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Feb. 3, 2025:
Best of 2024 Lists Posted!
Come see who made the top 10 (yes, expanded starting this year) albums of
2024 from Mike and myself.
New Comments
The following are the newest comments about discs in the Heavy Harmonies
database. Click on the album name to go to the page for that CD and
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Best of 2024 - Best of 2024 |
From: CC |
Date: February 14, 2025 at 21:41 |
Posted this on the website, but gonna post it here as well. Nice to see Mike and I agreeing on the top album of the year. 1.Judas Priest - Invicible shield2.The Warning - Keep me fed3.April Art - Rodeo4.Nek! - Exclamation EP5.Rolling Quartz - Victory EP6.Band Maid - Epic narratives7.Sebastian Bach - Child within the man8.Lipz - Changing the melody9.Mick Mars - The other side of Mars10.Fans Of The Dark - Video
La Marca - La Marca |
From: JRommel700 |
Date: February 14, 2025 at 21:20 |
Hi there, coming from the future, finally LaMarca album is available on Spotify. Please write LaMarca all together along some song of the playlist to find it. Precious gem from the legandary AOR.
Wildness - Avenger |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 13, 2025 at 9:31 |
"first" sorry......
Wildness - Avenger |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 13, 2025 at 9:29 |
the three fist wildness cd s are brilliant,solid,consistant with no weak are not at the same level.even if musically (perfect production)that s very good,the songs are not catchy like in their previous efforts.the singer is not as good than in their previous records.on the first verse of "wings of fire"(a good song) is voice is a nightmare.track 12 (the japan bonus tracks a piano version of "broken heart") have absoluty no interest.track 9 is a big filler.the ballad,track 8, have nothing extraordinary,track 6 is very average (poor verses and poor bridge but good choruse).the rest is good but they have lost ,the spark of class and the inspiration of the past.
Oni Logan - Stranger In A Foreign Land |
From: hair metal again |
Date: February 13, 2025 at 7:13 |
very good release for ONI LOGAN with a fine production ,remarkable songwriting and a great vocal performance as expected!big variety of songs from rockers like "bring back the days"or "my part of town",to mid tempos like "when will you hear me" or "the monster in the sea" or ballads like "blue jean" or "foolish minds"!a classy one for ONI LOGAN
Blue Oyster Cult - The Symbol Remains |
From: underworld king |
Date: February 13, 2025 at 0:17 |
This lp just doesn't do it for me. The previous two wer better in my opinion but there are a couple cool tracks on this one.
Alice Cooper - The Eyes Of Alice Cooper |
From: hair metal again |
Date: February 11, 2025 at 10:23 |
excellent release for ALICE COOPER returning to a more classic hard rock sound ,always writing down great songs with unique lyrics and fine attitude!"what do you want from me","be with you awhile","novocaine" and "backyard brawl" are the best songs ,but the rest is also remarkable creating a fine rocking vibe!you cant go wrong with ALICE COOPER ,all his releases new ones and old ones are essential
Champlin / Williams/ Friestedt - III |
From: Holland4you |
Date: February 10, 2025 at 16:45 |
Instrumental wise it's really good but the Vocals of Bill Champlin are really not good. Let Joseph sing or Jason but not bill anymore. I'm sorry to say that Bill isn't a good Singer anymore!!
Tesla - Shock |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: February 10, 2025 at 12:53 |
I stand by my earlier comments, but I will agree with Auslander: upon hearing it again recently, "Taste Like" is one of Tesla's best songs since reforming.
Tesla - Mechanical Resonance Live |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: February 10, 2025 at 12:45 |
Surprisingly, given my dislike of postmillennial Tesla in general, "Save That Goodness" is a pretty good song. Super-catchy chorus, kinda like an updated "Love Me," and Jeff is able to sing it without too much strain.
Best of 2024 - Best of 2024 |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 10, 2025 at 12:04 |
in 2024 i ve waiting all the year the new molly hatchet s album,recorded at abbey road studio.i ll waiting in 2025.what is the problem?
The Big Deal - First Bite |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 10, 2025 at 11:55 |
my wife"you re not serious!!!how have you doing for missing a so top class female fronted record like this?you re def?"she s answer "better late than never"....finally i ve find this jewel on rakuten (price minister) at a very low price.this record have no weak point.the production is perfect.the singer is great,she have a similar voice of issa,the singer of coastline or the two singers of two of a kind.musically this super record reminds me transworld identity,a superb reference.their hard fm is very dynamic with sumptuous keyboards,super guitar s riff and some fabulous guitar s solos.this album is hyper solid,hyper consistant,all the songs are excellent.note:this band come from serbia,no frontiers for our music!!!!!!!!!thanx to my lovely wife for opening my eyes and my ears!!!!!!!!
Jet Trail - Edge Of Existance |
From: hair metal again |
Date: February 10, 2025 at 9:50 |
very good release for JET TRAIL from Sweden through Escape records offering some strong hard rock music with great guitars and female vocals ,clear polished production and remarkable songwriting with "can you hear me calling","dark night","holy ground" and "snowbirds"!enjoyable release
Cats In Space - Atlantis |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: February 9, 2025 at 7:34 |
I regard CIS along THE NIGHT FLIGHT ORCHESTRA as one of the main standard bearers of pomp rock nowadays. I can hear echoes of masters of this genre like STYX, QUEEN, REO SPEEDWAGON, or BOSTON... Atlantis offers exploring of long-lost treasures in the ocean of rock. 85/100.
Jet Red - Jet Red |
From: hair metal again |
Date: February 7, 2025 at 11:15 |
superb hair metal release for JET RED back in 89 that could easily have the success others had but somehow that didnt happened!great production ,sweet US commercial hard rock sound ,excellent musicianship and vocals and most of all fine songs are offered by a great band!"look in your eyes","not the only one","lonely","take me tonight","from the skies" make JET RED s debut a must have
Lynyrd Skynyrd - Lyve From Steel Town |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 7, 2025 at 8:59 |
when you have on guitars gary rossington,richey medlocke (blackfoot),huguie thomasson (the outlaws),on bass leon wilkeson,on keyboards (billy powell and behind the micro johnny van zant,it s a obviousness that we have a dream team!!!!!!!!!!the sound of this live is extraordinary.we have several songs of their last exceptionnal record "twenty" and the classics.a dream!!!!!!!!!!!!
Demon - Taking The World By Storm |
From: hair metal again |
Date: February 5, 2025 at 10:59 |
pretty good release for DEMON back in 88 again with lots of keys and this time bigger songs but still nothing blowminding!I mean that the songwriting should be better with memorable choruses !not among their best imho with "what do you think about hell" being the highlight
Best of 2024 - Best of 2024 |
From: Scandiman |
Date: February 5, 2025 at 9:10 |
Great lists gents! As usual, I am finding a few releases that got by me somehow and will need to check out. Here is my top ten of 2024: 1. Eclipse--Megalomanium II 2. Smash Into Pieces--Ghost Code 3. Nestor--Teenage Rebel 4. Remedy--Pleasure Beats the Pain 5. 7th Crystal--Entity 6. Violet--Mysteria 7. Palace--Reckless Heart 8. Tungsten--The Grand Inferno 9. Fans of the Dark--Video 10. Fighter V--Heart of the Young. Adecence--Postalgia was my pick for debut of the year - really solid release. Postalgia
Best of 2024 - Best of 2024 |
From: Auslander |
Date: February 4, 2025 at 7:15 |
Gotta give credit to the top tens this year. Not bad really. Maybe it is better having less contributors! Although I was surprised that Gotus and Grand were totally absent. I really enjoyed those two albums. Also the second album by Notorious is quality. You gotta hear Marching On to experience death metal growls on a melodic rock track. Amazing stuff.
Best of 2024 - Best of 2024 |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: February 3, 2025 at 19:04 |
My list is not as heavy as the last few years, but at the same time, there are only two entries that are pure Heavy Harmonies (as opposed to Brutal Metal) fare. I've marked those two with asterisks. My list: 1. Crypt Sermon—The Stygian Rose; 2. ***Stone Whiskey—Scream For Rock; 3. Grand Magus—Sunraven; 4. Judas Priest—Invincible Shield; 5. Morgul Blade—Heavy Metal Wraiths; 6. Orange Goblin—Science, Not Fiction; 7. Evergrey—Theories Of Emptiness; 8. ***Blacktop Mojo—Pollen; 9. Undeath—More Insane; 10. Nile—The Underworld Awaits Us All. Honorable Mentions: Fu Manchu, Witherfall, Portrait, High On Fire, My Dying Bffide and Gatecreeper. Biggest disappointments: Pallbearer and Midnight.
Coastline - Coastline |
From: MelodicMetal4Ever |
Date: February 3, 2025 at 17:12 |
Incredible Album. Enjoy it tremendously!! Liked it so much I looked up what other bands Helena Rosendahl has been on except for coastline) Nothing....wait NOTHING. A voice like THAT and no other album has her singing on it??!! That's just wrong. Hope they make another.
Best of 2024 - Best of 2024 |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: February 3, 2025 at 12:50 |
sorry.....2024 has been like 2023.a small year for our music.nevertheless there some beautiful lights in a dark top 9. 1 COBRA SPELL "666" 2 KING ZEBRA "between the shadows" 3 DANGER ZONE"shut up" 4 GOTUS "same" 5 FIGHTER V "heart of the young" 6 MOGGS MOTEL "same" 7 BLACK DIAMONDS"destination paradise" 8 LIPZ "changing the melody3 9 CIRCLE OF FRIENDS "cherokee moon". note: except circle of friends wich is international in my top 9 there is only european bands.four from switzerland!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!congratulations and hats off for my neighbours.i live in lyon at only 120 kms from genova. best song of the year "s e x" from cobra spell.
Winger - Pull |
From: jaroslav |
Date: February 3, 2025 at 12:26 |
Absolutely unimpressive record. The slow songs are not interesting and the rock ones don't have any more appealing choruses, I really don't understand how this can be such a praised album, absolutely uninteresting and unappealing work, I'll have to sell it for used records, because I can't be bothered to listen to it, I can't help it, sorry.
Vince Neil - Carved In Stone |
From: hair metal again |
Date: February 3, 2025 at 10:35 |
pretty good release for VINCE NEIL trying to catch up with what was happening at the scene at the time when sounds were mixed and new directions were taken !the musicianship and production are perfect but the songs should be better i think even though there s a certain groove!"the crawl ","one way" and "black promises " are ok i guess
H.E.A.T. - Address the Nation |
From: AOR1 |
Date: February 2, 2025 at 14:29 |
Fantastic release. Imo better than their debut. Musically more variation and all of the songs are memorable. Apart from that it´s more melodic rock oriented and that´s what I like.
Grand Prix - Samurai |
From: underworld king |
Date: February 2, 2025 at 1:32 |
I would have loved to see what an original tour shirt from this tour looked like.
Grand Prix - Samurai |
From: underworld king |
Date: February 2, 2025 at 1:29 |
What a great band! This album was my introduction to Grand Prix back in I believe 1983. At the time here in the US the single Shout was getting some airplay. This lp will always be a favorite of mine.
38 Special - Strength in Numbers |
From: James |
Date: February 1, 2025 at 16:11 |
My least played 38 Special album. They lost their bite here. Too polished. Lost the magic of Don's arena radio friendly songs playing off of Donnie's gritty southern rock songs
St. Warren - Honest Planet |
From: James |
Date: February 1, 2025 at 16:00 |
The band after this went country with the band name The Warren Brothers. Nashville didn't know what to do with them. They have a really cool song called The River And Me where in the middle of a country song the have a Les Zeppelin breakdown. They so helped write the last charting song from the new Skynyrd called Red, White And Blue
Night Ranger - ATBPO |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: February 1, 2025 at 11:41 |
Musically, this is a happy and (of course) mature album where you can find hard rock made in NIGHT RANGER (sometimes) with a southern touch. I like both lead guitars, but miss more keys, vocal harmonies, and invention. No surprise here just a good professional standard. 80/100.
O'Regan - Tunnel Vision |
From: MelodicMetal4Ever |
Date: January 31, 2025 at 23:19 |
who sings these songs on this cd? Price of Loving You Never Look Back Escape
Shylock - Rock Buster |
From: MelodicMetal4Ever |
Date: January 31, 2025 at 15:16 |
Hmmmmmm.. Rumours. A cover from Timex Social Club, HUH. Gotta say "Nice job gentlemen".
Michael Breen - Michael Breen |
From: Macca |
Date: January 31, 2025 at 11:24 |
wow.... Im now aged 63..I was a rabid cllector of class AOR melodic rock..hi tech aor etc right from age 17 or 18. Its only in recent years that I see just how much I missed.... now Ive got a few bob in my pocket Im playing catch up..mostly on discogs or e bay...... The 80s and early 90s was so rich in great music..awesome production, great musicians and singers.....only just found this..thru a youtube post..called forgotten 80s...this is right up my street....... shame its almost impossible to get on cd...1 on discogs for £280.... your havin a laugh arent ya..... doesnt seem like a re release on cd any decade soon......shame. great the opening track particularly...a bit Michael Morales
Edge - Heaven Knows |
From: AOR1 |
Date: January 30, 2025 at 15:05 |
Excellent release. Hints of melodic metal? Surely not. Perfect melodic rock from start to finish. A great vocalist and catchy memorable songs. A pitty that bands like these often only have a single release and then disappear forever.
Babylon A.D. - Rome Wasn't Built in a Day |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: January 30, 2025 at 12:38 |
what a strange production!!!!!result a very strange sound.difficult to explain ,but there is something wrong......
Brand New Sin - United State |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 30, 2025 at 11:19 |
Kris Wiechmann's singing reminds me, weirdly, of Gilby Clarke's Pawnshop Guitars album. The music is different of course, but it's like, "Okay, I'm the guitarist, but I'm gonna sing now." Best song here is the COC/Down boogie of "Bed Of Nails."
Brand New Sin - Brand New Sin |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 30, 2025 at 11:11 |
The band's reunion gig has been released for a few years now under the title "Live At The Lost." It's a two-hour set that includes every song from this debut, plus most of Recipe For Disaster, a few from Tequila, and even a couple from the albums without Joe Altier. Sounds like maybe a soundboard recording, as the crowd noise is present and enthusiastic, but very low in the mix. Among other things, we learn that "S.P.P." stands for "shit, pickled and pissed." I still listen to these first two albums fairly often, and though I tend to prefer the songs on Recipe, you just can't deny the huge, thunderous sound of the debut. I hear that sound and immediately thirst for a cold beer, and then several more after that, which is funny because this isn't exactly party music.
Brand New Sin - Recipe for Disaster |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 29, 2025 at 8:34 |
Doghouse Reilly wrote the best review about that one and i agree with every word in it!BRAND NEW SIN offer that classic US street hard rock strong and rough with their sound being similar to BLS of course without Zakk s shredding.After 2 or 3 spins Recipe For Disaster truly grows and sounds quite rockin!"brown street betty","another reason" and "wyoming" are the highlights.good stuff here
Spys - Spys/Behind Enemy Lines |
From: Macca |
Date: January 27, 2025 at 13:27 |
right up there in the top 10 of AOR classics of the 80s... a bit of pomp, a bit hi tech, a bit Foreigner... great production, great musicians and lead singer... why they werent huge is a mystery. This 1st album is streets ahead of their second. It has everything. it simply is a must have in your collection.
Straight Lines - Run For Cover |
From: Macca |
Date: January 26, 2025 at 7:21 |
wow...what an album..1981, and these guys (this is their 2nd album) are producing fantastc, well produced west coast AOR. 10 tracks, not a bad one amongst them. album title track here on youtube has to be the worst reverse cover on an album but apart from that..ythis is polished stuff....great crystal clear early 80s production on the epic label. not sure why no comments before this? both albums were released on the Jap AOR City 1000 label.. in 2017, and can be picked up from Discogs, for a reasonable price...essential purchases for lovers of class well produced west coast AOR rock pop
Van Halen - Balance |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 24, 2025 at 16:11 |
... are still my top picks, with everything else being kind of in the middle, the instrumentals forgettable, and "Big Money" ranking as possibly the worst song of the Van Hagar era.
Van Halen - Balance |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 24, 2025 at 16:09 |
I listened to this again today, on the 30th anniversary of its release. I really think they missed out not releasing "Take Me Back" as a single—just a wonderful song, this album's "Right Now." (I think I meant to name that song in an earlier post instead of accidentally mentioning "Amsterdam" twice.) Speaking of which, "Amsterdam" was supposed to be the summertime party-anthem, and while Eddie has some of the album's best playing, the chorus is not that catchy. Overall, this is not really the blast of fun you want from Van Halen. Hagar has some Things To Say, about the nature of love, life and the universe—weighty stuff for the party boy of Cabo Wabo. Plus, he's sounding a bit rough in places. "(Don't Tell Me) What Love Can Do" has grown on me some over the years but is still not the best song here. It was originally called "I Wanna Show You What Love Can Do," with more of a positive spin, but again, it was kind of a heavy time. "Can't Stop Lovin' You," "Take Me Back" and "Aftershock"
Edge - Heaven Knows |
From: MelodicMetal4Ever |
Date: January 23, 2025 at 16:09 |
I agree totally with RICK. I've RARELY found an album where I love ALL the songs till this one. Absolutely a GEM. Not A bad track on it IMO. You'll be singing these tracks while its playing and the next day, all through your day. It's THAT good.
24K - Pure |
From: Roxas |
Date: January 23, 2025 at 8:28 |
So after almost 25 years I think it's safe to say "Meeting This Way" was the 24K Gold track. Still spectacular to this day.
Blue Murder - Blue Murder |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 22, 2025 at 10:50 |
On the other hand, "Out Of Love" is an aimless, over-long ballad, and I was never a big fan of the second single "Jelly Roll." Of course, "Sex Child" isn't actually about pedophilia, but goddamn, even in '89, who thought that song title was a good idea?
Blue Murder - Blue Murder |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 22, 2025 at 10:47 |
The great John Sykes (RIP) strikes out on his own after being tossed from Whitesnake upon completion of their massively successful 1987 album. The Whitesnake album was full of catchy, commercial hard rock songs that sounded heavier than they were thanks to the production. Blue Murder's debut has the opposite problem: Bob Rock's production sounds more like his mentor Bruce Fairbairn's. Specifically, and while the music itself is very different, the actual sounds remind me a lot of Bon Jovi's New Jersey album. Sykes even has a pleasantly gruff voice that is not unlike Jon's. He could have been a lead singer all along instead of an axe-for-hire. Here, he offers up some Zep-inspired hair-metal, complete with Carmine "I Taught Bonham How To Play" Appice's thunderous drumming. The best songs for me are the epic first single "Valley of the Kings," the title track, "Billy," "Ptolemy" and "Black-Hearted Woman"—Sykes saves his nastiest riff for last!
London - The Metal Years |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 22, 2025 at 1:26 |
great collection of LONDON songs performed live in studio offering some strong hard rock music with sharp edgy riffs and howling vocals!"night rights",'miss you","ride you through the night",:ride away" and "love games"are the highlights
Issa - Another World |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: January 21, 2025 at 14:31 |
For certain, ISSA's "another world" can be found somewhere between the late 80s and early 90s when eg LITA FORD ruled with her heavy aor rock, and pop rock was naturally included in the hard'n'heavy scene of that time. Despite the drum programming, the album doesn't lack spice. It's catchy, rhythmic and well-guitar-driven. Very pleasant regression. 85/100.
Walk On Fire - Blind Faith |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: January 21, 2025 at 4:56 |
even if this record have his moments(some songs are limit pop),it s a class aor album with a fantastic singer.their second record "mind over you"have so his moments,is so a class aor realise but is better.!!!!!!
Walk On Fire - Blind Faith |
From: edwithmj |
Date: January 20, 2025 at 16:42 |
I agree with the above comment. This is a very decent album with unique tracks that sound like no other contemporary band. My favourites are Wastelands which has always reminded me of another song I just can't remember (regardless, it's very memorable) and Caledonia, which is another one I've returned to often and is very laid back. Other highlights include Crime of Loving You and Miracle of Love. You won't find another album like it.
Walk On Fire - Blind Faith |
From: AORFanatic |
Date: January 20, 2025 at 13:38 |
I think this is a very underrated album in my opinion, brilliant melodic rock from the UK, my favourite tracks are well most of them to be honest, there isn't really any weakness in the quality of this band who should have been much bigger and more well known just like so many other bands,I am glad to have this slice of British AOR in my collection.
Babylon A.D. - Nothing Sacred |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: January 20, 2025 at 12:35 |
not a the same very high level than their first realise.nevertheless this record is a top class hard us record.derek is a super singer,very charismatic.he reminds me steven tyler.tracks 6 and 8 somme fillers but the rest is really excellent.redemption is an extraordinary s a hit!!!!!!!!!!!!i recommand the bad reputation s reissue(french label from paris) cause we have 3 bonus tracks live with a very good sound.
Alice Cooper - From The Inside |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 20, 2025 at 3:49 |
sensational album for ALICE COOPER with a fine rock sound with much piano and keys along with the guitars !great lyrics ,massive melodic lines and excellent ballads make From The Inside a rather unique album with remarkable songwriting!"quiet room","nurse rozetta","inmates" and "how you gonna see me now" are excellent songs indeed!a must have for sure
Stala and So - Play Another Round |
From: CC |
Date: January 19, 2025 at 14:37 |
I saw these guy supporting Tuff & Shameless way back in 2013 in London, and added their debut to my Amazon wish list. Sadly due to just how many items are in that list (not just CDs) a lot of stuff never ends up being bought. Something made me think of them recently and I finally got around to ordering their three albums. This and the self titled album were cheap as hell, so was worth a punt. For me of the two, this is the better album. Certainly a Reckless Love vibe on some of the songs, especially The boys are having fun, which is my fave track so far. Some really good Scandi melodic rock ... it may have taken 12 years for me to finally buy their music, but it was worth the wait.
Kraemer - All The Way |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: January 19, 2025 at 14:31 |
A Frontiers' project by Serafino Perugino, with the production of Alessandro Del Vecchio... I could finish here, but it would be fair to continue, despite the predictable (but still good) content of a mix of hard aor rock with hard n'heavy edge. Erik Kraemer namely deserves credit for a solid performance that is, for me, a mix (again) of Ronni Le Tekro and Michael Kiske. So, if you like Frontiers bands like REVOLUTION SAINTS, EDGE OF FOREVER, or TNT, or some of Kiske's projects, you might also try KRAEMER. Music, that was made for pleasure. 80/100.
Blackthorne - Afterlife |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: January 18, 2025 at 2:30 |
a super group????for a result so mediocre!!!!!!!!!!!!the voice of graham bonnet is a nightmare,he don t sing,he scream.!!!!i nedd some aspirin............
Get Animal - Get Animal |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 17, 2025 at 7:38 |
excellent release for ADAM BOMB and his gang offering a fine glammy hard rock sound with much energy and catchy tunes!always liked his voice and his rock n roll attitude and you really need to check this out!"hey hey nothin","shake the earth","i m on it" and "s.s.t." are great rockers indeed
Rough Cutt - Wants You |
From: James IV |
Date: January 17, 2025 at 7:09 |
First listened to on release in 1986 on cassette. An absolute masterpiece hands down. Every track is true 100% US Hard Rock. 100/100
Jump The Gun - The Return Of James Prunz |
From: jaroslav |
Date: January 17, 2025 at 6:18 |
The CD plays interestingly, but it's a disgusting mostly non-melodic and uninteresting (hard/metal) songs, 55/100
Golden Earring - Face It |
From: jaroslav |
Date: January 17, 2025 at 5:32 |
Very pleasant music, fast rock with good musical ideas, it's not their best thing, but it belongs to the better half of their work
Mick Powell - Long Overdue |
From: jaroslav |
Date: January 17, 2025 at 3:35 |
A little prog AOR with touch of Rush, first song is pure AOR, my rating is 79/100
Black Tiger - Alive |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: January 16, 2025 at 11:37 |
Another nice surprise from the last year from Czechia. For me, it's a real grower. The first impression wasn't very positive - plain music with an unsuitable vocal...but I gave this album its chance...and I got enjoyable AOR with the vocal that reminds me a bit of Ted Poley, but what I like the most is the guitar work and melodies, that undercolour songs like Dann Huff did in GIANT. The music for people who haven't forgotten to dream. 85/100.
Voodoo Six - Make Way for the King |
From: rbrigade |
Date: January 16, 2025 at 9:52 |
This band is also mislabeled as US. They are from the UK. Average grunge/modern hard rock as I can recall
Voodoo Circle - Whisky Fingers |
From: rbrigade |
Date: January 16, 2025 at 9:46 |
Cool band based in Germany, can someone correct the American flag in the bands homepage?
Pretty Maids - Undress Your Madness |
From: James IV |
Date: January 15, 2025 at 7:59 |
What a great Rock release! Fantastic songs which are all very catchy. Their previous effort, Kingmaker is also great, but I do prefer this release due to the song quality. I luckily own the Japanese cd pressing with the bonus material. Worth it for the extra pennies. 90/100
Buckcherry - 15 |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 15, 2025 at 1:49 |
excellent release for BUCKCHERRY having that star quality to provide a perfect sound and production !Josh s voice fits fine with that bluesy sleazy hard music and the songwriting is also very good with rockers like "crazy bitch",so far" and ballads like "carousel" and "sorry"!great stuff
Winger - Karma |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 13, 2025 at 20:31 |
"'80's-prom-song formula," that was.
Winger - Karma |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 13, 2025 at 20:29 |
This is a terrific latter-day album by a classic hair-band! There are plenty of call-backs to the '80's in fun, carefree tracks like the rock 'n' roll lifer's story "Deal With The Devil" and "Stone Cold Killer," which features a girl struttin' around in her hot pink leather. A little darkness creeps around the edges of "Come A Little Closer," and the pace ratchets up for "Pull Me Under." Elsewhere, "Big World Away" and "Supernova" show more maturity, starting out fairly typical but veering off into unexpected places come chorus time—Kip and Reb showing off some of those chops they've been telling us about for so long. And there are a couple of earnest, semi-epic ballads that don't follow the '80's-prom-song withmula to top it off. The production is simple and uncluttered, with a heavy bass thud (you can actually hear Kip's bass, unlike the first two albums). The only weak tracks are a bad slow blues and a throwaway piano instrumental.
Winger - Winger |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 13, 2025 at 18:04 |
There's an old episode of American Top 40 from the summer of 1989 that you can listen to on YouTube. Leading up to "Headed For A Heartbreak," Shadoe Stevens (the first post-Casey Kasem host) relates how the band have been accused of not having paid their dues. Kip and Co. beg to differ, of course, and share some tall tales of grimy gigs from the early daze (one in particular involves a club-owner's dog peeing on their amps). The clear implication is that these hungry-years fables are about Winger, the band—four guys slugging it out together in the clubs before getting their big break. They might be from the individual members' pasts, but as noted above, Winger, as a unit, went straight to arenas.
Alice Cooper - Road |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 13, 2025 at 11:02 |
excellent new release for ALICE COOPER still rocking after so many years offering that classic 70 s hard rock music with an updated production!great lyrics as Alice describes what it s all about being a rock star on tour on the road!"white line frankenstein",'i m alice","welcome to the show" ,"big goodbye" and "dead dont dance" are great hard rock songs indeed
Revolution Saints - Against the Winds |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: January 12, 2025 at 8:51 |
I'm not bothered about the co-authoring of no song here. Despite this fact, the album is consistent, offering a pleasant portion of hard aor rock, unsurprisingly rooted in JOURNEY. It reminds me of some of Kevin Chalfant's projects such as TWO FIRES. Classy routine. 80/100.
Gregg Rolie - Gringo |
From: Macca |
Date: January 11, 2025 at 10:26 |
A masterpiece of its time..... big production, he tech blends with AOR hugeness. some programmed drums too, ultra melodic. I particularly like the cover of The Arrows (Canadas band) "Talk Talk", its almost a carbon copy..but the Arrows version edges it out. (Check out The Arrows 2 albums, awesome slabs of hi tech melody) A great album is Gringo
Mr. Big - Lean Into It |
From: Amy |
Date: January 11, 2025 at 6:36 |
While debut was good (a couple of killer songs in "Big Love" & "Rock & Roll Over", both written by Eric Martin), this follow-up "Lean into It" is overall a little better in every department; stronger songs (again Eric shows he's a VERY good songwriter, helping pen the two biggest smash hits), better mix where drums are more solid and especially Billy Sheehan's bass is less treble-ish and sounds like real bass here, adding to a warmer and more pleasant rock sound. Probably the band's best album. Not every track is killer, but rather consistent and performances are amazing from every member of this so called super group. Worldwide, debut sold close to half a million copies, a good start, but this one sold close to 2M worldwide and started the love affair with the Japanese fans for real.
Glen Burtnick - Talking In Code |
From: Amy |
Date: January 11, 2025 at 6:09 |
hair metal again, you are very active here and fine reviews. But it should be Hair metal again or perhaps Hair Metal Again, always start with capital letter and end with a . Try auto-correct then copy in the text (just trying to help, not attacking, ok). We're all fans of this music. This '86 album, I think, was only out on CD format in Japan. It's a fine album, certainly no classic, the only killer track I'd give full score is "Little Red House". Many other choruses lack the punch.
Soren - Soren |
From: Rockhunter666 |
Date: January 11, 2025 at 2:29 |
one of best 9/10.
Glen Burtnick - Talking In Code |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 10, 2025 at 9:35 |
excellent debut for GLENN BURTNICK offering some classy aor music with his great voice and remarkable songwriting ability!all the songs well writeen and performed but especially "little red house","hole in my pocket " and "brave hearts"!great stuff here
Easy Action - That Makes One |
From: Rockhunter666 |
Date: January 9, 2025 at 22:57 |
'In The Middle Of Nowhere' is one of best aor song that I ever listened. What a great solo!
Demon - The Plague |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 9, 2025 at 2:02 |
very good release for DEMON making a change in their sound and somehow reminding me of MAGNUM i d say !big keys ,concept theme ,many melodic lines and not any real rockers create a certain vibe and works ok offering an interesting album !"the plague","nowhere to run","blackheath " are the highlights
Violet - Mysteria |
From: AOR1 |
Date: January 8, 2025 at 12:31 |
Didn't liked their first one much but this is even worse. Same thin vocals and not 1 remarkable song. Although this is my favourite musical style, melodic rock with keyboards I can't recommend this one. 70/100
Alien - Alien |
From: Roxas |
Date: January 6, 2025 at 9:23 |
Hi Hofmann, sorry if you already know this but if not what a mind blowing moment. Only One Woman was written by the Bee Gees, and originally sung by Graham Bonnet with his band The Marbles in the late 60's. Look it up!
Yngwie Malmsteen - Blue Lightning |
From: CC |
Date: January 5, 2025 at 4:45 |
I haven't bought an Yngwie album in years. Not because I dislike his stuff, just purely because at one point he seemed to be releasing a new album every week and there was so much more music I needed to buy first. I picked this one up a few months ago as saw it cheap. Now beyond one or two songs, this is the first album by him I have bought where he handles all vocals, and while not an amazing vocalist, he isn't that bad. The covers though are very hit and miss. One of the main reasons is not the vocals or the typical over the top Yngwie guitar work, it's the fucking drums. At one point I thought their was a problem with the CD, but then I realised that what sounded like interference was actually the ridiculous drums where they are constantly played like the guy is sped up. Really does ruin most of the songs.
Sunstorm - Afterlife |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: January 4, 2025 at 10:38 |
Probably not in the same league as their first albums, anyway it's still a solid piece of hard rock of the early 80s, (eg. a mix of DEEP PURPLE and WHITESNAKE)...and RR is a decent replacement for JLT (IMO). 80/100.
Compilations - Hot Night In The City |
From: SgtRock |
Date: January 4, 2025 at 8:33 |
Well the best song on this album, for me, is Allied Nations "Find Yourself Another Fool". Luckily for me they managed to get all their songs released on Aor-Fm. A little birdy tells me that the slipcase those Ltd Editions were released with was an ode basically to this compilations ethos and aesthetic, hence the "Another Hot Night In The City" and the artwork similarities. Personally, whenever I play this album...I get warm a fuzzy!
Roko - Think About Tomorrow |
From: Rockhunter666 |
Date: January 3, 2025 at 2:46 |
Think About Tomorrow is a great song, kind like old roko do a black album. Heavy heavy stuff.
Fast Eddie Clarke - It Ain't Over Till It's Over |
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 3, 2025 at 2:34 |
very good hard rock album by FAST EDDIE CLARKE back in 93 sounding pure and true with that classic sound and rock n roll feel !nothing blowminding still enough quality in musicianship and songwriting to satisfy everyone!"all over bar shouting","laugh at the devil","in the city" and "lessons" are fine songs indeed
Alliance - Alliance |
From: SgtRock |
Date: January 2, 2025 at 6:04 |
Sublime closet classic with a vocalist cut from the same cloth as Fergie Frederikson. Brilliant!
Alannah Myles - Alannah Myles |
From: Hofmann |
Date: December 30, 2024 at 8:31 |
This IS a banger of a solid rock album! In times where many had low bass in the mix (Crazy Nights one reference), and programmed drums, this was fresh air! Larger than life analogue drum kit and HIGH in the mix superbly played BASS lines, and Alannah's vocals are full of power, feeling and great raspiness in places, making it a power rock album. Black Velvet was of course the landslide hit of the album, but killer ballad Lover of Mine also did well, totally four decent hits. Album passed 3 M worldwide, and ten winners make this a classic for sure. Very good production and musicians. Way more rock than pop, so don't miss out.
Alien - Shiftin' Gear |
From: Hofmann |
Date: December 30, 2024 at 8:06 |
If you put aside the disappointment of mostly bassist Ken Sandin, that Shiftin' Gear was released under the Alien moniker (and not a solo album by band leader Tony Borg), it's actually not far behind the debut. Good singles were Angel Eyes and Turn on the Radio, very good songs. My fave is the splendid Strangers in a No-Mans Land, luv it. Sound of this album is quite good, not perfect, but certainly no worse than the 88 original mix of debut. A well done album, some fillers perhaps, but lots to be happy about and not to be missed for fans of this band. Smooth vocals and yes, Sandberg could pull off Only One Woman live too. I do agree some with titothetitan, not the best drum sound, but not annoyingly bad either. Dark Eyes had better sound, but lacked in the song dept to many fans. Tony Borg looked just like Ritchie Blackmore at the time, with the dark hair, hat and all, obviously an influence. Fun live clip: Jidhed and Edman, decent backup singers
Alien - Alien |
From: Hofmann |
Date: December 30, 2024 at 7:31 |
Only One Woman should have been a HUGE hit, amazing ballad. Probably MTV did not play it/enuff, sadly. US remix was slightly improved, quite good if not perfect production/mix, but lovely songs and many classics. Actually both singers were stellar at the time. But US market was extremely hard to crack. Same fate for 220 Volt, Treat, Swedish Erotica, Pretty Maids, Stage Dolls, TNT. Some success, yes, but ONLY Europe and Shotgun Messiah passed gold sales. Anyway, great melodic disc.
Blue Tears - Blue Tears |
From: Hofmann |
Date: December 30, 2024 at 6:55 |
A few very good songs, some fillers. My biggest problem with this disc is the horrendous snare drum sound, very annoying. Best songs imo are probably Rockin' With the Radio (singer likely purposely sounds just like JBJ on this one), Take This Heart, Innocent Kiss and Thunder in the Night.
Whitesnake - 1987 |
From: Hofmann |
Date: December 30, 2024 at 6:48 |
Never liked the poser line-up of this touring band, horrible! The recording line-up was WAY COOLER in every way, but as described above David did not pay them (many solo artists rip off their members, history is the same). The small 'Personnel' picture is amazing to see, very few pics around of this killer line-up. David has tried to cooperate with Sykes several times since, but of course Sykes hates him for firing him right before the much delayed album launch+tour. So what does Dave do? He tries to rewrite the history saying 'it would never have worked' but we don't buy his bullshit. He's a cheater and has to live with it. In that sence, you have to love a band like Poison, splitting money equally between the members (even if CC writes most of the songs); thus they are still together. Sykes is ON FIRE on this disc, and Dunbar is one of THE most beloved and merited drum legends on the planet. Without them, wouldn't have been the same. Sadly, Bob Rock only recorded Sykes' guitar parts.
Cutting Crew - The Scattering |
From: Planet Y |
Date: December 29, 2024 at 3:57 |
Adult oriented pop? This band follows in the footsteps of Simple Minds, Tears for Fears with touches of symfo and AOR. Very classy, well produced and certainly worth wile.
Pleasureland - Pleasureland |
From: Swazi |
Date: December 28, 2024 at 10:12 |
At last a release that does not sound like hundreds of other releases. Great stuff! Definitely a highlight in 2024! 😃👍
Black 'n Blue - In Heat |
From: SgtRock |
Date: December 28, 2024 at 6:09 |
Very underrated album and much maligned by many of the fans of the band. But this is a desert island disc for me full of shout em out choruses, foot stomping, fist pumping hard rock with pop metal pretensions. Rock on!
Blue Tears - Blue Tears |
From: Roxas |
Date: December 27, 2024 at 8:39 |
Yes, fantastic album. For those new to comments Gregg posted a message back on here Date: May 2, 2003 at 22:43. A few artists posted to their own pages, back in the day. This one here is great with Gregg no longer with us.
Shanghai - Shanghai |
From: SgtRock |
Date: December 27, 2024 at 5:54 |
No comments for this excellent release from a band that used to be called Spider. Great pop rock with a couple or three classic songs, "SOS" ( written by Russ ballard), "Always A Rebel" (covered by Adrian Zmed) and the Beau Hill penned "Talk To Me" covered by Fiona on her self-titled debut. The rest of the songs are not quite as good but still worth a listen. To my knowledge never released on Cd and IMHO well deserving of a remastered re-issue.
Art Of Dying - Art of Dying |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: December 27, 2024 at 4:34 |
The name of the band and also the front cover of this album imply that we'll get a rich portion of death/doom metal. But...the reality is far different. AOD plays a mix of post-grunge and alternative hard'n'heavy in the vein of FOO FIGHTERS, CREED, NICKELBACK, MOIST... For such kind of music, it isn't easy to keep real emotions through each song and not to get into a rut and cheap poses. This album follows the patterns and formulae of the grunge icons (NIRVANA, PEARL JAM...) with respect to the time it was realized. A good clone searching for its own identity. 65/100.
Backyard Babies - Independent Days |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 25, 2024 at 23:49 |
great band that BACKYARD BABIES mixing things from hard to glam topunk music and always got out that sleazy street feel !that collection has stuff from their previous ones along with b sides and live recordings and it is really great
Haywire - Get Off |
From: Oskar |
Date: December 24, 2024 at 7:55 |
Yes, it is true that there are changes in this album, I also prefer the previous ones but I will not say that it is a bad album. The times were changing and the music too, of course. As already mentioned, here we find sounds that remind us of Extreme and also typical 90's sounds but I would also add a touch of Dan Reed Network. 8/10
Blue Tears - Blue Tears |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 23, 2024 at 7:52 |
excellent debut for BLUE TEARS offering some classy commercial hard rock music with big choruses ,many hooks and fine melodic lines with great lyrics about the young and the love game!polished production ,big sound and many radio friendly songs like "rockin with the radio","blue tears","halfway to heaven",'innocent kiss" and "true romance" make that album stands proud among the rest of the hair metal era!great stuff
First Night - First Night |
From: AOR1 |
Date: December 21, 2024 at 12:45 |
Very close to the perfect melodic rock release. Ok, the vocalist sings with little accent - nothing serious. All the songs are ultracatchy and will stick in your head for a long time. Well balanced mix of guitars and keyboards. To me this is in the top 5 releases from the last 5 years. Essential.
Survivor - Eye of the Tiger |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 19, 2024 at 4:12 |
excellent album for SURVIVOR with that mega hit that made them a global act but the rest is also outstanding!fine balance between keys and guitars ,the best they ever had i think and diverse songwriting make Eye Of The Tiger an instant classic and of course their finest moment!essential
After Lapse - Pathways |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: December 17, 2024 at 12:07 |
a pity.frontiers records is in the deep of the hole............................
Wishing Well - Little Dreamer |
From: jaroslav |
Date: December 16, 2024 at 14:09 |
Hi, please can you help me to get this record? Thank you.
8084 - So Far |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 16, 2024 at 0:32 |
excellent collection of songs for 8084 out of their first 3 albums with a classy commercial hard rock sound and many fine melodic lines that will satisfy all fans !"too late for love" ,"surrender" and "call me" are the highlights!great band indeed
Entourage - Jammin Up Tight |
From: emptym1 |
Date: December 14, 2024 at 13:44 |
This is an excellent hard rock album. Well written songs that absolutely rock.
Degreed - Are You Ready |
From: Ydol eM |
Date: December 14, 2024 at 12:34 |
I have the same feelings as Swazi had. A real grower. Arena heavy rock which rides the new wave of Scandi hair metal. For fans of ECLIPSE, H.E.A.T... 85/100.
Demon - Night Of The Demon |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 13, 2024 at 23:27 |
excellent debut for DEMON back in 81 offering that pure hard rock feel of that era with rocking vibe and a nice street feel!"night of the demon","liar","big love" and "foolto play the hard way" stand ot but the rest is pretty good as well!great stuff
Jillson - Deadly Girl |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 12, 2024 at 9:52 |
excellent hair metal indie for JILLSON with their sound being somewhere between KISS and BRITNY FOX! Tommy Paris sounds great and there s a sweet hard rockin vibe in all of the songs that keeps the interest high !"it s emotion","goodbye","on my own" and "make love" are great songs indeed !impressive
Spike - Spike's Late Night Song Book 1 and 2 |
From: CC |
Date: December 11, 2024 at 16:42 |
Previous two albums on a single release minus the DVDs. Limited edition with all copies signed by Spike and hand numbered. CDR format.
Beyond the Blue - Beyond the Blue |
From: SgtRock |
Date: December 11, 2024 at 12:09 |
I think these guys are Dutch. Very American sounding and good for it. A nice one to add to the aor/west coast collection. I think theres a reissue available as a digital down load from Amazon which includes 2 bonus tracks which are remixes of songs from the album.
Heartwind - III |
From: Pee Dee |
Date: December 10, 2024 at 19:20 |
I really enjoyed their debut album. Didn’t care much for the second. But THIS! Oh, boy. It’s an AOR dream. Classic. Emotional. Powerful vocals. Killer melodies. EPIC!
Jaded Heart - Helluva Time |
From: SgtRock |
Date: December 9, 2024 at 10:03 |
One of Jaded Hearts best albums (if not "the" best) and the one with the least amount of "Jovi- ismns". Personally I think JH went to the dogs after this album and a direction contrary to the melodic glory of Helluva Time.
Ballard - Standing In The Shadows |
From: Vince |
Date: December 9, 2024 at 0:57 |
To tim, check this site for updating the infos upon this swedish band.
Laudamus - Laudamus |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: December 7, 2024 at 15:28 |
And somehow this didn't get tagged as CCM?
Best of 2023 - Best of 2023 |
From: metalmastermusic |
Date: December 6, 2024 at 11:03 |
I enjoy the different takes from each reviewer! Learning about new bands is always a pleasure as so many are overlooked every year. Hair splitting over genre is silly at best. It's not like they are straying into rap,EDM,country genres. Rock/Metal is all acceptable. Everyone has their preferences for sure. For me guitar first style music is mine but I enjoy the occasional AOR band. Thanks for the reviews guys!
Laudamus - Laudamus |
From: Aorultima |
Date: December 6, 2024 at 8:53 |
First album with bonus reissue
Bride - Show No Mercy |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 5, 2024 at 10:52 |
pretty good release for BRIDE even though the production is poor you can tell there is much talent here !Show No Mercy sounds raw and captures that mid 80 s underground metal vibe !"thunder in the city","now he is gone" and "forever in darkness" are the standout songs.not their best but a remarkable start
Kix - Cool Kids |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: December 5, 2024 at 8:26 |
I went to college in Central Pennsylvania, the heart of Kix country, second only to their native Maryland. They were immensely popular there in the early days, the proverbial big fish in a small pond (this may be the source of the Atlantic-never-pushed-us gripes). They were regulars at places like the Metron in Harrisburg, the Village in Lancaster, and the Strand in Sunbury. Even the top-40 stations in the area played songs from Cool Kids. Fifteen years later, when I was there, the local AOR station regularly dropped in songs from the two albums, and not just during specialty shows or '80's weekends (Dee Snider never played the early stuff on the House of Hair by contrast). So whenever I listen to Cool Kids, I imagine an early-'80's version of the Pennsylvania I knew.
Kix - Cool Kids |
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: December 5, 2024 at 6:18 |
Kix have accused Atlantic of never promoting their records until Blow My Fuse, but I'm not so sure. Videos were made for "Cool Kids" and "Body Talk"—bad ones to be sure, but so were a great many videos from 1983. They got on American Bandstand for this album as well, and while that sounds laughably irrelevant, the show did feature a fair number of hard-rock acts in the early '80's including Dokken. And they were featured on the King Biscuit Flower Hour (and yeah, they did spell it flower instead of flour), a weekly national radio show featuring live performances. Kix recorded a hometown gig at the Sandbar in Baltimore for their entry, and Zebra were the other half of that week's hour. This was still early days for what would become hair-metal, hence the label-mandated New Wave trappings. Cool Kids looks and sounds very much of its time and place, pre-Metal Health, pre-Shout At The Devil.
The Rods - Rock Hard |
From: ghettonation73 |
Date: December 4, 2024 at 17:45 |
Heard this on Jim Florentine’s two hour segment on Ozzy’s Boneyard just recently. This first CD rocks. Especially “Crank It Up.”
The Rods - Rock Hard |
From: ghettonation73 |
Date: December 4, 2024 at 17:45 |
Heard this on Jim Florentine’s two hour segment on Ozzy’s Boneyard just recently. This first CD rocks. Especially “Crank It Up.”
Second Self - Mood Ring |
From: hair metal again |
Date: December 2, 2024 at 10:21 |
pretty good release for SECOND SELF offering a 90 s hard rock sound with remarkable musicianship but it seems they were quite confused in what they wnted to do !there are some good songs like "red october","lose those shadows" but overall it s just ok
Skagarack - Hungry for a Game |
From: Harald |
Date: December 1, 2024 at 4:07 |
Top 10 AOR lbum of all time. Doesn't need to hide behind Journey, Foreigner, Survivor or other established acts
Jim Jidhed - Full Circle |
From: hair metal again |
Date: November 28, 2024 at 13:51 |
Excellent release for JIM JIDHED with the valuable help of Tommy Denander and a strong Steve Perry influence!great melodic lines ,superb solos ,many hooks and overall flawless aor that will please everyone!"someday ""ow we cry" and the cover of "lost angels" are the highlights!really impressed
Fatal Vision - Three Times Lucky |
From: TeyacaL |
Date: November 28, 2024 at 2:48 |
Wow! The album feels like I was transported into the 80s. A record with a wonderful story of passion that demonstrates how the relationship between art and time can take unexpected and sinuous forms. Definitely their best effort so far!
Lionsheart - Pride In Tact |
From: guitarrizer |
Date: November 27, 2024 at 3:19 |
It's as good as the debut musicwise, just with lesser sound quality. Many hits here. Recommended!
Storace - Crossfire |
From: guitarrizer |
Date: November 27, 2024 at 3:16 |
The new Storace album is full of killer melodies in the vein of mixed AC/DC and Def Leppard.
Gotthard - Gotthard |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: November 26, 2024 at 12:31 |
1992 first gotthard s atomic bomb.nivarna and co destination the trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Message - Outside Looking In |
From: Roxas |
Date: November 26, 2024 at 9:56 |
One of Escape's greatest releases! No bad songs, and some utter gems that have stood the test of time. All the popular guys at the time involved, from Change of Heart to Heartland then all polished up by the legend Dean Fasano. Timeless.
Lionsheart - Pride In Tact |
From: hair metal again |
Date: November 26, 2024 at 9:29 |
very good release for LIONSHEART back in 94 with a fine hard rock sound ,excellent musicianship and remarkable songwriting!"deja vu","i believe in love" and 'i ll be there" are the highlights!good stuff
Nightblaze - Nightblaze |
From: 123charpenay |
Date: November 25, 2024 at 12:54 |
thanx to teyacal for his comment.i ve totally miss this class italian hard fm with a super singer.i ve order this jewel at cd japan.
Fans Of The Dark - Video |
From: TeyacaL |
Date: November 24, 2024 at 3:45 |
Another great record from an overly underrated band.
Nightblaze - Nightblaze |
From: TeyacaL |
Date: November 24, 2024 at 3:43 |
A band that has nothing to envy the best Scandinavians acts. A set of great songs, well produced and played. The lead singer is amazing. Undoubtedly one of the most beautiful records of 2024!
D.A.D. - Speed of Darkness |
From: TeyacaL |
Date: November 24, 2024 at 3:39 |
Another good one, you know what to expect from this band!
Night Pleasure Hotel - Portraits |
From: TeyacaL |
Date: November 24, 2024 at 3:37 |
Great debut by these newcomers from Italy. Old-school AOR, well played and with an amazing vocalist as well.
Rush - Roll The Bones |
From: ghettonation73 |
Date: November 23, 2024 at 8:58 |
I love this album. “Dreamline” is my all time favorite Rush song.
Vince Neil - Carved In Stone |
From: ghettonation73 |
Date: November 23, 2024 at 0:42 |
This album and Arcade’s A/2 were total disappointments. Skylar’s Song is the only good track on here.