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View Bands by Genre:
Pop AOR / Westcoast (453)
Melodic Rock / AOR (2256)
80s Hard Rock (5041)
Modern Hard Rock (275)
Sleaze Glam (820)
Melodic Metal (853)
Prog Rock (324)
Southern or Blues Rock (181)
Instrumental Wizards (198)
THE Hard Rock and AOR Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 10403 CDS: 25291 Songs: 301034
Here is a list of the 453 artists at Heavy Harmonies that fall into the Pop AOR and Westcoast genre. Click on a band name to go to the discography page for that band.
1927 2 A.M. 2 Below 2 3rd Matinee 4 Him 4 Reasons Unknown 5 Visions 7th Planet AD AM/PM AOR Acceptance of Life After All Age Of Faith Airplay Paul Alan Alessi Allies Altar Boys Ambrosia Daniel Andersson Andy Baum and the Trix Andy Wells Band Aquila Steve Archer Ashes and Diamonds Ask A Stranger Aspen Creek Avaria BJATO Bajm Bakers Pink Balance II Sherwood Ball Bamboo Brothers Banging Rush Andy Baum Bill Baumgart Beau Coup The Believers Anne Bertucci Beyond Imagination Big Big Sun Big Money Big Ric Big Secret (DK) Big Secret Stephen Bishop Bite the Bullet Black Rose (US) Frankie Bleu Paul Bliss Blue Ambition Body Electric Loyd Boldman Ole Borud Bourgeois Tagg Rick Bowles The Box Mark Boyce The Boys Band Paul Brady Dag Brandth Bricklin The Bridge (AOR) Bridge 2 Far Broadcast Broken Wings Doug Brons Jackson Browne Busborg Butter Kjetil By Byrne and Barnes Jean-Michel Byron Bobby Caldwell Captured (CCM) Max Carl Carrera Casper Fly Cats Can Fly Peter Cetera Champlin / Williams/ Friestedt Bill Champlin Channel 5 Charlee and the Cute Hips The Chasers Chicago Chill Factor China (Westcoast) Choirboys Christoffer and Quinton Cinema Five Paul Clark Claudia Clearland Climb Clouseau Coastland Ride Jude Cole Ron Collins Olivier Constantin Corin and Edman Couchois Ryan Coyle Crossfade Cry Manna Morgan Cryar Rick Cua Cubic Feet Freddy Curci Ian Cussick Cutting Crew Dakota Joey Dalmon Roger Daltrey Michael Damian Dance With a Stranger David and the Giants Dawn Patrol Eddie DeGarmo Dennis DeYoung The Deal Andy Denton Desperados Device Diamond Dawn Diaz Artie Dison Donnie Iris and The Cruisers Dane Donohue Downes Braide Association Downtown Dragon Drama Timothy Drury Bryan Duncan Robbie Dupree E.Z. Money East to West Eastern Bloc EchoPark Mark (Australia) Edwards Egil Eldoen Eldoen Emerald City (USA) Fab Box Face Why Face Fahed Fair Exchange Fake I.D. Fan Fiction Far Cry (Westcoast) John Farnham Craig Farraway Chris Farren Farrenheit Fatal Attraction Fingerprints Flight 7 Flynn Force Dwayne Ford Fore The Form David Foster Franke and the Knockouts Fergie Frederiksen Alan Frew Peter Friestedt Frontline (USA) Frost in June GIG Gaia Bruce Gaitsch Generous Men George and G Robin George The Ghost Poets David Gibson Gilbert and The Pirates Giraffe Glass Tiger Michael Gleason Go For It Keith Gorden Alan Gorrie The Graham Goble Encounter Jay Graydon Tony Green Ground Floor Jay Gruska Greg Guidry Guys in Disguise Tony Hadley Halo Warren Halstrom Tom Hansen Hardinger Jess Harnell Harvest Heat Henderson Main Bruce Hibbard Higher Ground Dan Hill Amy Holland Houston Kurt Howell Wade Hubbard Billie Hughes Hughes/Downes Myles Hunter I.C. Eyes Illi-Noize Illustrator Per Kristian Inderhus Brian Island Jack James Tommy James Jerry-Kelly Jester's Crown Jet Circus Jim Jidhed Joe Bruce and 2nd Avenue The Joe Chemay Band John Miles Band The Jon Butcher Axis Keven Jordan Marc Jordan Jump The Wall Just-If-I John Keane Keane Keats Ray Kennedy Bobby Kimball Steve Kipner The Kite Michael Kratz Kudasai The L.A. Cowboys Lasse Edin And The Outsiders Dag Lauvland Lava David Leach Larry Lee Paul Leslie Libsuite Tony Liddle Life By Night Limited Warranty Lionel's Dad Lipstick Little River Band Kenny Loggins Logo Madam I'm Adam Malachia Tomi Malm Man Doki John Marshall Martin and Garp Martin's Dam Bobby Martin Marilyn Martin Richard Marx Matrix Maxus Mac McAnally Kevin McCourt Kim Meinert Metro Mike Della Bella Project Jay Miles Miles Craig Mirijanian ModX Modern Man Modesty Mr. Mister Jon Mullane Munich Mylon and Broken Heart Daniel Nelson New Monkees Troy Newman The Next Nielsen/Pearson Tommy Nilsson Nine -T- Nine John O'Banion Sharon O'Neill O.R.O. Off Course Takayoshi Ohmura Michael Omartian One 2 One Onetwo Open Up Featuring Morton Holm Orleans Benjamin Orr Pete Orta Oslo The Outfield PS David Pack Page 99 Martin Page Richard Page Pages John Palumbo Pandance Paradox Parber and Kerstein Joe Pasquale Patriot Robbie Patton Sascha Pavlovic Peo Perfect Affair Planet 3 Player Plenty Steve Porcaro Lance Powers Pray For Rain The President Bill Price Rick Price Prodigal The Producers Promotion The Psorce Pure Prairie League Quade Quarterback Quarterflash Queen of Spades Qwest Radio Silence Kevin Raleigh Ramesh Random Faith Rautiainen P J Rebel Heels Red 7 Red Sky Mario Resto David Roberts Rodeo Drive Kenny Rogers Jr. Rouen Michael Ruff Rydholm / Säfsund Michael Sadler Sayit Jason Scheff Scott Stewart and the Other Side Scott and Steel Dan Seals Dara Sedaka Sedona (France) Michael Sembello Shanghai (2) Sharp Edges Sheila Shine Ship Of Dreams Glenn Shorrock Sidewalk Silent Majority Patrick Simmons Simple Faith Sing Sing and the Crime Six To Nine Sko/Torp Skov and Sadolin Slears Slick Moon Small Faces Rex Smith Tom Snow Sonic Station Souls Revival Southern Sons Special Division Spin Gallery Spiral Fascination Scott Springer Rick Springfield Squares Stabilizers Stages State Cows The State Ian James Stewart Streetboy The Sugarfix T'Bell TRIKK Marco Taggiasco Tempted The Metros Thesis Think Out Loud Joseph Tholl Ian Thomas Michael Thompson Thowsen Timebeat Tin Man Titan Tommy Denander/Bruce Gaitsch The Toms Topas Topaz (Lite AOR) Toy Matinee Toys Of Joy Trade Wind The Truth The Tubes Turbo Vixen The Turn Two or More The Uncle C Residence Upfront Valensia/Valentine John Valenti Valet Parking Ralph Van Manen Donnie Vie Thomas Vikstrom Vincent Greg X. Volz Wa Wa Nee Jack Wagner Walkinlight Joe Walsh Kevin Wells West Coast All Stars West of Sunset Westpoint Westwood Wetton-Downes Widows Wildlife (Lite AOR) Joseph Williams Wilson Brothers World on Edge Jesse Colin Young Zahalan