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CD Title: Culture Killed the Native
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1989
Label: Rhino/Rampage
Catalog Number: R2 70844
Herman Frank guitars
Fernando Garcia lead vocals
Fargo Peter Knorn bass
Tommy Newton guitars
Fritz Randow drums
1. | More and More | |
2. | Never Satisfied | |
3. | Don't Tell No Lies | |
4. | Always the Same | |
5. | Power Strikes the Earth | |
6. | Lost in the Night | |
7. | On the Loose | |
8. | Let it Rock On | |
9. | So They Run | |
10. | Standing on the Edge of Time | |
11. | The Warning | |
12. | Into the Darkness | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: crathopper |
Date: May 4, 2001 at 17:46 |
Great 80's metal following in the footsteps of Accept and the Scorpions.
From: Logan-Five |
Date: May 6, 2001 at 20:22 |
A truly awesome album, one of the first 'power metal' albums I ever owned. I love Fernando Garcia's voice. Not a bad song on the album. Any Victory fans please write me at
From: Desslar |
Date: April 9, 2002 at 14:08 |
Decent, but not anywhere near as good as previous albums. The new singer is bland, and the music loses a bit of edge as well.
From: Beau Hill |
Date: July 3, 2002 at 23:39 |
Don't listen to Desslar. The singer on this album is way better than the original singer. The CD is a must and so is 'Temples of Gold' (hard to find though)
From: Desslar |
Date: July 4, 2002 at 1:06 |
It's all a matter of opinion. Anyway, the band's first three studio albums and live album are awesome! Get those first.
From: David |
Date: August 10, 2002 at 21:48 |
This album sounds like a cross between Leatherwolf and Slam St. Joan with Tora Tora Vocals.
From: Baris |
Date: September 8, 2002 at 2:06 |
I loved the album. Not a masterpiece but includes reasonably strong songs. Especially, the power ballad 'Lost In The Night', 'On the Loose' and 'More and More' are great. Also the voice of Fernando Garcia fits the songs very well.
From: nitrodoll |
Date: September 8, 2002 at 7:17 |
power strikes the earth, is a kick ass tune, and my favorite song of this album...
From: Scandinavia |
Date: December 30, 2002 at 22:03 |
This is their best album ever...At first the polished sound scared me a bit but after listening to it for some time the songs really came alive...Today this is 1 of my top 5 albums. I love On The atmospherical! The guitars are really hard but fit the sound perfectly...Not one bad tune. Garcia's vox really give you the chills! A great band that deserved more attention than they got back then...
From: Kiddman 69 |
Date: February 18, 2003 at 0:20 |
This album is ABSOLUTELY a MUST -HAVE!! Every tune on this album cranks! Even the ballad is a great song. If you can find the CD because teh bonus track 'Into the darkness' is one of the most rippingest, ass kickingest, fist-pounding, head banging, song ever to be written. For anyone who LOVES metal music and what it was meant to sound like. RUN to the cd store and GET THIS ALBUM!! Please feel free to drop me a line at and let me know what you think!!! Rock on!!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: July 9, 2003 at 7:27 |
Still haven't heard the whole disc, but the half I've managed to dig up so far ROCKS! Great sound, great songs, just ass-kickin' all the way. I may have to break down and buy it...
From: Metalhead |
Date: August 21, 2003 at 16:43 |
Kiddman is absolutely right!!! This is probably one of the albums I've heard that is near perfect. Strong songs. Great musicianship & excellent production. The only thing, (maybe) that could perfect this album is when someone like Steve Vai or Eddie Van Halen would play here. One thing I notice, though, they sound more American than German.
From: RR-Finland |
Date: September 2, 2003 at 15:46 |
Absolut killer! This kind of music is enjoy to listen. I think 'el toro loco' is better singer than Huhn. Good old Herman'Accept'Frank is in guitar also. Every track is nervebreaking good and Lost In The Night is so pure and touchy ballad. This is one of my all time favourites and I feel pity who doesn´t own this one! I still got this one in Lp, but I´m gonna get it on cd too! Very highly recommended!! Catchy and melodic from beginning to end!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: September 3, 2003 at 6:51 |
It's on as low as $0.75 so there's really no reason not to own it....c'mon, y'all got change sittin' in yer pockets that aint doin' nuthin' if I could just find a similar bargain on 'Temples'...
From: Scandinavia |
Date: September 14, 2003 at 10:54 |
'Temples' should be easier to get...Got mine for about 5 dollars a couple of years ago...Check out: I'm sure they have it...But anyway, don't expect it being as good as 'Culture'...There are highlights on 'Temples' but they stray too much from their original sound if you ask me...Not a bad album though...
From: kskkerim |
Date: January 15, 2004 at 8:03 |
very good album for me brings me to the past days of my 20'S
From: Rocketer |
Date: March 16, 2004 at 15:46 |
The German Answers to Def Leppard 'Hysteria'. And that means it's a Killer Album!!!
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: March 16, 2004 at 15:55 |
IMHO (Sorry MJ!) I think this beats the heck out of Hysteria (must be my German heritage coming through...). Much more solid of a release, great songs, killer riff action, etc. Plus it's cheap as hell!
From: MJ (Marla) |
Date: March 16, 2004 at 16:01 | I know why my ears were burning, Blue!!! Hmmmmm, I've never heard this album, and I don't have any German in me......but on YOUR say so....I'll give it a shot!!
Heavy Harmonies Owner |
From: Dan |
Date: March 16, 2004 at 16:14 |
Well, don't expect a Def Lep clone (for that, go see BB Steal, Nouveaux's debut, or Sleez Beez' Powertool). However, this is awesome melodic hard rock. This is probably their second-finest CD, second only to Temples of Gold. Both are essential must-have's, IMHO. I remember in 1993, you couldn't swing a dead cat around the cutout bins at Best Buy without knocking over several copies of this CD. Gawd, I miss those days...
From: Gar |
Date: March 16, 2004 at 20:18 |
And I miss that cat!
From: Rockhead |
Date: March 17, 2004 at 5:12 |
An awesome piece of teutonic hard rock combining strong melodiea and hooks with a solid production. i actually prefer this to temples of gold. 'You Bought it you name it' ia also an excellent release.
From: MJ (Marla) |
Date: March 22, 2004 at 22:43 |
HOLY SH*T!!! Hey Blue!! I owe you BIG TIME!!! This is GREAT!!! OMG!!! 'Never Satisfied' ROCKS!!!! These vocals are perfect (for ME!!) OMG... lol... Eargasms goin' on here!!!
From: Rockhead |
Date: March 25, 2004 at 8:07 |
Hey Marla-if you like the vocals check out the Band BISS. the same titled debut features Fernando on vocals and rocks in a simiar fashion to this.
From: MJ (Marla) |
Date: March 25, 2004 at 10:34 |
Hey Rockhead!!! Thank You!! I will do that!! Yes....these vocals really 'work' for me!! I also understand he's the new vocalist for Wicked Sensation.....eagerly anticipating THAT one too!!!
From: Rockhead |
Date: March 25, 2004 at 10:41 |
Wicked Sensations 1st was very Whitesnake-sounding, the new one should be interesting.
From: MJ (Marla) |
Date: March 25, 2004 at 11:51 |
Hey again!! lol I can't find anything on you have it? Can you either PM me on the mssg. board (Bubbasmama) or email me ( and tell me more about it? Thanks!!
From: charvel man |
Date: May 11, 2004 at 18:32 |
I don't know much at all about this band, but I know this is a good disc. It has kind of an xyz guitar sound to it. don't tell no lies is the best song here, but there are others too. The singer reminds me some what of Joe lynn turner, and he is great too. This is s disc worth owning if you can find it. Great album title also. Standing on the edge of time is the only song I don't really like.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: May 12, 2004 at 8:36 |
Hey charvel man, if you like this, try 'Temples of Gold', same lineup, production, etc. I think I even like it a bit better than this one although they're both excellent.
From: Rockhead |
Date: May 12, 2004 at 8:43 |
You Bought It, You Name It is also excellent and sounds as good as CKTN
From: Geoff |
Date: May 28, 2004 at 3:52 |
All Victory albums are nothing short of outstanding, but in everything amazing there must be the most amazing, and this is it. Simply put, all Victory albums are excellent, but IMO this is the best of them all. No fillers, killer songs and a killer album. 'Don't tell no lies' and 'Into the darkness' are two of the best songs ever. Cannot recommend this brilliant CD enough.
From: Uusiolli |
Date: August 5, 2004 at 21:42 |
A better vocalist. Quite nice songs, but somehow I like the debut more. Saw them live in Helsinki, opening Gary Moore, after 5this record. Singers voice started to get tired after couple of songs. But drumsolo was perhaps the best i have seen and heard. For the record 7,5/10
From: Mike |
Date: August 6, 2004 at 12:54 |
Culture Killed The Native is my first cd I bought 12 day's ago 7-25-04.I was watching Vh1 classics and they played Never Satisfied and I was hooked buy the song and the talent the band had.I was 19 when this cd came out and I don't remember any radio station playing this band.I am a fan of 70's classic rock and 80's hard rock.I can remember comeing home from school and going to my room and doing nothing but listing to the radio and listing for new Tesla new White Lion and so on.It's ashame Victo
From: mike |
Date: August 6, 2004 at 12:58 |
Just finishing my last line that din't get on to my sttaement Iwas saying that It's to bad Victory didn't get a chanch here in america they proably would of been big here in the states.
From: Geoff |
Date: August 26, 2004 at 6:50 |
This is the part in my listening to Victory where I started to notice erect instruments appearing in my pants. One of the top 10 melodic hard rock releases of all time as far as I'm concerned and my favourite Victory album. I just noted I'd already posed above, but why not mention again that this is hard rock perfection! 9.9/10
From: Big Papa K |
Date: October 18, 2004 at 17:05 |
I guess thats a new way to start off a review Geoff. Anyway, probably the best Victory realease as the first half is really strong. Pretty good, but not essential. 8/10
From: SangreAzulForever |
Date: September 22, 2005 at 18:16 |
If you´re looking for an album in which all the songs are hits (unfortunately, underrated by the sucking 'pop music media' killers) that´s your disc. I´m spanish and I´m absolutely proud of the frontman Fernando García, who printed to Victory a new melodic line of vocals, in my opinion. You won´t get disappointed of it!! 10/10
From: Missing the 70's |
Date: December 8, 2005 at 13:35 |
Very good stuff here
From: Japangea |
Date: May 21, 2006 at 10:47 |
I love most of their albums but that's quite no doubt this is their best.
From: metalhead4life |
Date: September 24, 2006 at 1:09 |
This is a must have for 80's hard rock/metal fans. Like a others said,not a bad song on the disc. I have this one, S/T, and Hungry Hearts and this is definitely my favorite. I have to pick up Temples soon since I hear that one is great as well. I like Fernando Garcia better than Charlie Huhn on vocals. Aside from the better vocals, the songs are also alot better than their previous efforts. Fernando's got the high range metal vocals in the area of Yngwie's singers(Soto and especially Vescera).
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: February 15, 2007 at 21:58 |
Brutal,just brutal!!!!.'Standing on the edge of time' is a blast!!!.Fernando'El Toro Loco' Garcia was the best singer for Victory(even though Charlie is a great singer too)but Fernado had the guts!!!.8/10
From: Metal T |
Date: May 29, 2007 at 7:35 |
iRemember back when this came out.
From: Metal T |
Date: May 29, 2007 at 7:41 |
Never was a big Garcia fan...he did a rather decent job on this album i will admit.Still would have prefered Huhn' laid down the vox for it.Slight style change or not he could have pulled it off to what i think could have been some damn nice results. --
From: girapolli |
Date: June 4, 2007 at 19:23 |
10/10 even if i'm not a fanatic of german stuff usually this one is TOP one of the best release done. El Toro Loco among the 5 best vox around
From: girapolli |
Date: June 4, 2007 at 19:24 |
oohh yes Metalhead this one sounds more American than German some sort of Bonfire/fireworks effect hehehe!
From: Wolven |
Date: September 24, 2007 at 16:48 |
Their best album ! Sounds great even 18 years after its release .
From: True Believer |
Date: March 25, 2009 at 16:10 |
Amazing masterpiece of commercial heavy metal. the music mixes elements of Leatherwolf or Lion (riffs) with the melodic approach of Scorpions, Def Leppard or even David Lee Roth. Most of 80s releases just pales in comparison with this one. 10/10, obviously.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: May 5, 2014 at 13:27 |
their best album.this record is a s absoluty perfect.only killers songs singing by an exceptional singer who have the voice for the hard rock.the production is clear and powerful what sound!!this jewel is a superb demonstration of hard rock.absoty brilliant and irresistible.unfortunatelly no bonus track on the japan import (a very very rare issue).track 7 "on the loose" is one of the best hard rock song never writen.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: July 24, 2015 at 11:37 |
Listening once again to this blasting Victory album that i bought on vinyl back in the day...Fernando "El Toro"("The Bull")Garcia was just the perfect man on the Mic duties for this album,an awesome and very skilled vocalist to say the least..."Standing On The Edge Of Time" is my favorite track in here and is most likely the best one IMHO...then we have tracks 1,2,8,9 & 11 are also are "standing" close to my fave cut...a highly recommended Record...'nuff said...95/100
From: hair metal again |
Date: June 26, 2019 at 8:53 |
absolut hardrock perfection for VICTORY with this album!flawless from start to finish with all songs being in the same level and with EVERY tune being remarkable!Fernando s vocals are outstanding and Culture Killed The Native is among the best around even back in 89
From: gooup |
Date: August 22, 2021 at 23:56 |
Not a single bad tune on this disc. Just a phenomenal effort with Garcia taking over on vocals. Never got into their stuff with Huhn, but Garcia just rips on this one!
From: James IV |
Date: November 10, 2021 at 12:12 |
One of my all time favourite albums. Totally outstanding Rock tunes from start to finish. The compact disc pressing has the bonus tracks which are just the Best!! Awesome!
From: blacknasa |
Date: February 7, 2024 at 7:54 |
an amazing album , all around great , everything in the album is top notch
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