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View Bands by Genre:
Pop AOR / Westcoast (453)
Melodic Rock / AOR (2256)
80s Hard Rock (5041)
Modern Hard Rock (275)
Sleaze Glam (820)
Melodic Metal (853)
Prog Rock (324)
Southern or Blues Rock (181)
Instrumental Wizards (198)
THE Hard Rock and AOR Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 10403 CDS: 25291 Songs: 301034
Here is a list of the 275 artists at Heavy Harmonies that fall into the Modern Hard Rock genre. Click on a band name to go to the discography page for that band.
2preciious 3 Parts Dead 58 7 Miles to Pittsburgh 7th Cycle 88 Crash A Life Divided A New Tomorrow Abused Romance Adelitas Way Against All Will Ahola All Fools Day Alta Reign Alter Bridge Animal Scrape April Art Ardours Art Of Dying As Lions AshenMoon Atom Smash Atomic Blonde Audio Porn Audiophile Audioslave Bad Wolves Badger (Modern) Ball Bare Knuckle Messiahs Beyond Frequencies Big Canyon Billionaire Black City Black Oak County Black Oxygen Black Tora Blacktop Mojo Bone Groove Brand New Sin Brannon Breaking Point Breaking Violet Broken Lingerie Burn Halo Butch Walker and The Lets Go Out Tonites The Buzzhorn Candlebox Cavo Cemetary Dance Cervello Clockwise (US) Coastwise Colorstone Concordia Contageous David Cook Crashing Wayward Crimson Glory Crown Lands D'Ercole Dacia and the WMD John Dallas Dame Fortune Damnzal Danko Jones Dark Age Darkhaus Daughtry Days Of Jupiter Dead City Ruins Dead Cult Diaries Dead Heart Beating Dead Man's Whiskey Dear Superstar Default Depswa Destrophy Devil I Know Doom Unit Dramagods Drown Again Duff Mckagan's Loaded James Durbin Egomars Eighteenth Hour Electric Earth Emphatic End Of You Epidemic Evilyn Strange The Farthest Edge Fifty Sixx Fluid Sol Forever Vendetta Foundry Fragile Things Frail Fuel Furyon Janet Gardner Gravy The Great Divide Erik Gronwall Hearts and Hand Grenades Heaven Below Hinder Hivebane Homewreckr Mitchell Hunt I The Fire Indica Innfight Insobrio JD Miller Jason Bieler and the Baron Von Bielski Orchestra Jayler Jessica Prouty Band Jet Black Stare Jonas Ayron Jones Jordan Red Juliet's Not Dead Kane'd Tom Keifer Kevin The Persian Kickstand Jenny Kill for Eden Killinger Kings County Triinu Kivilaan Krome Beto Lani Lani Lansdowne Late For The Sky Tommy Lee The Letter Black Letters From the Fire Letzte Instanz Linda And The Punch Lindsy Says Lionsault Logan (Scotland) Lovex Lustin Jane Lynam Maeder Kristy Majors Mammoth WVH Man Raze Mars Electric Mick Mars Marya Roxx Masses Beware The Mayfield Four Mean Blue Days Mean Venus Michael Schenker's Temple Of Rock Mirrorplain Morian The Morning After Morningwood Mother Resides Motive Black My Darkest Days Nefesh Core Nek! The New Black New Device Nickelback Otherwise Out've The Box Panik Papa Roach Dug Pinnick Piss Factory Plan Three Plunge Pop Evil Radio Cult Raftree Marion Raven Ra Redlight King Reflexion Renegade Five Rev Theory Richards Crane Rockband Rogue Rolling Quartz Marya Roxx Rumble Syndicate Saliva Saving Abel Scandal Circus Screaming Eagles Shadow Shallow Side Shaman's Harvest She Burns Red Shinedown Sick Puppies Silvera Sin Cruz Sixty-Nine Crash Keith Slack Slipping Stitches Small Town Titans Smash Atoms Smash Into Pieces Sofia Sonic Syndicate Sons Of Texas Sons of Silver Soto SoulMotor Soulicit Span Split Nixon The Standstills Scott Stapp Stare North Starsick System State Of Shock Statement (Denmark) Steadlur Stealing Eden Stella Kidd Stellar Revival Stereoside Stone Broken The (Denmark) Storm Surrender The Fall SwaggerJack Robert Sweet Taking Dawn Templeton Pek Tenacious D Theory Of A Deadman Thornley Three Minute Madness Through Fire Tongue Toseland Tourist Jane Train Tremonti Trucker Diablo Ulf Underground Moon Union Remains Valhalla Awaits The Veer Union View From Everest Vilivant Void Vator Void Vonray Wakeupcall Waking the Angels Walking With Kings The Warning Waste Down Rebels Watson The Way We Are Harlot Wildlights Wilson Wisache Wisdom World Famous Johnsons X Prophets Zodiac Mary