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Country Artist Genre

USAU-Turn80s Hard Rock
ukU.F.O.80s Hard Rock
USAU.S. 1980s Hard Rock
USAU.S.B.80s Hard Rock
canadaU.S.80s Hard Rock
ukUKProg Rock
USAUSA Rocks80s Hard Rock
USAUSA80s Hard Rock
ukUSMMelodic Metal
canadaUSAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAUUU80s Hard Rock
USAUgly Kid Joe80s Hard Rock
USAUgly WandaMelodic Metal
USADave UhrichInstrumental Wizards
franceUlfModern Hard Rock
italyUltimatum80s Hard Rock
germanyUltranite80s Hard Rock
USAUltraphonix80s Hard Rock
USAThe UltrasSleaze Glam
USAUnbound80s Hard Rock
germanyUnbreakable80s Hard Rock
swissUnchain80s Hard Rock
denmarkThe Uncle C ResidencePop AOR /
USAUncle KnucklefunkSouthern Rock
USAUncle Sally80s Hard Rock
USAUncle Sam80s Hard Rock
USAUncle Sam80s Hard Rock
USAUncle SamSleaze Glam
canadaUncle Sid80s Hard Rock
brazilUncle Trucker80s Hard Rock
USAThe Undecided80s Hard Rock
USAUnder Fire80s Hard Rock
ukUnder Lock and Key80s Hard Rock
USAUnder SuspicionAOR /
Melodic Rock
canadaUnder The MountainMelodic Metal
USAUnder The SunProg Rock
USAUnder Your SkinAOR /
Melodic Rock
canadaUndercoverAOR /
Melodic Rock
netherlandsUndercoverAOR /
Melodic Rock
finlandUnderground AttackSleaze Glam
USAUnderground MoonModern Hard Rock
canadaUnderground OutlawsAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAThe Underground RebelsSleaze Glam
USAUnderride80s Hard Rock
Country Artist Genre

USAThe Union80s Hard Rock
swedenUnion Mac80s Hard Rock
USAUnion RemainsModern Hard Rock
USAThe Union of Sinners and Saints [CCM]AOR /
Melodic Rock
ukThe Union80s Hard Rock
USAUnion80s Hard Rock
germanyUniqueAOR /
Melodic Rock
germanyUnisonicMelodic Metal
ukUnit of InheritanceProg Rock
swedenUnited Fools80s Hard Rock
ukUnited NationsAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAUnited State80s Hard Rock
germanyThe UnityMelodic Metal
polandUnity80s Hard Rock
swedenUniverse80s Hard Rock
swedenUniverse III80s Hard Rock
swedenUniverse InfinityAOR /
Melodic Rock
germanyUniverse80s Hard Rock
USAThe Unknown80s Hard Rock
italyThe UnripesSleaze Glam
USAUnruly ChildAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAUnstoppable Kamikaze IdiotsSleaze Glam
USAUntamedMelodic Metal
USAUntaymedMelodic Metal
greeceUntil RainProg Rock
USAUp All NightAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAUpfront [CCM]Pop AOR /
USAThe Upper Crust80s Hard Rock
maltaUpper Lip80s Hard Rock
USAUprising80s Hard Rock
finlandUrban TaleAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAThe Urge80s Hard Rock
canadaUrgentAOR /
Melodic Rock
franceUrgent80s Hard Rock
USAUrgentAOR /
Melodic Rock
japanUrghpolice80s Hard Rock
ukUriah Heep80s Hard Rock
germanyUsBestAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAUsed RecordsAOR /
Melodic Rock
USAUthanda [CCM]80s Hard Rock
USAUttaroSleaze Glam
USAUzi Suite80s Hard Rock
USAUzi80s Hard Rock
spainUzzhuaia80s Hard Rock

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