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[White Lion Band Picture]

Artist: White Lion

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White Lion Homepage

CD Title: Pride

White Lion Pride Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1987

Label: Atlantic

Catalog Number: 7 81768-2


Mike Tramp vocals
Vito Bratta guitars
James Lomenzo bass
Greg D'Angelo drums


1.  Hungry  
2.  Lonely Nights  
3.  Don't Give Up  
4.  Sweet Little Loving  
5.  Lady Of The Valley  
6.  Wait  
7.  All You Need Is Rock N Roll  
8.  Tell Me  
9.  All Join Our Hands  
10.  When The Children Cry  

If you see any errors or omissions in the CD information shown above, either in the musician credits or song listings (cover song credits, live tracks, etc.), please post them in the corrections section of the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular White Lion CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: mike gentry Date: June 26, 2001 at 8:58
This is probably one the best 80's metal albums of all time. This album has it all-driving guitars, melody-it absolutely rocks!!!! I still listen to this album!! Each member of this band is incredibly talented!! Every song on this record is GREAT!! What else can I say?? Hats off to White Lion!!!!!!

From: Mark Date: September 12, 2001 at 9:18
Love the album, don't much care for the less than stellar production. At times, you can't pick Mike Tramp's voice out of the music enough. Most 80's pop metal was characterized by clean, highly polished sounding production. I wish that were the case with this one. If they ever remaster this one, I'm first in line!

From: Harvey Date: November 16, 2001 at 10:24
Very effective. Did you know that this album was, in fact, recorded twice? Note, again, the lack of references to black widows and other cod-metal cliches. Sorry to keep going on about such things but I really don't understand music the need for music which lacks subtelty. See Rough Cutt (again).

From: Harvey Date: November 16, 2001 at 10:26
'All you need is Rock and Roll' was a bit of a cliche but nobody's perfect.

From: Tony Date: May 16, 2002 at 13:04
Have this cd but is hard for me to comment on years later as a older music fan. Just has NOT stood the test of time for me like the other ones (Mane Attraction) and I don't even think it's the music!! It's just these guys had the most god-awful videos of the hair-metal genre and I can't get over that. That faggoty little pretty boy pout Tramp would do while looking into a camera juts came across as idiotic to me even at 17. Vito is spectacular here but SHIT those videos were creepy.

From: Desslar Date: May 18, 2002 at 15:14
Hmmm... A lot of good stuff here, but a lot of mediocre stuff too. Overall the heavier songs fall flat (as is usually the case with WL, except for the debut), but the poppier numbers are quite good, although they could definitely use better production. The last two songs are great.

From: Kim Date: June 1, 2002 at 11:33
Sure Tony the videos were awful for that period, but the music was good I think. Sure they were a cliche, but just like bands like Cinderella, Tesla and others, they wrote some music which will be remembered for years.

From: Rockforever Date: July 24, 2002 at 12:58
Yes the videos were fucking shit (and yes Mike Tramp was slightly annoying), but White Lion's music (thats what its all about,sorry to be cliched) was better than your typical pop-metal band (hair metal is the term to describe BAD pop metal,its not a genre in its own right).Now this band weren't the best of the genre,and probably the greatest hits is a wiser purcahse.But don't judge a band on the videos-the videos for Whitesnake's 1987 album were terrible,but the album is a classic.

From: Baris Date: September 6, 2002 at 3:27
'WAIT' is my number one. Track 7 perfectly fits for a joyful summer live performance. 1, 5, 8 and 10 are also lovely and catchy. I totally agree that the videos were funny and stupid. However, White Lion was one of the best pop-rock bands of its time. I liked the cover. Some people call Mike Tramp's voice as a reflection of that of John Bon Jovi. I don't think he was imitating. Highly recommended for melodic fans.

From: Rattfan1986 Date: September 19, 2002 at 9:26
I found this tape in my mom's tape closet (yes, she has a room fullof cd's/tapes). I just listened to it a few weeks ago....AND LOVED IT!!! Lady of the Valley, Hungry,Don't give up, & Tell me are good-ass songs!!! It ranks up there with 'TheGreat Radio Controversy' & 'Mechanical Resonance' from Tesla!!!

From: TheRipper Date: August 4, 2003 at 19:41
Of all their releases, this is the only one I keep coming back to. Might not be their most Rockin, but it is their most memorable in my opinion (and apparently most's, since it was their biggest commercially successful album). Just about all of the band's hits came off this one, but by no means do I think hits mean a band's best material necessarily, and do think their others are worth checking out, just so happens that to me this is their best.

From: Burnsy Date: August 5, 2003 at 0:42
I loved this disc when I first heard it. It is basic hair metal but the huge choruses still play in my head. Tell Me and Hungry are my favs.

From: Airik Date: August 7, 2003 at 3:37
White Lions absolute BEST effort ... Not a bad song on here .. Hungry is a bad ass opening song ... and When The Children Cry wraps it up pretty nice ... its one of the best more meaningful songs considered to be a ballad ... but its more than a ballad . its one of those songs that gives ya chills and the solo just make ya break down ... i cant think of another song that did that to me ..... well i love this band .. and this would be my fav cd by them ... i still have my original cassete tape..

From: METAL FAN 1 Date: August 21, 2003 at 19:19
Right on 'Airik'!!!!! That solo on 'Children...' is the shit!! Musically, Vito Bratta picks up where the late Randy Rhoades left off (due to his untimely death). Why cant anyone play like that anymore????? P.S. Check out Mike Tramp's solo effort entitled 'Capricorn'.

From: Rocker76 Date: October 16, 2003 at 17:48
I agree with The Ripper above. Not the only White Lion worth listening to but definitely the one that you'll keep returning to. Vito Bratta is awesome on this album - good ballads, good up-tempo stuff, great guitar work and Mike Tramp is a formidable vocalist considering the scores of bands all cashing in on the same style. One of my favorite 80s hard rock CDs.

From: Bizkit82 Date: December 11, 2003 at 0:09
Vito's guitar sound is more than 'brown' on this record. I could listen for hours trying to hear the tone. Always liked this record.

From: Dean Date: December 11, 2003 at 0:36
Hey Bizkit-i finally agree with you on something. Vito is awesome-does anyone know what he is doing now?

From: Metal T Date: December 18, 2003 at 19:43
Hell Yeah! Few can play a strat like Vito.A real treat to listen to .

From: METAL FAN 1 Date: December 21, 2003 at 15:48
Hey Dean, I think Vito fell off the face of the earth, or Mike Tramp has eaten him; they hate each other from what I hear!

From: Dean Date: December 21, 2003 at 19:22
Well I'm pretty sure Mike Tramp didn't eat him-otherwise he'd look like Jani Lane or Vince Neil. Maybe they ate him.

From: the bandit Date: December 30, 2003 at 14:44
good music like white lion is best enjoyed in a 1980 trans am with the t-tops out and the raido turned all the way up

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 5, 2004 at 12:19
Am I the only person who thinks 'Lady Of The Valley' is not only White Lion's best-ever song, but one of the best 80s hard rock songs PERIOD? The rest of this album is great too, but 'Lady of the Valley' was always a personal favorite for some reason.

From: Rocker76 Date: January 8, 2004 at 15:13
Hey Fat Freddy! I'm with you on that one my friend! Some of Vito's best work and one of the highlights of the 80s melodic metal scene.

From: Bizkit82 Date: January 8, 2004 at 20:32
'Hungry' 'Wait' 'All you need is...' Who can deny that Vito absolutely nailed the 'Eddie brown sound' on this CD? This was the first CD that I've ever thought, 'Wow, this guy could be just as good, if not better than Eddie!' Where is Vito now? Hopefully not cutting hair at SuperCuts in Red Bank, NJ. Shame...

From: Metal Pete Date: February 5, 2004 at 20:45
A classic album, every song is a winner. Another fan of 'Lady of the Valley' here, too. Someone stole my copy of this, but I like it so much I bought it again. Good music that stands the test of time!

From: Kryiis Karl Date: February 6, 2004 at 16:06
Was 13 when it came out and I loved this album. I listened to it some weeks ago...was really disappointed, and annoyed about that. Time is THE test...and this record did not pass it to me. Most probably because of the production but not only. Maybe with updated prod this could do the trick ??? Big Game and Mane Attraction are still ok to listen to today.

From: Jason Date: February 6, 2004 at 23:49
I think this cd is great. Vito is good. I saw these guys on tour with Kiss in '87. 'Wait' hadn't been out long. They kicked ass. I still listen to it today.

From: Impaler Date: February 22, 2004 at 12:46
Great CD, 'Lady Of The Valley' is an all time classic. 'Wait' and 'Tell Me' will have you singing along. While a lot of people associate White Lion with pussy pop metal, they actually have some rockers. Better song writing than Winger or Poison.

From: JACK Date: March 25, 2004 at 5:13
'When the children cry' are definitely the top 80's metal ballad along with 'carrie' by europe, 'here i go again' by whitesnake, 'still loving you' by scorpion, 'every rose has its thorn' by poison, 'love bites' by defleppard, 'i remember you' by skid row, 'love lies' by bon jovi, 'patience' by gun'n'roses and 'home sweet home' by motley crue(my personal favourite band).

From: fallen angel Date: March 29, 2004 at 22:16
gran cantante; junto con kiske y cj snare ,son mis tres cantantes te gusta white lion ,britny fox ,warrant ,wasp,skid row ,quireboys,kingdom come ,extreme,kix,firehouse,poison,tesla,bon jovi,motley crue,quiet riot,twisted sister,faster pussycat,great white,kiss,cinderella,stryper,judas priest,the black crowes,whitesnake,aerosmith,faith no more,........en fin;mi correo es

From: red Date: April 3, 2004 at 1:04
I first heard this when it came out in 87, but I just thought it was average back then. Now I realize that Vito Bratta was a very good guitarist. Overall a pretty good album, although a bit overproduced. I also felt Mike Tramp's vocals are a bit thin at times. It's like he is trying to do this throaty Rod Stewart type thing, but it doesn't work because he just doesn't have the poser.

From: kostasraskolni Date: April 27, 2004 at 4:34
ooh what a guitar playing.As a fan of Eddie Van Halen i found this album great.I loved the guitar riffs of Vito Bratta.He seems he's influenced by Eddie Van Halen but the result is so good,so melodic!!!

From: pozermaniac Date: April 27, 2004 at 7:00
I agree with you man!!!!!Vito Bratta kicks ass!!!One of the best 80's albums!!!!Aderfe taka - taka - taka -ta!!

From: jack Date: May 3, 2004 at 6:45
This album just does not rock hard enough! does not 'deserve' to being labelled hard rock. Almost all the songs are quiet slow and soft. 'night songs' by cinderella, 'appetite for destruction' by g'n'r, 'girls, girls,girls' by motley crue and 'skid row': now that is what i call pure and simple intitude of hard rock/metal(a bit).

From: dave Date: May 8, 2004 at 16:00
This is a great 80's pop metal album. Absolutley WL's best for sure. I wore out my tapes of this one when I was a kid. Hungry and lady of the valley are top-notch melodic rockers, that they sadly don't make anymore, but the album is pretty much great start to finish. All you need is rock n roll, is the 3rd balls out song on this one. Vitto bratta is an excellent guitarist, if a tad on the vh side. I wonder to this day what he is up to now. But this one is a must own!!

From: Mike h Date: June 3, 2004 at 21:24
good songs are HUNGRY, LONELY NIGHTS, LADY OF THE VALLEY, ALL YOU NEED IS ROCK N' ROLL, TELL ME, WAIT, and the best power ballad of all time, WHEN THE CHILDREN CRY!

From: Womanizer Date: June 11, 2004 at 18:47
Hey Jack- If this doesnt rock hard enough or whatever else ya think you should consider cleaning out your ears alot better. If you also cant label this somethin either you might wanna get a better education.

From: Dean Date: June 11, 2004 at 19:04
Melodic hard rock perfection. Vito's guitar playing is smoking and Tramp's vocals (while def. an aquired taste) fit perfectly. Does anyone remember White Lion in the scenes from the movie 'The Money Pit'? I would love to find the song they're doing in that movie but i could never figure out what it was.

From: erkaikai Date: June 20, 2004 at 12:56

From: jack Date: June 22, 2004 at 5:23
Womaniser,chill out,man! I understand you being a big fan of white lion and all but as hard as the songs are,it is not as hard as appetite ,night songs or girls. But personally,i find this album a melodic rock classic and i like it a lot. Mike's vocals sound a lot like bryan adams and vitor's guitar skill and playing are just sensational! A album worth buying although almost two third of all the songs here are very melodic!

From: Rycheage Date: June 26, 2004 at 15:56
This is the epitome of what pop metal was all about. 'Hungry' gets the album off to a good start but 'Lonely Nights' turns it up to 11. 'Lady Of The Valley' and 'Tell Me' are good too, but the real stars of the album are 'Wait', pop metal at its best and 'when The Children Cry' which is one of the best ballads of the 80's.

From: Adam(Poland) Date: July 3, 2004 at 18:00
Beautifull. One of the best album of crazy 80 years. Lonely Nights I've got always on my mind. 9/10

From: Tim-UK Date: July 13, 2004 at 16:53
Some appalling lyrics ('Tell Me' could have come from a Donny Osmond album) but there are some great tunes and the guitar work of Vito Bratta is superb.

From: Great Dane Date: August 1, 2004 at 18:07
Mike Tramp and Vito Bratta makes the difference. Its an awesome release. I cant figure out whether theyre back together or not.???

From: Uusiolli Date: August 5, 2004 at 19:33
I don't like Mike's voice. Vito is an excellent guitarplayer, but not very rock'n'roll. When The Children Cry is #2 on my alltime sicklist after only Scorpions' Winds Of Change. When we talk about hardrock-songs. Some nice pop-songs on this one. 5/10

From: wind shadow Date: August 17, 2004 at 14:02

From: Steve Nightrain Date: August 22, 2004 at 12:03
This album is their best, 2nd is Mane Attraction, and 3rd one is Big Game. You can get all the hard-rockin' tracks from 'Hungry', 'All You Need Is Rock N' Roll', and 'All Join Our Hands'. The melodic rock tracks are also neat such as 'Lonely Nights', 'Sweet Little Loving', 'Wait', and 'Tell Me'. And the infamous everlasting acoustic song 'When The Children Cry' alone should enough for you to buy this album. Awesome. 9.5/10 ^^

From: Geoff Date: August 23, 2004 at 5:58
Just a gem of melodic hard rock history. How do you pick a fave from 8 of the genre's best? I don't like 'All you need is rock n'roll' and 'All join our hands', but after that it's a free-for-all and take your pick! 'Wait' and 'Lady of the valley' are probably my faves, but then what about 'Tell me' and 'Hungry'? And of course there's 'Lonely nights' too! What a killer CD!!!

From: jack Date: August 24, 2004 at 6:40
Geoff-the same thing goes for me too. Hungry is the best of my pick because of the killer guitar riff thoughout the song. All you need is rockn'roll is my least favourite-sounds like a dead song or something!This album contain too many ballads though-wait,tell me,when the children cry and lonely nights!

From: Great Dane Date: September 25, 2004 at 1:39
Check the link below and see what Mike Tramp looked like a few years before he formed White Lion, I think he was 17 then. Huh.

From: Tim M. Date: December 24, 2004 at 17:23
In late '88, WL was the first band I saw live, and still one of the best I've seen live. They opened for Stryper (I swear they weren't really playing live), anyways, WL played the livin' crap out of Stryper, and I was an INSTANT fan!! These guys rocked the arena and Vito was my newest hero. I recently blew the dust off my metal collection, and can honestly say I still consider myself a HUGE fan of WL. Anyone who wants to chat about '80's-early '90's metal, e-mail:

From: R.S. - Rocks Date: December 31, 2004 at 10:01
I just recieved the 'Pride- Take One ´86' CD, including 7 demos plus the 10 songs from the original recordings produced by Peter Hauke at 'Hotline Studio' Frankfurt, Germany. These recordings are much rougher and heavier than the official 'Pride' album they later recorded with producer Michael Wagener and to me are the logical follow- up to 'Fight To Survive'. The song 'All you need is rock ´n roll' is not included here, but the fantastic ballad 'Say goodbye' is a more than great replacement. I

From: Andrew Date: July 2, 2005 at 12:47
White Lion at its best. Top tracks include 'Hungry', 'Wait', 'All You Need Is Rock and Roll', and 'Lady Of The Valley'. 8.0/10

From: ghettonation73 Date: March 29, 2006 at 22:40

From: metalhead4life Date: August 22, 2006 at 19:21
Their best album!!

From: Muddley Date: October 10, 2006 at 19:24 If you need a laugh. Look at this video. Its Mike Tramp in a danish teen band, winning a contest with a song called Boom Boom. Its fantastic. Lol...

From: Muddley Date: October 10, 2006 at 19:25 Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

From: rockhardrock Date: May 7, 2007 at 14:51
Great stuff! one of the few bands that was different than most of its peers.Vito is great guitarist-he was defenitelly listening to van halen.Mike has great voice for that band-couldnt be better. Songs that i love:'Lonely Nights','Sweet Little Loving','Wait','Tell Me'and who can forget'When The Children Cry'-one of the best ac.rock ballads.

From: Refugee80 Date: July 31, 2007 at 16:13
easily one of the best 80's rock albums in the style of but far better than Def Lep 10/10 or 100/100 whatever you want

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 11:44
White Lion at their best,this is a must have for any hard rock fan.

From: Mediaab Date: October 5, 2008 at 9:00
White Lion's peak for sure, all ten songs are awesome. Tight rhythm section, amazing guitar technique by super-Vito, and a great performance also on the vocals by Mike. Sound volume could indeed have been a little higher on this disc, but overall production is not that bad. Drums could have been more crisp perhaps, as on Main Attraction. But regarding the songs, WL never had a stronger set of songs on one single album - just fantastic song writing IMO. An improvement since Fight to survive, that was also really good.

From: JamesEagle Date: October 21, 2009 at 17:36
Great album, first two tracks and 'Lady Of The Valley' are out of this world. 'Hungry' is the perfect hard rock song to me. Mike Tramp's vocals are so original, he makes a great sound that I never tire of, although I find most of his solo stuff very weak in comparison to this.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: October 21, 2009 at 20:55
I dunno, man. I just never really warmed to this record. "When The Children Cry" has some beautiful guitarwork on it (both the acoustic parts and the solo), and "Tell Me" is a good melodic rocker. A few tunes from the first half are good as well, but overall, a lot of these songs just fail to stand out for me. I've never liked Mike Tramp's whiny, cracking voice, and his lyrics are truly awful. In all, it's just another disc by a band whose name begins with W, that I don't really listen to much anymore.

From: CMGio Date: March 29, 2010 at 10:21
Their best record, IMO. I've never really liked Mike Tramp's voice that much, but "Wait," "All You Need Is Rock n' Roll," and "Hungry" are such killer tracks, and Vito Bratta's such a great guitarist, it's incredibly difficult to not find something to like on this record. The only blemish is "When the Children Cry," which personally, drives me crazy. I can't stand that song.

From: edwithmj Date: April 4, 2012 at 16:41
Mike Tramp's voice is the one of the few negatives here, along with some filler tracks. The album makes up for it by Bratta's playing which is very melodic. Hungry is a great and powerful song, Sweet Little Loving is a bit cliched but a winner for me, Lady of the Valley seems to go on forever but isn't that bad, Wait is nice but Tramp's vocals really get to me here but again, Bratta's playing makes up for it. All You Need... has a really annoying intro that I skip every time - totally unnecessary. Tell Me is another OK one with the last two being fillers. Average stuff with a few gems.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: April 5, 2012 at 16:33
Mixed comments above about this album,good and bad ones...about Mike's voice is neither typical nor fantastic kinda one but that's what probably helped WL to be recognize if not like one of the best Hair Metal/Hard Rock bands to have emerged back in the day(obviously with the great extra help of the very talented Bratta,Lomenzo & D'Angelo)...this release is comprised of what some people call "pop metal" songs and even some of them can be categorized of an AORish faves are "Lonely Nights","Don't Give Up","Wait"(the best cut of the album IMO)& "Tell Me"(catchy)...recommended...87/100

From: Sly009 Date: June 23, 2012 at 2:13
Well Geoff is full of S*** this one. Press Play and all the songs are welcome easy. 99/100. can't talk bad about White Lion

From: hair metal again Date: September 1, 2012 at 1:03
one of the best releases in hard rock music!WHITE LION become one of the best around and the rest is history!87 was maybe the best year and me as a teenager just lucky to have such monsterous releases as the soundtrack of my youth!100/100

From: Doug Date: October 23, 2018 at 13:41
At work, threw this on, listening to it in the background. Man, Vito Bratta was so frickin' good on this album.

From: petermexico13 Date: October 28, 2018 at 19:17
yes, Vito shines in every song, love his work, but the first álbum is the best for me, Realmente White Lion fue un grupo incomprendido, tenían mucha calidad aún cuando están considerados como una banda muy light. Hay que meterse bien en toda su discografía para darse cuenta de la calidad de sus canciones y sobretodo del gran guitarrista que tuvieron Vito Bratta. Vale la pena escuchar toda su discografía completa para apreciar su valor real!! 80´s Rocks!!!

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