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[Stryper Band Picture]

Artist: Stryper

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Stryper Homepage

CD Title: To Hell With the Devil

Stryper To Hell With the Devil Album Cover Stryper To Hell With the Devil Album Cover


Category: CCM Hard Rock

Year: 1986

Label: Hollywood

Catalog Number: HR-61185-2


Michael Sweet lead and backing vocals, lead and acoustic guitars
Robert Sweet drums
Timothy Gaines bass
Oz Fox lead guitar, backing vocals


1.  Abyss  
2.  To Hell With the Devil  
3.  Calling on You  
4.  Free  
5.  Honestly  
6.  The Way  
7.  Sing-Along Song  
8.  Holding On  
9.  Rockin' the World  
10.  All of Me  
11.  More Than a Man  

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Stryper CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: caroline Date: June 23, 2001 at 22:08
this album rocks! 'to hell with the devil' is a powerful song with a powerful message! wonderful Stryper ballads like 'honestly' and great catchy tunes like 'the sing a song' a true must in any hardcore rockers collection!!!

From: alex Date: September 8, 2001 at 14:17
STRYPER simply rules!!!!! One of the best albums of all times. A definitive masterpiece. I loved!!!!!!!!

From: Ariel Date: September 21, 2001 at 8:25
Stryper, es una de las mejores bandas!!! que he escuchado. este album es uno de los mejores.

From: kirk Date: January 4, 2002 at 12:21
i love this album!!! i was the first person to have the christian radio station in town play 'to hell with the devil' this is a must have for anyone who's into hard rock

From: Edwin Chamorro Date: January 28, 2002 at 12:16
Yep, this is really Stryper best.Altough not as deep lyrically as Bride or Tourniquet,if you love Christian Metal,this is a must own.One of the greatest CCM albums of all time(Despite what CCM magazine will tell you) Favorite song:Calling on you Least favorite: all of me.

From: Harry Date: February 19, 2002 at 9:44
This band was really good, the only thing against them was that they got most all of the media attention. There were plenty of christian metal/rock bands who sounded just as good if not better at that time. Such as:Mastedon,Leviticus,Guardian,Petra,Barren Cross,Messiah Prophet,Saint,& DeGarmo&Key. Stryper brought alot of attention to the Christian Metal Scene, but when they broke up in the early 90's, the whole Christan Rock Music scene seemed to fade away.

From: Cephas Date: March 5, 2002 at 2:36
Indeed, a Hair Metal classic which every fan of Christian rock should own. Stryper had a distinctive, pop-flavored sound combined with technicality & polish. 'The Way' & 'More Than a Man' bring the house down. And, note how explicitly CHRISTIAN the lyrics are! (Stryper doesn't beat you over the head with Jesus - they just love Him.) 'All of Me' is a cheesey, 3rd-rate ballad; 'Sing Along Song' is hokey, but sounds good. I used to stay away from Stryper CD's - not any more.

From: Desslar Date: April 15, 2002 at 12:24
Again, they can't write a decent ballad to save their lives, but Free and the title track are solid rockers.

From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 Date: July 17, 2002 at 11:59
SU OBRA CUMBRE.Uno de los MEJORES DISCOS DE LA HISTORIA.Consiguen la madurez total,su estilo propio y temas inmortales al tiempo.'Quien dijo que el Heavy Metal es ruido?Escuchad cada tema y opinad,esta gente es pura MELODIA,eso si MELODIA AFILADA,solos de guitarra que junto con los que hacian Judas Priest son de los mejores que se han echo en los ochenta.'Mariconas? Que algun machote se meta el grito que pega Michael Sweet en el tema The way.Sin exagerar ALL TIME CLASSIC.10/10. '

From: vicflame Date: July 24, 2002 at 8:37
Stryper truly is a GREAT BAND !!! All their albums are cool (but more those of the 80's, of course). This album here ROCKS THE HELL OUT OF YOU !!! A christian metal band ? I don't think that this sounds stupid or funny. Their message is very positive, and they can combine burning rocker songs (cf 'To hell with the devil' or 'Rocking the world') with wonderful ballads (we played 'All of me' during our wedding, and I must say that this was a great moment of love and emotion, for my wife and me !)

From: SEBSFOX Date: September 5, 2002 at 11:34
The all-time greatest album from the all-time greatest band. ENOUGH SAID!!!!

From: Richard H Date: September 27, 2002 at 12:53
The Christian metal version of Styx.

From: Miguel valmer Date: November 4, 2002 at 19:11
To Hell With The Devil fu' un disco que sin duda marco mi vida como rockero que soy,Michael Sweet ser' uno de los mejores cantantes Heavy's por siempre...

From: vics Date: January 10, 2003 at 10:14
undoubtedly the best stryper album put out! had a ban back in coll' and it was amazing doing their songs .. the one we really hit it out was 'calling on you' .. incredible guitar works .. compliments of a guitarist to oz and michael.. god bless these 2 guys!

From: vics Date: January 10, 2003 at 10:24
and yeah this is off the record .. when i first heard 'em (the song -to hell with the devil) i thought they were a black (satanic)metal band! ) .. and oh! btw i still do .. .. forgive me jesus (forgive me .. michael & co ) )

From: Steve F. Date: February 8, 2003 at 22:35
Not as good as their first two albums, but a level above 'In God We Trust.' Their sound starts to get a little too polished at points, and 'Honestly' never did much for me, but there's still a lot that's good (especially 'The Way' - nice and heavy!). A 7.5

From: Dani Date: March 10, 2003 at 10:37
Este disco deber'a haber tenido la misma fama mundial que el 'Final Countdown' de Europe. 'To Hell With The Devil' es un album PERFECTO,con melod'as asombrosas,guitarras dobladas a la perfecci'n,una voz inigualable... El solo de guitarra de 'More Than A Man' describe esta joya.

From: Labrie Date: March 10, 2003 at 16:50
Estoy seguro que es una obra sencillamente superlativa y que no hay grupos con tal variaci'n de g'neros y contratiempos como estos cristianos.Canciones tan heavies como to hell with the devil no hay casi ninguna y encima m's tarde te meten un the way, canci'n rara pero atractiv'sima a la vez.Un disco q pasar' a la posteridad

From: A.D.M.M. Date: March 12, 2003 at 9:23

From: Jack Botabing Date: March 25, 2003 at 18:48
This Band really Rocks!!! They showed us that most people attend Rock concerts just to get high and bang their heads. But these Guys,One Day, had Big enough Balls, to get out of their seats and run down to the pulpit and accept Jesus as their True Lord and Savior. These guys showed us that we need to glorify Christ in everything we do, or else they will show up at your front door,and kick your sinful ass! Go Stryper!!!

From: Tony BCN Date: March 25, 2003 at 23:21
Su mejor 'lbum.El m's completo.Imprescindible.

From: toni girona Date: March 26, 2003 at 0:38
Un disco para disfrutarlo, los riffs, los solos y la voz de Michel Sweet suenan de maravilla, hace m's de 15 a'os que tengo este disco en mi colecci'n y a'n lo escucho amenudo.

From: Eduardo Date: April 17, 2003 at 13:36
TO HELL WITH THE devil, AL INFIERNO CON EL demonio. Manteniendo la vista en Dios, te puedes salvar, de otra manera el que pierde eres t'. El Disco, el mejo que he escuchado! the best cd in the world

From: Date: April 17, 2003 at 13:39
Styx the secular version of STRYPER

From: Magnus Date: April 17, 2003 at 15:04
All STRYPER albums are CLASSICS. They were the door to other many bands in the 80's. With no doubt, they are a great reference for everyone. Grace & peace for all !

From: RED-DEATH Date: April 29, 2003 at 19:27

From: Jeremy Witte Date: May 15, 2003 at 0:34
THIS is the Stryper I LOVE!

From: tomcat Date: June 6, 2003 at 14:48
i agree with you James, Michael is a magnificient vocalist, just listen to his solo stuff .His brother is simply amazing behind the drums, Ozz is a very, very good guitarplayer . His guitarsolo's are earcandy and tim, well, listen to the way he handles the bass on 'against the law' , supreme.. Stryper was truly a great band with a great message to boot.. long live stryper,

From: Motley Date: June 9, 2003 at 20:57
Stryper IS and was the best christian band ever, no doubt about it at all. if anybody has a problem with their image at all, well then they should have a problem with any hairbands image. Stryper was extremely talentet and by watching several concerts with them a dropped my jaw. Great showmanship. If you dont like Stryper, then I have no clue how you can like great melodic hardrock or metal if you like!!!

From: emilio madrid Date: July 28, 2003 at 18:06
simplemente:much'simas gracias...

From: razor2467 Date: August 11, 2003 at 8:34
I like the rock songs on this disc, but the ballads gotta go....also, some of the songs have WAY too much spit & polish on them...If you would like to hear great Stryper, try Soldiers under Command, or The Yellow & Black Attack

From: shooto Date: August 16, 2003 at 14:03
una de las maravillas universales jode suena a cristiano y to jejeje to hell whit.. acojonante free una delicia y las baladas mama mia las baladas de esta gente es q son incomparables y no estan en ningun recopilatorio de best balads una lastima. ahhh y callin on you? puff q me voyyy

From: visitor Date: August 19, 2003 at 14:15
People keep nagging about the religious stuff with Stryper, or saying that 'everyone should keep their religion to themselves'. At the same time there are bands hailing for satan, and I haven't seen anyone complaining about them telling about their religion? On the contrary, it's considered 'cool'. I think Stryper was one of the bravest bands 'cause they had the courage to express their faith during the time when all kinds of bands with ridiculous bad-ass, mean&nasty attitudes were on the top.

From: SEBS FOX Date: August 19, 2003 at 21:01
Stryper is touring 2003! Check the official website for details.

From: Edward Date: September 25, 2003 at 11:17
Stryper best album, without a doubt. I think their ballad 'HONESTLY', well, I honestly say that is kinda cheesy. But at over all, this is a good album. With songs like 'FREE', 'TO HELL WITH THE DEVIL', and 'CALLING ON YOU' this album is simply Stryper's best. I can't dig christian music sometimes, but the image and sound on this one are great.

From: Jay Date: November 16, 2003 at 4:34
Great post Visitor! I agree! Sure, I'm a Christian and biased, but what the heck! :-P. This is the best Stryper album ever. Completely solid. TOOOO HELLLLLLLLLLL WITH THEEEE DEEEEEEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: ROBERT Date: December 19, 2003 at 13:07
impresionate, alucinante y maravilloso disco d esta fantastica Banda!! heavy melodico del mejor, temas buenisimos...hacen d este disco una autentica maravilla!! 8'5 sobre 10!!

From: metalhead1 Date: January 7, 2004 at 4:08

From: Valkyn Date: March 12, 2004 at 14:31
Stryper is one of the first Hard Rock/Metal bands that got me into HR/Metal in the first place, and although I am an Agnostic I love this Band, thier music the sound and they have great talent! Was a sad day when they split!

From: The Noisemuse Date: April 7, 2004 at 21:59

From: John Date: April 16, 2004 at 11:12
The anti-King Diamond...lots of guitar and lots of falsetto, but hailing Jesus instead of Satan. Kicks butt, though.

From: tomcat Date: April 17, 2004 at 5:03
tomcat loves stryper....i think this was a great message to boot...

From: c-rocks Date: June 17, 2004 at 19:26
Ufffff, ahora mismo acabo de escuchar la canci'n 'to hell with the devil' y no acabo de recobrar la respiraci'n!!!!!Es incre'ble, voy a ver si consigo el recopilatorio. Nunca hab'a escuchado nada de stryper pero... despu's de escuchar esto me quedan ganas de m's!!!

From: gener8tr Date: July 1, 2004 at 18:43

From: Bobby Date: July 2, 2004 at 14:47
One of the best CD's I own. Just bought the new 7 Weeks Live CD. It is outstanding. Full of energy. Great!

From: Metal Jay Date: July 31, 2004 at 13:03
Religion aside, this album kicks butt. Take the christian aspect out of it and it is some of the best music in the genre. I am not saying the Christian part of it should be taken out. I just mean it would stand on it's own against anything in the genre. One of the best I own. 2 enthusiastic thumbs up.

From: Rycheage Date: July 31, 2004 at 20:03
This was one of the best melodic rock discs released in the 80's. Crunching guitars, soaring vocals (courtesy of Michael Sweet) and pounding drums are aplenty. 'To Hell With The Devil', 'Calling On You', 'Free' and 'Rockin' The World' are aces. 'Honestly' and 'All Of Me' are touching ballads of the first order. Highly recommended!

From: paul rock Date: August 28, 2004 at 17:12
I'm not a christian,not even close, but this one rocks yer lame ass. The songs are very strong and the ballads are a little weak, but the possitive vibe around this record is outstanding. It's a perfect hardrock album to start your wild saturday night. (But don't mess up, after all there's a possitive spirit)

From: Geoff Date: September 20, 2004 at 0:29
Once again, I hate the lyrics and I hate the ballads, but I'll be f*cked if Stryper don't turn up ready to churn out a killer set of hard rock music. I can appreciate the album for music alone, and a couple of songs are pretty cool too.

From: jessica96fish Date: September 21, 2004 at 4:00
top band brilliant all round album.don't care what they sing mr sweet has the best rock voice ever.this one has to be my fav i also love soldiers under command.

From: JORGE_CODAROCK Date: September 22, 2004 at 20:52

From: Jgg Date: September 24, 2004 at 10:11

From: Date: March 7, 2005 at 8:43

From: KISS Date: May 11, 2005 at 6:43
This album definitely is christian hard rock or christian metal? why not? It is metal or hard rock music with christian lyrics!

From: KISS Date: May 11, 2005 at 6:49
To hell with the devil is my favourite styrper album and no doubt it's probabaly styrper's best,commercially and quality wise. The title track and my way are heavy metal anthem with loud and bombastic guitar. Free is a more melodic rocker with great chorus. I like the long solo too. More than a man(the best from this album) and rockin the world are way underrated than their popular song(honestly and the title track). Melodic yet raw,both songs are prime example of how real their faith is towards

From: KISS Date: May 11, 2005 at 6:55
God. More than man shows great vocal range and skill from michael sweet especailly after the ending of the 2nd chorus and the end of the song. Rockin the world got fantastic hooks and and a catcy chorus that is always on my head. As usual,the ballads are too weak for my taste. Never mind if it is a major hit,those two song,honestly saying are dreadful(those piano and synthesizer arrangement) and michael singing like a woman in both songs doesn't help either. They should pick up some tips

From: KISS Date: May 11, 2005 at 7:02
(style and intensity wise) from ballads like nobody's fool or love bites and add it with their magical,yet truthful lyrics. One good thing i notice about stryper is they never go over the top with their lyrics like condemning other band(glam bands like motley crue or poison for singing about sex and girls or black metal bands prasing satan) or making false accusation. Anyway,back to the album. In calling on u and holding on,stryper did stray more from their hard rock roots into the pop side!

From: KISS Date: May 11, 2005 at 7:08
Don't get me wrong,both songs display some wonderful guitar work(i like the riffs) from oz and michael but it's a bit too sugary and pop sounding. I think those two falls somewhere between the heavier,rocker songs(the title track,the way and rockin the world) and the ballads(honestly,all of me). I can't understand why a lot of people love sing-along song. It's one of the worst i've heard. Those 'whoa oh oh oh oh whoa la la' lyrics sucks and sounded so cheesy.

From: KISS Date: May 11, 2005 at 7:15
Ok,overall my i think songs like to hell with the devil,rockin the world,my way,more than a man and free are excellent while calling on u,holding are good too. Honestly are average while all of me and sing along song are horrible. Oh, and i forgot the instrmental,abyss. It's not the best way to kickstart the album(the gong and misty sound)but oh well,i kinda like it too. So,8 good and satisfying songs and 3 o.k(at times awful) song is not bad either. And i think their black and yellow outfits

From: KISS Date: May 11, 2005 at 7:16
looks kinda cool too. Ratings:9/10

From: johnk5150 Date: May 11, 2005 at 10:00
I wonder if KISS has an opinion on this record.

From: Trick Taylor Date: May 11, 2005 at 11:09
Nothing like writing a thesis on Stryper. I think I will write mine on 'Beau Nasty vs. Valentine: Proving the Case that both Sucked Out Loud'. Actually I like this record for the cool drumming and 'Sing Along Song'. Long live the bumblebees!

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: May 11, 2005 at 14:30
KISS, can you elaborate a bit on your opinion? There's no need to summarize...

From: KISS Date: May 13, 2005 at 4:54
O.K! I think their rocker(anthem) and up tempo songs really kick ass,especailly free and more than a man. And to be honest,their ballad sucks. It's nowhere near the quality of def leppard's love bites,dokken's dream warrior or skid row's 18 and life in terms of intensity,power and energy. However,the lyrical quality of honestly is better than mos ballad.

From: dean Date: May 15, 2005 at 21:50
Hi Jack(i mean Kiss,or slayerfan etc...)-I was wondering what user name you would use. For me, this was the beginning of Stryper's descent(ahem)They still had several very good tunes on here but compared to the quality they upheld on the first two there was def. something amiss here. 'To Hell..' 'Sing along song' and 'The Way' still rank among the band's best though.

From: KISS Date: June 11, 2005 at 3:50
Yeah,the first two album was definitely less glam-orientated and more rocking and rawer. But their first 2 album,especailly soldiers under command have the type of songs that this album have. The comparison is quite similar:The way compared to surrender-both are heavy riffing songs,to hell with the devil is similar to soldiers under command,calling on you and holding on is similar to together forever and reach out-all are pop orientated sound with rock riffs,honestly and together as one

From: KISS Date: June 11, 2005 at 3:55
are similar etc. I agree with you. They seem to miss the pure energy that the first 2 album deliver. The guitar sound are quite different too. I think free,more than a man,waiting for a love,the rocks that makes me roll and surrender are the top five songs from the soldiers under command and to hell with the devil. For the best solo,that will have to go with surrender and soldiers under command,which after the second chorus,shows some excellent twin guitar axing solo from michael sweet and oz

From: KISS Date: June 11, 2005 at 3:56
For sure,this album is much better than in god we trust which shows them turning more from the metal/hard rock roots to the pop/rock direction.

From: stryper Date: June 15, 2005 at 18:22
this is a great album.and if any of the other bands of the time had made this.all would be saying how great it was.all because the message of god.some complain.but what a great band stryper of the best.if not the best singers ever.oz fox.ain't so bad give it up for a rock band.who really rock.jessica96fish

From: (CZ)mark-t Date: August 27, 2005 at 14:02
Hey people all albums from STRYPER is magical try all very very good 10/10 all albums.Very heart very pomp.I LOVE YOU STRYPER.And new album REBORN very BAD.Bad sound not like old alb.(very bombastic Sound)this bad sound.

From: pereira Date: October 28, 2005 at 18:03
this was the first STRYPER album i ever listened to back in 99 (yes 1999, in 87 i was too little to hear this kind of music) after that i went out for their whole discography. their last album REBORN is the only album i dont have, i consider it STRYPERs worst effort. this album doesent differ much from their next albums but maybe because it was my first STRYPER cd i cant help say that this is indeed my favorite.

From: Sangre Azul Date: December 5, 2005 at 6:45
Que grupazo!! que disco!! que canciones!! QUE VOZ!! Soy completamente ateo, pero no voy a dejarles de escuchar por ello, el rock es libertad y cada uno expresa lo que siente. me parece que es imprescindible tener discos de styper si te gusta el Hard rock y el AOR, y si puede ser este, mejor que mejor. Conseguid los videoclips y entonces ya lo vivireis. A ver si vuelven a sacar un cd as', y se dejan de reborn. 9.5/10

From: poproxx2007 Date: February 6, 2006 at 21:43
Excellent CD! More Hookz Than A Tackle Boxx! A Good message and A very talented band!

From: DANTE Date: June 7, 2006 at 5:45

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: September 7, 2006 at 22:40
By far the best Stryper album, pucha CHAMPIONS lo as dicho todo no queda mucho por escribir, quiza el In God We Trust fue el mas fomoso y reconocido por la critica pero este es el mejor solo mira el a'o 1986 te queda alguna duda de porque yo tambien lo considero el mejor album y mas porque ese a'o casi todas las bandas cruzaban su estilo con el AOR (hasta Maiden exploraron ese camino sacando un tremendo album) y este asi lo confirma uno de los mejores albums que habra 10/10

From: Figge Date: September 27, 2006 at 14:06
Yet another step into the more commercial hard rock for Stryper. Which is a shame in my opinion. This is still a really good album with highlights such as Free, The Way, Rocking The World and More Than A Man. I rate Soldiers Under Command a bit higher but this one isn't far behind. Definitely one of my favourite 80's metal/hard rock bands.

From: Nix Date: October 21, 2006 at 18:42
To me, this is Stryper's best album and one of the best Hard Rock albums ever. Listening to it from start to finish is an experience. Favorites from this include 'To Hell With The Devil', 'The Way', 'More Than A Man'... Actually, it was all great! 'More Than A Man' has to be one the most epic finishers to an album ever. Great for fans of Melodic Hard Rock. I always thought of Stryper as Melodic Hard Rock instead of CCM Hard Rock, but there's no denying how direct they are about Christianity.

From: poproxx2007 Date: October 23, 2006 at 2:45
Yes they are direct about Christianity-also direct on delivering one of slickest metal around at the time. They were such unappreciated musicians. Robert is one of the best drummers. Michael has pipes blessed from Heaven above and Oz and Tim were exceptional musicians. This is not my favorite Styper but included some excellent tunes: 'More than a man', 'All of me', 'Rocking The World' and the exellent title cut!

From: dave Date: June 24, 2007 at 8:47
El Mejor Album de banda favorita Michael Sweet es un genio en la guitarra y las voces Robert Sweet es el mejor a la bateria, con cortes de bateria que le dan mas vida a las canciones. 20/10

From: dave Date: June 24, 2007 at 8:50
The Best Album of my favorite band Michael Sweet is a genius in the guitar and the voices Robert Sweet are the best on drums, with cuts of drums that give more life to the songs. 20/10

From: juan carlos Date: September 6, 2007 at 16:18
Coincido con Sangre Azul, discazo sin mas, solo acotar que la menos buena es 'Sing-Along Song', la bella balada 'All of Me' un tanto mon'tona y la riffera 'Rockin' the World' ok. Para todos mis amigos ac' en mi barrio 'The Way' era sus favoritos, para m' 'Free' es mi favorita de siempre. Pero al final todos concordamos: DISCAZAZAZO!! 9.5/10

From: Zze Date: November 1, 2007 at 14:15
THWTD is no doubt Stryper finest album. the combination between a traditional heavy metal edge and more hard rock/commercial approach make this disc enjoyable for many , from the 'fluffy' moments like Holding On to the quasi-Thrash stuff like more than a man this CD absolutely rocks. other Stryper albums may have decent songs , but noone can be compared in quality to THWTD. great lyrics too. a must.

From: YNGWIEVIKING Date: November 3, 2007 at 3:35
GREAT CD 97/100 GREAT WHITE METAL at his best THIS BAND WAS A THE TIME ONE OF THE BIGGEST CIRCUS IN TOWN WHAT A GREAT R'n' ROLL PARTY ON STAGE ! 3/4 of the songs a are still on their live set list ! HUGE STUFF especially the song 'to hell with the devil'who stand with'soldier under command'as one of the biggest HAIR METAL anthem of all time buy it

From: cacophony Date: November 12, 2007 at 6:43

From: DonDefo Date: December 27, 2010 at 21:04
CALLING ON YOU!! Nothing more to add.

From: halfordhughes Date: April 23, 2011 at 11:58
great cd!and great voice!

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: December 15, 2011 at 15:52
Not a big fan of the band overall, but the title track is good and fairly heavy, and "Callin' On You" reminds me of something Firehouse would do. The overall sound, in fact, reminds me of Firehouse's debut (working backwards, I know), but overall, not nearly as catchy or memorable. "Sing-Along Son" is just ridiculous and embarrassing, and whenever I heard the intro to "Honestly" I half-expect to hear Whitney Houston sing, it has that same overproduced chimy-churchbell keyboard sound you'd hear on some overwrought mid-'80's diva ballad.

From: MetalllianStallion Date: December 17, 2011 at 11:32
Doghouse, I'm going to take a wild guess you don't have Tim Tebow fever? IMO you go to the 'Firehouse well' a little too often, knelt at the 'Reach for the Sky' alter, the standard in which all bands shall be measured. I know you're a fan of the band and so am I, but I don't hear the Stryper influence or sound myself. "Sing-Along Son" is just ridiculous and embarrassing? To you or the band? Are bands embarrassed for singing about evil or Satan (Black Sabbath,Maiden,ect)? How many 80's bands sold 10 million+ albums? Not to mention being the first Christian hair band with major mainstream success, so give credit to the band as a talent. I started with the Tebow-Time reference because some of his critics won't just come and say they hate his religious grand standing, instead making excuses of why he accidentally won his last 7 NFL starts. When I Look Into my closed Eyes (pun intended) I hear Whitney Houston (pre-coke,meth) singing, along with 'Love of a Lifetime' so I guess it's even.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: December 17, 2011 at 14:03
Stallion, maybe you're right about my somewhat-more-than-occasional name-checking of Firehouse. I just hold their debut in very high regard for that style of sugary -sweet but still heavy commercial hard rock. And I heard them before I heard Stryper, so it was hard noforme notto make the connection; wprking backward, like I said. As far as "Sing-Along Song" goes, I'm embarrasesed for them. Really, "whoa-oh-oh, la-la-la" is the best they can come up with? I didn't say anything about the Christian themes on purpose. For one thing, it's always the lightning rod, with Stryper or Tebow for that matter. You say something negative, and a certain type of person will automatically say, "You just don't like him because he's a CHRISTIAN, don'tcha?!" And that's not the case in either example. More in the next post, I'm running out of space ...

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: December 17, 2011 at 14:39
In Stryper's case, I don't find their lyrics much different than other fantasy-based themes in metal. Sure, lots of bands go the "eeeevil" route with their dark imagery, but do so in a very basic, juvenile way, and I find that just as distasteful as something like "Sing-Along Song." As for Mr. Tebow (who is on my fantasy team this year, speaking of fantasy), he's got plenty of company among pro athletes who give it up to J.C. at every turn. Is it grandstanding? DTO a degree, I think he takes it to the level he does because he's daring people to make something of it. Personally, I'm glad I'm not a Broncos fan, because watching him do a whole lot of nothin' for three quarters would be nerve-wracking. "Honestly," I think it's just a matter of time before his style of play is going to get them into a hole he won't be able to climb out of in the last five minutes of the game, and after a couple weeks of that, we're going to hear a lot less of how great he is.

From: MetalllianStallion Date: December 29, 2011 at 20:57
Doghouse, you make some valid points and as a rule IMO your one of a handful on this site who give original incite in your reviews. My 'Tebow term' grandstanding might be more accurately put as using his 'public platform'. You might be right that he's daring the media to call him out. I give him props for as far as I know putting his money where his mouth is, building missions,ect. with his finances. It's a nice change of pace instead of hearing the usual banter of (Chad Ochocinco, Terell Owens,ect.) idiotic comments. I agree with Tebow that football is just a game (blasphemy to some), as many take sports way too seriously. Back to 'Stryper 'Sing-along song' besides it's religious connotations, might compare to Van Halen Big Bad Bill (Is Sweet William Now). Not a comparison in musical style, but a fun(filler) track on a album. Speaking of juvenile bands I thought you would be all over 'Black Veil Brides-Set the World on Fire' like a Dirty Penny bloody limb in shark infested waters.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: December 31, 2011 at 13:30
Hahahaaaaa! Stallion, you still remember me climbing all over poor Dirty Penny, huh? I've actually tried to ignore Black Veil Brides once I figured out what they were about, just from the song titles and their look. Maybe I should go have a listen, in order to limber up my hate muscle. You're right, though, if nothing else, it IS a nice break from the T.O.'s and Plaxicos and Puppy Killers of the game, but he's hardly the only deeply religious player in the game. In a way, I kinda feel bad for him, in that it seems like the sports media and a certain type of fan that has a religious or political axe to grind has built Tebow up into a bigger figure than he really is or should be. On the other hand, football may be a game to US, but it's HIS occupation right now.

From: hair metal again Date: April 16, 2014 at 3:35
fantastic release by STRYPER and for me their best ever!i believe that it is the most presentative of what this band is and it achieved commercial success back in the day setting STRYPER a mainsteam one!this one contains big hits like "calling on you","honestly""holding on" "free" and "hell to the devil"!brilliant and essential

From: Auslander Date: April 26, 2021 at 12:04
Essential Sunset-Strip style glam metal by Stryper. People give them stick about their lyrics but they sing about what they wanna sing about. Musically, this is at a very high level of proficiency and is at their pinnacle of songcraft. The title track is molten rock, Calling on You is bliss, Free is anthemic, Honestly is sappy until the chorus, The Way rocks and Sing-along Song is as advertised. A+

From: Eric Date: April 21, 2023 at 12:52
Stryper's big breakthru album with all killers, no fillers, and a HUGE sound. Drums by great great drummer Robert Sweet sound bombastic and really good. Much better than those of many other big '86 albums imo. Bob is not only a skilled hard-hitting drummer, he also helps the engineers get that perfect drum sound that he, and many fans of Stryper, love. Even on Soldiers, where they hired Michael Wagener who often had a bit muddy drums, Bob achieved his crispy and tight drum sound. Drummers will get this. Original angels cover artwork was of course the best. Very consistent and many classics on this one. Band was as always misinterpreted and had to add: "And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever." (Revelation 20:10)

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