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Sleaze Glam

Here is a list of the 820 artists at Heavy Harmonies that fall into the Sleaze Glam genre. Click on a band name to go to the discography page for that band.

17 Crash 286 4 A.M. 44 Caliber 5 Guns West The 69 Eyes 8 FL. OZ. 976 Aces Acid Love Bites Adam Bomb Affaire Alakran The AliCat Project Alleycat Scratch American Heartbreak American Jetset American Pearl American Sugar Bitch April Fool Atomic Fantasy Atomic Playboyz Atomic Up Aura Azz Baby Borderline Baby Doll Babylon Bombs Babylon Shakes The Babysitters Backlit Revolver Backstreet Girls Backwash Bad Baron Bad Fashion Bad Joker's Cream Bad Luck Inc. Bad News Bang Tango Bangkok Babes Bangkok Shock Bangkokk Bash Nasty Bastardz Beat Angels The Beauties Beautiful Creatures Rene Berg Berlin Brats Big Bang Babies Big Guns (Italy) Big Rat The Big Skip Billion Dollar Babies Billy And The Sluts Bitch So Sweet Bitch's Brue Bittersweet Black Cat Nine Robin Black BlackBoard Jungle BlackHeart BlackRain Blackeyed Susan Bleeding Hearts Blue Tiger Bodyaux Bogeymen Boize Bomb Bay Babies The Bones Beau Bowen Bravo Britny Fox The Broken Homes Bronx Zoo The Brotherland Buckcherry Buster Cherry Cadillac Bratz Jesse Camp Candy Harlots Captain Blood Caroline Castle Blak Cat People Catchin' 22 Cathouse (Russia) Cathouse Cats In Boots The Catz Ass Celafain Vain Celebrity Skin Gary Celebrity Chainbreaker Champagne Suicide Chastity Cheap Vinyl Cheap and Nasty Cheezboy Cherri Rokkett Cherry Bang The Cherry Bombz Cherry Lips Cherry Roxx Cherry St. Cheyenne Chromantic Flash Cinderella Circus Cirkus (2) Cirkus City Girls' Boys Keith Clark Cleavage Cobra Sarli Confess Conny Bloom's Titanic Truth Cosmic Ballroom The CosmoSonics Cowboy Prostitutes Crank County Daredevils Crash Kelly Crash Midnight Crash Street Kids Crashdiet Cream House Cream Pie Creature (Sleaze) Crisis Party Criss Sexx Crossfire (Israel) Crucified Barbara The Cruel Intentions Cry Action Cry Envy Crystal Extasy Crystal Pistol Crystal Roxx Cyanide 4 D Generation D'Molls D.T. Boyz DC Star Daddy Dynamite Damzel Dangerous Toys Danger De-Ja-Vu Dead City Klowns Dead City Psychos Deadline (France) Deadline Deadly Tide The Deadthings Decameron Delta Rebels Demolition 23 Demolition Gore Galore Denotts Dharma Guns Diamond Rexx Diamond Sins The Dice Dik Trickle Chip Dimonick Dirt Traxx Dirtbag Republic Dirty Angels (UK) Dirty Dollars Dirty Licks Dirty Little Rebel The Dirty Pearls Dirty Penny Dirty Rose Dirty Side Dirtyworks Dizzy Bitch Dizzy Lane Doc Trinket Dogs 'N' Bones The Dogs D'Amour Doll Hazard Doll Dorian Gray (Glam) Doxy Drama Club Rejects Drama Queen Die DreamsNowReality Dreams Dregen Dropkick Me Jesus Dust and Bones Easy Action Easy Sleezy Edan El Club De Marilyn Electric Angels Electric Boys Electric Love Hogs The Electric Magic Sideshow Electrik Emerald City Enemies SWE Erocktica Erotic Psycho Erotic Suicide The Erotics Escocia Experienced! Eyes ‘n’ Lips Fallen Angels (Italy) Fallen Angels Falling Red Fashion Police Fat Nancy Fatal Attraction (sleaze glam) Fiesta Americana Filthy Lucre Finster Baby Firepower The Five Venoms Flairz Flash (Russia) Flies on Fire Flush The Fashion Foxy Roxx Fraidy Katt The Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13 Freddy Lynxx The Jet Boys Frenchee The Frenchies Frenchkiss Kurt Frohlich Frontrunner Funhouse Fuoriuso GIMMIX Garlic Gatecrashers Geisha (Glam) Gemini Five Generation Swine Gethsemane Rose Ginger Likes... Girl Glamory Glamour Punks Glamour The Glitter Boys The Glitterati Glorious Bankrobbers Grandma Moses Grayson Manor Grimm Jack The Grip Gunfire 76 Gunfire Dance Guns N' Roses Gutter Queens Guttersluts Gypsy Blue (Glam) Gypsy Harbor Gypsy Pistoleros HairX Hairdryer The Hangmen Hanoi Rocks and Michael Monroe Hanoi Rocks Haphazzard Hard Knox (Sleaze) Hardcore Superstar Harlots Webb The Harlots Harlow (sleaze glam) Heart Throb Mob Heaven 11 Hell N' Diesel Hellcity Punks Hellectrokuters Hellrazor Helter Skelter (US) Helter Skelter Holly Body Hollywood (Brazil) Hollywood Brats Hollywood Burnouts Hollywood Groupies Hollywood Roses Hollywood Rose Hollywood Teasze Hollywood Underground (Goth) Hollywood Vampires Hollywood Vampire Hollywood Honey Hellraiser Honky Toast Hooked Hooligan Stew Hot Angel Hot Laundry Hot Leg Hounds Of Desire House of Nasty Human Hung Jury Hyde IMTM Inluzt Insane Intice The Itch Jack Laser JackViper Jacks'N'Joker Steevi Jaimz Jax Jerusalem Slim Jet Black Jetboy Johnny Burning Johnny Law Jones Street Joey C Jones The Joneses Juliet's Vice Junebug Junkyard Drive Justin Heat Kefren Kelley's Heroes Kid Ego Kik Tracee Kill City Dragons Kill for Thrills Killer Bee Killer May King Lizard King Zebra Kingpin Kiss of the Gypsy Klap Krayola Kids Krystal L.A. Cobra L.A. Guns L.U.S.T. Lace (US) Laci Violett Ladies Room Lady Strange The Last Bandit Last Of The Teenage Idols Lazy X LeCompt Leaded Fuel Leathurbitch Legend (US MA) Les Lolitas Lethal Fixx The Lethal Idols Lethal Lipstick Phil Lewis Lionsex Lipstick (2) Lipstixx 'N' Bulletz Lipz Liquid Mirror Little Rebel Liverbox Living Things Lixx London Lorraine (glam) Los Autos Locos Lost City (Sleaze Glam) Lost Johnny Loud 'N' Nasty Love Injections Love Razer Lovebone Lovemaker Loveslide The Loving Dead Lust (female) Lust Under Virgo Lust Luv Junkies Lypswitch Machinegun Kelly Madam X The Madcap Madhouse (Austria) Madhouse Madhouze Kristy Krash Majors Manitoba's Wild Kingdom Marionette (UK) Mary-Ann Maximum Mazeran Andy McCoy McQueen Street The Me Generation Medicine Men The Mercy Kills Metal Shop Miami Riot Midnight Cowboys Midnight Crisis The Midnight Devils Million Dollar Reload Mind Bomb Mind of Doll Miss Daisy Mobstar Moderatto Molotow Mona Liza Overdrive Michael Monroe Mother Love Bone The Mother Rockers Motor City Rockers Motorcycle Boy Mr. Myst Mr. Nasty Mr. Riot Murderdolls Naked Nancy Boys Nasti Akshun Nasty Habit (Sleaze Rock) Nasty Habit Nasty Idols Nasty Kixx Nasty Nasty Nasty Nuns Nasty Ratz Nasty Reputation The Nastys Nasty Nations Naughty Whisper Nawty Roxx Nazty Gunz Nazty Habit Needle Park Neon Bomb Neon Heart New York Dolls Night Laser Nightlife Age Sten Nilsen Nitemare Nitrokiss No Sympathy The Noize Boyz Noize Toys Notorious (Norway) Nova Rex Nymphs Old Buddy Jack One Night Stand Ontray The Outrage Overloaded Panzer Princess Paradice Paradise Parasite City Parlor Trixx Party Animals Party Roxx Passion Rose Stephen Pearcy Pearls and Swine Peep Show Junkies Penny Lane Peppermint Creeps Perfect Picture Perfect Wig Pete Moss Pharoah Pierce (Sweden) Pillbox Pink Dolls Pink Steel The Pinx Plastic Tears The Plastics Play Rough The Pocket Rockets Poets and Pornstars Poisin Jett Gunz Poison Boys Precious Metal Pretty Boy Floyd (Canada) Pretty Boy Floyd Pretty Vacant Pretty Wicked Prima Donna Primadonnaz Princess Pang Priscilla Problem Child (Glam) Prophets of Addiction Psychedelic Cowboy Psychotic 4 Pure Rubbish Push (Glam) Push Push Pussy Sisster Queen Obscene Queeny Blast Pop Quireboys R P L A ROX Ragdolls Rakel Traxx Rampage Range War Rankelson Raquel Rat Pack The Rattlebacks Rattlesnake Remedy Rattlesnake Shake Rawmania Razzle Dazzle Rebel Reckless (II) Reckless (Italy) Reckless Youth Regent St. Claire Reptile Smile Revlon Red Revolution Hazy Revolution Riot Rhino Bucket Rich Rags Riley's L.A. Guns Road Ratt Robin Black and the Intergalactic Rock Stars Rock Candy Rock City Angels Rock Fuel Rockamania Rikki Rockett Rolls Dolls Romeo Delite Romeo's Dead Rosa Tattooada Rosy Dream Roxcy Roxx Gang The Roxx Roxx Ruby Slippers Rumbledog Rusted Guns S.E.X. Department S.H.O.T. Saddletramp Saints of Sin Sandness Santa Cruz Sassy Scarlet Satan Dealers Satan Takes a Holiday Sateria Savage Rose Scarlet Bandit Richie Scarlet Scarlett Gypsy The Science Fiction Idols Scream Clan Sea Hags Sebasrockets Second Self Seduce Seks Serpent's Aim Sex Slaves Sex Solution Sexdrive Sextiger Sextrow Shabby Trick Shake The Faith Shake the Faith (Boston) The Shake Shameless Sham Shanghai'd Guts She-Ra The Shine Shooting Gallery Shotgun Wedding (USA) Shotgun Sibling Rivalry Sick Six Crush Sick Things Silicone Bullet Silicone Sister Silly Scream Silver Needle Silver Star and the Jukebox Angels Silver Trigger Simply Slang Sin 4 Sin Sinful Kixx Sinister Clyde Sinner's Gin Sinn Sins Of America Sisters Doll Sister Sixty-10 Skandal Skeleton Crew Skill in Veins Skin and Bones Skininc. Skull Daze Slam St. Joan Slammin' Gladys Slave Raider Sleaze Kid Sleazy Angels Sleazy Joe Sleazy Roxxx Sleazy Roze Sleazy Way Out Sledgehammer Ledge C.J. Sleez Slick Kitty Slide Rare Slingshot Kitty Slumlords Sluts Crazy Sly Boots Smack Smash L.A. Smashed Alley Smelly Boggs Smokey Bandits Snakepit Rebels Social Disgrace Soho Roses Sonic Lords Sons Of God Soulshake Space Panther Spades Vandal Speed Parade Speed Stroke Spiders and Snakes Spiral Fetish Spit Like This Spitting Feathers Squareheads Stala and So Star Rats Star Star Starbenders Starcrazy Starry Eyes Starr Stars Underground Starwood Starz Steel Panther Steppen The Blue Stereo Junks! Sticky Sweet Stikki Fykk Stop Stop Storm Orphans The Straddlerz Straight Up Strange Sects Strawman Stray Bullets Street Lethal Street Stripped Guns The Stript Strip The Struts Strutter Succsexx Suckerstarz Suicide Alley Suicide Bombers Suite 19 Sunset Strip (US) Sunset Strip Supercharger (Denmark) Superhorror Supershit 666 Surrender Dorothy Suspicion Sven Gali Swedish Erotica Sweet Creature Sweet Cyanide Sweet Leopard Sweet Pain (Sleaze) Sweet Savage Sweet Teaze Martin Sweet Swingin' Thing Syanide Kick Syre Syzzy Roxx TAZ (MD) TSOL Tales From the Porn Talks Cheap Tattoo Bar Tattooed Love Boys Taylen Storm Taz Tears Teeze Temptress The Things The Throbs Johnny Thunders Tigertailz Tilt The Tip Tipsy Wit Toilet Boys Tokyo Spandixxx Tommi Gunn Too Sophisticated Torme Tornado Babies Toxic Dollz ToxicRose Toy Roz Tramp Trash Brats Trash Can Baby Trash Cowboys Trash Gang Trash Stars Trash Vegas Trashcan Darlings Trench Dogs Tres Chic Triple X Trixie Trouble Tribe Tuff Luck Tuff Twisted Two-Bit Thief Tyla's Dogs D'Amour The Ultras Uncle Sam Underground Attack The Underground Rebels The Unripes Unstoppable Kamikaze Idiots Uttaro Vago Davy Vain Vains Of Jenna Vain Vamp (2) Vampire Love Dolls Vamp Vanity Blvd Vanity Ink Vaudville Jerry Vayne Vedette SS Velvet Revolution Vicious Delite Violent Divine Vivid Crush Voodoo Lovecats Voodoo X Wanted (Norway) The Wanted Wasted Sinners Wednesday 13 Wet Paint Whisky of Blood White Demons White Trash Presidents White Trash Stars White Trash Wicked Jester Wicked Kin Wicked Sin Wicked Teaze Wicked Widows Rose Wig Wam Wikked Gypsy Wild Boyz Wild Freedom Wild Machine Wild Witch Bonnie Wizekrak Wrathchild X-Rated XXX YLD Young Guns Young and Fabulous! Y Zan Clan Zero (Argentina) The Zeros Zombiegasm

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