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Country Artist Genre

USAX Factor XMelodic Metal
USAX JapanMelodic Metal
USAX Of Eden [CCM]80s Hard Rock
finlandX ProphetsModern Hard Rock
swedenThe X Union80s Hard Rock
USAX-1580s Hard Rock
USAX-CaliberMelodic Metal
USAX-Drive80s Hard Rock
italyX-Hero80s Hard Rock
USAX-Piracy80s Hard Rock
italyX-Plicit [Italy]80s Hard Rock
USAX-Plicit80s Hard Rock
brazilX-RatedSleaze Glam
japanX-Ray80s Hard Rock
swedenX-RomanceAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAX-Sinner [CCM]Melodic Metal
icelandX-izt80s Hard Rock
spainXIX YearsAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAXL New York80s Hard Rock
USAXLR880s Hard Rock
ukXL80s Hard Rock
Country Artist Genre

USAXOX80s Hard Rock
norwayXOriginAOR /
Melodic Rock
swedenXT [CCM]80s Hard Rock
USAXX Badboy80s Hard Rock
swedenXXXSleaze Glam
USAXYZ80s Hard Rock
germanyXaja80s Hard Rock
USAXalt [CCM]80s Hard Rock
USAXanaduAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAXavier80s Hard Rock
turkeyXcarnationProg Rock
USAXciter80s Hard Rock
USAXcursion80s Hard Rock
USAXenon80s Hard Rock
USAXeron80s Hard Rock
USAXhibition80s Hard Rock
USAXillionAOR /
Melodic Rock
canadaXntrik80s Hard Rock
swissXpress80s Hard Rock
swedenXsavioRProg Rock
spainXtasy80s Hard Rock

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