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House of Lords Homepage
CD Title: Demons Down
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1992
Label: Victory
Catalog Number: 383 480 002-2
James Christian lead vocals
Gregg Giuffria keyboards, backing vocals
Tommy Aldridge drums, backing vocals
Sean McNabb bass, backing vocals
Dennis Chick guitars, backing vocals
1. | O Father | |
2. | Demons Down | |
3. | What's Forever For | |
4. | Talkin' Bout Love | |
5. | Spirit of Love | |
6. | Down, Down, Down | |
7. | Metallic Blue | |
8. | Inside You | |
9. | Johnny's Got a Mind of His Own | |
10. | Can't Fight Love | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Rene |
Date: August 7, 2001 at 9:04 |
I'm fan this band, this album is a classic from Hard rock, I'm very happy for to know that guys are back. High recommend!!!!!!
From: Chris |
Date: September 16, 2001 at 11:32 |
Excellent hard rock disc. The highlights include:"O Father", Demons Down", "What's Forever For", and "Inside You", which in my opinion is one of the greatest power ballads ever. Highly recommended!!
From: dragon chaser |
Date: October 6, 2001 at 8:39 |
a reelly masterpiece ,a fantastic production for one of the best hard rock albums ever recorded , buy or die!
From: Ncrawler |
Date: November 15, 2001 at 6:11 |
I have to agree with th rest. First time i heard this album was the year it came out in Iraq, Baghdad and all us HR fans went and got one (tape copy ofcourse). Buy it cause im ordering the CD now.
From: rodrigo |
Date: January 31, 2002 at 13:29 |
From: Tony |
Date: April 11, 2002 at 7:42 |
My favorite HOL cd. This just came out at a horrible time for this type of music so it got ZERO promotion or push and that's too bad. I just felt the songs were much better and just easier to listen to the whole thing without skipping songs like I tend to on the first 2 cd's. Great undiscovered album if you get ahold of it!!
From: portuguese fan |
Date: May 27, 2002 at 9:54 |
What a great album! "Metallic Blue" is one of the best hard rock songs ever...
From: Jezzer |
Date: May 27, 2002 at 13:48 |
Love all 3 of the cd's, but this one the most. Check out the end to Talkin''Bout Love. Wow. Inside you is a brilliant ballad also. Not a filler in sight. Superb disc.
From: mindy |
Date: July 28, 2002 at 15:29 |
just picked this cd up in a used bin for $5.99. I never heard of them before and wasnt expecting much. After my first listen I was hooked its an awesome album! Every track is great!
From: Shane |
Date: August 18, 2002 at 15:19 |
Probably on my top 5 (80s genre) that I still listen to this day! The shit, period!
From: David |
Date: September 16, 2002 at 3:34 |
Is the song Metallic Blue the same song as the Steelhouse Lane one?
From: Federico |
Date: September 16, 2002 at 17:10 |
Sure It's the same song, also cant't fight love is the same track. A great aor fan like you should own both this albums. Demons down is very good better than Sahara, but not as good as the self titled. I give this 9 out of ten. Mike Slamer often write tracks for James Christian and House of lords.
From: robert |
Date: October 20, 2002 at 16:15 |
Para mi el favorito de la trilogia, aqui hay temas q son todo un lujo y una pasada para los oidos:sobre todo INSIDE YOU, por solo nombrar uno de los muchos geniales q tiene este pedazo de disco , una banda q jamas debio dejar d existir, de lo buenos q eran
From: Riverdog |
Date: December 15, 2002 at 0:18 |
Cant listen to this album lyrics are SO bad! the worst HOL album, by far
From: Melodiker |
Date: December 29, 2002 at 0:58 |
Again 10 Points ! This is the ultimative Melodic-Hardrock Album.Every song is a killer,but the best ist what`s forever for & Down,Down,Down
From: Melodiker |
Date: December 29, 2002 at 1:00 |
Again 10 Points ! This is the ultimative Melodic-Hardrock Album.Every song is a killer,but the best ist what`s forever for & Down,Down,Down
From: Melodiker |
Date: February 7, 2003 at 14:38 |
Sorry again ! Again two votes from me ! I`m very angry about that !
From: Tony |
Date: March 27, 2003 at 3:17 |
In the "Seinfeld" episode with the bubble boy the poster for this album was hanging on the wall in the room of the bubble boy clear as day!!! For that alone I gotta give props to this release...
From: eric |
Date: April 23, 2003 at 12:08 |
I must said the song DEMONS DOWN is really "shiok" to listen to, listen to it 3 times over. Shiok means enjoyable in Singapore.
From: ted |
Date: May 10, 2003 at 16:05 |
Tercer álbum de la banda y según mi punto de vista el mejor,excelsa obra maestra del hard rock melódico americano ,la producción es impactante y los temas te llegan al corazón desde la primera escucha.Imprescindible.
From: Rocker76 |
Date: May 27, 2003 at 18:22 |
If Tommy Aldridge is on drums, it has to kick ass!
From: jpw |
Date: August 11, 2003 at 17:48 |
I'm very interested in hearing the new House of Lords CD due out in early 2004. Title: "The Power & The Myth" It's long overdue!
From: Carlomagno |
Date: August 26, 2003 at 15:01 |
Demon´s Down is a classic!! buy,buy,buy! can´t wait for the new one!! 95/100
From: John |
Date: September 5, 2003 at 13:46 |
I used to love 'Metallic Blue', but now that I've heard the Steelhous Lane version (since Slamer wrote it)...well...they make the HOL version sound like a steaming pile of poo. The rest of the album is awesome however. Ultra rare, so if you can find a copy grab it pronto. 9/10.
From: Rocker76 |
Date: October 31, 2003 at 10:58 |
Anybody know when the new House of Lords album will be out? It's about time for a new one from them! By the way, Demons Down is killer melodic metal at its best. "What's Forever For", "Inside You", and "Spirit of Love" are simply awesome hard rock tunes - the way it should be done. Long live House of Lords!
From: Legend |
Date: November 23, 2003 at 14:39 |
Para mi su mejor disco sin luegar a dudas. La balada "What´s forever for" es de las 5 mejores de la historia bajo mi punto de vista. Seria mucho meter "Remember my name" del Sahara pero también se lo merece. Temas impecables y con fuerza. La voz de James Christian una gozada. Their best album. Good stuff.
From: Metal Pete |
Date: December 31, 2003 at 18:01 |
Agree that 'Metallic Blue' is the best song here, although 'Demons Down' is a decent track.
From: chips |
Date: January 4, 2004 at 12:40 |
new house of lords cd is to be released early in 2004, so i hear. i havre some 2001 demosand they soind awesomw. chance are they will not make the new cd though.
From: ruiwasp |
Date: January 11, 2004 at 12:07 |
This is an answer to "portuguese fan" than wrote on 27th may 2002. I´m also from Portugal and it would be a pleasure to talk with someone from my country that likes House of Lords. If you or anyone elsa want to mail me be my guest. mail:
From: run2u |
Date: February 5, 2004 at 12:20 |
Me gustan los 3.Cada entrega de HOL(opino sin haber escuchado lo último)tiene unas virtudes.Quizá los mejores temas estaban en el 1º,de Sahara destacaría el rollo hard elegante que tan poco frecuente resulta...y DEMONS DOWN,asombra por su perfecta elaboración en todos los sentidos.Grandes músicos,composiciones y producción(suena que ACOJONA)para una auténtica masterpiece del hard melódico.Algunos momentos pueden hacerse un pelín densos,por eso le doy un 9/10.KEEP ON ROCKIN'!
From: Alejandro |
Date: February 5, 2004 at 12:39 |
Quizàs el mas redondito de sus trabajos, en cuanto a producciòn, elaboraciòn y balance.Hay joyas absolutas como INSIDE YOU, donde Christian descolla,y otras perlas como What's Forever For,Talkin' Bout Love, o Demons Down.La diferencia mas notable pasa por el sonido de la guitarra,un tanto mas denso,dejando un poco de lado lo predominante de los teclados.Hay mucha sutileza y climas muy logrados, que definen al disco como muy interesante. 8/10.
From: HOLfan |
Date: February 7, 2004 at 23:30 |
Hate to disagree with John, but the HOL version of METALLIC BLUE kills the Steelhouse Lane version. Slamer may have written it, but the guitars on the HOL version are way more energetic and in your face, and vocal wise, James Christian kicks Keith Slack's ass! I own them both and listened to them to compare, and it's no contest.
From: |
Date: April 13, 2004 at 10:05 |
hello I am interessé by this Cd of house of lords has soon michael
From: Big Papa K |
Date: June 13, 2004 at 2:15 |
This is where everything comes together for the band. A mix of the first two albums, with a great production job, and a darker lyrical theme with the first two songs. If there were only more albums like this. 9/10
From: Stack |
Date: June 20, 2004 at 5:21 |
Simply Wonderful!!!!! If anyone has the Lyrics of INSIDE YOU (HOL's masterpiece) I'll appreciate if you send it to
From: TIM (2) |
Date: July 13, 2004 at 5:32 |
This version of "Metallic Blue" beats the hell out of Steelhouse Lane's version, for my money. This is a fabulous album, made to sound all the more better by the terrible new one. The ballads are spectacular, and whereas it's a little up and down (I slightly prefer the magnificent debut, and Giuffria's "Silk & Steel" albums) nobody really makes anything like this anymore. Certainly House of Lords don't... 9/10.
From: Rocker76 |
Date: July 13, 2004 at 8:46 |
I loved the addition of hard rockin' vet Tommy Aldridge on drums and this 3rd HOL album is a nice continuation of their trademark combo of AOR & 80s metal. "What's Forever For" & "Spirit of Love" are superb power ballads on par with anything off Sahara (but not quite the S/T). James Christian's voice is one of the best of the genre & Giuffria never disappoints. Coincidentally, I quit listening to HOL after this album. Rating 8.5/10.
From: Steve Nightrain |
Date: August 22, 2004 at 13:31 |
A very good album, picked it up today, i've heard 'What's Forever For' few years ago and i thought it's a wonderful slow rock track, so considering this album is quite rare in my country, and read a lot of good reviews about it, i bought it, and well, it sure worth every penny i spent, for sure. The song writing is excellent, the vocal is great, a very good underrated band, go get it. 9/10
From: Geoff |
Date: August 23, 2004 at 6:05 |
This album is a gem. Easily my fave of the excellent HOL collection. 'Spirit of love' is my favourite track, but the rockers 'O father', 'Down down down' and 'Metallic blue' really shine through on this one. 'What's forever for' and the beautiful 'Inside you' shine bright in terms of great melodic rock ballads. Outstanding release!!!
From: luis baca |
Date: January 12, 2005 at 11:16 |
Es un album excelente, escuchenlo, mis favoritas son inside you y metallic blue, son buenisimas.
From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 |
Date: April 30, 2005 at 5:25 |
Por suerte para mi su particular travesia por el desierto duró poco,por lo q se ve optaron por bajarse del camello y cojieron el helicoptero del Dakar q es mas cómodo y rápido.En fin q tras el lamentable "Sahara" retornan con temas de corte mas melódico y por supuesto de mayor calidad,aun asi para mi ni este ni el 1º son joyas.Ahora bien personalizando en temas concretos aqui hay algunos q son absolutamente bestiales,el q mas "Spirit Of Love"(¡¡Dios como canta ese hombre!!)por lo menos para mi.
From: howe |
Date: May 15, 2005 at 5:58 |
I thought they couldn't get any better after the first two killer releases. But, wow, this immediately became one of favorite albums ever! No words can describe how perfect are songs like Inside You, Metallic Blue, Spirit of Love or Talkin' 'Bout Love. You just have to buy this masterpiece to understand all the feeling and inspiration in these songs! 100/10
From: Lovedrive |
Date: May 31, 2005 at 8:35 |
A mi tampoco me parece una obra maestra, pero tiene algun temazo x ahí como Can't fight love, una de mis canciones favoritas de House of Lords.
From: lduarte |
Date: March 1, 2006 at 17:21 |
this is a hell of an album . perfect i must say , some sweet tunes some rockers , great guitars , great voice , Mr Aldridge on drums himself , essential .One of my best buys ever.a 10/10 record If anyone wishes to trade opinions email me at
From: juan carlos |
Date: March 16, 2006 at 15:37 |
Este si que gusta mas que el "sahara". Temas mas comerciales y frescos como la 1,4,6, y 10. Los medios tiempos son buenísimos y me quedo con "what´s forever for" "spirit of love" e "inside you", J.C: cantando como nunca.. habiendo escuchado las otras versiones del temazo llamado "metallic blue" me quedo con este, matador!!. resaltar el trabajo del maestro Aldridge donde se luce en temas como "down, down, down" y en "talkin´´bout love" tema que me recuerda horrores a Whitesnake.. 8.6/10
From: Ale_Carro |
Date: June 27, 2006 at 12:12 |
Quizàs el mas redondito de sus trabajos, en cuanto a producciòn, elaboraciòn y balance.Hay joyas absolutas como INSIDE YOU, donde Christian descolla,y otras perlas como What's Forever For,Talkin' Bout Love, o Demons Down.La diferencia mas notable pasa por el sonido de la guitarra,un tanto mas denso,dejando un poco de lado lo predominante de los teclados.Hay mucha sutileza y climas muy logrados,que definen al disco como muy interesante. 8/10.
From: SangreAzulForever |
Date: September 24, 2006 at 11:55 |
Brutal CD. No need to say that this band is one of my favourites; from mr. Giuffria´s work, following by mr. Aldridge´s pounding drum set, superb guitar riffs and solos and the superhuman voice of mr. Christian. HOL was made to show the world how powerful a band can be in terms of compose music and execute it. In fact, all except "Power and the Myth" (which I haven´t listened) are incredible releases. We must be proud of having such good bands like this one! 10/10
From: ROBERT |
Date: September 29, 2006 at 12:25 |
D mi Favorito, solo tocan: Talkin' Bout Love!!! Dejandose fuera, las mejores para mi gusto: What's Forever For, Spirit Of Love, Inside You, Metallic Blue...
From: Mediaab |
Date: October 3, 2006 at 6:02 |
From: Darkstorm |
Date: March 4, 2007 at 0:14 |
The first two tracks are too experimental sounding for me, but from then on it's hard rock bliss with the awesome ballads Inside You and What's Forever For, the Whitesnake sounding Spirit Of Love, and the awesome one-two punch of the killer hard rockers Down Down Down(which was heard in the movie Hellraiser III:Hell On Earth BTW)and my personal favorite, the awesome Metallic Blue where Chick or whatever the hell his name is really shines on guitar
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: May 1, 2007 at 21:37 |
Excelente album de H.O.L.,la gran composicion se hace presente en lo que a mi parecer es el album mas solido que la banda haya grabado.James Christian demostrando ser uno de los vocalistas mas representativos del aor o hard rock y con la dupla que hace con Giuffria es simplemente de lujo."Metallic Blue" y la mega-balada "Inside You"(con final orquestral incluido)ya te hacen dar a entender la grandeza y sutileza de la banda.This is a completely killer album.10/10
Date: August 15, 2007 at 12:34 |
GREAT CD 90/100 agree with all the positive comments But my favorite was "sahara" now it's "world upside down" But you have to know that "metallic blue" was CO-written by a true genius MR MIKE SLAMER and you can find his version on one of the greatest CD of all time : STEELHOUSE LANE "METALLIC BLUE"
Date: August 15, 2007 at 12:47 |
I think i can give an answer to DARKSTORM : his name is DENNIS CHICK you can find him on MIKE TRAMP'S FREAK OF NATURE first releases
From: hernanHRM/AOR |
Date: November 9, 2007 at 0:37 |
Un tercer trabajo y sorprendente cambios en sus discos eh miran que aqui tambien eligire la balada del disco  Spirit Of Love  estoy enamorado de sus baladas jaja lo hacen tan bien con ese sonido magnifico y con esa melodia que lo hace una balada Misterio... pero no puedes dejar de escuchar  Metallic Blue  con todo el sonido Actual pero agradable junto a  O Father lo que me encanto del disco...
From: NaughtyDevil |
Date: March 29, 2008 at 9:55 |
One Of My Favorite Rock Bands. Songs Like "What's Forever For" And "Spirit Of Love" Are Awesome. "Inside You" Is One Of The Best Ballads Ever. If You Don't Have This CD Yet, Go Buy It Now, If You Can Still Get It.
From: hair metal again |
Date: October 29, 2009 at 1:59 |
there is so much quality in this band.the musicianship is top class and the result is huge.simply one of the best hard rock albums of all time for me.david thoener in production does the job,greg giuffrias at his best and many great songs like "whats forever for","inside you","down,down,down" and "spirit of love".this release is so beautiful
From: metalmaniac777 |
Date: March 24, 2010 at 14:26 |
In my house, this is considered one of the top ten greatest melodic hard rock CDs of all time. Of course, that's no surprise, because the vast majority of us on this site rate this as an absolute classic, a rarely-parallelled moment in melodic rock history. Good Lord, this is awesome stuff, merging powerful production, big guitars, gigantic hooks, thunderous choruses, and mindblowing harmony vocals into one all-encompassing package. James Christian sings as if the salvation of his soul depended on him delivering a perfect vocal performance, and totally nails every lyric, every syllable, every nuance. If the devil himself tried to take this CD from me, I would knock him the f*ck out.
From: rockhardrock |
Date: January 31, 2011 at 15:00 |
this one could be rated as their heaviest album of all first three they released from 88 till 92 and maybe they wanted this way because grunge took over USA in 92. but most of the ears haven't heard it just bacause they weren't playing alternative rock, eventhough it stays one of their best. my faves: down, down, down, inside you, o father and what's forever for.
From: the rocker |
Date: December 11, 2011 at 19:33 |
What can I say about this cd & band that has not already been said! Love these first 3 cds & love the latest 4! One of my favorite bands period. Oh Father, Demons Down, Down Down Down, Can't Fight Love, Metallic Blue & One of the best power ballads EVER! What's Forever For!! I recommend!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 14, 2013 at 12:18 |
certainly with sahara their best s simply a classic.ok track 8 is too soft and not a rock song for me ,but the others songs are exceptionnal.they have the typical house of lords trade mark.class with a big C."can t fight love "and "metallic blue" are cover on the first superb steelhouse lane bonus track on the japan import of demon s down nevertheless it s a raritie.
From: Eric |
Date: April 21, 2023 at 13:48 |
Dennis Chick, one of those great great guitar players, who played so well but for just a short period of time. I think his playing here is very tasty! He did play for a few years with Freak Of Nature (and Mike Tramp), but then went on to work with motorcycles. This album has consistent songs, some of younger James Christian's very best lead vocals, and a superb sound (David Thoener). I can see this is a very popular disc. Giuffria's last performance and a nice one. Later he gave James the blessing to continue with the band name, whereas Giuffria himself operated several casinos in Las Vegas, and Biloxi, at the end of his career. First 3 HoL albums are all excellent!
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