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Feb. 3, 2025: Best of 2024 Lists Posted!

Come see who made the top 10 (yes, expanded starting this year) albums of 2024 from Mike and myself.


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Real Name: Dan


Owner/designer of this site. A compulsive CD-collecting addict! The '80s were my formative years, and as such my favorite type of music is reminiscent of that decade. The '90s were a musical wasteland, at least with respect to mainstream music in the U.S. Thank goodness for the European/Japanese labels.

Top 10 Discs in Rotation at the Moment

Ten - Opera Omnia (2019)
Within Temptation - The Reckoning (2019)
Sabaton - The Great War (2019)


Real Name: Mike


Personal Homepage:

So much little time!

Top 10 Discs in Rotation at the Moment

Saxon - Hell, Fire & Damnation
Striker - Ultrapower
Ace Frehley - 10,000 Volts
Mick Mars - The Other Side of Mars
Notorious - Marching On
Blackberry Smoke - Be Right Here
Bruce Dickinson - The Mandrake Project
Russell/Guns - Medusa
Crazy Lixx - Two Shots at Glory
Honeymoon Suite - Alive


Real Name: Pete


Doug Aldrich Kicks ASS!!!

Top 10 Discs in Rotation at the Moment

Burning Rain - s/t
Burning Rain - Pleasure To Burn
Bad Moon Rising - Flames on the Moon
HIM - Dark Light
Allen/Lande - The Battle
Hughes Turner Project - HTP 2
House of Shakira - First Class
Buckcherry - 15
TNT - All The Way To The Sun
James LaBrie - Elements of Persuasion


Real Name: Steve


Personal Homepage:

Top 10 Discs in Rotation at the Moment

Crazy Lixx - Riot Avenue
Rev Theory - Justice
Rev Theory - Light It Up
Trixter - New Audio Machine
Van Halen - A Different Kind Of Truth
Tyketto - Dig In Deep
Rattleshake - S/T
Backseat Romeo - II Operation Action
Santa Cruz - Anthems For The Young 'N' Restless
Tuff - What Comes Around Goes Around Again


Real Name: Rick


Turn it up to 11! \m/

Top 10 Discs in Rotation at the Moment

Accept - Russian Roulette
Roxxi - Drive It To Ya Hard
AC/DC - Flick Of The Switch
Danger Danger - Danger Danger
Sic Vikki - Kiss Me In French
Dokken - Tooth And Nail
Ted Nugent - Little Miss Dangerous
Bad Company - Holy Water
Pretty Boy Floyd - Leather Boyz With Electric Toyz
Whitesnake - Slide It In



Old Speckled Hen and Steve Lukather. 2 things sent by God

Top 10 Discs in Rotation at the Moment

Cats In Space - Too Many Gods
Toto - XIV
Find Me - Dark Angel
The Joe Chemay Band - The Riper The Finer
Robby Valentine - Bizarro World
Jean-Jacques Goldman - Enter Gris Clair Et Gris Fonce
David Bowie - Blackstar
Def Leppard - S/T
Lava - Cruisin'
Christopher Cross - Rendezvous

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