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Mr. Big Homepage
CD Title: Lean Into It
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1991
Label: Atlantic
Catalog Number: 7 82209-2
Pat Torpey drums
Billy Sheehan bass
Eric Martin vocals
Paul Gilbert guitar
1. | Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy | |
2. | Alive and Kickin' | |
3. | Green-Tinted Sixties Mind | |
4. | CDFF-Lucky This Time | |
5. | Voodoo Kiss | |
6. | Never Say Never | |
7. | Just Take My Heart | |
8. | My Kinda Woman | |
9. | A Little Too Loose | |
10. | Road to Ruin | |
11. | To Be With You | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Rob |
Date: October 10, 2001 at 11:10 |
I still play this CD all the time. Great songs from the ballads to the rockers.
From: SHAG |
Date: October 23, 2001 at 7:23 |
Man, what a great album!!! Not only is Paul Gilbert an incredible guitarist, he is an incredible songwriter!!! If this album had been released in 1988, these guys would be bigger than Bon Jovi and Aerosmith together!!! From start to finish, this is the ultimate hard rock album!!! Do yourself a favor and give this one a listen!!! You will not regret it!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
From: wadelink |
Date: October 23, 2001 at 18:49 |
i have to agree this is a smoker paul gilbert burns it up- sheehan pulls it out every chance he can -eric martin can shout it out and a better than ever songs
From: Tony |
Date: April 23, 2002 at 10:35 |
Just an excellent cd that bringd back great times for me. Great songs and outstanding musicianship what more do you need? And Eric Martin could sing the telephone book and make it sound great. Love Gilbert's playing but Mr. Big never grows old on me because that voice is just classic!!
From: jason |
Date: June 2, 2002 at 18:49 |
This is their best album! You could say that it's a classic. They gave it all on this one and the others don't hit this level. Mr. Big had a great debut album but this is their gem. The third album (bump Ahead) fell off and didn't have the magic like Lean Into It did and after that album I stopped buying. Thats OK though because Paul left the group after HEY MAN anyway. It was over after that. No more magic...........
Date: September 5, 2002 at 23:13 |
disco mas comercial que el primero me quedo con el anterior siendo que no deja de ser bueno 80/100
From: The Fizzy One |
Date: September 15, 2002 at 22:54 |
It's only okay. Even when I got it way back when, it didn't light my wick like some albums do. "Yeah, that's nice, let's put it away now and play something else." And although I dug it at the time, I now CANNOT FUCKING STAND the last song! UGH!
From: janaque |
Date: September 21, 2002 at 5:29 |
the best studio´s album of this megaband. Great production, sound and songs, from the first til the end. Eric sings wonderfully, and Gilbert-Sheehan show us who kind of guys they are playing This is hard rock. Buy it ¡¡
From: Baris |
Date: October 1, 2002 at 4:45 |
Despite being a melodic-hard-rocker, I don't know but I've never get into this band. Sheehan's "bam bam!" basses made me sick. Only Paul Gilbert's super-talent makes sense to me. By the way, a few years ago while watching Eric Martin's solo stuff somewhere, I couldn't believe my eyes and started laughing. Huh, shit! this man was a soft pop-singer there and making a stupid serenad-like thing to a mid-aged lady (hah!). I thought he could have undergone a metamorphosis! What a strange world!
From: Baris |
Date: October 1, 2002 at 5:29 |
And it's a tragedy but most people (also foolish poppers!) recognized Mr.Big after hearing "To Be With You" an acustic end-track but not with their-hard-rockin-songs. What a pitty for a rock-band! Don't get me wrong, I don't wanna degrade the band, cuz their musicianship don't deserve this but also they don't give too much things that I cannot live without. Nonetheless let's stop here with stating those "not too much things": "Green-Tinted..", "Lucky This Time" and "Just Take My Heart".
From: robert |
Date: October 20, 2002 at 18:35 |
mi favorito!, pero muy cerca del 1º, son 2 obras de arte geniales, just take my heart, to be with you... mejor escucharlas q decir nada mas. ,MR. ENORMES!!!!
From: JAVIER |
Date: December 16, 2002 at 4:24 |
Estoy de acuerdo con Robert. Los dos primeros discos son irrepetibles, a mi me gusta más este, me parece más completo aunque es algo más comercial. Por cierto ¿alguién me puede definir qué es ser comercial, vender mucho? ¿Deep Purple, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin... son comerciales?
From: manos |
Date: January 2, 2003 at 20:37 |
One of the best albums ever - that is the perfect example of superb musianship meeting perfect songwriting. The band is burning!
From: mutha trucka |
Date: January 19, 2003 at 4:48 |
has anyone seen eric martin lately? can anyone tell me if he is aids inflicted, drug addicted, or some other problem he mayhave. the guy can sing though. all 78 pounds of him!!!
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: February 27, 2003 at 12:47 |
All I can say is that you expect a lot more from such a line-up ! This is standard hardrock, nothing more ! There are a lot better pure hardrock releases out ! Not bad, but it should have been so much better !
From: red death |
Date: April 30, 2003 at 13:47 |
guitar is great to listen to,great upbeats..reminds me a lot of straight between the eyes by rainbow..that was a ok album as well..pretty good album..i am shocked as i dont like one or two of their albums any way..its ok...worth a listen
From: ace |
Date: June 3, 2003 at 2:21 |
wimpy ballad band, but great musicians. UP THE IRONS MATE
From: gubi |
Date: July 13, 2003 at 7:32 |
No need to say it's one of the best album of all times, superlative musicians and sound. Too bad they've separated.
From: Jade |
Date: December 29, 2003 at 0:38 |
Freddy, I suppose you can do better dumb shit. Hey when you have a #1 album in 7 countries Your cliche "Im cool to knock this line-up" shindig is welcome here however until that is shut the fuck up.
From: K.K. Poland |
Date: February 8, 2004 at 7:08 |
Yeah, I really love this album, Paul Gilbert is great Axe-man, fantastic melodies, Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy - fantastic solo. 10/10
From: drummerfish |
Date: February 22, 2004 at 5:34 |
the first 2 cd's are the one's to get.i seen them with electric boys and hardline in 92 in l.a.great show all the way around.pat torpy is one of my drumming influences.and with a power house band like this,you can't loose.i wish i could find the live cd (not the raw like sushi cd's)last message i got from billy,he's working on re-releasing the mr.big catalog.hope it happens.
From: Elton Braga |
Date: March 8, 2004 at 14:06 |
4 expert musicians, undoubtedly, but this album is a bit sleepy. Honestly, they have style, but that´s one is too soft. For those who are expecting something heavy...Forget!
From: fallen angel |
Date: March 29, 2004 at 21:55 |
no es muy excitante ,pero un disco nom tiene ke serlo precisamente para ser todas formas to be with you es una leccion de buenos coros y sencillez.gran cancion ,indudablemente.
From: k.R.a.D. |
Date: May 16, 2004 at 15:42 |
sin duda un buen album...y con respecto a la unica qeja seria el hecho qe el guitarrista es muy "rapido"...por ello no le mete mucho feeling a los solos(por ejemplo VITO...un poco mas lentito...pero te HACE LLORAR...)me recuerda a Steve Vai(son unas maqinas en las guitarras...por eso sera qe han perdido la "sensibilidad humana"??)...bueno...pero de qe son buenos...SON BUENAZOS!!!
From: charvel man |
Date: June 21, 2004 at 17:33 |
This is a fresh sounding album, and that's really cool. Paul Gilbert is a great player and I'm a serious fan of talent like that. Daddy brother is a rocker like they sadly don't make anymore. I'm just glad to be with you is the last song on the disc, it's just too wimpy,but this is worth picking up, cause it's better than the first disc.+++++++
From: Desslar |
Date: June 24, 2004 at 17:18 |
Never really been a big fan. They certainly know how to put out a quality ballad, and some of the bluesy songs are kind of fun and different, but there isn't a whole lot of rocking going on. Green-Tinted Sixties Mind sounds like it could be a Michael Bolton tune.
From: MelodicMan |
Date: July 14, 2004 at 22:02 |
Mr.Big 2nd release is even better than their debut. Probably the best Hard Rock album of the 90's. Paul Gilbert/Billy Sheehan is a worldclass double, while Eric Martin and Pat Torpey pay their bills. Highlights here are Alive And Kickin', Green Tinted Sixties Mind and the awesome ballad Just Take My Heart. The japanese bonus track Love Makes You Strong is a good addiction. Every hard rock fan should have this album...
From: Lynchomaniac |
Date: August 6, 2004 at 8:14 |
Their biggest commercial sucess, and one of their best albums as well
From: Renato Palhano |
Date: August 15, 2004 at 21:44 |
A great pop rock album...Sheehan rules!!!
From: Geoff |
Date: August 15, 2004 at 22:40 |
OK, you might guess I'm not a big Mr Big fan but I'll give 'em this album.Great riff hungry commercial hard rock, and by far the most consistant album they ever recorded.Not to be forgotten are the two killer songs on the 'Just take my heart' single, better than all tracks on this album. 'Strike like lighting' and 'Shadows'-brilliant! Still a lot of fillers on this one, but great playing and I love stuff like 'Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy','Green-Tinted 60s Mind','Lucky This Time'etc.7/10
From: howe |
Date: November 21, 2004 at 16:48 |
Classic album from the best 90's rock band! Mr. Big forever! Come back guys!!!
From: StarCity Rocker |
Date: March 9, 2005 at 8:47 |
Not a bad album by any means, but give me their S/T any day of the week. Even though LEAN INTO IT was more commercially successful, the songs are not as solid in my opinion. "Road To Ruin," "My Kinda Woman," and "Alive and Kickin'" were the highlights for me. No poor songs on here, but overall this one lost a little bit of the edge and attitude from the first one. Still, very good release and definitely worth the investment for what it goes for now.
Date: April 2, 2005 at 16:00 |
Picked this one up used the other day for $2.00 and, while I was never really a Mr. Big fan, I learned not too pass up older CD's at low prices. Anyway, this was a pretty cool release and I'm diggin' on it right now. Doesn't really excite me like a lot of other releases on this site. But, I wouldn't knock it.
From: Lovedrive |
Date: July 17, 2005 at 6:30 |
Este y el Bump Ahead IMPRESCINDIBLES. Uno de los mejores cantantes de la historia del Hard Rock.
From: DIKTATER66 |
Date: January 29, 2006 at 18:34 |
Have a tatto with Never Say Never--One of my all time fav songs!! IMO one of the best AOR/rock songs they ever did. No one ever mentions it, they never play it live, and I just Do Not Get It!!!!! But the rest of the disc is good--too bad it wil always be a hidden piece of work to social fans because of the cheesy To Be With You. If anyone has ever seen or heard of a live recording of Never Say Never PLEASE let me know.
From: donlyjray |
Date: July 24, 2006 at 17:27 |
This album is great. Nice, bluesy, but still modern (for the 80s and early 90s) Great guitar work Gilbert and Eric Martin has one of the coolest voices in the type of ballad-heavy music that bands like Mr. Big do. He has a nice hard rock rasp to his voice when he's doing the harder stuff and a soft crooning ballad voice that cuts through the atmosphere like butter. Every song on this album is gold in it's own distinct way. Solid pure rock album that is worth at least a listen, but hopefully more
From: ANR |
Date: March 7, 2007 at 5:23 |
The best from the guys, an all time classic! 10/10
From: rockhardrock |
Date: March 29, 2007 at 10:09 |
One of the best(if not the best one)of thier first three albums.All four musicians are great.The 1. song of that record kicks ass!!!This album couldnt start better."alive and kickin"used to be my mr.bigs fav. song. "green-tinted sixties mind"has great melodies and very good rhythm thru whole song."road to ruin"is another one that i like very much."cdff"is great too.And ofcourse"to be with you"one of the best acoustic rock ballads-but too much commercial,dont you think?
From: erik |
Date: March 29, 2007 at 10:31 |
Rockhardrock i so agree. The outro of Never say never should never stop . For me its even their best album
From: DOUG |
Date: January 11, 2008 at 2:53 |
maybe their best album(incl. the first one)strong melodies and riffs by the boss 'gilbert'.ass kickin'
From: hair metal again |
Date: July 16, 2009 at 3:31 |
2nd step for mr big and what a big one this was!it is very difficult to continue after the awesome debut ,but these guys did it.fantastic songs,excellent musianship,terrific vocals and finally the sound.oh man kevin elson does it again this is the perfect hard rock sound ,everything sounds big bigger than ever,for me had been a pleasure see every hour the"to be with you" single on mtv.hai metal greetings to everyone
From: erik |
Date: September 27, 2009 at 6:31 |
Their best album. Daddy-Brother, Alive and Kicking, Green tinted Sixties Mind,Lucky This Time,Never say Never and Road to ruin are blistering melodic rock songs. Great melodies. Crystal clear production. Yep their finest moment IMO 89/100
From: Doug |
Date: September 28, 2009 at 11:48 |
Green Tinted Sixties Mind is an all time classic; cannot get much better than that. Looks like original line up is getting back together?? Hope so!
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: January 30, 2011 at 0:39 |
mr. Big is one of those bands, like White Lion and Night Ranger, whom it's somehow "okay" for a certain type of metal guy to like. Even though they're fairly light bands, and would fall into the dreaded hair-band/pussy-rock/etc. category, but the guitar-nerd factor makes certain feel secure in their "credibility" in admitting to liking them. Seriously! I've heard many a fan turn his nose up and trash a band like Firehouse, but somehow, Mr. Big gets a pass, because, oh, they had Paul Gilbert and Billy Sheehan, a couple of virtuosos beating their respective meat on their instruments. Mr. Big's okay, and this disc is okay, but has a fair number of weak tracks with vapid lyrics and predictable hooks. My favorite by far is "A Little Too Loose," a killer slow blues-type song with some shockingly deep vocals in the beginning (Eric Martin's usual style being that of a wimpy wannabe Hagar). Also really like Paul's intro to the otherwise insipid ballad "Just Take My Heart."
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: August 31, 2012 at 20:31 |
Well, everybody's hot to get the import version with the bonus tracks, but how often are they as good as, or better than, the regular album tracks? In this case, "Love Makes You Strong" would probably be one of the top-three songs on the disc. Goddamn, why couldn't they have picked something like "Lucky This Time" for a bonus. "Love Makes You Strong" deserves a spot on the album proper.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 28, 2012 at 18:26 |
The band's epic album IMO...basically it was a total major hit worldwide...tracks 1,2,3,4,5,7,10 & 11 were radio friendly songs for a long long time...Eric,Billy,Paul & ate the $'s cake here dudes ...95/100
From: Japangea |
Date: March 5, 2013 at 20:21 |
My Canadian copy is with clearer train on the front cover.What's wrong?!
From: edwithmj |
Date: March 16, 2015 at 19:47 |
Slightly, ever so slightly better than their painfully average debut, Lean Into It offers a little less filler but still fails to be worthy of Gilbert's previous band, Racer X. Daddy is actually a half decent opener with a decent rhythm, Alive and Kickin' is also fairly listenable but I feel that it could turn into something better every time I listen to it. Green-Tinted Sixties Mind is a soft nostalgic song bizarrely written by Gilbert and I'd say it's my favourite; Lucky This Time is filler as is Voodoo Kiss.
From: edwithmj |
Date: March 16, 2015 at 19:52 |
Just Take My Heart is a decent ballad but other bands have done so much better with the sub-genre. A Little Too Loose is some sort of southern-cum-country inspired bilge and I'd say it's easily the worst. To Be With You is supposed to be the band's big hit and one of their most well-known songs but I find the whole track to be tedious drivel. It's an acoustic song with a similar vibe to More Than Words by Extreme except the lyrics are far cheesier. This is the most listenable out of all the Mr. Big albums and after listening to Sheehan's and Gilbert's shred-happy roots, the last thing you'd expect is a weaker Night Ranger with weak guitars (no shredding!) and a Jeff Keith sound-alike for a vocalist. Mr. Big are one of this site's big disappointments - completely overhyped and average.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: March 16, 2015 at 21:15 |
"Build up your confidence / You can be on top for once." Really? As a kid when this song was popular, I thought he was singing "Get up, you caught the bus, you can be on time for work." Which isn't really that much dumber.
From: Auslander |
Date: May 13, 2021 at 4:46 |
Mr Big took a page outta Extreme's playbook and released a monster of an acoustic ballad in "To Be With You". For better or worse, this song came to define the band in the collective consciousness. Hey, I doubt they are worried about their "true metal" credentials with all the cash they generated from that one song. In the end that song propelled this album to platinum success. Other songs of note, the insanely fast Daddy etc. Song, Green-tinted etc. dirty hippy song, Just Take My Heart. Another good selling point was the album cover of the crashed train. Such a cool image. Rated B+.
From: Amy |
Date: January 11, 2025 at 6:36 |
While debut was good (a couple of killer songs in "Big Love" & "Rock & Roll Over", both written by Eric Martin), this follow-up "Lean into It" is overall a little better in every department; stronger songs (again Eric shows he's a VERY good songwriter, helping pen the two biggest smash hits), better mix where drums are more solid and especially Billy Sheehan's bass is less treble-ish and sounds like real bass here, adding to a warmer and more pleasant rock sound. Probably the band's best album. Not every track is killer, but rather consistent and performances are amazing from every member of this so called super group. Worldwide, debut sold close to half a million copies, a good start, but this one sold close to 2M worldwide and started the love affair with the Japanese fans for real.
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