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CD Title: Stick It In Your Ear
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1990
Label: Elektra Records
Catalog Number: 9 60941-2
Paul Laine lead and backing vocals, guitars, keyboards, piano
Mickey Curry drums
Pat Steward drums
John Webster keyboards
Rene Worst bass, fretless bass
Kenny Kaos guitars
Scott Brown bass, backing vocals
Paul GoGo keyboards, backing vocals
Bruce Fairbairn guest piano
1. | One Step Over the Line | 7:06 |
2. | We Are the Young | 5:03 |
3. | Dorianna | 5:17 |
4. | Is It Love | 4:09 |
5. | Heart of America | 4:45 |
6. | Main Attraction | 4:36 |
7. | Doin' Time | 5:24 |
8. | I'll Be There | 5:58 |
9. | Break Down the Barricades | 3:41 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 45:59 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: David |
Date: June 18, 2001 at 21:42 |
I want this album badly!!!!!!!
From: Randy |
Date: August 3, 2001 at 8:56 |
This is a great CD, I have the import german version with 4 bonus tracks that are as good as the rest of the CD.
From: cristian |
Date: August 4, 2001 at 1:52 |
this first album is great Paul is profesional even tho is his first one Musicians aren't fenomenal but their are hard as a rock Can someone help me buy the second one ? contact me
From: T-BONE |
Date: August 10, 2001 at 15:43 |
AWESOME CD FLAT OUT!!!! Great vocalist!! I can't say enough good things about this guy!!
From: Mike |
Date: March 25, 2002 at 14:00 |
Getting tired? sad? boring? Nothing you have listen to? Get this album, worth to try. Then again and again...Dorianna kix butt!!
Date: July 3, 2002 at 15:23 |
From: Steve T |
Date: September 15, 2002 at 9:14 |
Had it at time of release but sold it. Nothing outstanding to be least not in my opinion. Great voice but the songs are weak. We Are The Young is okay but that's about all.
Date: November 25, 2002 at 3:35 |
Discazo, este tío ya con los danger era increible, ahora solo, hace gala de ser uno de los mejores hard rockeros de este planeta. Heart of america y Break down the barricades son como dice the rocker maravillosas.
From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 |
Date: December 26, 2002 at 19:26 |
El amigo Paul,combina en este disco el Hard Rock americano mas integrista en algunos cortes,con otros igual de poderosos pero mucho mas melódicos al meterle algo de teclados,sirvan como ejemplo Heart Of America(para mi el mejor) o Dorianna ,muy buenos temas,si os pillais la edición con bonus track encontrareis el tema Only Your Heart de Zinatra y es que muchos temas de esa gran banda estaban compuestos por Paul Laine.BUEN HARD ROCK.(Gracias robert,a mi me mola).
Date: February 14, 2003 at 14:41 |
what????!!!!! "the songs are weak"???!!!! Steve t., you are crazy!!!!! this album is very beautiful!!! a supermasterpiece!!!!!!!
From: LIDNY |
Date: July 24, 2003 at 8:45 |
From: CC |
Date: October 20, 2003 at 21:43 |
Heart of America is fan-fucking-tastic! Very Bon Jovi,simply brilliant!
From: jety |
Date: October 22, 2003 at 1:44 |
Dorianna roxx! Paul Laine 4ever
From: vandervelde |
Date: December 13, 2003 at 19:48 |
Fantastic album!!! If you think that P.Laine is only on modern stuff, check this. Bon Jovi meets Hardline...he sings here very much like Gioelli(especially Dorianna)...Why only nine songs? I want more!!!
From: AOR freaky |
Date: December 15, 2003 at 12:17 |
Indeed a great straight ahead rock album. Much better than what Paul is doing these days with his awfull nu-breed act Shugaazer !
From: Posy |
Date: February 25, 2004 at 13:18 |
Dorianna, Heart of America & Break Down the Barricades already worth this album!!! Fantastic songs and a fantastic voice! Very Bon Jovi!!!!!!!!
From: Straycat |
Date: March 22, 2004 at 18:33 |
This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! 10/10 .... one of my absolute favorites!
From: K.K. Poland |
Date: April 13, 2004 at 11:53 |
Fantastic album, from beginning to an end, we are the young, is it love, Dorianna, Heart Of America, great vocals, amazing, is it love make me fly
From: Big Papa K |
Date: June 27, 2004 at 19:57 |
Being a fan of the D2 Paul Laine era, I was pretty dissapointed by this album. It sounds like Bon Jovi leftovers for the most part, but a few tracks do rise above the rest ("One Step Over The Line" and "Heart Of America"). 5/10
From: AOR freaky |
Date: June 28, 2004 at 4:55 |
This is the finest record Paul ever released ! His masterpiece. Don't understand why you are disappointed, Big Papa K. If I listen to the crap he recently released with Shugaazer, then I'm disappointed, not with this fine melodic record !
From: TIM (2) |
Date: June 28, 2004 at 5:06 |
I agree AOR Freaky, this is probably the best thing I've ever heard him sing. I bought the re-issue with some killer bonus tracks, as 9 tracks was never enough. His 2nd solo album just wasn't quite as good, but if you love early Bon Jovi or Blue Tears then this is essential listening.
Date: July 3, 2004 at 15:11 |
This guy is a talent force. Bad timing, bad management killed "Stick IT IN Your Ear" These are powerful and melodic songs with outstanding vocals. Another Tough-Luck Canadan music story.
From: K.K. Poland |
Date: July 17, 2004 at 5:55 |
Big Papa K -- dissapointed by this album? this is masterpiece! this is what we want! melodic, catchy songs. Stick In Your Ear have everything what we want
From: Kip |
Date: August 30, 2004 at 23:57 |
All I can say is the only song I have from this album is Dorianna, and that song is one of my all time favorites. I've been dying to hear the rest of this CD, and if it's anywhere near as good as that one song it's gonna be one of my favorites. I wouldn't be suprised either, because anything Paul Laine seems to touch turns to gold.
From: T-Bone |
Date: August 31, 2004 at 6:35 |
I have the music video for Dorianna
From: Geoff |
Date: August 31, 2004 at 9:56 |
Oh dear Kip! We will have to hook you up with this one. I assure you will love it! One of the finest melodic hard rock albums out there. Flawlessly played, excellent vocals. I will, however, say that 'Dorianna' is the best track and still send chills down my spine today. But 'We are the young','Is it love' and 'Heart of America' are three of the best hard rockers ever. 'Ill be there' is lovely, 'Break down the barricades' is a great closer, 'Doin' time' is a cool track and the album is excellent
From: Joan |
Date: September 10, 2004 at 15:27 |
Excelente este Paul Laine...menuda voz tiene el tio. Mi favorita es con diferencia "IS IT LOVE"--->una de las mejores canciones q he escuchado nunca!
From: tomcat |
Date: September 10, 2004 at 17:28 |
indeed a very good album, i have the original cd and i crank it up once in a while. My favorite song is 'one step over the line'.
From: Tasha |
Date: December 23, 2004 at 15:16 |
One of my favorite CDs. Highly recommended for Danger Danger fans. I love to turn this one up in the car.
From: AdryA [Hungary] |
Date: March 6, 2005 at 4:33 |
Maximum power, excellent sound... Great food for the hungry Hard Rock ears!
From: Lennie |
Date: March 25, 2005 at 13:22 |
Yep, Cant add much to the comments here. This is indeed a damn fine album, but I must confess I havent listened to it in years! Will have to dust it down....from what I remember the first 5 tracks are absolute killer....the last 4 are throw away. But PL is on might good form here and has struggled to produce anything as good as this since. Shame really.
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: October 12, 2005 at 23:24 |
GREAT and KILLER Hard/AOR album, que mas se puede decir, uno de los mas amados en el mundo del Rock, con un estilo y personalidad impresionante, un album brutal de los mejores hechos del Rock en general, cortes llenos de MAGIA y FUERZA como   We Are the Young(Mi Favorita la mas brutal de todo el album y mas por ese titulo "NOSOTROS SOMOS LOS JOVENES" YO SOY UNO), Dorianna(con un video clip donde muestra toda su personalidad magnetica que transmite), Heart of America, I'll Be There...  
From: headbanger4life |
Date: January 26, 2006 at 0:45 |
As I said in my DD comments, I like Paul's solo stuff much better. He was great with them but I think his material here is better. From the opening awesome rocker "One Step Over the Line" to "Dorianna" and "Is it love", this one just keeps rockin' till it's over........then you push the play button again.
From: Chris_GR_Aor |
Date: August 18, 2006 at 11:02 |
What a voice.......great album from the greatest singer ever in AOR....Pure heaven...PAUL LAINE for ever...
From: lalorock |
Date: January 29, 2007 at 22:36 |
Excelente disco de Paul Laine, canciones con unas melodías increibles: We are the young, Dorianna, Is it love (uno de mis favoritos de todos los tiempos)temazo, guitarras, teclados y esa voz estupenda del tío hacen de este album un obligado para cualquier fan de AOR, los bonus tracks por parte de Long island records tambien son muy buenos y pensar que compuso temas para Zinatra: Only your heart aquí la canta a su manera muy especial y maravillosa, gran disco 9/10.
From: hernanHRM/AOR |
Date: April 1, 2007 at 21:18 |
Vaya que es un tremendo Discazo, pues no me queda mas que Corear "Dorianna" jjaj un tremendo video y que decir del albun esta de puta madre tiene una dimencion increible musica para Maestros como el phoenix jaja Rafo eh escuchado este albun y creeme es inpresionante esta todo la fuerza y el poder de un joven guerrero jajaj osea Yo!!! nos vemos maestro y arriba el Aor & Hard ROck Melodic !!!!!!!
From: juan carlos |
Date: April 2, 2007 at 0:20 |
Rotunda e inmensa joyasa de AOR/MHR.. La voz es totalmente asesina y los temas tambien. Un año muy especial para mí, el 89 y 90 lo mejor!!. Hay un par de temas aceptables pero con esa producción y esa voz pasa desapercibida ese detalle, y los bonus, vaya Bonus!. ALTAMENTE RECOMENDADO. 9.7/10
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 2, 2007 at 9:03 |
Hey Hernan vistes 300 entonces tu serias uno de los guerreros Inmortales de los Espartanos y yo seria Leonidas The King esa pelicula es tremenda por todo lo que transmite nos estaremos viendo Guerrero Inmortal.
From: Carlos A. |
Date: April 2, 2007 at 17:42 |
Un buen disco Hard rock/Aor.... Paul Laine cantante con cuerdas vocales poderosas, los temazos: "Dorianna","Is It Love","One Step Over the Line", etc aunque los temas sean algo laaaargos, tienen sus dosis de sentimiento,fuerza y unos cambios de ritmo con un sonido de infarto...lo unico malo es la portada modesta con esos dibujos y colores enmarcados ya muy noventeros. Hard-aor convencional pero bien logrado 8.99/10
From: juan carlos |
Date: April 2, 2007 at 19:47 |
El único tema largo sería pues el enorme "One Step Over the Line", pero la voz y el sonido opaca ese menudo problema. Ahora bien, la portada si que es modesta pero eso es lo de menos cuando lo musical es totalmente matador. Esa voz mi amigo, Escucha ese "Doin´ Time" en un momento pareciera escuchar al mismísimo Brian Johnson y a los AC/DC, tremenda fiereza que le pone Paul Laine, vaya voz ó en "Main Atraction" que si bien es simple Rock ´n Roll, tiene sus super-coros como en todo este DISCAZO.
From: Carlos A. |
Date: April 3, 2007 at 14:20 |
Ese es otro buen tema...como dije un disco poderoso,la portada no le hace merito a la musica claro, son dos aspectos distintos aunque amigo juan carlos ne me nieges que a veces un disco impacta primero en lo visual y despues se complementa al escucharlo...las portadas a veces reflejan la rebeldia o la sofisticacion del artista algunos tan elaborados como el 1º de The Storm o el Trial By Fire de Journey y otros tan"indies"como este de laine o los 2 de "Seventh Key" pero el contenido es de la PM!!
From: juan carlos |
Date: April 4, 2007 at 14:07 |
No lo niego Carlos pero que yo sepa Paul Laine no tuvo nada que ver con la portada (no estoy tan seguro), por cierto, las portadas de Seventh Key los hizo Frontiers y Billy Greer no tuvo nada que ver ahí. El "Trial By Fire" sí que es una de mis preferidas de todos los tiempos. En Metal Sludge dan puntaje hasta a la portada lo cual no me parece mal, pero en lo particular me guío en la música, producción y por ahí la composición.
From: Carlos A. |
Date: April 4, 2007 at 22:56 |
Dado que la presentacion de un disco es importante en la mayoria de veces se le encarga a artistas la elaboracion del mismo(como las portadas y logo de ASIA de un tal Roger Dean no son un alucinada??) pero claro a veces se prescinde de ella y otras las son sencillas pero geniales(como el de Native Sons de Strangeways)puede que la presentacion sea tome como algo secundario pero claro la produccion del disco es otro tema. Saludos Juan C. y para la gente Hispana que opina sin majaderias ni excesos.
From: BIG-TIME |
Date: June 5, 2007 at 13:37 |
Very AVERAGE! album for me Paul is great but the songs just dont have that edge I was hoping for. Not really kick ass not mellow just average We Are The Young is good specially the way Paul goes up towards the solo OW! the MAN can sing...KEEP ROCKIN ALL!!!
From: dave |
Date: June 17, 2007 at 23:53 |
Para mi es uno de los mejores albums de la historia We Are the Young, Dorianna, Is It Love son tres de temas increibles la voz de paul es simplemente poderosa y sublime 10 / 10
From: niagara |
Date: July 20, 2007 at 14:45 |
oooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ke discazo lo escuche y se me puso la piel de gallina la lokura casi lloro con las baladas eaahyy un disco paar hacer el amor de veras disfrutenlo los ke tienen esta joya.
From: metalhead4life |
Date: November 26, 2008 at 12:46 |
Great melodic hard rock CD with some balls - especially track 4, kicks ass!! The opener is just decent but don't be discouraged cause tracks 2, 3, 4, and 5 kick ass!! Tracks 6, 7, and 8 are just eh, ok but then the last track 9 is good. Paul Laine sure can belt out some notes; he definitely can sing. Definitely recommended!! 85/100
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 7, 2008 at 18:46 |
Hard rock album with an explendid AOR song "Dorianna".The voice of Mr Laine stands as one hell of a vocalist here!!!...great, passionate and giving the feeling to every song.Maybe i was not 2 impressed by the album itself (not telling is bad)but as "Dorianna" was the "single" many of us thought the album was gonna be more AOR orientated but is more at least to me into the kind of TNT sound of rock (TNT the band,right and talkin about the "Tell No Tales","Intuition" kind of stuff).Anyway good album with good songs.85/100
From: zoomanthree |
Date: December 15, 2008 at 9:24 |
fantastic album. killer record. paul scream in all song. all time fave album.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: December 28, 2008 at 13:41 |
"Heart Of America"...fantastic!!!!
From: erik |
Date: September 20, 2009 at 5:08 |
Dorianne( brilliant),Heart of America, Main Attraction, Doin Time, Break down the Barricades, My Hometown and Only your Heart (my favorite ) are great melodic rock songs. Good album. 83/100
From: metalmaniac777 |
Date: January 15, 2011 at 10:16 |
Not a masterpiece by any stretch of the imagination, but worth getting your paws on. If melodic hard rock was a 3-lane highway with the best albums in the left-hand lane and the worst albums in the right, then this album would be cruising down the middle lane. Paul sticks to a fairly standard but well-done late 80s commercial hard rock sound for this debut solo outing. It's full of hooks, some great, some just passable, but there's no denying catchiness was a primary factor in play when the songs were written; however, some of the songs just sound like they have a little more heart in them ("Dorianna," "We are the Young," and "Break Down the Barricades" for example). Again, not the most awesome CD you've ever heard, but if you stick it in your ear, you'll have a good time with no reason to hate yourself in the morning.
From: masmusic |
Date: January 15, 2011 at 14:39 |
AOR Heaven just released a remastered version
From: the rocker |
Date: January 6, 2012 at 14:19 |
I think this just ok or a little above average. We Are The Young is my top pick on this one, other good ones are Dorianna, & Heart Of America. Just not impressed with this one.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: November 16, 2013 at 2:34 |
i ve this cd in my collection since 1995(long island reissue with four bonus tracks).receive it yesterday in japan (very rare)reissue (2010)with the same four bonus s always a real pleasure for me to listen this excellent album.the four bonus tracks are the same level than the rest.result 13 super hard f m songs.only killers no fillers.this record is varied and very interesting.on several songs this record reminds me bon jovi.a super class influence!!!!!!!
From: MelodicRocker |
Date: June 18, 2016 at 17:20 |
I love everything about this album. Great songs, great sound, good musicians and a singer from heaven! There aren't many guys out there with such a fine voice and wide singing range. I'd like to see the videos for Dorianna & Is it love in somewhat HD. This is a monster debut, easy to see Bruno Ravel loved it too..., and now The Defiants play several of the tracks of this album live on tour. Now that's great news for melodic rock lovers!
From: hair metal again |
Date: October 5, 2016 at 5:34 |
excellent debut for PAUL LAINE under the guidance of Bruce Fairbairn !the Bon Jovi influence is there and Paul also shows his talent in songwriting!there are 1 0r 2 fillers but when its good there s no limit:"dorianna","we are the young","is it love',"break down the barricades"!essential of course
From: Eric3 |
Date: June 15, 2017 at 23:13 |
Wow. This is a killer. Absolutely amazing vocals and rock with POWER. I'm not usually one for hyperbole but this is a hard rock essential from one of the most gifted vocalists I've ever heard. 90+ easily.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: July 8, 2020 at 17:39 |
when bon jovi meets bryan adams.super record.
From: DonDef88PL |
Date: June 3, 2023 at 6:15 |
Although Im not a big fan of him and I just like Danger Danger I think Dorianna is one of the most rememberable hard rock power ballads I have ever heard! Just great.
From: Oz |
Date: May 19, 2024 at 13:53 |
One of the very best albums produced by the goat excellent producer, RIP, Bruce Fairbairn, that still did not sell precious metal. That is both the charm, and the sad side of rock biz, you need to have lots of LUCK too. It's simply not enuff with killer vocals (all over this album by great Mr Laine who's still killing it with The Defiants, stellar band btw), great great players (e.g. Bryan Adams' powerful drummers), and powerful Fairbairn sound. Despite two bloody good singles/videos, for "Dorianna" and "Is It Love", it did not take off as it deserved.Just a reference: G N' R manager had to BEG the programme director of midnight MTV to play the video for "Welcome to the jungle" just ONE more time. That one time was enuff, the snow ball started rolling, and album never stopped selling. But IF that one more playback had not been achieved, Appetite might have stayed at gold or less. Such SMALL are the chances and details needed... The bangers (2, 5, 9) on this album are amazing too.
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