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[Queensryche Band Picture]

Artist: Queensryche

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Queensryche Homepage

CD Title: Empire

Queensryche Empire Album Cover


Category: Melodic Metal

Year: 1990/2010

Label: EMI Records

Catalog Number: CDP-7-92806-2


Geoff Tate lead vocals, keyboards
Chris Degarmo electric and acoustic guitars, backing vocals, keyboards
Michael Wilton electric and acoustic guitars
Eddie Jackson bass, backing vocals
Scott Rockenfield drums, percussion

20th Anniversary box set edition including bonus tracks + bonus disc live at 'Hammersmith Odeon' 1990

Poster And Postcards


Disc 1
1.  Best I Can  5:34
2.  The Thin Line  5:42
3.  Jet City Woman  5:21
4.  Della Brown  7:04
5.  Another Rainy Night (Without You)  4:29
6.  Empire  5:24
7.  Resistance  4:50
8.  Silent Lucidity  5:47
9.  Hand On Heart  5:33
10.  One And Only  5:54
11.  Anybody Listening?  7:59
12.  Last Time In Paris bonus track  3:57
13.  Scarborough Fair bonus track  3:50  Cover: Simon & Garfunkel
14.  Dirty 'Lil Secret bonus track  4:09
Total Running Time:  75:33

Disc 2
15.  Reasistance live  4:33
16.  Walk In The Shadows live  3:57
17.  Best I Can live  5:16
18.  Empire live  5:12
19.  The Thin Line live  5:44
20.  Jet City Woman live  5:31
21.  Roads To Madness live  9:32
22.  Silent Lucidity live  5:43
23.  Hand On Heart live  5:18
24.  Take Hold Of The Flame live  5:11
Total Running Time:  55:57

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Queensryche CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Queensryche are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: August 3, 2003 at 14:09
This is their best album, and that's not saying a whole lot. SHITRYCHE! "Best I Can" "Jet City" + "Empire" are ok. "Silent Lucidity" is sooooooooooooo overrated. This band is still making albums and Chris Degarmo is even back with the band, but the really good thing is, at least TV and radio aren't playing any of their crap, so I don't have to listen to it.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: August 10, 2003 at 8:48
Another superb effort from Queensryche. 7 of the 11 tracks here absolutely shine, with the other 4 (Thin Line, Della, Resistance, One & Only) being decent. Not quite as strong as their classic "Operation:Mindcrime", but a VERY good follow-up effort. The title track "Empire" is my favorite from this release.

From: P.C Date: August 10, 2003 at 18:09
HOLY BIBLE for all rockers and headbangers who love music from end of 80s and early 90s. From "BEST I CAN" to "Anybody Listening" is complete music orgasm . Great production , sound , spirit , guitars ...and geoff´s magic voice . My favorite ( sooooo hard to say ) "Another Rainy Night Without You" . Best Queensryche CD .

From: Harvey Date: August 19, 2003 at 13:46
Well, they still had loads of ideas at this stage, but it's hardly Operation:Mindcrime and it isn't as innovative as Rage For Order. If they HADN'T made Mindcrime then it would've sounded great, but it just isn't as vital. Good LP but, a word to any potential buyers out there; this should be your last stop, because everything after was mediocre!

From: RR-Finland Date: September 15, 2003 at 6:26
Not phenomenal as "Mindcrime" was, but yet very good and still doing their THING. Most important tunes to me: Best I Can, Another Rainy Night(where Stratovarius ripped their 4000 rainy nights!), Empire and Anybody Listening?.

From: Rycheage Date: October 18, 2003 at 12:22
While Operation: Mindcrime is their most highly-praised album, Empire remains their most accessible, with a somewhat more commercial approach that has no negative impact on the quality of the material. Empire produced a string of hit singles, including "Best I Can," the title track, "Jet City Woman," and "Silent Lucidity" (probably their best-known song, and ironically unlike most of their other work).

From: M-one Date: December 10, 2003 at 17:42
The worst band ever .....

From: jason(fu-2) Date: December 12, 2003 at 0:27
Well the guy jason (fa-q) is hiding behind the secret that he got molested and probably continues to do something to himself because of his upbringings. Well its just an opinion of yours as you will state in your comeback when you read this but someone who might be much younger or even older and hasnt heard these guys wants a cool opinion of there best mainstream cd you go and shit on this. You can see in your squabble that your not inteligent and succesful in life are ya? Well Rock on fuckhead!

From: howe Date: December 12, 2003 at 22:54
This is one of the best rock albums from the 90's. The production is amazing and the songs, every single one of them, are true lessons of composition and interpretation. Of all the rock music I know, there are only two albums I can consider perfect in every aspect, one is Dream Theater's "Images and Words" and the other is Queensryche's "Empire."

From: byrdman69 Date: December 22, 2003 at 10:50
This is a very good production. I especially like the lyrics on this one. The musicianship is good, and Geoff Tate's voice is, as always...on point! Although I felt Queensryche slipped alot after this release but, Empire is a gem in my eyes!!!!!!!!!!

From: Metal T Date: January 11, 2004 at 11:33
"Jet City Woman","Hand On Heart","Silent Lucidity","Another Rainy Night Without You" ?? etc.This is freaking pop music.Empire'was and always will be a commercial waste and remains void of any true metal elements !!!---Beware of the Queensryche'albums after this they make even Empire'look brilliant .

From: Date: February 5, 2004 at 3:50
Francamente para mí su mejor disco.La canción Silent Lucidity es una balada inmejorable y llena de garra.La voz del Tatte grandiosa.Si alguien quiere cambiar CD que escriba a

From: Metal Pete Date: February 19, 2004 at 18:44
Cranked this the other weekend while travelling on business and really enjoyed it. I think 'Best I can', 'Jet City Woman', "Another rainy Night", 'Hand on Heart', 'Anybody Listening' and 'Silent Lucidity' are rock classics. An excellent effort from these guys. Unfortunately, this was their 'Hysteria', and everything after it is pretty much terrible.

From: Bizkit82 Date: February 19, 2004 at 21:12
This one is number 5 in the car changer, and has been there for over a year. Love Empire! I feel that this was the end as well. Love this band!

From: drummerfish Date: February 22, 2004 at 6:38
it took guts for them to record mindcrime,at a time in their career that wasn't great.but it worked out,which led to empire.the last great ryche cd.hard core fans won't admit they liked it(ala metallica's black and load cd's)lets not forget at the time,that this was a serious leap forward in sound,writting,production,and mixing.yes it has silent lucidity...good tune,but that's for the casual fans.sorry that everything after this blows serious monkey balls! i'm glad they re-released the catalog

From: Eryche Date: March 13, 2004 at 17:31
"Anybody Listening?" is EASILY worth the price. The best of all QR songs.

From: GOTHPROG Date: April 18, 2004 at 21:52
Queensryche would once again choose a different direction to follow for its 4th full length and most commercially successful album Empire. There was no need use concept album gimmick attached to Mindcrime. Empire is just 70 odd minutes of hard metal songs at their best. The band couldn't resist its need to embellish with environmental effects and it shows on the intricate interludes for tracks like Della Brown, Another Rainy Night and anthemic closer Anybody Listening?

From: Mr. Mackey Date: April 22, 2004 at 23:36
well u know it's a really good album M'Kay, I mean it's like good M'Kay,so if you like get a chance,like go and buy yourself a copy M'Kay. And remember that drugs are bad M'Kay, and bad..M'Kay..Well M'Kay.

From: Rocker76 Date: April 30, 2004 at 13:31
Queensryche's "radio and video" album But damn if it doesn't kick ass! Here you find Queensryche writing accessible and anthemic songs that still retain relevance to past Queensryche themes but come across as more straight-up radio friendly metal hits. Personally, I find nothing wrong with that and "Empire" is one of those rare albums that has 0 weak tracks. The raw intensity of past albums may have diminished a little - but they make up for it w/ polish and power! Awesome album!!

From: illimey Date: May 3, 2004 at 0:16

From: Big Papa K Date: June 27, 2004 at 23:06
Queensryche sound like they got a little bit of the hair metal bug on this album. This ends up cutting out a lot of the fat of their other work and just leaving excellent songs such as "Jet City Woman", "Another Rainy Night Without You", and "Empire". The only weak point is "Della Brown". 9/10

From: jack Date: September 7, 2004 at 4:26
This album is nowhere as good as their early release-in their post iron maiden/judas priest days. Sounded a bit more like bon jovi and engaging in more ballads and slower stuff. Personally,i never like queensryche very much because their music is kinda weird, Sometimes,it started preety soft then ,suddenly loud etc like manowar. I prefer straight ahead metal like iron maiden or judas priest. This band in some cases are overrated.

From: Rockhead Date: September 7, 2004 at 4:49
Jack you continue to astound me with your utter ignorance and lack of anything sensible to say!! To compare Queensryche to Manowar and Bon Jovi is inane and stupid (much like all of your comments)say somthing credible or don't say anything at all. I cannot figure out whether you are really this stupid or you are a wind up.

From: AOR freaky Date: September 7, 2004 at 5:16
Jack, Jack !!! I'm with Rockhead on this one ! What the hell have Maiden, Priest and Manowar in common with this fantastic act ? ! Enjoy your bands, but don't talk about Queensryche if you don't understand the type/genre of music they're playing !

From: Wotty Date: September 7, 2004 at 5:34
I agree with Freaky and Rockhead regarding Jacks comments.CONFUSING...

From: jack Date: September 7, 2004 at 7:11
All i'm trying to say is their earlier stuff sound(heaviness and style)more like iron maiden or judas prist while their later stuff sounded(heaviness and style)sounded more like a heavy bon jovi(more ballads in this album) and i prefer their earlier stuff-simple as that.

From: Wotty Date: September 7, 2004 at 7:18
To Jack.Better songs and production stifled the rawness,but isnt that what its supposed to do? In a way,I am siding with you...

From: Dave Date: September 7, 2004 at 9:39
Sorry Jack but you must be smokin' some serious shit to compare Queensryche to who you have!!!!! Bon Jovi ????????? The only thing they have in common is they both have the letter "n" in their name!!!!

From: Geoff Date: September 8, 2004 at 0:27
I'm not going to claim to be a Queensryche expert by any means. I will merely say I really like this album, and not comment on how it compares or anything like that. This is a good commercially edged hard rock CD. 'Best I can' is awesome commercial rock, 'Another rainy night' is a sensationally beautiful ballad, and 'Hand on heart' is a massive gem of a melodic track. Overall, a good hard rock album and fits in nicely to the collection, even for guys who don't follow the band closely.

From: jack Date: September 14, 2004 at 6:46
Some songs like della brown and anybody listening are too long(7 minutes plus)but otherwise this album is a classic metal gem. Wasn't as good as operation mindcrime but my third favourite queensryche album. Ballads like hands on hands,jet city women and sileny lucidity are excellent while empire and resistance are equally great. Those two also reminds me of their rage for order day. Grab this awesome album if you don't have it! Ratings:9/10

From: Chad Date: September 17, 2004 at 23:17
Hey Jack! While the songs Della Brown and Anybody Listening? are indeed long, they are musical adventures that need to be experienced in more than the traditional 3-4 minute format. The songs REQUIRE the extra couple of minutes to complete the journey that Queensryche are setting up for their listeners. This is an awesome release. Not a bad song on it. Resistance is truly the gem here but all the other tracks stand up. My favorite of the first four albums. After this release they lost it.

From: velez Date: November 11, 2004 at 14:10
simplemente el mejor trabajo de queensryche

From: Propane Date: November 30, 2004 at 21:38
What the hell was this exquisite masterpiece: Thin red line. This is a progression in the right direction while other bands were sucking up to record executives wanting to spoon feed shit to prospective buyers. We didn't need that but unfortunately, some succommed to the unmitigated audacity of the music industry (MTV included). I tip my hat to QR for this one.

From: Date: January 20, 2005 at 22:37
Hey jackie boy, first yoy say this cd is not great then you say it is after the critisms? This is an awesome album indeed.

From: Date: February 5, 2005 at 19:51
dont miss this jem if you like rock...just a great record 9/10

From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 Date: April 12, 2005 at 4:49
Pienso q en la década de los 80 fueron la banda de heavy metal mas elegante y creativa de todas las q habia y por supuesto de las mas talentosas,disco a disco fueron puliendo y creando un sonido propio incluso totalmente vanguardista, como la gran mayoria creo q su obra cumbre es "Operation Mindcrime",pero vamos q este "Empire" aun se mueve en unos niveles de calidad monstruosos (por desgracia fue su ultima joyita),eso si fué un disco mas orientado al R.Melódico q al Heavy.RECOMENDADISIMO 8'5/10

From: Trick Taylor Date: May 31, 2005 at 14:01
I have no real reason to post other than to say that I will be at the Minneapolis tour opener for Priest/Ryche tomorrow. It will be fun to see the boys on a big stage again. I'm sure it will be a greatest hits set, which saves us from anything from Tribe. That is a good thing. Now, if only I could find my sleeveless checkered shirt and bandanas.

From: Remastered Reason Date: March 15, 2006 at 0:01
A monster cd that still gets airplay on the headphones from start to finish. Any rock/metal fan cannot afford to be without this gem.

From: Swazi Date: December 30, 2006 at 9:18
OMG !! Can anyone tell me why it took me soooooo long to buy this CD and listen to it ? :doh: This is absolutely stunning ! I just LOVE Tate's voice, the melodies, choruses, ... ! One of my faves is Scarborough Fair, which is a bonus track on the remastered version. What an awesome demonstration of Tate's vocal capabilities !!

From: Carlos A. Date: February 4, 2007 at 12:29
Vale hacerle un review a este historico album Hard Prog con algunos rezagos del Operation, varios temazos (como el que el da titulo) aunque es preciso decir que no encontraras un tema a lo "Queen of the Reich" pues el estilo es mas bien introspectivo pero es bueno oir que todos los temas estan arropados con ese guitarreo enrevesado trade mark de la banda(escuche por alli mencionar a Dream T.) y la lirica....para divagar un poco por los senderos surreales prog. Un ????/10.

From: lalorock Date: January 7, 2008 at 22:37
Discazo para escucharlo con los 5 sentidos bien puestos,pues los temas son casi lecciones de música para cualquier banda principiante y no es para menos...,aquí las canciones tiene su propia personalidad que los hace únicas,tanto voz,guitarras,bajo-batería con una sincronización milimétrica,Jet city woman,Another Rainy night,Empire,Hand on heart(mis favoritas),Silent lucidity hermosa balada llena de una atmósfera épica,mientras más lo escuchas más te gustará,hasta convertirse en tu favorito,9/10

From: darobinson Date: July 4, 2008 at 23:28
Great stuff!!! After this, bad stuff.........

From: bmoreorioles Date: August 24, 2008 at 18:43
Regardless what anyone can say about Queensryche or this or any other album, the song "Jet City Woman" is simply a classic. It is hard to believe that the song is 18 yrs. old but doesn't sound dated. I think Queensryche were way ahead of their time. I also like "Hand on Heart" and "The Thin Line". Queensryche had substance, and their lyrics had meaning. My favorite album from this group.

From: masmusic Date: August 29, 2008 at 9:30
I have this on DVD-Audio, If you like the stereo version try the DVD it will blow you away!!!!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: January 2, 2009 at 22:50
Along with "Operation Mindcrime" their icon albums!,even though i'd rather prefer this one...solid songs such as "Jet City Woman" (fantastic)and the one that broke barriers all over the world "Silent Lucidity"(listening 2 this song at night is wonderful!)...the rest of the songs have this particular touch that makes this album a must have 4 every rocker out there!.90/100

From: ghettonation73 Date: March 11, 2009 at 5:21
Every Song is good on here except Della Brown, I Don't Care for that one too much.

From: WookieEnthal Date: July 11, 2009 at 21:49
Another great release from this fantastic band. If it wasn't for Silent Lucidity it may be their second best disc...I hope I never hear that song again. iTunes + song selection = Win. Other than that, it's still one of the best shows I've ever been to. They played Mindcrime start to finish and that was just amazing. You can't go wrong with this CD.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 2, 2010 at 11:01
For some people they sold out completely here,for some others(like me)was an evolutionary movement in the good sense of the word (no like nowadays where the word "evolution" seems to be like going a step back instead of a step forward,i mean,with all this new sound of rock many bands seems to take the wrong sound instead of doing it more coherent)anyway the band's most successful album up to date along with Operation Mindcrime but with the difference that this one has their most representative hit of all their career and that is with the famous song "Silent Lucidity"..apart from that we have marvellous songs such as "Best I Can","Jet City Woman" & "Anybody Listening"(as sensitive as Silent Lucidity) & "The Thin Line"...excellent album indeed,buy and enjoy 95/100

From: lalo r.o.c.k. Date: August 2, 2010 at 23:32
Solid Masterpiece with that unique sound,Empire, Jet City Woman,Silent Lucidity are examples of extreme technical music from masters musicians...

From: Animal! Date: January 21, 2011 at 2:19
What more is to be said about this one, My sleeper song on this one is Hand on Heart.

From: rockhardrock Date: February 5, 2011 at 13:51
my second favourite album by this band. I think the production is even better here than on their previous records. my faves: best I can, jet city woman, silent lucidity and anybody listening. a must have for all of you who like technical melodic metal.

From: Mace Date: January 30, 2013 at 23:28
In my tastes this is a perfect album. I am so disappointed they did not build on this excellence with future releases. There are no poor songs on this disc, and each is a jewel in its own right, but my personal favourite is "Another Rainy Night Without You".

From: RClap Date: December 29, 2017 at 13:47
Highly recommended. Both records Operation: Mindcrime and Empire are one of the best Prog Metal albums of all time with a melodic hard rock touch. 100/100

From: hair metal again Date: February 12, 2019 at 15:40
a def masterpiece for QUEENSRYCHE, a unique release that cannot be again!perfection in every aspect and a massive sound &production with the band finally reaching the commercial success that seeked!cant find anything missing and surely Empire is one of my best 90 s albums and a fine piece of art

From: Doug Date: June 25, 2020 at 22:29
Good album, but really, THE #1 Top Rated CD on HH? Hmmm....

From: Auslander Date: March 3, 2021 at 23:14
Almost, just almost as good as their previous album Mindcrime. This one of course features one of the best ballads of the era "Silent Lucidity". It is a song that has aged gracefully as well. I love the rockers in "Best I Can" and more mid-tempo numbers like "Empire" and "Jet City Woman". A worthy place holder in the top 100 discs of HH. Is it as good as Hysteria, 1987, debut Skid Row, Slippery When Wet or Dr Feelgood? Not quite. But it is right up there.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: June 10, 2022 at 18:32
In 1990, two years into my fledgling career as a headbanger, I owned two tapes that were not strictly hair-metal. One was ... And Justice For All, which I found intriguing but ultimately opaque. The other was Empire, who were obviously a lot closer to what I was used to. This was Queensryche's big try for mainstream accessibility, while clinging to enough of their progginess to avoid most accusations of selling out, and it definitely stood apart from the late-period hair bands on MTV. I've never been a huge fan of Geoff Tate's style of singing, but you can't fault the man's range and power. Similarly, it's easy to make fun of "Silent Lucidity," but it's a great song, from a songwriting perspective. All six)!) of the singles are highlights, and I've always thought "The Thin Line" was very underrated.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: June 10, 2022 at 18:41
When the guitars go clean, they have that signature chorus-drenched sound that makes you picture rainy streets. The lyrics offer up many evocative images, like the fallen star of "Della Brown," the "child alone in Daddy's room" discovering the loaded gun in "Best I Can," and even poor Geoff's takeout dinner growing cold as he spends another rainy night alone. I mean, these are not typical rock-song details. Things slip a bit the second half, where "Resistance" just doesn't live up to its aggressive titleand "Hand On Heart" just leaves me with no impression at all. Bonus track "Last Time In Paris" got some airplay in the summer of '90, when it shared space with "Cradle of Love" on the Adventures of Ford Fairlane soundtrack, and I think is worthy of making the album itself.

From: guitarrizer Date: August 25, 2022 at 9:52
One of not so many albums in general I could say it's 100/100. Just perfect from start to finish.

From: Dramarama Date: May 17, 2024 at 6:49
This is probably Queensryche's most commercial album. Huge choruses, big guitars and soaring vocals!

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