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Feb. 3, 2025: Best of 2024 Lists Posted!

Come see who made the top 10 (yes, expanded starting this year) albums of 2024 from Mike and myself.


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If you have any CDs that are not displayed here at Heavy Harmonies, feel free to submit the data for them. Submissions from this page are sent to a database for my editing and then I will add them to the Heavy Harmonies pages as I see fit (I know that if I make the submission automatic, some numbwit will be sending Metal Sux!! messages 30 at a time...).

CDs ONLY!!! No vinyl or cassettes!!!


When submitting a CD from a band that isn't already on the site, please put a brief description of the band's sound, who they compare to stylistically, etc. in the "Comments about the band" section. Some people have been making some bogus submissions and/or bands/discs not appropriate for the site. If it's not a band I've ever heard of and there's no description or homepage URL that I can check out, the submission gets shitcanned...

Your e-mail address (in case of questions):

Verify image above:

Band Name:

Is the band a CCM artist (checked=yes)?:


Country of Origin:

URL of band homepage:

Comments about band:

CD Name:


Category (Glam, Hard Rock, Prog. Metal, etc.):


Label (if import, country in parens):

Catalog Number (on spine) [if CD has no catalog number, please enter "NONE"]:

Rating (on a scale of 1 to 10):

MEMBERS. Please separate the person's name from their instrument by a colon, and separate each member's listing from the next with a pipe "|".

Your listing should look similar to the following:

Don Dokken: lead vocals|Mick Brown: drums, background vocals|Barry Sparks: bass, background vocals|Jon Levin: guitars

Please do not use slashes / to seperate members or instruments, and please do NOT capitalize the instruments.

[Facts/trivia about the CD can be given after the members, but I'm going to be pretty restrictive about what I accept
(i.e., This CD KICKS ASS! ain't gunna pass muster, whereas This CD reached no. 37 on the charts or First studio release in 6 years, keyboardist added to lineup would be ok).]

TRACKS (Cap/lower case, separate with pipes | ):
Please do NOT include track numbers.
Running times for each track can be entered after the track name, enclosed in braces {}. Example: This is My Song {4:10}

If there is a descriptor for the track, like "live", "unplugged", or "bonus track", please put it after the title in parentheses.

If a song is a cover song, please list the band who is being covered BEFORE the song title in parentheses.

Please do not use slashes / to seperate songs.

Here is an example of how your song list should look:

The Last Goodbye {3:22}|Don't Bring Me Down {4:17}|Escape (live) {2:37}|(Ozzy cover) Haunted {3:32}|Prozac Nation {5:17}
