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[House of Lords Band Picture]

Artist: House of Lords

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House of Lords Homepage

CD Title: House of Lords

House of Lords House of Lords Album Cover House of Lords House of Lords Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1988

Label: RCA/BMG

Catalog Number: 8530-2-R


Gregg Giuffria
Lanny Cordola
James Christian
Ken Mary
Chuck Wright


1.  Pleasure Palace  
2.  I Wanna Be Loved  
3.  Edge of Your Life  
4.  Lookin' for Strange  
5.  Love Don't Lie  
6.  Slip of the Tongue  
7.  Hearts of the World  
8.  Under Blue Skies  
9.  Call My Name  
10.  Jealous Heart  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular House of Lords CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from House of Lords are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: SIXXSWINE Date: June 5, 2001 at 9:36
To honest as a fan of this band, this debut is fair at best. The songs aren't great, you'd expect alot more from a group of great musicians like this. Even the "help" of Gene $immon$ wasn't enough from preventing this car wreck from taking place. "I wanna be Loved" is the only track on here worth listening to, the rest is "pure cheese"! I suggest, you pick up "Sahara" or "Demons Down" those are excellent & they what was expected of the debut disc. 2.0 on the SWINE SCALE.

From: Adrenaliser Date: July 5, 2001 at 1:50
This debut album is better than Sahara and Demons Down. There're a lot of AOR party anthems here. Great songs with a very strong vocals and keyboards. Jealous Heart is the best track here, with a fantastic and euphoric melodic chorus! If you like adrenaline.... Buy it now!!!!!!!!!

From: Mark Date: August 12, 2001 at 17:42
I somewhat agree with the Swine guy. This one isn't bad, but "Sahara" and "Demons Down" kick way more ass. If you're just getting into HOL, get one of those first.

From: The "Buy" Man Date: September 3, 2001 at 2:57

From: KittyKat Date: November 5, 2001 at 3:53
I love this album, "Love Don't Lie" is one of my fav ballads ....nice !

From: Portuguese Fan Date: February 18, 2002 at 5:32
The more I listen to this album the more I love it. I don't think that the "group of great musicians" wasn't so great in this work.The compositions are so mature and their playing so spontaneous... I mean, just buy it!...

From: JOURNEY Date: May 6, 2002 at 12:32

From: Date: May 24, 2002 at 11:22
Great songs - great musitians - great album

From: MALLORCA´S ROCK Date: August 31, 2002 at 17:34
Pocos discos mejores que este. James Christian es una bestia de cantante, es buenisimo. Es uno de los discos con mas categoria de la historia. 10/10 sin duda. IMPRESIONANTE, PERFECTO.

From: robert Date: October 20, 2002 at 16:13
Me gusta muchisimo este grupo, el disco tambien es una pasada, y el cantante es d mis favoritos, pero, creo q les podria haber salido mejor, pero es inegable los temazos y la majestuosidad q posee este gran grupo. Muy grandes!

From: Fabian Date: December 12, 2002 at 21:50

From: Bisser Vesselin Date: December 20, 2002 at 17:31
this is my favorite band and please contact with me !My e-mail:

From: Melodiker Date: December 29, 2002 at 0:53
This is one of my favourite Bands of all time ! James Voice is greater than great This CD is a Masterpiece and everybody must have this record

From: Melodiker Date: December 29, 2002 at 0:53
This is one of my favourite Bands of all time ! James Voice is greater than great This CD is a Masterpiece and everybody must have this record

From: Melodiker Date: December 29, 2002 at 0:54
This is one of my favourite Bands of all time ! James Voice is greater than great This CD is a Masterpiece and everybody must have this record

From: Melodiker Date: December 29, 2002 at 0:54
This is one of my favourite Bands of all time ! James Voice is greater than great This CD is a Masterpiece and everybody must have this record

From: Ñ Date: February 6, 2003 at 16:15
Too soft.

From: Melodiker Date: February 7, 2003 at 14:34
Ups,why is my voting here a four times ??? Sorry,my PC doenen`t work correctly !!!

From: greenmanelishi Date: February 15, 2003 at 15:33
buenisimos!! este es el mejor disco con diferencia de toda su carrera, nada del demons down como dice la gente, ese es muy bueno pero como este nada. Esta es otra banda q jamas olvidare porque he crecido con ella, melodias preciosas, produccion muy buena y un HEARTS OF THE WORLD superheavy y un SLIP OF THE TONGUE marchosa y rockera alucinante. Recomendadisimo

From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 Date: March 9, 2003 at 16:26
Mucha influencia se puede encontrar en este disco de la banda Giuffria,sobre todo en los teclados y hasta en la parte vocal.Mucho mas cercanos al Hard Rock que Giuffria aunque la base del disco sigue siendo AOR.Hombre ,el disco tiene sus temas de interes,catalogar este disco de obra maestra es exageradisimo,yo lo considero ACEPTABLE.

From: toni girona Date: March 26, 2003 at 0:14
Para mi uno de mis discos favoritos, IMPRESIONANTE!!!, la balada Love don't lie (sobretodo su solo) tiene muchisimo feeling.

From: Tony BCN Date: March 26, 2003 at 23:11
Está bastante bien.El "Sahara" me agrada más y quizá sea por el sonido.

From: Tony Date: March 27, 2003 at 3:24
A good go for a debut album but didn't quite get to the finishing line on this. I remember thinking at the time that Ken Mary's drum work was incredible and still do!! Kind of tried to marry 70's classic hard rock with a 80's hair band attitude and just comes across forced to me. Every musician is stellar here and James voice is superb but the sum is less than the parts unfortunately here. Check out "Demons Down" from these guys, got it right on that release.

From: Alex Gaskill Date: April 6, 2003 at 7:47
I agree with the guy above about the drums. However, I wanna be loved is so cheesy and such a godd*mned copy of Gay Jovi's "Living on a prayer" that it makes me sick. The same breaking guitars in the intro and the cheap backing vocals 'oh, oh'. Other than that, the record climbs from low-average to good to better. This fella can sing. Still, it is dangerous when the keyboard guy is the boss. Some keyboard lines are not welcome. Still, interesting record, especially as u get closer to the end.

From: ted Date: May 10, 2003 at 16:10
Debut del grupo y el cd que más se asemeja a la anterior banda de su teclista y lider,Giuffria,formidables canciones y con un vocalista sublime y apoyados por un sonido atronador,un clásico

From: MaciaS Date: May 14, 2003 at 11:12
two words: "fuckin' anwsome"

From: Rocker76 Date: May 27, 2003 at 18:20
Jealous Heart & Edge of Your Life are kick-ass tunes - classic 80s power rock!!!!

From: THE_ROGUE Date: June 5, 2003 at 18:08
A truly wonderful masterpiece. I am always blown away whenever I stick this in and let it rip. LANNY CORDOLA is a very underrated guitarist. I've got the french version of this with the bonus remix of LOVE DON'T LIE, which is an amazing song. A stellar band making stellar music, gotta love it.

From: ´Carlomagno Date: June 9, 2003 at 19:36
Just Hear "Under Blue Skies" Nuff said. Solo escucha "Under Blue Kies" he dicho.

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: July 1, 2003 at 7:09
Just put this (back) in heavy rotation in my CD player. Sometimes I'm in the mood for that majestic sounding anthemic stuff...

From: John Date: September 5, 2003 at 13:40
Am I crazy, or is the second side of this one better than the first? Those last 5 tunes are awesome. Dig the backup vocals on 'Call My Name' (Oh whoa woaoaoah!). Back's the little things that make me happy okay?

From: Dave Date: October 8, 2003 at 1:37
A great first up album that the second and third album could not match. Supposedly currently recording the fourth album which i look forward to hearing!

From: Rocker 76 Date: October 14, 2003 at 16:34
One of the best releases from the 80s...period. Gregg Giuffria can do no wrong. "Hearts of the World" and "Jealous Heart" are 2 of the best hard rock songs of all time - it just doesn't get better than this. If you love bands that have good guitars and good keyboards - do yourself a favor and get this one.

From: aormilwaukee Date: November 2, 2003 at 12:50
I totally agree with Rocker 76 this album is a classic!!! and once again I disagree with 9 champion 1...this is a great album much, much better than Sahara.o.k.? NOTHING LIKE THE 80'S BABY!!!! WHEN ALBUMS WERE ALBUMS NOT JUST ONE SONG!!!!

From: GhostRider Date: November 3, 2003 at 0:22
Very strange how it took me a very long time to like this cd. It does have the problem of getting better as it goes on. The two other cd's by these guys are much better because their is less of that keyboard bs and James sings and writes much better as well. Love their cover of the Stan Bush song "Love Dont Lie". not bad first album but couldve been sequenced better.

From: Josep Maria Date: November 13, 2003 at 13:26
This album is a classic!!! Christian, Cordola, Wright, Mary & Giuffria... what more can you ask?

From: AOR freaky Date: November 26, 2003 at 7:48
Indeed classic stuff ! Mr. Giuffria is a keyboard wizard ! Fantastic ! I also like their other CD's ! Great band ! And great to see mr. Giuffia back in 2004 with a solo album on Frontiers. I'm curieus !

From: luislpaez Date: January 4, 2004 at 22:33
Masterpiece!!! Too expensive!!! $20.00 plus shipping by AMAZON.COM... Buy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: AOR freaky Date: January 20, 2004 at 11:22
As said before : great stuff ! But I've heard a new soundclip from their new upcoming CD and it didn't impress me at all ! Laid back, even boring stuff ! It's still early days, but I hope the rest of the CD is better !

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Whiplash1972 Date: January 20, 2004 at 11:47
This is indeed GREAT stuff! Listening to this one at work right now....WOW! It's a shame these guys weren't more successful than they were, as IMO they are quite a bit better than the majority of the "hair" bands out there. James Christian's voice reminds me of David Coverdale ALOT on some of the songs here,and that's not a bad thing! Excellent disc from start to finish, with "Under Blue Skies", "Slip of the Tongue","Love Don't Lie", and "I Wanna Be Loved" being my faves.GREAT!

From: Big Papa K Date: June 13, 2004 at 2:12
Great album of aor classics ("I Wanna Be Loved", "Love Don't Lie) ruined by a questionable production job and a couple missplaced rockers ("Slip Of The Tongue", )Lookin' For Strange") 8/10

From: TIM (2) Date: July 13, 2004 at 5:54
Killer stuff, and surely one of the best debut albums ever. I actually like the production, it all just adds to the huge sound of the band. I do like the second-half of this better, and it's noticeable that Greg Giuffria had a hand in all the best songs on this. Explaining why the new CD is so lacklustre... "Jealous Heart" is just magnificent. 9.5/10.

From: Rocker76 Date: July 13, 2004 at 8:35
I could not agree more with Tim on this. "Jealous Heart" is a phenomenal power ballad and it brings that whole album to a sweeping yet powerful close. A who's who of hard rock greats come together to raise the bar for AOR/hard rock bands of the late 80s. Cordola simply shreds, Christian's vocals are absolutely superb, and Giuffria's keys are flawless. The S/T is their finest achievement and stands in my book as one of the Top Ten 80s metal albums of all time. Rating 10/10. Essential!!!

From: Rycheage Date: July 20, 2004 at 21:43
High quality stuff on tap here. There is no filler. All the tracks ooze class and are timeless AOR. It gets no better than this. "Jealous Lover" is an awesome track. This is a must own.

From: Wotty Date: August 17, 2004 at 19:13
Sublime album from that decade I keep raving on about.However,I thought Sahara was quite a good album,but for some reason I lost interest in this band,which is a shame.

From: avantasia Date: September 6, 2004 at 16:57
otro disco k desempolvé y otra lágrima que te sale al oirlo, esta música tiene eso es única, es de unos pocos por eso es auténtica, por eso me rio de toda la porquería que nunca será mas k eso, música de chiringuito la que hacen memos/as de hoy en día y k nos saturan en la radio y televisión a todas horas...bahhh que se pudran y sin duda k lo harán, nunca se recordará su bastarda música MUERTE AL FALSO METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Geoff Date: September 6, 2004 at 20:39
A classic, but who doesn't know it already.'Pleasure Palace' is such an awesome first song,'I Wanna Be Loved' is commercial heaven,'Edge of Your Life' is killer,'Love Don't Lie' is such a beautiful ballad,'Hearts of the World' is probably my fave - a huge melodic gem! But then again, maybe 'Call My Name' is my fave - another perfect gem. Overall, just a stunning collection of melodic hard rock songs. Hugely recommended!

From: ArnoldLancelot Date: October 27, 2004 at 13:11
Some of you around there who are into early 80s aor(707, Speedway Boulevard, Prism, etc.) would not take this one as a classic. BUT FOR THOSE WHO ARE INTO LATE 80S AOR(like Giant, Stan Bush, FM and Dare) would truly put this record as a CLASSIC MASTERPIECE. Well balanced guitar-keyboard songs, fantastic ballads and incredible musicianship overall. Unmissable classic in every aor collection.

From: Eugenio Chahin Date: December 16, 2004 at 15:13

From: ChrisSlade Date: December 18, 2004 at 21:27
Absolute MASTERPIECE!!!! You are missing out BIGTIME if you dont have this. "Love Don`t Lie", and "Edge of Your Life" are some of my fav`s and will stand the test of time.

From: Martin Date: January 23, 2005 at 14:06
hey man! exellent group....the way of real rock is ..." I Wanna Be Loved " mind..if we are in this matters!!,,,this is te real way of rock... house of lords..really rock!! in this album!!

From: Endika Date: March 12, 2005 at 5:37
Vaya disco,diga lo que diga la gente es un disco impresinante en mi opinion.Temas extraordinarios en este disco de Giuffria en el que aporta como siempre todo lo que tiene.OBRA MAESTRA-9/10

From: Swriter Date: March 20, 2005 at 21:07
hmmm, Chris Slade, a few above??? same as in drummer of Manfred Mann and now Asia?? This HOL's debut and the Giuffria debut are mainstays in my monthly listening. This is along the lines of the first Giuffria but a bit harder, still melodic heaven. Pleasure, I wanna be loved, Love don't lie, Slip, just fantastic and a great intro to vocal god James Christian. Get this one with Giuffria's debut, 2 masterpieces!!! The 2nd HOL is also a great one but this is the best of the two, getem both, then ge

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: March 26, 2005 at 9:48
Gran album, en lineas a los albums de Giant aunque solo unos puntos menos, Edge of Your Life y Hearts of the World los cortes que mas me gustan, asi como Giant casi la mitad van en onda mas rockera o hard rock mas clasico, pero sin dudas un gran album, aunque la misma banda en entrevista de su tercer album Demons Down dijera que sus anteriores trabajos no tenian la fuerza que este o el segundo de hay las rupturas en el grupo, pero si amas el AOR o Hard-Rock melodico este es el mejor de la banda.

From: howe Date: May 15, 2005 at 5:37
House of Lords is the perfect name for this band! Great songwriters, incredible musicians, fantastic songs! Everything is just so perfect about this band and this album in particular. Pleasure Palace is a true hymn opening this cd. Edge of Your Life is one of the best keyboard-oriented songs I've ever heard! And then there's the awesome Love Don't Lie, the solemn Hearts of the World, and also Under Blue Skies, Call My Name (I love the pre-chorus, "you don't have to worry...") and Jealous Heart.

From: lduarte Date: March 1, 2006 at 17:14
My Favourite Bands are Iron Maiden ,Whitesnake ,Journey ,Foreigner ,Giant ,Van Halen ,so when i find a band that reminds me any of these they must be real good.House of Lords reminds me of Whitesnake 1987 era ,J.Christian as a Coverdale type of voice and the whole sound of House of Lords reminds me a lot of Whitesnake.Overall i think this is a great record with several killer tunes,essential for any AOR/HR lover specialy if your into Whitesnake as much as i am. 9/10 If anyone wishes to trade opi

From: lduarte Date: March 1, 2006 at 17:14
If anyone wishes to trade opinions email me at

From: Warriorsoul Date: June 8, 2006 at 16:31
Una aunténtica joya del Hard Rock elegante, que lo mires por dónde lo mires destila calidad, clase, fuerza, sentimiento en cada tema. Totalmente recomendado. James Christian es de los mejores vocalistas de la historia del rock con mayúsculas. 9.5/10. La producción de Simmons podría haber estado mejor, aún así una joya imprescindible.

From: ROBERT Date: September 29, 2006 at 12:10
Manaña el gran dia: HOUSE OF LORDS en Concert en mi City!!! Q Grande JAMES CHRISTIAN!!! Parece q caen 5 d este Primer Y magistral discazo!!!(Pleasure Palace I Wanna Be Loved Edge of Your Life Love Don't Lie Slip of the Tongue) Lastima q se keda fuera mi 2ª Prefe: Jealous Heart Mi Gran Favorita: La Pedazo d Version d STAN BUSH: LOVE DON'T LIE!!!

From: Mediaab Date: October 3, 2006 at 5:49

From: RockMan10 Date: November 24, 2006 at 3:29
All of the HOL discs are excellent, minus TPATM. World Upside down is good but not to the likes of the first three. All of those are tremendous spins at any time!

From: z4roxx Date: January 19, 2007 at 13:34
Wow,what an awesome debut.Except an only decent production for me,this cd is killer from start to finish,every song is an’s hard to say which release is their best,I can only say that their worst cd is”sahara”indeed.

From: Darkstorm Date: March 4, 2007 at 0:03
Awesome hard rock release with my favorites being the epic Pleasure Palace, I wanna Be Loved, with it's infectious chorus, and excellent fast paced rockers Looking For Strange and Slip Of The Tongue and the great anthematic Under Blue Skies

From: ANR Date: March 12, 2007 at 10:53
Great album in the monumental style of JOURNEY. Great songs, e.g. "Pleasure Palace", "Edge of Your Life", "Hearts of the World", "Jealous Heart". Great musicians - just listen to the guitar solo of the track "Edge of Your Life" - magnificient! 8/10

From: coverdale14 Date: April 10, 2007 at 12:59

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 1, 2007 at 21:48
Definitivamente gran debut (vaya que contar con James C,Greeg G,Lanny C, etc te puede dar a entender el porque digo "gran debut").El disco como tal cuenta con buenos temas como "Under Blue Skies"(mi favorita),"Pleasure Palace" y la pegadiza "I Wanna be Loved".Para la epoca de su lanzamiento se esperaba que tuvieran todo el apoyo del mundo (lease disquera,revistas,medios de comunicacion)sin embargo a pesar de contar con excelentes musicos no paso de ser un grupo "Mas" dentro de la movida rockera.

From: hernanHRM/AOR Date: November 9, 2007 at 0:20
Que buenos toques de teclados le da elegancia y lo hace magico otro buen disco Melodic Hard Rock/AOR pues esta vez no eligire un tema potente y con mucha fuerza como lo es Hearts Of The World, Lookin' For Strange temas absolutos de Hard Rock y que decir de Under Blue Skies, Jealous Heart & Call My name todos unos temas puros de AOR un Excelente Album pero me quedo con las baladas "Edge Of Your Life & Love Don't Lie" tremendos temas y no descarto el buen arranque y el segundo tema..

From: hair metal again Date: October 26, 2009 at 10:21
house of lords is a major hair metal band and releases a masterpiece of hard rock music.all the songs are performed in such quality and the sound is huge.andy johns in producing,james christian marvelous vocals,giuffrias keyboard lines and cordolas hard edged guitars proove to be irresistible.i won t choose any songs.i m just a hard rockin man and house of lords gives it to me good.yeah!

From: rockhardrock Date: November 28, 2010 at 15:51
like on giuffria's two albums gregg made great job on this record too, fantastic melodies done by his keyboards. the next thing is very good choice of vocalist. i could dare to say that here is no filler but also no real gem. overall this album is one of the best hard rock albums to come out in 1988. my favs include:Pleasure palace, i wanna be loved, love don't lie and under blue sky.

From: 123charpenay Date: December 23, 2010 at 4:59
this album is a masterpiece,a must.this band have a class than others hard rock band don t is like fillers only top class hard f m songs.a classic!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Animal! Date: January 21, 2011 at 2:00
Giuffria III or House of Lords I either way this is a fantastic album.

From: edwithmj Date: November 1, 2011 at 10:58
One of my favourite debuts. I Wanna Be Loved, Edge of Your Life, Love Don't Lie (very bluesy) and Under Blue Skies are some of my favourite HoL tracks.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 4, 2011 at 9:32
Indeed as my friend edwithmj said,this one has to be,at least,a favorite of every self respected Rock lover...writing now my comment in english(i wrote one way back in 2007)this debut is "plagued" with great infectious songs such as "Pleasure Palace","I Wanna Be Loved","Edge Of Your Life"( ),"Love Don't Lie"(beautiful),"Hearts Of The World"(Hard Aor),"Under Blue Skies"(my very personal fave)& "Call My Name"(killer!)...recommended...90/100

From: elljam Date: February 22, 2012 at 9:51
Always felt this was overrated first time around & sold it. Got it again very cheaply recently & time has made me appreciate it more. "Under blue skies" is weak & "Call my nam"2 sounds like a reject from Gun's debut "Taking on the world". However the rest of the album is quality hard rock with great vocals, highlights being "Edge of your life", "Jealous heart" & "Love don't lie" (surely one of the best ballads of all time & still leaves goosebumps every time I hear it). Would improve even more with a better production.

From: petermexico Date: June 21, 2012 at 11:53
Giuffria turns into House of Lords supergroup! With the addition of James Christian on vocals they find the lost ingredient to comercial success, Great intro in "Pleasure Palace", "I Wanna be Loved", "Edege of your Life" and "Under Blue Skies" are my favourites, great debut from a Great Band. House of Lords is class!

From: Japangea Date: January 12, 2013 at 8:32
what's that coloured sleeve? Anyone,any idea?

From: dany69 Date: March 9, 2017 at 18:38
Another Simmon$$$$ Victims,,,,but a wonderful album,,and so great band,,,

From: Simon Date: August 9, 2024 at 23:00
I have both CD-singles; I wanna be loved and Love Don't Lie. These were both re-mixed by Dave Thoener since the original mix by Johns + Giuffria was of sublunar quality. I wish they had re-mixed the whole album. My only complaint. The re-mixes sound MUCH better. One filler (Slip of the Tongue), but all other 9 songs are perfect AOR/melodic rock, great vocals and superb musicians all of them. Good songwriting from both the band and outside writers for the singles! Lanny, Ken and Chuck are still good friends and play with each other from time to time.

From: Mick Date: August 30, 2024 at 8:42
Simon, you've got good ears! I checked and YES, the remixes are better, cool. Maybe one day, we'll get the whole album re-mixed, if tapes are ok. Songs are damn good, but 3rd album had THE sound. Now this is new info to me at least. Mr Giuffria took lots of money from his band members, causing bitterness for years. Giuffria wanted to make a 3rd Giuffria band album recently, but David Glen Eisley, Goldy +Ken Mary soon pulled out of this reunion project, probably because they had been cheated before by Gregg. Chuck Wright has also stated that James Christian stole the band name HoL, sometime right after the "Live in the UK" recording. So the guys are sadly not friends anymore, with the exception of the virtuosos; Lanny-Chuck-Ken, who are close still to this day. So what we got instead was the Eisley/Goldy record, Blood, Guts and Games, on which Chuck and original Giuffria drummer Alan Krigger guested. This 1988 lineup was however THE best ever, and consistent songs! Favourite of many!

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