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View Bands by Genre:
Pop AOR / Westcoast (453)
Melodic Rock / AOR (2256)
80s Hard Rock (5036)
Modern Hard Rock (275)
Sleaze Glam (820)
Melodic Metal (853)
Prog Rock (324)
Southern or Blues Rock (181)
Instrumental Wizards (198)
THE Hard Rock and AOR Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 10398 CDS: 25261 Songs: 300613
Feb. 3, 2025: Best of 2024 Lists Posted!Come see who made the top 10 (yes, expanded starting this year) albums of 2024 from Mike and myself. -Dan |
I started this site, originally called The Halls of Glam, back in 1996. I was depressed at the sad state of music here in the U.S., and yearned for the 1980s, when hard rock and melodic metal were king, rather than this alternagrunge and rap garbage that is so prevalent now.
It started as an offshoot of my personal CD database. I was working on PERL scripts for my collection and I figured "Why not have a discography site that people can use for reference?" There are other discography sites out there (AllMusic being the most notable and most widely used), but to my knowledge there aren't any devoted to AOR, hard rock, and melodic metal.
This site is devoted to discography information, rather than What's Hot!, interviews, gossip, etc. Rather, this is meant to be an informational resource for people looking for obscure and/or minor-label CD releases. I know that personally, I'm always looking for new additions to my collection that I may have missed along the way.
There is reason for optimism! While there isn't much happening on the domestic front, there is and has been plenty of good hard rock, AOR, and melodic metal coming out of Europe, especially in the last 5 years. I've been amazed at the quality of some of the stuff coming out on some of the minor labels out there. In particular, check out NEH Records (featuring many releases available as U.S. releases for the first time) and AOR Heaven, a great place to find music you wish was available here in the states.
So have a look around, find some things to add to your collection, add some CDs to the database, and by all means, drop me an email if you have any suggestions for the site.
Ok, enough chit-chat! SHOW ME THE MUSIC!
Anything and everything falling within the following catgories: westcoast AOR, AOR, arena rock, hard rock, melodic metal, cheese metal, commercial metal, progressive rock; limited to full-length albums and EPs. No unofficial releases, bootlegs, singles, etc.
If you're not sure whether or not a particular band falls within these constraints, just ask (realistically, it's an aesthetic judgment).
Music that is definitely NOT appropriate for this site: rap, dance, techno, hip-hop, rap, classical, rap, jazz, grunge, rap, industrial, death metal, rap, country, reggae, rap, oldies, folk, opera, rap, blues, soul, r& b, and lastly, rap.
For those who are looking for a new source for '80s-style metal, I
recommend checking out Christian metal groups. While at times the
"message" can get a bit heavy-handed, there is some extremely good
music worth exploring. I personally am an agnostic, and my listening
tendencies stress the overall sound rather than lyrics, so extremely
faith-oriented lyrics have never bothered me. Your mileage may vary. :)
I've attempted to denote Christian bands with a small logo next to
the band name:
(which stands for Contemporary Christian Music).
If you're looking for band information strictly about CCM groups, check out the site I've just started: Heaven's Metal.
Information to be added to these pages is more than welcome! Also, if you know of links to web pages about specific bands covered in my pages, let me know and I'll be glad to add them.
As always, feedback is welcomed and encouraged. If you like the pages, let me know! If you think the pages suck, let me know what would make them better!
Take a chill pill....relax...While the pages are geared primarily towards hard rock/metal, I take artistic license to put links to whatever bands I feel like. You no like? Make yer own damn pages. :)