

From: Mike Date: April 12, 2004 at 13:44
I do love Def Leppard. This one is an amazing example of melodic hard rock, one of the finest songwriting ever, and extremely well produced (or maybe OVER produced, but we could talk about it for years). Hysteria is a true masterpiece, no doubts about it. If I had to pick just one song, I would probably choose the title track, but at least 10 out of 12 songs could be mentioned.

From: kuky Date: April 20, 2004 at 15:14
yo no opino nada, de nada, adiooooooooooo

From: illimey Date: May 3, 2004 at 13:39
OK Bubs - this one is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY the heck over-rated. Gods of War and the famous anthems are fine tracks but some of the rest is lame pop metal at it's cheeeeeziest. So we all admire and respect Mr. Allen for picking his arm up from the floor, throwing it away and continuing to drum acceptably well anyway, but good one-armed drumming don't make a great album. Great songwriting is needed too! Mr Elliott's voice is another problem - 1 dimensional aka Phil Collins..

From: MIGUEL - PERU Date: May 9, 2004 at 17:08

From: charvel man Date: May 11, 2004 at 17:43
This absolutley the leps best record. Women and animal are incredible songs, but off this one I like love bites and gods of war also. I love the story on the behind the music about all the guitarist going down below during the show for some fun with the female fans. The only thing I didn't like was the electronic drums instead of acoustic drums. But with rick allen losing an arm, I understand it had to be done that way.

From: esgondo Date: June 10, 2004 at 12:13
LA PIEDRA ANGULAR DEL HARD-ROCK MODERNO. No hay discusi'n. Es la repera. La leche. La Biblia en verso. El s'mum. La gallina.

From: axmeister2674 Date: June 11, 2004 at 11:18
You know, this isnt my favorite album by the band, but you gotta admit is WAS different for them. I STILL hate 'Pour some Sugar on me' though....'Women' & 'Gods of War' are great though....what they really needed to do at this point was ditch this sound after this cd and try something else, they apparently felt they needed to beat this style into the ground after this...

From: Big Papa K Date: June 26, 2004 at 1:42
This is the album that a lot of people gave up on the band due to the production being so glossy. But the songs are just so strong and the production adds a lot to them. Songs that were meant to be played in huge stadiums and arenas. One of the best albums of the era. 10/10

From: andrew Date: July 13, 2004 at 17:40
jack you are a little move out, def leppard is not of my favorite bands, still was a band, and yes the songs were catchy but were good and were HARD ROCK just as slippery whne wet by bon jovi and the final countdown europe. i have seen in your other coentaries that you defend a lot poison that even tough the worst chesiedt fluffiest and gay band in the 80's you call them '!hard rock', I will call them poppy buble gum rock, but you say they arew hard rock. com on comparing pour som sugar on me or

From: Date: July 13, 2004 at 17:42
... you give love a bad name(bon jovi) or lay your hands on me slow rock but calling unskinny bop(poison) hard rock, i thing you must be stupid or have a very poor sense of listening to say that.

From: Kristian Date: July 21, 2004 at 6:58
I love Mr Elliots voice, it is so God damn sexy. Especially on this record it's just amazing. As far for people complaining about the glossy sound. Well, lots of people would't be into hardrock today if it wasn't for this record. Poison can't be compared to a band of Def Leppards magnitude. It would be unfair against Poison. Def Leppard beats them in every single area even tho the drummer is one handed

From: Date: July 24, 2004 at 22:36
lijke i said def is an increible band, but poison=fluffy talentless bozo band

From: Kristian Date: July 25, 2004 at 8:19
Im pretty suprised that this album didn't lift when they released 'Women', in my opinion one of the best Leppard songs ever. Much better than 'Pour some sugar on me' that ironically made this album famous.

From: Kristian Date: July 25, 2004 at 8:27
To Jack Since Im Swedish I know Europe pretty well. And I tell you this. Europe has got absolutely nothing on Def Leppard. Not even close. You said that Carrie is a great ballad. Well it's an OK ballad but it's not even close to what Love Bites or Hysteria are. And Joey Tempest doesn't have half the voice that Joe Elliot does.

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:06
Kristian-europe may not as good as def leppard but Joey's voice not half of elliot? you've got to be kidding. Joey is almost as good as joe if you ask me-he got one of the finest melodic style voice in rock music. I think he's in league of klaus meine or don dokken as three of the best melodic metal singer. Carrie was such a big hit in the states-its even more popular and chat hitting than both love bites and hysteria. Def leppard is one of the greatest rock bands of the 80's but i think

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:11
Europe are also an awesome band. As far as poison goes,They are not as talented or good as def leppard but popularity goes,they are equal. Poison are also more entertaining,charismatic and lively. Comparing some of their best album,i would say poison got the upper hand. Look what the cat dragged in,open up and say..ah and flesh and blood is the best triple threat hair metal combination by the same artist. Hysteria and pyromania is the only two def leppard's real quality mega selling albums.

From: TIM (2) Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:13
Jack, only someone who's listened to hardly any rock or metal could say that Don Dokken is one of the top 3 singers. I don't particularly like Dokken myself (although I liked his solo album), but seriously the guy has no range at all. He gets away with it as he can sing the Dokken stuff in a pretty low register which suits him, but when he has to go higher (on the ballads) or lower (on the 'Shadowlife' album) he just can't pull it off. You need to get out more....

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:16
In my opinion,the overall score of poison and def leppard are equal. Andrew-you really are a dickhead. Pour some sugar on me is no better than unskinny bop in cheesiness ratings. That song is just some bubble gum crap. God of war is a much better and heavier song. Why compare you gave love a bad name or pour some sugar one me to unskinny bop? Poison's debut album are heavier than most def or bon jovi album. Just listen to no.1 bad boy,look what the cat dragged in,let me go to the show or

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:20
blame it on you. its a shame you guys slame poison without listening much to their first album. Look say what you want about poison but they symbolize the whole glam genre with their debut album. There is no band that were as outrageous,entertaining,charismatic,devoted to their genre than poison-not even def leppard.

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:27
TIM(2)-I'm just saying that he's a top 3 in the melodic metal/melodic hard rock scene,not the whole hard rock/metal genre.I disagree with you bout his vocal range. The guy's range is just awesome-listen to songs like unchain the night,end part of dream warrior or alone again. Though,i think klaus meine and joey tempest vocal range is better.About i need to get out more,i've listen to most hair metal bnads already.

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:29
But hey,i like dokken,europe,def leppard and even poison-alot. Ithink they are all great and awesome bands that i enjoy listening to. cheers

From: illimey Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:44
Awwww nuts. Why do you all continue to harp on about bands like Def Leppard and - woefully - Poison when there's MAGNUM to be talked about? This album is patchy at best, and one year after it's release Magnum gave the world Wings of Heaven. Absolutely, utterly no competition - and yet for some sad reason Hysteria is still talked about as a classic by millions while Wings of Heaven is whispered about by the faithful few. And, again... POISON??? Are you people for real? Baah. MAGNUM FOREVER!!!!

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:51
Magnum-that band is awesome even though they are aor and i'm not much into aor. Wings of heaven is truly a classic album but is less popular than hysteria. Nevertheless,that album is a monster! Their newest album breath of life is not half as good,though!

From: TIM (2) Date: August 24, 2004 at 5:51
Presumably Jack, you're 'Hair Metal' category wouldn't include such established vocalists as: Seb Bach, Ray Gillen, Jamie Rowe, Jani Lane, David Coverdale, Kip Winger, Stevie Blaze etc?

From: illimey Date: August 24, 2004 at 6:06
Hi jack! Let's move this discussion to the Breath of Life page..., 'cos I personally think that once you tune yourself into the soul of that album you will discover that it is better than you think... See you there! Oh - guess I need to say something about 'Hysteria'. Hmmm..., 'A mental disorder characterized by emotional excitability and sometimes by amnesia or a physical deficit...'

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 6:10
illimey-you should try Dr. feelgood album judging by your statement of hysteria! just kidding!

From: Wotty Date: August 24, 2004 at 6:15
Hey illimey.As I stated before,it was Goodnight L.A. that in my opinion,sent Magnum into reverse.Although not a bad album,fans obviously saw a trying to break America style CD and were blatantly not impressed.There is a certain pomp element to Magnum that will not work in the U.S.

From: gener8tr Date: August 24, 2004 at 16:14
I love this album, always have, always will... But what a radical syle change from Pyromania! Pyromania is laced with classic NWOBHM elements often bordering on AC/DC style metal, whereas Hysteria is pure 1980's Top 40 pop-rock. The band (and Mutt) went commercial with Hysteria, that's for sure. Not a bad thing, just different.

From: Joan Date: September 10, 2004 at 16:16
Pues si os gustan Def Leppard ya podeis escuchar el disco de Blue Tears, que tienen un rollo muy parecido, y son la repera. De este disco solo tengo una cosa que a'adir: la que mas me mola es ROCKET.

From: blueblood Date: September 27, 2004 at 15:26
Un sonido espectacular y muy ciudado para un disko ke es simplemente genial. Los coros tienen una definicion casi perfecta y las guitarras suenan en su punto exacto entre duro y melodico. Guarda todo el secreto y la magia de aquellos a'os y le dedico mi 9 de 10.

From: Carmine Rose Date: October 5, 2004 at 7:45
I would rate this along with Adrenalize as Def Leppard's best album. This album really kicks. Every single song on here is a classic.

From: loman Date: October 29, 2004 at 11:57
this album is brilliant, i dont know why people can say its crap, but its there opinion, if you dont like it dont listen to it, this album shows that they are a great rock band and always will be, this is a no1 for me....

From: Petr Date: November 11, 2004 at 8:28
Tohle je absolutn' nejlep'' album v'ech dob.Alespo' podle m'.Ka'd' p'sni'ka je hit

From: Roxas Date: November 14, 2004 at 1:07
This is the first album i ever bought, i was 11 years old. It is simply the most played album of all time and stands at Number 1 in my collection. I don't really give a shit about Def Leppard but this is the best album i've ever owned. It was spawned out of a chart listening kid phase - It was played during my Metalhead years, it accompanied me thru my Acid, Techno dabble - it even managed it through the dark, dark days of Hip Hop. Like Joey C Jones once sang: There was music, singing to the sho

From: Date: November 14, 2004 at 1:09
re, we all heard something we never did before, it gave us wisdom, made us see the light, i cant forget it, i remeber every night.......

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: November 22, 2004 at 2:30

From: DefLeppard8192 Date: November 28, 2004 at 16:16
Simply The Best!! And Better Than All The Rest!! The greatest album ever, and as far as I know the no. 2 best selling Hard Rock/Metal album ever second only to Back In Black, though Hysteria should be no. 1. unfortunately since Adrenalize and Steve Clarks death the band has fallen into darkness, they should have taken their own advice (Its Better to Burn Out than to Fade Away!!) and burnt out after Adrenalize while they were still on top. Anyway, revel in the glory days, Rock On!!!!

From: DefLeppard8192 Date: December 4, 2004 at 9:38
Oh by the way, this album has sold 18 million copies not 15 million. Every song on here is great and worthy of at least top 10 success.

From: Dean Date: December 4, 2004 at 17:50
So? The Backstreet Boys,Michael Jackson,New Kids on the Block, and Lip Sync sold almost as many cds and that doesn't make them any good. My belief is this is where Leppard went downhill-I realize I'm in the minority but that's just my opinion.

From: DefLeppard8192 Date: December 4, 2004 at 18:51
Man you've got issues. BSB, MJ, and all those other fags are not worth comparing to Def Lep, This is where Def hit their peak, and sadly with the death of Steve they came up slightly short with Adrenalize, but it was still way better than anything poison ever released. Don't get me wrong poison has some good songs, but if you own their greatest hits album you don't need all their other records. And Bon Jovi, Poison and all other band in th 80's were Def spinoffs. GNR is nowhere near as good.....

From: DefLeppard8192 Date: December 4, 2004 at 18:59
although they did have four good songs, Paradise City, Welcome to The jungle, November Rain(their best), and One In A Million. The Leps are the Metal Kings, they truly made it the best music ever, Hysteria is Heavy Metal at its finest, f*ck Metallica. The Big three Metal albums were (1) Hysteria (2) Pyromania tied with Adrenalize These are the best the world has to offer. I'd like to close by saying this, I love 80's metal and I own albums by Def Lep, Ratt, Whitesnake, Poison Bon Jovi, .....

From: Def Leppard8192 Date: December 4, 2004 at 19:02
Cinderella, Dokken, Scorpions, Warrant, AC/DC, and many other greats. Rock On!!!!

From: Dean Date: December 5, 2004 at 12:04
Def Leppard8192, people get mad at at discussing this stuff in the comments section, come over to the message board I'll set up a topic under flamefest-see you there. We'll also talk about being musicians and shit like that.

From: Knuckles Date: December 6, 2004 at 5:19
Not going to try to justify my opinion,but if I list the 10 songs,that are on my top 10 cheesy of all time,the songs that send that embarressment for the band chill up and down my back,not your normal hate,more of it makes me feel sick to a vomit state,final countdown by europe is #1 but Pour some sugar on me is in the top 10. they could have called it anything,pour some glucose on me,pour some water on me,pour some beer on me,because of that one song,this release will always have a mark against

From: DefLeppard8192 Date: December 6, 2004 at 11:17
Yeah, maybe, but it will also have about six million more copies sold with it. Sorry I haven't made it to the message board yet, but my E-mail is screwed up so I'm not allowed to post yet.

From: metalhead 2004 Date: December 7, 2004 at 13:08
Sorry I have to say this. I really loved DEF LEPPARD, for the 'On Through The Night', 'High N' Dry', and 'Pyromania' era (1980-1983). Then they left fans waiting 4 whole years and then 'Hysteria' comes out in 1987. And this is way too over-produced, a lot of pop sounds and I hate pop. There are some songs I can still like: 'Run Riot', 'Gods Of War'... But I think that they sold out to the pop/rock class. They began very strong, but then, they became weak. I really hate to say it, but it's true.

From: Rik Date: January 6, 2005 at 8:46
One word. BRILLIANT ! No discussion possible. Best they ever did !

From: Erik Date: February 11, 2005 at 3:32
Doesnot get much better then this. It blew me away when i heard it for the first time and it still does. IMO they were never ever able to come up with anything this good. And in all fairness i dont think it would be possible. I still hope tho. lol. Anyways this is an all around Classic album !! Nuff said.

From: Geoff Date: March 3, 2005 at 3:28
I hate 'Excitable', but aside from that the rest is just sheer melodic hard rock poetry. 'Pour some sugar on me' is not a fave either, but the guitar around the solo still blows my mind. 'Hysteria' is a stunning melodic rock track, 'Love and affection' is another highlight for me, as is the beautiful 'Love bites', 'Gods of war' and 'Animal'. But f*ck, there are so many gems here it's unbelievable and this truly is a classic album - no doubt about it.

From: meradona Date: March 12, 2005 at 19:15
uno de los mejores discos de la historia, impresionante, compratelo , 10/10

From: GLAM FAN Date: April 17, 2005 at 7:17
Commercially wise,this album is a success! Other than that,this album is a failure. How the heck it produce 7 single is way beyond me. As part of a new wave of britsh heavy metal band along with iron maiden,saxon and judas priest,this band produce something like pour some sugar on me,excitable and animal? Pathetic. The first 3 leppard album was damn kick ass,excellent metal album. The only decent track on this album was gods of war. Not recommended for metal fans.

From: GLAM FAN Date: April 17, 2005 at 7:21
Another down point for this album is the use of some stupid electronic drum kit. But i guess they can be forgiven cause rick allen(their drummer)lost an arm,unfortunately. Fans of pop-rock music or even hardcore dance music are surely gonna love this album more than metalheads. Ratings:7/10

From: loman Date: April 19, 2005 at 11:22
its not really pop rock, its more like soft rock, 10/10 album

From: GLAM FAN Date: April 20, 2005 at 1:58
Soft rock?nah! They are far away from the likes of chicago or styx. This album falls in the category of pop-metal and arena rock!

From: Dave Stamos Date: May 2, 2005 at 5:12
Una banda original con unas producciones milim'tricas de la mano de 'Mutt' Lange. En sus inicios fueron encasillados dentro del NWOBHM, pero con su multimillonario 'Pyromania' demostraron ser algo m's que una banda de metal.La comercialidad de potentes hits como 'Pour some sugar on me' o 'Animal', las geniales 'Run riot' o 'Rocket' eran muestra de su calidad. Todo ello dotado de un sonido hasta entonces deconocido,algo que les hac'a diferentes al resto de grupos hard y Aor de la 'poca.

From: loman Date: May 3, 2005 at 7:52
nah they aint poprock,coz if they was poprock,it wud have been mostly keyboards and computers,but they got guitar,and actually play there own instruments, if they where poprock they cudnt write perfect songs like love bites,and run riot, so it aint poprock,cozthere not a poprockband

From: headbanger4life Date: December 1, 2005 at 5:13
I remember waiting all those years for this one to come out. Happy to say that I was not disappointed. Their sound went in a different direction than their previous releases, but I loved it. I have the Japanese version with a bonus live track (Love and Affection). My fav track has to Run Riot. This had to be the best concert I have every seen. I have a live bootleg cd where they did Run Riot as sound check and it was awesome. I wish they would have played it during the show.

From: poproxx2007 Date: December 26, 2005 at 23:40
Yes its a classic, Yes it sold it my favorite??? Nope! The first three Lep albums were great slabs, this one somehow peters out. Sure it spawned more singles than Skid Row but it doesnt get played anymore by this huge hard rock fan. By the way I hate Pour some suger on me-I put that up there with the worst metal songs of all time next to metal health.......

From: poproxx2007 Date: December 26, 2005 at 23:40
Yes its a classic, Yes it sold it my favorite??? Nope! The first three Lep albums were great slabs, this one somehow peters out. Sure it spawned more singles than Skid Row but it doesnt get played anymore by this huge hard rock fan. By the way I hate Pour some suger on me-I put that up there with the worst metal songs of all time next to metal health.......

From: aMetalhead1966 Date: January 9, 2006 at 14:48
This is with out a doubt the WORST Release ever!!Pointless,feckless, needless utter piece of monkey dung!!!-11/10!!!

From: Remastered Reason Date: January 14, 2006 at 14:36
Def Leppards best overall cd. Why? It is the most commercially formulted rock cd ever, that works!!! It has been copied by countless rockers. This winning combination of slick production, that appealed to the masses, with a hint of pure hard rock, may always be duplicated but never again perfected like this!!!

From: VinceK81 Date: April 6, 2006 at 18:13
Is everyone as excited as I am for 'YEAH!'........God damn it!!!!!!

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 7, 2007 at 16:55
OK, here we go again. Why is it, anytime an artist expands on their sound or puts out something a little different, it is crap.If they put out the same thing over and over, you whine that it's the same old same old. How do they win? Bottom line is this. While soniclly it is different, it is a fantastic album. The heavy guitar is toned way down for the most part on this one, but the songs maintain a strong melodic edge through out. Once again, you just need to get over the change...

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 7, 2007 at 17:03
And listen to the album for what it is. For while it is a more commercial/radio freindly version of Def Leppard, it is still Def Leppard. This is their land mark album for some reason and songs like 'Love Bites', 'Hysteria', 'Pour Some Sugar On Me', 'Armeggeddon It', and 'Women' are just some of those reasons. I did, however find a couple pieces of filler on this one. Still a mega world wide hit and very, very recomended!!!

From: metalhead4life Date: February 21, 2007 at 14:04
This one and Pyromania are two of the best of the genre and arguably of all time. This one is my favorite from them. Essential for any collection. Not much else to say than what has already been said. Plenty of killer songs on here. Def Leppard and Bon Jovi were kings of the era with good reasons why. Top notch big production, catchy top notch songs, good image; this one is a MONSTER.

From: rockhardrock Date: March 6, 2007 at 9:26
This one is pop metal at its best.Beatiful melodies,great guitar playing and great vocals(lead and back).All songs they released as singles are great.Two (not singles) songs that i recommend are 'Gods of War' and 'Run Riot'.

From: walesforever Date: April 2, 2007 at 16:08
This deserves to be called one of the best rock albums ever. Look at the hits, Animal, Love Bites, Pour Some Sugar On Me. I mean could Bon Jovi ever come up with a song that betters Gods Of War, no they can't. They tried to copy Leppard's Pyromania and Hyteria sound but failed and produced utter bad albums such as Slippery When Wet and New Jersey

From: kipjuanjo Date: April 12, 2007 at 7:57
Sin palabras.Obra maestra.

From: RageXIII Date: August 1, 2007 at 18:22
While it's much softer than Pyromania, there are still quite a few good tracks on here. 'Gods of War', 'Armageddon It', 'Don't Shoot Shotgun', 'Women', and 'Love and Affection'. However, their biggest hits from this are probably my least favorite, mainly 'Love Bites', 'Hysteria', and 'Pour Some Sugar'.

From: Figge Date: August 4, 2007 at 16:51
I was never a fan of Elliot's voice and I don't like the extreme 80's overproduced sound, but other than that, some really good songs. Not at all the milestone most people like to think though. Well, of course it was considering the success and popularity at the time of release but it's also one of those albums that defines the turning point in melodic rock and the introduction to those programmed, electronic and sterile 80's productions. Just not my favourite album. I can see the appeal though.

From: Metzi Date: August 9, 2007 at 3:43
Best record ever!

From: erik Date: August 10, 2007 at 5:59
Milestone. Their by far finest and best hour IMO. 98/100

From: Lennie Date: August 20, 2007 at 11:33
Good album. Massive production - perhaps a little over-produced even. God, tracks 5 & 6 are annoying cliched its just not real. Solid, but not as amazing as most would have it. My favs are probably 'Love Bites' and 'Gods of War'.

From: thejbl Date: December 22, 2007 at 21:17
very much a desert island disc I feel proud to have grown up listening to this good times

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 10:54
A very good record spoilt by fillers like Excitable and the drum machine,but still a killer and buy it.

From: DOUG Date: March 2, 2008 at 13:36

From: jedilato Date: June 2, 2008 at 0:47
Only got a question to everyone who posted a comment on this release: Why bothers You so much, that some people have other opinion than You do? Hysteria is a typical LOVE IT or HATE IT album. Nothing in between! I sure LOVE IT!!! Every Def Leppard album was different in a way. They started like a NWOBHM band, played Hard Rock, AOR, Melodic Rock, Grunge. You don't have to like everything, I don't. It's silly searching for the best Def Lep album, cause they all are the best in their genre. Truly, I cannot make a choice, i adore every song from Rock Brigade to Tear It Down. After that they made some mistakes, but nobody's perfect, right? And yes, Mutt Lange helped the band a lot and i miss him very much. Maybe it's time they get back together again?

From: edwithmj Date: October 6, 2008 at 16:59
When I first heard this album I only liked Animal, Pour some and Love Bites. it took me a while to get into the other songs and some I STILL haven't gotten into. I thought if this is the best Leppard have to offer I'm not impressed. The guitars sound waaayy over produced. the drums are hard and heavy though which is enjoyable. I then had the pleasure of listening to their first albums after I found out they were more heavy metal in nature and I tell you something: I understood immediately what everyone hated about this album. It appeals to soft rockers this one does. For women and "bubblegum rockers". I can't believe the hypocrisy of Joe Elliot for saying how glam bands like poison and Motley sold out when this was one of the BIGGEST sell outs in rock history. At least Poison's songs were weritten BY Posion and not with the help of Mutt Lange! A good album but a sell out compared to their earlier work I'm afraid.

From: rbrigade Date: December 24, 2008 at 20:22
This album is so full of crap songs...Silly, cheap, uninspired stuff. Went to a Lep show this year and it was so frustrating they played almost the whole album and nothing out of their masterpiece debut. I hate it when such stuff sells over 20.000.000 copies and great albums get lost without anyone noticing. This is for pop fans and it's not even good pop. I only like the title track and Love bites. The ''rockers'' make me laugh my socks off

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: October 27, 2009 at 15:39
I never understood why people who loved Pyromania suddenly turned on this album. Everything Def Leppard did onPyromania, they did it more on Hysteria. Yeah, it's not quite as hard, although there are still songs like "Don't Shoot Shotgun" and "Run Riot." And then there's that totally overprocessed, completely unspontaneous sound. But the songs themselves are terrific slices of pop-metal, with hooks galore and not a note out of place. "Rocket" and "Pour Some Sugar On Me" haven't aged well, but "Gods Of War" and the title track still stand out. I played the living shit out of this tape as a kid. The deluxe edition is worth it for the bonus tracks, especially the '87 version of "Ride Into The Sun." The remixes are ones you'll probably only listen to once, though, like remixes everywhere. But the live "Rock Of Ages" medley might just be the best "extra" in the set.

From: metalmaniac777 Date: December 27, 2009 at 9:34
Hated by those who prefer their metal to feature the word "heavy" in front of it, but nearly universally adored by those who believe the words "pop" and "metal" mesh together quite nicely. Count me in the latter category, because while this certainly isn't going to win any awards in the heaviness department, it's a fantastic slab of hook-drenched commercial pop-metal sporting more gloss than a Maybeline model. Headbangers can snub their noses in the air if they want, but rockers went hysterical for this back in the late 80s and it still holds up strong today as a classic example of how slick melodic rock should be done.

From: pie75 Date: July 13, 2010 at 3:27
wow doesn't this album create heated discussion firstly did the leps sell out on this one? maybe is it as good as the last two? probably not but it is a great album anyway it's highly overproduced and very polished a touch poppy as well but still rocks hard enough better than bon jovi's sww women,rocket,animal,love bites,hysteria armageddon itand pour some sugar on me all now 80's folklore when you think 80's you think of this

From: happy2849 Date: October 8, 2010 at 0:44
Still one of my favorites. When I need a lift I pop it in the player and it brings back some great memories. Might not be their best, but they sure knew how to please fans.

From: DanDare Date: October 23, 2010 at 9:42
I remember when Animal came out and there was a lot of excitement about the album. Needless to say I rushed out to buy the album when it came out and I was blown away. The whole production was like nothing we had heard before (apart from maybe Queen) and it sounded very exciting. Still does. I still love 'Women', 'Animal', 'Love Bites', 'Gods of War', 'Hysteria' and 'Love and Affection'.

From: Hysteria87 Date: June 2, 2011 at 13:17
Quite simply the greatest cd ever released imho from start to finish chalk a block full to the rafters with top quality stadium hard rock,this was the benchmark for many to try and follow(including leppard themselves)and very few got near...just look at the tracks on offer,women,animal,rocket,pour some sugar on me to name but a few and the all time classic ballad love bites still sends goosebumps down my arms...CLASSIC 100/100

From: Hair metal hero Date: December 15, 2011 at 18:55
This is simply the best rock album there is. The best production, the most consistent and the hits, this one's got them all. Can play this anytime anywhere and it's awesome. A true must have for everyone on this site. 100/100

From: rocksoul Date: June 10, 2012 at 14:34
MASTERPIECE!!!!! One of the best release ever. Great band, great songs, great chorus......everyone inthe world must have it in own collection. 1987 best year for this music: def leppard, whitesnake, guns n roses.....I think it's enough....

From: RClap Date: August 10, 2012 at 16:19
This is a Masterpiece... All-time AOR classic. A Must have!!!! 100/100

From: 123charpenay Date: May 19, 2014 at 13:51
certainly one of the best hard fm record ever.this masterpiece is a, sorry THE reference of the music we love.only killers songs ,only hits wich will stay in the hard rock 1987 def leppard was touched by the grace of the gods.

From: 123charpenay Date: June 4, 2014 at 12:21
de luxe edition is a priority.on disc one there is 16 tracks and not 12.hysteria b sides.track 13 "tear it down" track 14 ride into the sun" track 15 "i wanna be your hero" and track 16 "ring of fire".these four songs are for atomic bombs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really excellent.

From: 707STAR Date: October 22, 2017 at 21:19

From: 707STAR Date: October 22, 2017 at 21:23

From: rick kerch vzla Date: August 19, 2018 at 23:00
A "pre" and "post" for the band...some people like it some other not and that's a matter of personal tastes...the case is that this is a mega selling album by all means.Tracks # 3,5 & 10 are my fave ones but also # 4,6,9 & 11 can have a special place too...nothing else to say but to...enjoy it!.87/100 :-)

From: titothetitan Date: May 13, 2019 at 15:42
I'm surprised with the high score (9.2) . I didn't like it at all. All the songs sounds the pretty much the samey. I can't get into the songs. Only 'Gods of War' caught my attention. That's it.

From: Auslander Date: February 18, 2020 at 12:00
Very few albums are perfect. This is one of the few. Every track could be a single. It is a work of art that will never be bettered by any commercial pop-metal release. Essential Track: all of them, but Love Bites if you must choose one.

From: MelodicMetal4Ever Date: June 18, 2021 at 18:45
Hysteria is the fourth studio album by English rock band Def Leppard, released on 3 August 1987 through Mercury Records. It is Def Leppard's best-selling album to date, selling over 20 million copies worldwide, including 12 million in the US, and spawning seven hit singles. so let's do some math there are 7,674,000,000 people in the world. The album sold 20 million copies so far. That means that 383,700,000 people LIKE this album. (doesn't that mean ALL those people are WRONG?!! Seems to me a lot of people bought and liked this album. just a thought

From: AJManiac666 Date: June 19, 2021 at 3:11
What were they even thinking? Why did they lay away the AC/DC sound? Now this is just Huey Lewis or Earth, Wind and Fire meets Def Leppard (You know what I mean too much keyboard)! No way! Converting Pop to the former Hard Rock band doesn't make sense at all! Yes yes Rick Allen lost his arm, Joe Elliott sounds clean and no more Pete Willis! Man I wish nowadays they can really go back to their Heavy roots like the way they use to do but here this is just Pop Garbage. You know what people are going to defend me expressing this opinion and they'll get angry if you disagree! Anyway listen to just what you like!

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: June 19, 2021 at 18:35
Check your math again, MelodicMetal4Ever. 20 million copies worldwide means exactly that: 20 million copies sold. It doesn't mean "one person in 20 bought this album." Your 383,000,000 number has nothing to do with anything.

From: Auslander Date: June 19, 2021 at 20:03
The sales figures of 12 million in the US is still mega impressive. In 1987 the US had a population of 242 million, so nearly 1 in 20 people bought the album (man, woman or child). That is a hell of a lot. No one, except Adele, gets sales figures like that these days.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: June 20, 2021 at 3:36
There's no overstating just how massive this album was. I mean, it came out in August of '87, and was still spinning off singles in the spring of '89 "I think "Rocket" fell off the charts in about May). But they did that by going after Bon Jovi's audience: people who weren't really into hard rock. And in so doing, they pissed off some of the fans with a more steely constitution. It absolutely paid off for them, although I understand there was some concern early on, with "Women" stiffing as the first single. Don't get me wrong: I loved this album as a kid. It was my second great awakening, coming right on the heels of Appetite For Destruction (and my mom didn't try to take Hysteria away from me because of swearing, so that helped). I can understand why someone who'd been onboard for the first two albums would hate this, but I still don't hear such a masive change between Pyromania and Hysteria.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: June 20, 2021 at 3:49
It really tightens my jaws when people pull out the old "A lot of people bought it, so it must be good," line to justify an unpopular opinion. Someone else can (and usually does) point out another album that sold as many copies (Milli Vanilli is a typical choice) that has no discernible merits. Back to Hysteria: I still love the album, but in a different way than I used to. As a kid, I thought it was some badass rock 'n' roll, because I simply didn't know any better. These days, I enjoy it mostly for taking me back to a simpler time in my own life. I have to say though, lately I'm finding that when a song from Hysteria comes up on my phone when I have my music on shuffle, a lot more often than I ever would have though, I'm not in the mood for it.

From: dany69 Date: June 24, 2021 at 21:54
Maniac 666 or 777 or 999 LOL hope that is clear for your little brain It is Def Leppard's best-selling album to date, selling over 20 million copies worldwide, including 12 million in the US, and spawning seven hit singles. The album charted at number one on both the Billboard 200 and the UK Albums Chart

From: dany69 Date: March 14, 2022 at 21:41
Not A MASTERPIECE ( The ultimate album ) All the Dommages that Band make in 87 ? With More Than 8 Singles Hit 7 Videos,,,,,,,, Who Care About this New Bands ????? Joke,,

From: DonDef88PL Date: May 3, 2023 at 6:06
If it waśń't for Excitable which is the song I don't really like I would give 95. Still they remain one my favourite bands of all time although some later cds are unhearable. Nevertheless they rock and I can't wait the moment I finally see them live!

From: plastic sheet Date: November 19, 2023 at 0:40
Some people will score 1, not sure what they mean

From: 123charpenay Date: November 20, 2023 at 18:14
hello plastic sheet.too much smoking ruin the brain of stupid guys.

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