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Pop AOR / Westcoast (453)
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THE Hard Rock and AOR Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 10403 CDS: 25291 Songs: 301034
Here is a list of the 5041 artists at Heavy Harmonies that fall into the '80s Hard Rock genre. Click on a band name to go to the discography page for that band.
'77 100 Watt Shine 17 18 Names 1984 1989 1994 2 Die 4 2 Sneefs One Dollar 20/20 Blind 21 Guns (Australia) 21 Guns 21 Octayne 21st Century Goliath 29Ten 2Bad 2nd Heat 3 Legged Dogg 3 Wishes 3-D in Your Face 36 Inches 40 Ft. Ringo 400 Horses 42 Decibel 44 Magnum 48 Crash 58 Bucks 5ive Years Gone 5th Avenue 5th Machine 7 Hours Later 7 Wishes 77 78 West 7HY 7th Heaven (2003) 7th Heaven 7th Key 7th Stranger 8084 86 Proof 9-1-1 9.0 99 Crimes A New Revenge A Perfect Day A Rising Force A' priori A'La Rock A.J. Mharyo A.L.I. A.S.A.P. A.Z.R.O. AB/CD AC Angry AC/DC AKA ALTZI AMH AZ.U.R Aaron Buchanan And The Cult Classics Lee Aaron Abandoned Ablaze Able Kane About Us Abraham And The Tribe Absolute Steel Accelerator Ace Lane Ace Monroe Aces Wild Acid Tongue Acrided Acron Action (Japan) Active Adam And The Metal Hawks Adam's Apples Adam Addiction For Destruction Adler's Appetite Adler Adrenalin (Canada) Adrenaline 101 Adrenaline Factor Adrenaline Kings Adrenaline Rush Adrenalize Adrian Dodz AdrianGale Aerial (Hard Rock) Aerosmith Aesthesia (France) Aesthesia Affair After Shokk Afterlife (UK) Afterlife Aftershocker Age Sten Nilsen's Ammunition Agenda Agent X Agentz Ain't Dead Yet Air Pavilion AirTrain Airbourne Airkraft Airstrike (Germany) Airtime Akira Kajiyama Joe Lynn Turner The Alarm Alaska Albany Down Albatross Alcatrazz Alchemy Alcoholica Aleste The Alex Parche Project Alexis (Female Fronted) Alibi (Chicago) Alibi (Female Fronted) Alibi (U.S.) Alicate Alien's Birthday Alirio All For The King Jamie Allen Alleycat Smile Alleycatz Alliance (Mass) Allying Cry The Almighty Almost Human Alpha Mountain Alpha Souls Alter Eden Alyze Amalgama Ambush Americade American Angel American Anthem American Bombshell American Crush American Dog American Greed American Mafia American Minor American Motherload American Rebel Soul American Scream Amethyst Amgermain Cross Ammouri The Amorettes Ampage Amsterdam Anatomic Ancara Anchor Lane Ancient Vision Andersen - Laine - Readman Soren Andersen Angry Anderson The Andersson Mills Project Andi Deris And The Bad Bankers Andrew W.K. Androids Andy Rocks Andy Scott's Sweet Anexxe Angel Eazy Angel Heart Angel House Angel King Angel Talk Angel X Julian Angel Angeles Angeline Angels From Angel City Angels in Vein Angelstorm Angelvette Angel Angry Tears Aniday Animal Bag Animal Drive Anims Anjos Da Noite Another Carnival Anthem Antix (2) Antix III Antix Antyx Anxiety Apocalyptic Lovers Apostle Appice April 16th Aprilz Fool Arabia Arazmo Arcade Arcara Archange Archer / Scallan Laurence Archer Reuben Archer Arctic Rain Arena (USA) Aria Aristaya Armada Armageddon Roxx Armonight Armor of God Arrezt Arrival (UK) Arsenal Arsin Arson Art Of Anarchy Arthur Kill Arthurs Museum Artificial Agent Ashanale Asher Ashes To Ashes Ask Alice Askari Asphalt Valentine Assassin (Florida) Assassin Astra Astro Lanes Asylum Suite At The Movies Atack Atello Aterial Athenaeum Ronnie Atkins Atlantis Drive Atlas Atmosfear Atomic Angel Atomic Blue Atomic Freak Atomic Fury Atomic Shelter Attomik Attraction Audio Mob Audiovision Audrey Horne August Redmoon Aurora Austin Gold Autograph Automan C.A. Avenida Average Joe Aviator Shades Awol (funk) Ted Axe Axia Axis Axminster Axtasy (2) Axtasy Axtion Axxis Ayax Azazel The B'zz B-Movie Rats B.I.T.E B.L.O.W. B.O.R.N. B.O.W (Brotherhood of Wolves) BB Rock BB Steal BM-SMITH BSR Babe' Blu Baby Jane (Sweden) Baby Jane Baby Snakes Babylon A.D. Babylon Rockets Sebastian Bach Bachman-Turner Overdrive Back Alley Crisis Back Alley Sally Back Stage Back Street Crawler Backbone Crash Backbone Slide Backseat Romeo Backsliders Backwood Spirit Backyard Babies Bacon Torpedo Bad 4 Good Bad Ambition Bad Angels Bad Attitude (L.A.) Bad Attitude Bad Biscut Bad Blood and Broken Bones Bad Bones Bad Boy Eddy Bad Boys Bad Boy Bad Business Bad Candy Bad City Bad Company Bad Flowers Bad Habit ( Holland) Bad Little Duck Bad Luck Friday Bad Mankeys Bad Marriage Bad Medicine Bad Memories Bad Montana Bad Moon Rising Bad Mouth Bad Oskar Bad Pilots Bad Poetry Band Bad Romance Bad Side Bad Sign Bad Sister Bad Snake Bad To The Bone Bad Touch Bad Way Bad Wizard Badd Attitude Badd Boyz Badd Kharma Baddax Badger Badlands Badmouth Baghdad Bai Bang Bailey Bailout Lisa Baker Balaam and the Angel Balaam Ballbreaker Balls Gone Wild Balls Baloney Ponyz Bam Bam Boys Band Of Brothers Band-Maid Bandit (UK) Bandit Bang Camaro The Bang Gang Bang The Union Bangalore Choir Nick Banger Bar 7 Barakade Barbarossastrasse Barbe-Q-Barbies Barbed Wire (Norway) Barbie Rocks Gary John Barden Barefoot Servants Barely Legal Barfly (II) Barfly Baron Barracuda Barros Bashful Darrell Bath Baton Rogue Morgue Battle Axe Battle Bratt Chris Bay Be As One Reb Beach Bear Bone Company Beast Of Prey Beast Beau Nasty Beauvoir/Free Bed Language Bedlam (2) Bedlam Manor Bedrokk Bedroom Love Beethoven R Beg Borrow and Steal Beggar's Jam Beggar's Pride Beggars Playground Beggars and Thieves Beggarz Fixx Beijing Blast Belfast Ariel Belont Ben Jackson Group Ben Schultz Band Benesser Bennie and the Jets Bent-Til-Broken Bent Beretta Jane Stefan Berggren Bernie Shaw and Dale Collins Red Bertoldini Beso Negro Best of Seven Beth Blade and the Beautiful Disasters Betty Blowtorch Betty Whitetrash Beverly Killz Bewarp Beyond The Labyrinth Beyond The Mirror Bible Black Dave Bickler Bierophil Big Apple Big Bad Wolf Big Balls Big Ball Big Bang Big Black Bush Big Blue Big Chill Big City Saints Big City Big Cock Big Engine Big Mouth (Hard Rock) Big Mouthers Big Shoes Big Tokyo Big Trouble BigDix Bigfoot Bigg Mouth Benni Bilgeri Billy Gibbons and the BFG's Billy Morris and The Sunset Strip Billy Satellite Billy The Kid (NL) Billy The Kid Jesper Binzer Bitchfire Biters The Bites Bitter Harvest Bittersweet Manics Black 'n Blue Black Aces Black Bambi Black Bart Black Blitz Black Bone Fever The Black Cat Bone Black Cat Bone Black Cat Moan Black Country Communion The Black Crowes Black Diamonds Black Eyed Sons Black Ink River Black Label The Black Moods Black On Blond Black Paisley The Black Rain Black Rain Black Robot Black Rose (Denmark) Black Sand The Black Skeleton Black Spiders Black Star Riders Black Star Sinners Black State Highway Black Swamp Water Black Swan (USA) Black Swan The Black Sweden Black Trip Black Water Soul Black Whiskey (UK) Black Whiskey Black and White Blackbird Angels Blackbird Blackburn Blackfish Blackjack Blacklace Blackleg Miner Blacklist Union J.R. Blackmore Blackshear Blackstone Cherri Blackstone Blackthorne Blacktown Band Blackwater Conspiracy Blackwhite Blackwood Creek Neil Blade Jack Blades Blade BlancaWhite Blaz-On Bleak House The Bleeding Hearts Blind Ambition Blind Cheetah Blind Date (NL) Blind Date Blind Gypsy Blind Jr. Blind Justice Blind Rage Blind Reason Blind Revolution Blind Side Blind Vengeance Blindman Blissed Blister'd Toad The Blitz Blitz Block Buster Blond Viper Blonde on Blonde Blonz Blood Red Flower Bloodline Bloodpit Bloody Heels Bloody Six The Bloody Stools Conny Bloom Blu Steel Blue Blud Blue Dahlia Blue Murder Blue Oyster Cult Blue Rage Blue Ruin (New Zealand) Blue Ruin The Blue Scream Blue Thunder Blue Velvet The BlueScream Bluebeard Bluerose Blues Reds and Yellows Bobby Rock and Neil Zaza Bodine Boetto Boetz Jane Bogaert Bogus Toms Tommy Bolin Bomb Squad Bombay Black Bombay Cafe The Bombers Bon Jordi Bon Jovi Bon Vivant Bonafide Bone Broke Kings Bone Machine Bone Monkey Bonedryver Boned Boneglove Boneyard Dog Jodi Bongiovi Bonham Graham Bonnet Bonrud Boom Shanker Group Boomslangs Pat Boone Bootleg Ronnie Borchert Borne Naked Borrowed Time Boss Boston Bottom Line Bottoms Up (2) Bottoms Up Albert Bouchard Joe Bouchard Chris Boudreaux Boudreaux Bourbon Bow Wow Boxer (Argentina) Boycott The Boyscout Boysvoice The Boyzz Brabazon Bradford Youth Gang Scott Bradley Branded The Brandos Brandy Lies The Brash Brass Kitten Brat (II) Brave New World Brave Rival Braxton Braxxton Breaking Samsara Caroline Breitler The Brew Brian May plus Friends Brick Chair Brides Of Destruction Bridge to Mars The Bridge Bridgeville Brighton Rock The Brink Brinker Brisk British Lions Brittania Britton (Canada) Michael Britton Britton Brod and Cirkus Broken Dreams Broken Glass Broken Rule Broken Silence Broken Teeth Broken Toyz Broken Wings (Germany) Brokenheart Bronx Bros. Grimm Brother Cane Brother Firetribe Brothers In Arms Jeff Brown Rex Brown Browsing Collection The Brutalists Bubi the Schmied Buck Dharma Bucket and Co Buckets Rebel Heart Buckshot The Buddy System Budgie Buff Daddy Buffalo Summer Bug Girl Bugsy Malone Bugzy Bulldozer Bullet Train Blast Bullet in the Chamber Bulletboys Bulletproof Bulletrain Bullets and Octane Bullring Bullseye Bunker The Burning Crows Burning Emotion Burning Kingdom Burning Rain Burning Tree The Burnpool Vinny Burns Burnt Out Wreck Burn Butchershop Quartet Buxx Bux Biff Byford C.C.C.P. CAB (Independent) CC - Rock CLSS CO-OP The Caboose Cactus Cacumen Cage The Gods The Cage Cage California Breed California The Call Phil Campbell Camy Canaan Cane Cannonballz Cannon Capital Crime Captain Black Beard Captured Cardinal Line Franck Carducci Cariot Carmen Gray Caroline Blue Carousel Carr Jam 21 Eric Carr Carry Nation Casablanca Casandra's Crossing The Casanovas Cashmier Cashmir Johnny Casino Rob Castles Castle Casual Insanity Cat Scratch Band Catalano Catalyst The Catch Category IV Chris Catena Cats:Choir Michael Catton Catwalk (Austria) Catwalk Cavendish Sniff Cave Cell Mates Cellar Stone Steven Cenker Centerstone Chacko Chain Gang Chain Link Faith Chain Reaction Chainsaw Chain Chalice Challis Charade (Usa) Charing Cross Charizma Charlemagne Charley in the Box Charlotte Charm City Devils Chase The Ace Chasing Karma Chasing Magic Chateau Cheap Thrillz Cheap Trick Cheerleader Cheeseheads With Attitude Cheetah Chemia Chequered Past (2) Chequered Past Cherika Cherry Grind Cherry Lane Chevy Chickenfoot The Chiefs Of Nothing Child's Play Child Chinatown Angels Chinawite Chlorine Chocolate Starfish Choozy Mothers Chosen Stranger Chosen Chris Catena's Rock City Tribe The Chris Lee Band The Chris Slade Timeline Little John Chrisley Chrome Halo Chrome Mollie Chrome Molly Chuck Wright's Sheltering Sky Chykle Chyld (USA) Chyroc Cinder Road The Cindy Young Band Cinnamon Circle Creek Circle Of Light Circle Sun Circle of Pain Circle of Soul Circular Logik Circus Diablo Circus Zombies Circus of Power Circus of Rock Cirkus Prutz Citizen Charlie City Boy City Fixx City of Thieves Civil Daze Clan Gunn Dave Clark Fast Eddie Clarke Gilby Clarke Classless Act Classroom Zero Clever Enemy Clientelle David Neil Cline Close Quarters Closet Monster Cloud Cirkus Clownkiller Clown Club M.E.D. Cobra (UK) Cobra Cult Cobra Dane Cobra Spell Cobrakill Cocked N' Loaded Coda (US) Coda Cokie Jonez Col. Parker Cold Drop Cold Ethyl Cold Fire Cold Shot Cold Sweat (Finland) Cold Sweat Cold Truth Coldspell Collateral Collision Color of Chaos Colorsound Colossal Street Jam Com'N Rail Come Taste The Band The Commoners Compact The Company Of Snakes Company of Wolves The Compulsions Concrete Jungle Concrete Sandwich Coney Hatch Confederate Fagg Congo Square Conquest The Conscience Pilate The Conspiracy Contagious (Hard Rock) Contagious (II) Contagious Contempt Contender Contraband Cooper Inc. Alice Cooper D.C. Cooper Cooper John Corabi Coracko The Core CoreLeoni Corleonne Cornerstone (Austria) Cornerstone (CCM) The Cornfed Project Corporate Control Cosmic Cobra Cosmic Wool Cosmo The Cotton Soeterboek Band Maryann Cotton Count's 77 Counter Attack Court Jester (Cellar Records) Court Jester David Coverdale Coverdale-Page Cowboy X Crabtree Cranston Crash Alley Crash N' Burn Crash Pony Crash Street Crash The System Crashing Angels Crashin Crash Crawler Crawley The Crayz Crazy Lixx Crazy Sweeper Jim Crean Creature Creed Creek Road Crossing The Creek Crew De Graz Criaturas Salvajes Crimes of Passion Crime Peter Criss Cristal y Acero Cristeen (USA) Cross Country Driver The Cross Crossbone Skully Crossbones Crossfire (Texas) Crossing Rubicon Crosson Crossrock Crowne Crucial Kick Crucial Nellie Cruel Addiction The Cruel Knives Cruella D'ville The Cruisers Crunch Symphony Crunch Crush (Oregon) Crush (Swiss) Crush 40 Crush Proof Box Crusher Crush Cry Baby Cry Mercy Cry Tuff Cry Wolf Cry of Love CryWolf The Crybabys Crying Thunder Crymwav Crystal Ball Crystal Blue Crystal Pride Crystavox The Cult Cupid's Dead Curly Andy Curran Curran Cut Throat Cut-N-Dry Cuttlass Cutt Cybernauts Cyclone Tracy Cyclone Cyron Cyrus Zain The D J Burns Band France D'Amour D'Luna D'Priest D-Rox D-Zire D.A.D. D.C. Legend D.D. Dogz D.F.M. D.V.S. D/C World DAZR DB Rox DB Sleez DC-10 Da Vinci (German) Dad's Porno Mag Daddy Banned It Daddy Long Legs Dagger Dagh Dalbello Jac Dalton Daltons Damage Control Damaged Mailboxz Damascus Road Dammit Jim Damn Cheetah Damn Freaks Damn Nero The Damn Truth Damn Yankees Damnation Alley Damned Nation Damon Johnson and the Get Ready Damone Damsel Fly The Dan Reed Network Dan Wos Project Dancing Flame Danger (Spain) Danger Angel Danger Danger Danger Zone Dangerous Age Dangerous Curves Daniel Band Daniel Gazzoli Project Danny Hynes Band Danny and Ben Dantallion Dante Catt Dante Fox (US) Danny Danzi Daring Stiletta Dark Blue Inc. Dark Mile Dark Star Dark White Darkh Darkness Light The Darkness Darkstar (Canada) Darkstar Darren Smith Band Darusso Darxon Dave Evans and Nitzinger Dave Friday Band Dave Kusworth and the Bounty Hunters Dave Nerge's Bulldog Dave Rude Band The David Neil Cline Band Derek Davis Dawn After Dark Daxx and Roxane Days of Rage Days of Wine De Allen De La Cruz Danny De La Rosa De Mont Robertinho De Recife Warren DeMartini DeVicious Dead Addiction Dead And Stoned Dead Ballerinas Dead Beat Honeymooners The Dead Daisies Dead End Heroes Dead End Kids The Dead End Kidz Dead Lord Dead Sheriff Dead on Arrival Deadheads Deadlock (Germany) Deadlock Deadly Weapon Deaf Dumb and Blonde Dealer Joanna Dean Paul Dean Dear Diary Dear Mr. President Death Valley Jupiter Debbie Ray December Rose Decoy Paris Decoy Ded Ringer Dee Tail Franky Dee Deeds Deep 6 Deep Diver The Deep End Deep Purple Def Leppard Defcon The Defiants Degreed Kurt Deimer Deja Vu Alessandro Del Vecchio Delirious Delta Rose Demon Angels Demon's Eye Demons Down Demons Sing of the End Demon Demure Denaro Denman Denner Deraps Andi Deris Derringer Michael Des Barres Desert Dragon Deserta Desperately Seeking Fusion Desperation BLVD Destroy She Said Destroyer Destyny Desyre Detarx Detective Devane Devenir Devereaux Devil City Angels Devil's Balls Devil's Gun Devil's Hand Devil's Heaven Devil's Train Devilfire Mick Devine Dextress Dezire Dharma 101 Paul DiAnno Diamante Diamond (Germany) Diamond Dogs (2) Diamond Dogs Diamond Edge Diamond Foxx Diamond Lane Diamond Reo Diamondog Diane Diary (Sweden) Diary Dice Diemonds The Diesel Opera Diesel Diezel Dillinger Dimage Dimino Ronnie James Dio Dires Row Direwolf The Dirrty Angelz Dirt Cheap (II) Dirt Cheap Dirt Circus Dirty Action Dirty Angels Dirty Annie Dirty Black Halo Dirty Blond (2) Dirty Blonde Dirty Blond Dirty Cowboys Dirty Deal The Dirty Denims Dirty Glory Dirty Grin Dirty Honey Dirty Lips Dirty Looks Dirty Passion Dirty Rhythm Dirty Rockers Dirty Shirley Dirty Skirty The Dirty Strangers Dirty Thrills Dirty Trashroad Dirty Tricks Dirty Trix Dirty White Boyz Dirty White Boy Dirty White Disciples of Love Dismantle The Distance Distant Cry Distant Thunder Disturbance Diva Divine Right A.D. Divine Static Dixie Horsepower Dixon Jane Carl Dixon Dizziness Dizzy Fox Dizzy Lizzy Dizzy Mizz Lizzy Creighton Doane Dobermann Doc Ross Dog Days Revolution Dog Leg Preacher Dog Society Dog Tag Dogbone Dogface Dogpound Dogtown Balladeers Don Dokken Dokken Doll's Diary Dollhouse Don Airey and Friends Don Patrol Donatello Donna Cannone The Donnas Donzela Doogie White and La Paz Doomfoxx Doomsday Outlaw Doppler Dorothy Doro Double Dealer Double D Double Eclipse Double Treat Doubleblind Doug Varty Band Nick Douglas Douglaz A.M. Down and Dirty The Downtown Clowns Dr Zhivegas Dr. Jeckyl Dr. Love Dr. M Dr. Shivago Dr. Sin Dr. Strange Dr. Swift Dr. Wood Dragons Dream Drama Queen (Illinois) Drama Queen Dream Child Dream Company Dream Patrol Dreamline Dreams (III) Dreams of Avalon Drew Cagle and The Reputation Drive At Night Driver (Hard Rock) Drivetrain Drive Drivin' Miss Crazy Driving West Kevin Dubrow The Duke Dunmore Jesse James Dupree Duq -N- Cover Brian Durbin Durty Triix Dust Bowl Jokies The Dust Coda Dust and Bones (USA) Dusty Rose Dust Russ Dwarf Robert Dyer Dygitals Dying Breed Dynamite Dynasty Dynazty E-THR E.V. Loud E19 EBC Roxx EEZEE ESP EZ Livin EZ Thrill EZoo Eargasm Early Grey Earthquake The East Side Gamblers East Side Indians The Eastwood Easy Rider Eat the Gun Eazy Tyger Eazy Eclipse (Germany) Eclipse Edane Edda Works The Eddie Wass Experiment Eddie and the Wolves Eden (UK) Eden Lost Eden's Curse Eden's Lie Eden Edge Of Forever Edge of the Blade Edison Eggmen Five Eisley / Goldy El Balloon El Pistolero Elastic Zebra Electric Age The Electric Bananas Electric Circus Electric Eels Electric Light Orchestra Part II Electric Mary Electric Mob Electric Sun Electric Universe Electrichka Electrik Dynamite Elf Elise Eli Elmer Embassy Emerald Rising Emergency (Holland) Emergency Emerson High Emina Emotion (Sweden) Emotion Empire (USA) Empire (Utah) Empire 21 Enamel Planet Encore The End Machine The End EndeverafteR Endfield Engraved Entity Entourage Enuff Z'Nuff Envy Enzign Eric Steel Lenita Erickson Sully Erna Eruption Escape (Canada) Escape (USA) Escape the Hive Essexx Estrella Ethyls Wreck Euclid Drive Europe Dave Evans Evanscapps Evelyn Even Deeper Evenrude Eventide Every Mother's Nightmare Everyday Heroes Evil Chuck Evil Cinderella Evil Stig Evolution Eden Excalibur Excellence Exilia Exises Exit Exizt Experiment Fearless The Explorers Export Exposed Extravaganza Extreme Exxocet Eyes Eyewitness Ezra F.B.I. F.N. Guns F.O.R.M F.U. FKM FM The Band FOUR56 Fabri Kiareli's F.E.A.S.T Fade Fahran Fahrenheit (Chile) Fahrenheit UK Fair Ground Fair Haven Fair Warning (CCM) Fairoff Faith Circus Faith Healer Faith Nation Faith No More Faith Taboo Faith and Bullets Faithfull Faithsedge Falcon Scream Falcon Trails Fallen Silver Falling Nine Fallon Family Force Fanatix Fans Of The Dark Far Cry Far North FarCry Fargo Strut Fargo PJ Farley Mark Farner Faro Farrcry Fast Lane Fast Train Union Fastback Faster Pussycat Fastway Fat Nelly Fatal Charm Fatal Force Fatal Smile Fatal Vision Fatum Faust (Argentina) Faust Fear Not The Fear Feast of Joy Feed Back Feedback David Rock Feinstein Feinstein Don Felder Felony (Swiss) Felony Case Felony Femme Fatale Feral Marc Ferrari Marc Ferreira Ferrett Fetchin Bones Fetzet Fevertree Fever Fiction Dog Fiction Syxx Fierce Heart Fifth Note Fifty Seven Stitch Fight or Flight Fighter V Fighterpilot Fighter Final Destiny The Final Prayer Finnero Fiona Fire (Malta) Fire Action Fire Alley Fire Dept. Fire With Fire Fire in the Rodeo Firebird Firebrand Firecracker The Firedogs Firehouse Fireking Firenote Firesign Fire Firmo First Child First Draw First Offense First Shot First Strike (UK) First Strike Fisc Fist Five Men Black Flash Addict Flashbacksliders Flash Flemt Flesh and Blood Flesh Michael Flexig Flexx Bronco Flight 16 Flight 19 The Flood Floyd's Funk Revival Flyer Foghat Fool's Gold Fool's Kin The Foolhouse Foolish Pleasure Fools Faith Fools For My Addiction The Force (UK) Forcefield Forceps Lita Ford Forever Young Forever Moriah Formica Formosa Formula 1 Fortress/Eliot Forty Deuce Four By Fate Four Horsemen Four Large Men Four Sticks Foxx (BMI) Foxx (Illinois) Foxx Fox Fozzy France Frank Hannon Band Frankie Banali and Friends Fraze Gang Freak House Freak Kitchen Freak of Nature Freakshow (Norway) Freakshow Fred Guillemet Band Free Fall Free From Sin Free Spirit Free Way Freedoms Reign Freedom Freefall (Germany) Freefall (U.K.) The Freeloaders Freerider Freerock Saints Freeway Mad Freeways Freewheeler Free Frehley's Comet Ace Frehley Freight Train Jane Frenzy (Japan) Frenzy (Spain) Frenzy Friction (UK) Friction Friendly Fire Friends Friktion From Behind From The Inside Front Row Warriors The Front Frontback Frontline (NL) Frost Frozen Heart Frozen Tears (Germany) Frozen Tears Fuel From Hell Fugitive Full Circle (2) Full Circle Full Throttle Full Tilt Funhouse (Female) Funny Money Fury G Force Gus G. G.C. Sinner G.M.T. GMT GRK GTM GUN Gaeleri George Gakis Galactic Cowboys Gale Force Johnny Gale Chip Gall Galleyboyz Gallows Pole Galvatrons Gambit Gambler Gamblin' Crew Gamma Gangster Gang Garbo Talks Garden Bitch Gardian Gardner-James Giulio Garghenthini Dylan Garner Garrison Gaskin Gasolina Gasoline Dream Gastem Gateway Gatopardo Gatos Sucios Gauntlet Sebastian Gava Geff Gelatin Skelatin Gemini The Gems Gene The Werewolf The Gene Walk Group Generation Landslide Generation X Genius - A Rock Opera Genocide Gentlemans Pistols Geordie George Gakis And Very Special Friends George Gakis and the Troublemakers George Lynch and Jeff Pilson Geronimo! Get Animal Ghost (Sweden) Ghostdance Tribe Ghosts of Sunset Giant X Billy F. Gibbons Gibby Lixx Gibraltar Gilgamesj Gillan and Glover Ian Gillan Gillan Ray Gillen Gin Annie Gin On The Rocks Ginevra Ginger Evil Ginger Red Ginger Roxx Ginger Ginn Johnny Gioeli Gioeli-Castronovo Girish and the Chronicles Girlschool Giuffria Glam Black Glasgow Glastetter Glazzhouse Glen Ample Glenmore Glitz The Gloria Story Gloria Volt Glyder Peter Goalby Goat Goddess Shiva Goddo Gods Hotel Godsdog The Godz Goldbrick Golden Earring Gone Savage Good Rats Goodbye June Gord-X Gorky Park Gotham Gotus Grace In Danger Grady Cain Graffiti Grafite Graham Bonnet Band Peter Graigs Grand Funk Railroad Grand Lux Grand Prix (Jap) Grand Slam (Canada) Grand Slam (UK) Grandma Dynamite Grandma Dynomite Granit The Graveyard Train Graveyard Graywolf The Great Affairs Great Big Kisses Great King Rat Great White Greed Green Dollar Colour Green Greg Golden Band The Greg Leon Invasion Greta Van Fleet Grey C Allen Greystone Canyon Gribs Grinder Blues Grindhouse Gringos Locos Groove Belly Groovin' Heart Guardian Gueppardo The Guestz The Guild Guiltz 'N' Pleasurez The Guitar Army Gulfstream Gun Hill Road Gun Shy (Michigan) Gun Shy Gundacker Project Gung-Ho Gunhill Gunmetal Blue Gunner Guns Of Glory Tracii Guns GunsMoke Gunshine Gunslingers Gutterboys Gynger Lynn Gypsy Blue Gypsy Child Gypsy Dream Gypsy Rose (Sweden) Gypsy Rose Gypsy Soul Gypsy Stew Gypsy's Kiss Gypsy Güru H.A.R.D. H.A.R.E.M. H.S.A.S. H30 HATE HIM Hadlock Mark Hafer Hagan Sammy Hagar Hair Force One Hair of the Dog Hairy Groupies Todd Michael Hall Hammer Down Hammerhead Hammerschmitt Hand Over Fist (Canada) Hand of Dimes Hand on Heart Handful Of Rain The Handsome Dogs Hang Loose Hannon Tramp Frank Hannon Hanover Hansel Randy Hansen Happy Tongue Hard Attack (2) Hard Attack Hard Boiled Hard Knox Hard Luck Kid Hard Margaret Hard Margret Hard Road Hard Rock Sallinen Hard Rocket Hard Spirit The Hard Way Hard Wretches Hardalliance Hardbone Hardcore Circus Harder! Faster! Hardlein Hardline Hardroad Hardware Hard Harlequin (USA) Harlequinn Angel Harlet Harlot (USA II) Harlot (USA) Harlow Tony Harnell Harpo Steve Harris Harsh Hart and Bowes Beth Hart Lea Hart April Harte Hartless Hart Hash Hasty Rattle Hat Trikk Hate (Italy) Susie Hatton Hattrick Havana Black Haven (Hard Rock) Hawaii Haze and Shuffle HazeXperience Head On Headless (Swiss) Headline (Netherlands) Headmaster Headrocks Headrush Heads or Tales Hear N' Ade Heart Attack Heart Rocker Tommy Heart Heartache City Heartbreak Remedy Heartbreaker Heartcry Heartless (Norway) Heartless Heartline Heartlyne Heartwind Heat Stroke Heaven Sent Heaven's Edge Heaven's Wish Heavens Fire Heavens Sake Heaven Heavy Metal Cowboys Heavy Metal Kids Heavy Tiger Heavy Water Bert Heerink Heist Helix Hell City Glamours Hell In The Club Hell's Addiction The Hellacopters Hellgun Hellion (Argentina) Hellion Henric Blomqvist and Friends Ken Hensley Herazz Herbal Junkie Hericane Alice Herman Rarebell Friends Herman Rarebell Friends Herman Ze German and Friends Peter Hermansson Hero (UK) Hero (USA) Heroes Del Asfalto Heroes and Monsters Heroes Iain Ashley Hersey Hessler Hetman Hevansent Hevidence HeyWire Heyday Hidden Agenda Marko Hietala High Heels High Noon High Road Easy High Spirits High Tension High Voltage (Canada) High Voltage High Wire High' N Dry HighWay Highheels Highlander (UK) Highlander Highlands Highway Child Highway Dream Highway Queen Highway Sentinels Highwire Dave Hill Hilljack Hillside '77 Hiroshima Hit 'n' Run Hitchhiker The Hitmen HitnRun Hittman Louise Hoffsten Holland Holldrio Holler Jax Hollow Holly Woods and Toronto Hollywood (Ireland) Hollywood Monsters Hollywood Party Hollywood Underground Hollywood Vampires (USA) Chris Holmes Holy Barbarians Holy Fire Holy Rage Holy Water Homerun Honest John Plain The Honey's HoneyBombs Hookers and Blow Hooker Horse London Horsehead Horsepower Don Hosler Hostage Hot 'N' Nasty Hot City Hot For Teacher Hot Kitty Hot Legs Hot Line Hot Machine Hot Stuff The Hot Summers Hotcakes Hotel Diablo Hotshot Hottnyte Hotwire House Of Games House of Lords House of X How Far North Howard Gripp and Stinger Doug Howard Tod Howarth Howe II Glenn Hughes Hughes/Turner Project Human Clay Human Temple Human Zoo (2) Human Zoo Humanimal Humar Humble Pie Humbucker Hundred Years The Hungry and Dangerous Hungryheart Hungry The Hunt Hunted Hunter (Hard Rock) Hurricane Party Hurricane Hurtsmile Hustler Hydra (Sweden) Hydrogen Dog Hydrogyn Hyper Formance Hysteria Hywyre I Love You Napoleon I I/O IRA IT'sALIE Ian Gillan / Tony Iommi Ian Gillan Band Ian Parry's Rock Emporium Ice Tiger Ice Water Mansion Iconic Icy Roads Billy Idol Idols Idora If Only Ignescent Ignorance Ignore The Sign Illegal Illusion Imaginary Few Immaculate Mary Impact Impera Imperial State Electric In Denial In Faith In Peace In The Pink In and Out In/Vertigo Indian Infinite Dreams Infinite and Divine Infinity (III) Infinity (Indie) Infinity's Call Inglorious Initial Kick Innocent Rosie Innocent Innuendo Inside Out (UK) Inside Out Insight Inspector Intelligent Music Project Intense Intercore Into The Light Intuition (Xmas) Intuition Intuitive Iommi Iron Bridge Band Ironcross Ironica Issa It's Alive Ithica Ivory Monkey Ivory Tower Ivy Gold Ivy Stone Izzy Stradlin and the Ju Ju Hounds J-Train Jack J. Hutchinson J.B.O. J.R. Blackmore Group JAST JJT JOANovARC JPS Project JR Cruz Jacare Jack Jack Cracker Jack Russell / Tracii Guns Jack Russell's Great White Jack Slamer Jack Starr featuring Rhett Forrester Jackbox Jackflash Jackrabbit Jackripper Ben Jackson Jackyl The Jade Jaded Past Jaded Reign Jaded Sun Jaded Jade Jag Wire Jagged Edge U.K. Jaggedy Ann Jaguar Blaze Michael Jahnz Jailhouse Jail Jaimz Vokins Jakks Nathan James Tracy James Tyler James Jamie's Law Jan Akesson's Shadow Rain Jane Doe Janny Lee Jannylee Janstate The Jason Bonham Band Javadogs Java Jealousy Jeff Carlson Band Jeff Cosco / Don Mancuso Jekyll and Hyde Jekyll Jelusick Toby Jepson Jeremiah Freed The Jersey Syndicate Jerusalem (UK) Jerusalem Jesse Bolt Jesse Harte of Southgang Jesse Strange Michael Jessen Jester (CCM) Jester (Canada) Jester's Destiny Jester Jet 68 Jet Red Jet Jetset Royals Joan Jett Jettblack Jettset Jezebelle Jillson Jim Breuer and The Loud and Rowdy Jimmy Page and Robert Plant Jimmy Page and The Black Crowes Jizzy Pearl's Love/Hate Jo Dog and Paul Black's Sonic Boom Jo' Mama Joe Elliott's Down 'n' Outz Joe Mansman and the Midnight Revival Band The Joe Perry Project Joe Rockhead Joel Hoekstra's 13 John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band John Diva and the Rockets of Love John Kay and Steppenwolf John Philbrick / Steve Maggiora John Prestia Group John Thomas Johnny Crash The Johnny Hiland Band Johnny Lee Michaels Revenge Johnny Smoke Johnny Yen Johnny Damon Johnson Joined Forces Joker (Brazil) Joker (Germany) Joker (USA) Joker Five Speed Joker [Portugal] Joker's IV The Jokers Jokerz Wild Jonathan Tyler and The Northern Lights Jeff Jones Mick Jones Mikey Jones Steve Jones The (II) Joneses Jonna's Problem Jorn Lande and Trond Holter Josh Todd and the Conflict Joy Machine Judge Mercy Juicy Lucy Julian Angel's Beautiful Beast Juliet Julliet Jump The Gun (Germany) June Jungle Blue Jungle Junkyard Jupiter Cyclops Juraya Just Say Joe Just Strait Tommy Justice Justice4 Justice Justin Sane Justin Sayne KAASIN KC Rose KINGOFTHEHILL KISS KK Wilde KTD KaaTO Kage Kah-Boom! Kaisas Kalamity Kills Kama-X Kameltoe and the Bad Habit Kamikaze Kings Kamikaze Chez Kane Karl Kanga Kaos Kardang Mats Karlsson The Karma Effect Karo Tim Karr Katmandu Kavla Vinnie Kay Kelly Keagy Ron Keel Kelly Keeling Keen Hue Kelly Keeling/Carmine Appice Lance Keltner Ken Tamplin and Friends Myles Kennedy Kenny McGee's Disease Kens Dojo Todd Kerns Kerosene Kerygma Child The Key Khigh Kick (US) Kickhunter Kickin' Valentina Kickstart Kick Kid Cardiac Kid Cyote Kid Sin Kid Wicked Kidd Blue Kidd Havok Kidd Khaos Kidd Nasty Kidd Robin Kidd Skruff Kidd Wikkid Kiddin' Crew Tania Kikidi Kikimora Kill City Kills Kill Shott The Kill Killer Dwarfs Killer Kings Killer Klowns Killer Trip Killer Wail KilliT The Killing Dream Killing Time Kilswitch Jesse Kinch Kindred Saint King Bird King Company King James King Karma King King King Rocks King Size King for a Day King of Kings King's Call King's X Kingdom Come Kingdragon Kings Crown Kings of Broadway Kings of Dust Kings of Mercia Kings of the Sun Kingsize Kingsuite Kinki Stunt Nathaniel Kinsey Kin Jim Kirkpatrick Kirk Kiske / Somerville Kiss The Vyper Kix Klaatu Klassik '78 Klaus Schubert's Rock Bunnies Klear Mia Klose The Knack Knife 'N Gun Knights Reign Knock Out Kaine Knucklebone Knyght Kodomo Band Ari Koivunen Adam Kole Kon Chauvi Kooga Koritni Krackerjack Kraemer Krazie Ace Kreek Kresta Norbert Krief Kris Barras Band Aaron Kristo Krokus Kruk Kryptonite Kryst the Conqueror Krystal Tears Krystyl Kryton Bob Kulick Kung Fu Hotline Kung Fu Overdrive Vitalij Kuprij Kuzzin It Kwang Cem Köksal L.A. Collection L.A. Knights The L.A. Maybe L.A. Project L.A. Roxx L.O.U.D. LTD Brytten La Chinga La Naranja La Rox La Torre Jeff LaBar Jamie LaRitz LaValle Labansky Laced in Lust The (Overland) Ladder Lady Blush Lagerloudz Ulf Lagestam Paul Laine Lamp Shade Betty Lancelot Lancia Land Of Gypsies Land of Tales Jayce Landberg Landfall Landslide (Denver) Landslide Jani Lane Laney's Legion Chris Laney Lane Phil Lanzon Laroxx Thomas Larrson Last Autumn's Dream Last Bullet Last Cry The Last Hard Men Last Joker Last Man Standing Last Temptation (Germany) Last Temptation The Last Vegas Last Wish Last in Time Late Nite Romeo Latter Reign Laudamus Law and Order Lawless Lawsuit Lazarus Dream Lazarus Lazy Bonez Lazy Jane Lazy Susan The Lazys Le Mans Leadfinger Leaf Hound Leap Skyward Leather Angel Leather Duchess Leather Zen Leatherjacks Lebocat Eddie Lee Roni Lee Howard Leese Left for Dead Legacy (Canada) Legacy (Eonian) Legacy Legbone Legend (IV) Legend Seven Leggesy Leggz Diamond Leggz Legion Legs Diamond Legs Up Lei Seca Lemon Crush Lenny Wolf's Germany Stephen Brian Leonard Leroy Lesbians Less Than 4 Lessdress Lessmann / Voss Lessmann / Ziller Letter 7 Levara Leviticus Lex Rex Paola Pellegrini Lexrock Liaison Liar (UK) Liar (UK-2) Liar Thief Bandit Liberty N' Justice Licence Lick And A Promise Lickity Split Liesegang/White Life After Death Life Sex and Death Life of a Hero Lifeline (Sweden) Lifeline Life The Light Christian Liljegren Lillian Axe Johnny Lima Line Up Linman Lion Heart Lion's Pride Lioncage Lions and Ghosts Lions in the Street Lion Lip Service Lips Turn Blue Lipstick Magazine Lipstik Liquid Fire Liquid Planet Liquid Sunday Liquor Sweet Lisa De Luxe Lite Little Angels Little Big Little Little Caesar Little Egypt Little Kings Little Steven Little Tango Live Tongue Livesay Livid Earth Living Colour Living Loud Lixx Array Lix The Lizards Lizhard Loaded Gun The Local Band Lock Up Goldy Locks Locomotive Breath Locomotive Dream Lodestone Oni Logan Logan/Robertson Logan London Cowboys Tommy London Lone Age Lone Star Lonerider Lonewolf Long Gone Long Live Long Road Home Long Shadows Dawn Longreef Pete Loran Lord Grey Lord Tracy Lords Of Mercy Lorraine Lory F. Band Los Guarros Los Lobotomys Lost And Found Lost Angel Lost Boys Lost Boyz (Germany) The Lost Boyz Lost Boyz Lost Cause Lost Circus Lost City Lost Horizon The Lost Lotus Loud At Least! Loud Crowd Loud House Loud Lion Loud Silence Loud Solution Loud and Clear Loudguns Loudshine J.T. Loux Love Affair Love Chain Love Child Love Cream Love Grin Love Gunn Love Life Love On Ice Love Razors Love Revolution Love Stallion Love and Lies Love and Revenge Love and War (II) Love and War Love and a .38 Love in Chains Love'N Rebellion Lovebite Loveblast Lovechild Lovekillers The Loveless Lovers Lane Lovetrick Lovewar Lily Lowe Lowside The Loyal Cheaters Luca Princiotta Band Lucassen and Soeterboek's Plan Nine Lucer Lucid Scream Lucidor Lucifer Was Lucifer's Friend II featuring John Lawton Lucifer's Friend Lucifer Lucky Bastardz Lueken Lugnet Lust (Hard Rock) Lust Boys Lyadrive Lydian Lyin Rampant Lynch Mob Lynch/Pilson Lynn Allen Lynx Lynzee Red Lynzee L˙nx M Pire M.A.D. M.ILL.ION M.O.B M1nus One M80 MPG MVP Ma Kelley Mabel Mac Beth Kenny Mac Kira Mac Daniel MacMaster Mach 1 Mach 22 Mach 5 Mach II Caryl Mack Mad Anthony Mad Dogs Mad Jac Mad Love Mad Margritt Mad Symphony Mad Teacher Madam Madison (Argentina) Madison Madman Justice Madman's Lullaby Madmax Madwagon Mad Mae West Magdalen Magdallan Maggie's Dream Maggie's Madness Magical Heart Magick Touch Magnum (Hard Rock) Magnus Rosen Band Main Line Riders Main Street Revival Mainline Mainstreet Majesty Major Crush Major Instinct Major N.A. Makbeth Make-Up Mala Medicina Malice Malicious Mischief Mallet Malloy Shayne Malone Malteze Mama Kettle Mama Kin Mama's Boys Mama Mammoth Mammoth Mandrake Root Manic Eden Manic Planet Manic Sinners Manikin Laff Manila Thrills Mannerheim Chris Manning Mantas Mantissa Manzano Mara Marc Ferrari and Friends Marcello/Vestry Marchello Marchosias Vamp Marcus Marenna - Meister Marenna Mariah Marilynn Frank Marino Marionette Mark Boals and Ring of Fire Mark Farner Band Mark St. John Project Market Field Markonee Angel Marr Francesco Marras Bernie Marsden Rafa Martin Tony Martin Marvelous 3 Marvel Mary Jane Mary Rose Mary's Rest Maryslim Masi Mason Masquerade (II) Masquerade (U.S.) Masquerade (funk) Masque Massive Wagons Massive Mass Master Steven MasterMynd Masterstroke Mata Hari Matney Matrex Matt Mitchell and the Coldhearts Matthew J Mattson Casey Maunder Maverick (Australia) Maverick (Spain) Maverick Max Webster Maxime Maxout Maxx Dolls Maxx Explosion Maxxwell Raymond May Mazz-XT The McAuley Schenker Group Robin McAuley Dan McCafferty McDowell - Tarr Kenny McGee Duff McKagan John Porter McMeans McQueen Me And The Rest Me Sleazy Punky Meadows Mean Machine Meansteed Meat Loaf Mechanix Medarock Media Medicine Wheel Medusa MegaSnake Megaforce Megattack Meghan Meldrum Melidian Memphis Messiah MenKing Mendes Prey Marco Mendoza Dave Meniketti Meniketti Mercury Fang The Mercury Riots Meroe Merri Hoaxx Merzy Mesheen Messano Messenger (2) Messiah Complex Metal Age Metal Majesty Metal On Ice Metal Scent Metalhead Mexican Dolls Michael Bormann's Jaded Hard Michael Cosyn Group (Featuring Paul Shortino) Michael Des Barres and the Mistakes Michael Grant and the Assassins Michael Hayes And The Badstreet Band Michael Men Project The Michael Ryan Band Michael Schenker / Pete Way Michael Schenker Fest The Michael Schenker Group Michael White and The White Bret Michaels Jezzy Michaels Jezzy Micheals MidNight Angel (FF) Midnight Angel Midnight Blue Midnight Circus Midnight Flyer Midnight Road Midnight Sin Midnight Sky Midnight Sun Midnight Midnite City Midnite Club Midnite Eve Midnite Jammer Midnite Sky Midpoint Midway Midwest Fred Mika Mike Machine The Milestones Milestones Sam Millar Donnie Miller Million Dollar Beggars Mination Mindeyes Mindfield Mindfunk Mindless Mines Minus One Mirror Misery Miss Behaviour Miss Crazy Miss Treater Mistaken Identity Mister Strange Mistreated Mistress (NZ) Mistress Kim Mitchell Tony Mitchell Mob Rulz The Mob Modest Attraction Phil Mogg Mojo Gurus Mojo Rib Mom's Rocket Mommy Dearest Mona Lisa Mona-Lee Monarch Money (UK) Monkey Business Monkey Cocktail Monkey See Monkeyhead Oliver Monroe Gus Monsanto Monster Leon Monster Truck Monster Montana Screams Tony Montana Montazh MonteCarlo Montreal Montrose Monument Moon Reverie Moon'Doc Moonlight Desires Moonstone Project Gary Moore Morano Moratti Paolo Morbini Mordaz Stefan Moren Moriah Luke Morley Billy Morrison Steve Morse Mother Nature The Mother Station Mother Tung Mother's Eyes Mother's Finest Motherland Motherload Motherlode (USA) Motherlode Mothers Army Motley Crue Motor City Mayhem Motor Dolls Motor Gypsy Motor Sister MotorJesus Motorbaiks Motorfingers Motorgun Mountain The Movies Mox Nix Moxy Roxx Moxy Mozart Mr Reality Mr Sleazy Mr. Big Mr. Dangerous Mr. Deltoid Mr. Green Mr. Hate Mr. Hyde (2) Mr. Hyde Mr. Ice Mr. Lucky Mr. Meana Mr. Naughty Mr. Perfect Mr. Scary Mr. Tiger Mud Slick Mullett Murder Bay Murderer's Row Murdock My Band My Little Funhouse My Own Ghost My Wicked Twin Myon Mystery (Australia) Mystery (II) Mystery (South Korea) Mystery Bloom Mystery City Mystery Mystic Game Mysticity N'Tribe N.O.W N.Y. Fury NDB NE4 NRG (2) NRG NVS Naked Beggars Naked City Naked Gypsy Queens Naked Rain Naked Research Nalle Pahlsson's Royal Mess Marcus Nand Naro Nashville Pussy Nasty Bulletz Nasty Crue Nasty Habit (Glam) Nasty High Nasty Whores Native Sons Natural Born Machine Naughty Boys Naughty Jane Naughty Naughty (UK) Naughty Naughty Max Navarro Neal Schon and Jan Hammer The Neighborhoods Vince Neil Nemo Neon Angel Neon Rose Neondaze Nestor Network (HR - Glam) Neurotic Outsiders Nevada Beach Never On Sunday Never-Never Neverland Nevermore New American Shame New Dynasty New Haven New Jerusalem New Legend New Machine The New Roses New Soul Cowboys New Tattoo New York NiGRO Nick Carasis and Mike Christopher Nickoloff Night By Night The Night Flight Orchestra Nightblaze Nightbreak Nightfox Nighthawk Nightrain Nightrider (USA) Nightrider The Nights Nightstrike Nightvision Nikki Foxx Nikki Puppet Nine 24 Nineteen88 Ninth Hour NiteRain Nitro Tokyo Nitrogods Nitroville Niva No Bargain No Bros No Doubt No Favors No Hot Ashes No Justus No Love Lost No Man's Land No Respect No Romeo No Shame No Strings Attached NoXiT Nobody's Children Nobody's Fool Nocturnal Emissions Noely Rayn NoiZe Machine Noise Boys Noisy Mama Noora Louhimo Experience Norden Light Nordic Union Nord Pontus Norgren The Norseman Company Northern Light Orchestra JK Northrup Nouveaux The Nova Hawks Nova Luna The Now Nowhere Dreamer Noyz Nubian Rose Ted Nugent Nun The Wyzer Nutz Nympho Johnny O'Neil O'Regan Michael O'brien O'dette ODA OO Janet Obzcure Ocean Hills Ocean Octane October Project Odyssey Desperado OffRoad Offwings Ohmwork Ohrenfeindt Eddie Ojeda Jase Old Oliver/Dawson Saxon Omega Highway Omega On The Rocks On Top One Desire One Eyed Gypsy Oney Only Child Onroxx Onyx Open Fire Opera Haus Orange Outlaw The Order Orfan Anny Orianthi Oriental Spas Original Sinners Orphann Johnny Orr Orymus Ozzy Osbourne Out Of The Blue Out of Nowhere Out of Order Outlaw Blood Outlaw Saint Outloud The Outpatience Overdose Kids Overdrivers Overloud Oxido Ozz P.A.L. PKM PMS (PSYCHOMENINSIDUS) The Pact Pad Of Pain Page 38 Jimmy Page Pain Station Pain Pair A Dice Paisty Jenny Palace of the King Panama Pandemonium The Pandoras Panic Fire Pantheon Paradise (Germany) Paradise (Texas) Paragon Parche Pariah Paris Keeling Cassidy Paris Tommy Paris Park The Karma Partner Freida Parton Larry Pascale Passion (UK) Passion (swo) Passion Remains Passion Risk Passion Temple Passion Pat McManus Band Steven Patrick Paul Chapman's Ghost Paul Gilbert and Freddie Nelson Paul Lidel's Scream Therapy Paul Raymond Project Paul Rodgers and Company Paul Shortino and the Rhythm Junkies Paul Shortino's The Cutt Paul Shortino/JK Northrup The Paula Westerfield Band Pavement Princess Pavic Pawnshop Diamonds Pay Pandora Peaceful Minds David Mark Pearce Pearls at Swine Pearly White Pearl Peepshow Peer Günt Pendulum Of Fortune Penny Black Penny Lane (Germany) Perennial Perfect Crime (Russia) Perfect Crime Perfect Strangers Perfect Stranger Peril Permanent Fixx The Perpetrators Joe Perry Mitch Perry Shawn Michael Perry Perseo Persian Risk Persia Pete's Diary Peter Carlsohn's The Rise Pettibone Danny Peyronel Michel Peyronel The Phans Phantom 5 Phantom Blue Phantom Park Pharaoh Phase II Phase Phazer Phil Campbell and the Bastard Sons Phil Lynott's Grand Slam Phil X and the Drills Philadelphia Phoenix Down Phoenix in Flames The Phoenix Phoenixx (2) Phoenixx Phoenix Picasso Trigger Piece Dogs Pierce Walter Pietsch Piledriver JJ Pinestone Pintsize Piper Pistol Dawn Piston Pitt Crew Place Called Rage Place Vendome Planet Thirteen Planethard Robert Plant Platinum Jar Platinum Overdose Platinum Rose Platinum Playgrind Playground Fatalities Playground Hero Playhouse Pleaser Pleasure Addiction Pleasure Bombs Pleasure Dome Pleasure Maker Steve Plunkett Plush Plus Podunk The Poet and The Dragon Poetic Justice Point Of Power Poisonblack Poisonheart Poison Pokerface Milan Polak Ted Poley Poley/Rivera Polution Pompei Nights Pompeii Pontillo And The Vintage Crew Pontus Snibb 3 The Poodles Poor As Flies The Poor The Poorboys Pop Javali Porn Queen Portrait Position Pound of Flesh Cozy Powell Power Project Power Touch Powerage (Germany) David Powers Praying Mantis Precious Stone Pete Prescott Pretty Boy Pretty Little Suicide The Pretty Reckless Pretty Wild Prey Pride (Hard Rock) Pride and Glory Primary Source Private Angel Private Life Private Line Prizoner Problem Child Project 1412 Project Forever Project X Prophet Prospect Proud Prowess Prowler Psicofonia Psychic Pilgrims The Psychics Psycho Circus Psycho Motel Psychotic Pain Punishment Purasangre Pure Inc. Purpendicular Purple Angels Purple Haze Purpura Ink Purpura Purser Deverill Purtag Pushking Push Puzzle View Pyn Siren Pyramid Q/36 QSP Quadra Nixx Quantum Fuzz Quemar Quickstrike Quiet Riot Quota R-Force R.A.W. R.I.F.F.S. R.O.C.K. Rabbit Hill Race The Rat Racer X Radar Raddar Radiation Romeos Radio Active Cats Radiocraft Radioux City Rafferty Rule Ragdoll (australia) Ragdoll Rage and Beyond Rage of Angels Rage The Ragged Saints Raggedy Ann Rags 'n Riches Rags (USA) Rags Raider Railjack Union Railroad Railway Rain Or Shine Rainbow Rainforce Rainium Rainlord Rainmaker (USA) Rain Raised On Mars Raising Kane Rajas Ramses Ram Randall Zwarte Band Randy Jackson's China Rain Ransom (UK) Ransom Rare Touch Rash Behavior Rat Alley Rat Bat Blue Rat Knuckles The Rat Race Rat Rod Rata Blanca Ratchet Dolls Rated X (2) Rated X (USA) Rated X Ratpack Rattlebone (Hard Rock USA) Rattleface Rattler Rattleshake Rattlesnake Kiss Rattlesnake Rattlin' Bones Ratt Ratzmataz Raveneye Ravenstine Raw Trixx Rawk Dawg Rawk Kandy Rawkon Raygun Rebels The Raz Razamanaz Razor Baby Razor Ball Razor Kane Razor White Razorbats Razormaid Razzle (Lit) Razzle Boys Razzle Reach David Readman Real Steel Reality Suite Rebel Machine Rebel Priest The Rebel Saints Rebel Toys Rebel's End Rebelene Rebellious Spirit Rebelstar Recker Reckless (Female) Reckless (III) Reckless Abandon (2) Reckless Abandon Reckless Love Reckless Red Alert Red Balloon Red Dawn Red Dogs Red Dragon Cartel Red Eye Jack Red Fun Red Halo Red Heat Red Hush Red Sky Mary Red Tiger Red Voodoo Red White and Blues Red Zone Rider The Redbeards Troy Redfern Redhouse Redline Redrum Reds'Cool Redstacks Reece - Kronlund Marc Reece Reece Dizzy Reed Reef Refugee (CCM) The Reggie Knighton Band The Regulators Reign of Sound Reignstorm Relapsed Relay Remedy Renegade (II) Reputation Resist and Bite The Resistance The Respectables Restless (US) Restless Souls Restless Spirits Restless Resurrection Kings Resurrection Mary RevLover Revenge (France) Revenge Revertigo Revival Black Revolution Child Revolution Road Revolution Saints Revolver Eleven Revolverz Revolver Reward Rewind Rex Hunter Rez Rhapsody Sweden Rhett Forrester and Rob Robbins Rhythm Circus Rich Kid Express Richie Ranno Group Richrath Project 3:13 Rick Pierce Group Rif Raf Riff (Argentina) Riff Raff (2) Riff Raff (Germany) Riff Raff (Hard Rock) Riff Raff Riff Rightfully Accused Riizer Rik Emmett and Resolution 9 Rimbacher Ringleader Rings of Saturn Riot Act (2) Riot Act (Germany) Riot Act Riot Horse Rip N Tear Rise of Utopia Rising Wings Risque Rival Riverdogs RoachClip Roadfever Roadkill (mrr) Roadkill The Roads Roadsaw Roadstar Roadway Road The Robert Paul Band Robert Pehrsson's Humbucker Robert Plant and the Strange Sensation Robert Rodrigo Band Kane Roberts Robin George / Glenn Hughes Robin Trower / Jack Bruce Rock Alliance Rock Bottom Rock Boulevard Rock City Machine Co Rock Goddess Rock Ignition Rock Island Orchestra Rock Star Supernova Rock Sugar Rock Wolves Rock'O Rock-Out Rockabye Rockarma Rockaway Rockborn Phill Rocker Rocket Queen Rockets to Ruin Rockets Rockett Love Rockhead The Rockit King Rocknee Rockstar Frame Rockupuncture Paul Rodgers The Rods Rok Hollywood Roko The Roll Roller Romantic Rebel Romeo Riot The Romeo Slam Ronnie Romero Ron E. Kayfield's Saints and Sinners Ron Keel Band Ron Keel's Fair Game Rondinelli Rook Road Ropa Sucia Rosanna's Raiders Rose Tattoo Jennifer Rose Michael Ross Rosy Vista Roth Brock Project David Lee Roth Keith Roth Rott Sox Rough 'N Ready Rough Cutt Rough Diamonds Rough House Rough Justice (US) Roughhouse Rough Roulette (Hard Rock) Roulette (USA) Jamie Rowe Rox Diamond Juno Roxas Roxie 77 Ryan Roxie Roxster Roxus Roxville Roxxess Roxxi Roxxlyde Roxy Blue Roxy Lane The Royal Beggars Royal Blood Royal Court of China Royal Dogs Royal Tramps Roze Rozy Coyote Rubicon Cross Ruckus Dave Rude Rude Ruffyunz Rufus Fontain Ruggeri Project Rukkus (2) Rukkus Rukus Rumble Doll Rumble Tribe Rumble The Rumours The Runaways Runaway Runner (US) Running The Risk Jack Russell Russian Roulette Rust n' Rage Rusted Rydell and Quick Ryder SRIII S'aint America S.A.D.O. S.I.N. S.N.A.K.E S.U.N. SL Theory SMF SNARM STROM Sabre Jet Sabu Sacked Out Sherry Sacred Child Sacred Fight Sacred Heart Sacred Night Sacred Reign Sacred Season Sacred Site Sad But True Saddle Tramp Safe Haven Saffire Sage (Michigan) Sage Sahara Rain (Swiss) Sahara Rain Sahara Steel Sahara Sahin feat. Ludvik Saigon Kick Saint Eves Sainted Sinners Saints Of The Underground Saints Trade Saints and Sinners Saint Saker Salem (USA) Salem Ash Salem Salty Dog Salvage Samantha 7 Richie Sambora Sammy Hagar and The Circle Samson (Argentina) Jakob Samuel Sanchez Sandra Dee Sange:Main:Machine Sank Rock Sara Sucks Sarajevo Sarasin A.D. Sarayasign Saraya Sardonyx Sargant Fury Sarge Satanic Rites Satanicide Sator Satrox Saturday Overdose Savage Heart (2) Savannah Nix Savino Philip Sayce The Scams Scandal Scar For Life Christian Scarborough Scarcrow Scarecrow Scarlet (2) Scarlet (II) Scarlet Blue Scarlet Bride Scarlet Rebels Scarlet Red Scarlett (Peru) Scarlett Scarlet Scarred For Life Scarved Scary Monster Scatter Creek The Scent Schenker / Barden Acoustic Project Michael Schenker Schizophrenic Circus John Schlitt Schoolboy Crush Schpaybo Schriek Schroeder Schubert In Rock Schubert Gary Schutt Scobie Scorcher Scorpio Rising Scorpion Child Scorpions Scott Weiland and The Wildabouts Scottfree Scraggly Jane Scrapple Scream Freedom Scream in Eden The Scream Screamaker The Screamin' Lords The Screaming Jets The Screaming Santas Screwball Second Flush Second Heat Second Wind Secrets of Levitation Sect. 8 Sedona Seductive Luck See No Evil Senses Carl Sentance September Sequoia Seraiah Seraphim Sergeant Steel Sergeant Serious Pleasure Serpentine The Servants Seven Skys Seven Ten Seven Wishes Seven Year Witch Seven the Hardway Seventh Rize Seventh Seal Seventh Son (UK) Seventh Son Seventh Veil Sex Action Sex and Patriotism Sexcess Sexsaxsion Sgt. Roxx Shades of Gray Shadow Breaker Shadow Play Shadow and the Thrill Shadowqueen Shadows Fade Shaft of Steel Shagreen Shag Shake City Shake the Faith (2) Shake the Jungle Shakey DeVille Shakra Shameless (California) Shanghai Guns Shanghai Shank Rock Shannah Shannon Shape of The New Sun Shari Sweet and Stone Garden Shark Frenzy Shark Island Sharkattack Sharon (2) Sharon Sharp Brothers Inc. Shawna Sheer Greed Shel Shoc Shelter Red Christian Shields Shiraz Lane Shiva Shock Rocket Shock Tu The Shock Shokker Short Circuit (NY) Short Circuit Shortino Shotgun Alley (2) Shotgun Alley Shotgun Express Shotgun Messiah Shotgun Mistress Shotgun Revolution Shotgun Sally Shotgun Wedding Shots Fired Shotz Shout (Escape Music) Shout (Poland) Shout Showbiz Showdown Shugaazer Shut Up And Drive Shy Foxx Shy Tiger Shyboy (2) Shyboy (Ger) Shylock Sic Vikki Side Kixx Sideburns Sideburn Sign X Sign of 4 The Sign Signal Red Sign Silence Silent Hero Silent Knight Silent Rage Silent Scream Silent Witness Silked And Stained Siloam Silver Cross Silver Dirt Silver Ginger 5 Silver Horses Silver Phantom Silver Samurai Silver Tears Silverhead Silverspoon Silverthorne Silvertide Silver Gene Simmons Simple Lies Sin City (II) Sin City Sinners Sin City Sin Dizzy Sin/City Sinai Sinclair Sindicate Sing Sing (Hungary) Sinopoli Sinwell Sir Edward Sir Siska Sister Manik Sister Morphine Sister Red Sister Sin Sister Switchblade Sister Whiskey Sittin' Pretty Six Feet Under Six Pack Floozy Six Silver Suns Sixgun Renegades Sixx: A.M. Skam Skansis Skarlett Roxx Skarlet Skawalker Skeletor Skew Siskin Skid Row Skillet Johnson Skills Skin Deep Skin Disciple Skin Kandy Skinny Horse Skin Skip Rock Skitzotik Christina Skjolberg Skrapp Mettle Skreen 6 Sky Blues Sky of Forever The Sky Skyhigh Skyline Skyscraper Slade II Slade Slam Alley Slam Bang Slam Savvy The Slam Slamer Slam Slang Slash Puppet Slash's Snakepit Mark Slaughter Slaughter Slave 1 Slave To The System Sleazer Sleazy Lee Sleazy Town Sleazy Sledge Sleeping Dogs Tommy Sleexx Sleeze Beez Slice Slick Lilly Sliks Slippery Slogan John Sloman Slop Jar Slunt Slutfreax Slyboyz Slyboy Slydog Smackbound Lee Small Derek Smalls Smartass Smash Alley (UK) Smash Alley Smash Fashion Smash N' Grab Smashed Gladys Smeer Smilek Smith / Kotzen Smoke 'N' Flame Smoke Ring Smoked Lizard Lips Smokin' Aces Smoking Snakes Snake Bite Whisky Snake Charmer Snake Eye Snake Heart Snake Oil Snakebite (Italy) Snakebite (Poland) Snakebite Snakebyte Snakecharmer Snakeryder Snakes in Paradise The Snakes Snakeskyn Whiskey Snake Snew Dee Snider Snow (USA) Snow White Snowball Snowhite Snowmen Snow Snydly Crunch Social Disorder Softeis Soho 69 Soil Soldier (2) Soldier Soledriver Solinger Solitude Solus Rex Chitral Somapala Son of Man Son of a Bitch Sonic Divide Sonic Jungle Sonic Universe Sonic X Sons of Angels (Japan) Sons of Angels Sora Sorcery Soren Soul Cirkus Soul Doctor Soul Exchange Soul Kitchen Soul Seller Soul Shock Remedy Soul Sirkus Soul Tramp SoulRelic Soulcage Souls Of We Souls of the Red Dream Sound Delivery South of Salem Southern Axent Southgang Southpaw Southwest Sunrise Space Age Playboys Spanky Lee Sparzanza Speedy Gonzales Speed Spektra Spellbound Sphinx Spider (UK) Spiders Spike and Tyla's Hot Knives Spike Spin 1ne 2wo Spinal Tap Spit It Out! Splendid Back Split Image (Florida) Split Image Spread Eagle Spy Row Spy Row Spy # Row Square One Squealer St. Elmo's Fire St. James (non BnB) Eddie St. James St. James St. Kick St. Paradise St. Prostitute St. Thomas St. Valentine St. Warren St. Xavier Staggerwing Stairway Stalker Stallion Four Stampede Queen Stampede The Stand Paul Stanley Star.Gate Starchase Stargazer (Norway) Starmen Starscream State Of Mind Stateline States of Panic Statetrooper Static Station Status Quo Staxx Steamhouse Steamroller Steel Mountain Crossing Steel Rhino Steel Velvet Steelcity Chrissy Steele Sally Steele Steele Steelheart Steelhouse Lane Steelshine Stefanie Steffanie Steve Steinman Stella Blackrose Stellar Veil Jan Stenfors Stephen Crane and Duane Sciacqua Steppenwolf Stepson Stetna Steve McQueen Band Steve Whitney Band Steve Stevens Steven Stevie Salas Colorcode Sticky Boys Stiffkitty Stilettos Stiletto Still Alive Still At Large Still Living Still Rain Still Warning Stilletto Stillskin Stinger Stinjy Midgets Stitch Bobby Stoker Billy Stokes Stone Angels Stone Angel Stone Free Stone Glory Stone Gods Stone Leaders Stone Machine Stone Romeo Stone Trigger Stone Whiskey Steve Stone StoneLake Stonebreed Stoned Age The Stoned Bones Stoneface Stonemiller Inc. Stonetrip Stonewall-Weekend Stonewashed Stoney Bone Child Stone Storace Virginia Storey Storm Force Stormbreaker Stormburst Stormwarning Stormwave Storm Johnny Strader Stradlin' Rosie Straight Six Straight Wired Strange Dogs Strange Karma Strangelet Stranger (Germany) Strangers Stranger Nita Strauss Stray Streamline Street Kidz Street Legal Street Toyz Street Walker The Street Streetheart Streetlight Circus Streetwalkers Streetwise Stress Strict-Nine Strider Strike Twice Striker Strike Strikin' Case Strip (Austria) Strip Adicktion Strip City Sinners Strip Mind Stripped Gypsy Stripwired Stroker Strongheart Stronghold Strut Stryder Strykenine Stryken Strykken The Stuff Stun Leer Stupid Angel Stutz Submytion Subway Rats Subway Such a Noise Suckerpunch Sudden Impact Sue Saad and The Next Suicide Circus Suicide Squad The Suicide Twins Sultan Joey Summer Summers The Summit Sun City Kings Sun City Rockers Sun N Steel Sun Red Sun Sundogs Sunroad Sunset Riot Supagroup Super Vintage Supercharger Supergroupies Supernova Plasmajets Supershine Superzero Supremacy Sure Conviction Sure Surface Tension Surrender Surveillance Andy Susemihl Sustain The Swamp Candles Sway Swedish Magazines Sweet Addiction Sweet Alibi Sweet Cheater Sweet Crystal Sweet Electric Sweet F.A. Sweet Freedom Sweet Killer Sweet Lips Sweet Little sister Sweet Pain Sweet Sin Sweet Sybil Sweet Water Sweet and Lynch The Sweet Swift Kick Swirl Switchblade Romance Switchblade Scarlett Switchblade Serenade Switchblade Syder John Sykes Sykes Sylent Sam Symon Sezz Symphony of Sweden Syrence Syrym Syteria T and N T-City Grip T-Ride T. C. Kross T.O. Joker T.T. Quick TH Latona THD TKO TLC TMG TNA (Tennessee) TNA TNT TSA TV In Flames TXS TabU Taboo Taffo Tagg TailGun Tainted Angel (II) Tainted Angel Tainted Nation Tainted Saints Tainted Souls Taken Takin' Out the Trash Talas Tale Cue Talisman Tallian Gray Talon Talor Made Tambora Tammer Laine Ken Tamplin Tang S'Dang Tangier Tango Down Tanith Tanner Tantrum (2) Tantrum Taramis Tara Tarrga Tarzen Geoff Tate Tattoo Rodeo Taupier Taurus Run Tax Free Timothy Judson Taylor Taz Taylor Band Teaser Teaze Teenage Casket Company Seraina Telli Tempest (U.S. Indie HR) Tempesta Temple Balls Temple Gods Temple Tempting Fate Tempt Ten Cent Revenge Ten Inch Men Ten Seconds Over Tokyo Tenacity Tender Fury Tequila Sunrise Tercer Acto Terra Cain Terraplane (US) Terraplane Terra Tesla Shamans Tesla TestArtist Kenny Tex Texas Vampires That Rock Guy Thayer - St. James The Big F The Jack The Way In The Wild! Theatre These Raven Skies Thick As Thieves Thick Richard Thieves of Liberty Thieving Roy Thin Ice (Female Fronted) Thin Ice Thin Lizzy Third Degree (NH) Third Degree Third Teeth Third Voice Thirdstone This House We Built Steve Thomson Those Charming Bastards Thousand Year Itch Thrill Ride Thrill Street Thrillkiller Thrills 'N' Chills Thrills Galore Thrustt Thrust Thunder Tribe Thunderbox Thunderdikk Thunderhead Thundermother Thundertrain Thy Row Tic Tac Toe Tick 60 Tim Hall's If Time Rift Timeless Hall Tin Pan Alley Tindrum Tipsy Road Tipsy Slut Titanic (France) Titanic Truth Josh Todd Toja Token Tokio Tokyo Blade Tokyo Dragons Tokyo Motor Fist Tokyo Rose Tokyo Storm The Toll Tomalo Tommy Had A Vision Tommy Krash and Friends Tommy Paris Band Tommy's Rocktrip Tongue 'n Cheek Tongue -n- Groove Tongue Lash Tongue N Cheek Tongue N Groove Tonk Too Bad Top Notch Toque Tora Tora Bernie Torme Torok Torrential Thrill Toss 'N' Turn Total Eclipse Tour de Force Tower City Tower Toxic Heart Toxic Love Toxic Web Toy Cannon Toymaker's Dream Toyz (Canada) Tracer X Tracer Trace Traci Trexx Midnite Blues Tracii Guns' League of Gentlemen Track Tracy Starr Trade Mark Trading Aces Trafic Jam Tragedy Tragic Dream Tragic Hero Tragik Trailer Park Vampire Tramp's White Lion Trancemission Trance Trans Am Transit Transworld Identity Trapper (US) Trapper Trash Broadway Trash Travelin Jack Travers and Appice Pat Travers Traxter Treason (1993) The Treatment Trespasser Trexel Triangle Tria Tribal Frenzy Tribe Of Gypsies Tribe of Judah Tribes of March Tributes Trick or Treat Tricklebolt Triffid Daniel Trigger Triggerz Trigger Trilogy Trip the Wire Triple Threat Triple X (Swiss) Trippin' On Dolls Trishula Triumph Trixter Trixy Tang Troka The Trophy Troubled Wine Troublemaker Trovao Robin Trower True Brits Trust Boys Trust Truth Be Told Truth Of Fiction Tsar Tsunami (Old Metal) Tsunami Tubeless Hearts Tuff Luck (Indie HR) Tuk Smith and the Restless Hearts Tunnel Tuple Turbosnake Turi Erik Turner Joe Lynn Turner Turning Leaf Shania Twain Twenty 4 Seven Twilight Road Twinball Twisted Rose Twister Twyce Shy Tx Barryt Tyburn Tree Tygers Of Pan Tang Tyla Tyler Bryant and The Shakedown Steven Tyler Rob Tyner Typhoon Tommy Tysper Tytus Groan U-Turn U.F.O. U.S. 19 U.S.B. U.S. USA Rocks USA UUU Ugly Kid Joe Ultimatum Ultranite Ultraphonix Unbound Unbreakable Unchain Uncle Sally Uncle Sam (Hard Rock) Uncle Sam (PA) Uncle Sid Uncle Trucker The Undecided Under Fire Under Lock and Key Underride The Union (US) Union Mac The Union Union United Fools United State Unity Universe (Sweden) Universe III Universe The Unknown The Upper Crust Upper Lip Uprising The Urge Urgent (France) Urghpolice Uriah Heep Uthanda Uzi Suite Uzi Uzzhuaia The V V-Project V.A.M.P. V.A.N. V2 VA Rocks VFX VOJD VU Vacancy Vagabond Groove Vagabond Road Vagabond Vagh Vagrant Justice The Val Robert Valdes Valentine Saloon Valentino Simone Valeo Valerie Vambo Vamp Le Stat Van Arx Van Buren Van Dan Van Gunn Van Halen Van Helsing's Curse Van Stone Vanadium Vandamne Vandenberg's MoonKings Vandenberg Vanderbuyst Vanessa Vanishing Signs Vanity Insanity Vanity Vast Danny Vaughn Vaughn Vegas HR The Velcro Pygmies Veloxi Velvet Insane Velvet Revolver Velveteen Queen Velveteen Sky Vendetta (USA) Vendetta Venger's Diary Venus Mountains Vera Cruz Verity Versital Vertex Vertical Hair Factory Vertigo (Canada) Vespers Nine Vice (2) Vice (3) Vice Vicious Wishes Vick Lecar's Blue Moon Victim Victory Vigor Steve Vincent Vinnie Vincent Vintage Violin Key Viperose Virgin Blue Virginia Value Vishusgruv Visitor Vital Escape Vitiken Vitne Vivid Vixen Voices of Extreme Voices Volcano Dogs Vollmer (Virginia) Vollmer Volster Vince Voltage Voltrage Chris Von Rohr Voodoo Angel Voodoo Circle Voodoo Highway Voodoo Hill Voodoo Moonshine Voodoo Piston Voodoo Six Voodoo Smile Voodoo Vegas Voodooland Michael Voss Vow Wow Voxen Voyager Voyeur Vulvarine W.A.L.K.E.R W.A.N.T.E.D. W.E.T. W.E.T WAMI Walk The Chalk Walk The Sky Walk The Talk Butch Walker Walkway Wall of Silence Randall Waller Waltham Dan Wande Wang Dang Wanted (Indiana) Wanted War Babies War and Peace Bill Ward Wardance Warlock Warm Tile Warner Drive Warning Warp Drive Warrant Warreck Warren Peace Warrior (Hard Rock) Warrior Soul Warryor Watchmen (Argentina) Jeff Watson Way Station Pete Way Waysted Wayward Sons Weapons Weathervane Wedge Wee B Toyz Oliver Weers Weird Kong Wells West Bound West Bruce and Laing West Exit Holly West Leslie West Wet Bandits Wet Kis Whaledog The Wheel Bob Wheeler Wheels Of Fire Where's Mike Whimsy Whiskey High Whiskey Road Whisky Sam Whisper Alley White Boy and the Average Rat Band White Coast Rebels White Eagle White Flame White Heat White Lies (II) White Lies White Lie White Lion White Night White Pigeon White Ray White Russian White Spirit White Tears White Tiger White Tyger White Widow Craigger White Doogie White Whiteburn Whitecross and Guardian Whitefoxx Steve Whiteman Whitesnake White Why On Earth Wicked Angel Wicked Ryhme Wicked Saints Wicked Sensation Wicked Sins Wicked Smile Wicked Temptation Wicked Wayz Widowmaker (70s) Widowmaker Widow Wiggy Bits Wighthouse Wanderland Wiikinen Wikkerboxx Wikkid Starr Wild Accustica Wild America Wild Angelz Wild August Wild Bill and Crazy Mama Wild Bitch Wild Champagne Wild Childhood Wild Dogs Wild Flag Wild Force Wild Frontier Wild Goose Wild Heat Wild Horses (80s) Wild Horses Wild One Wild Rhubarb Wild Ride Wild Side Wild Souls Wild Street Wild West Rudy Wild Wildcat Wilder Wildfire The Wildhearts Wildheart Wildhorse Wildnite Wildrose Wildside (Ax) Wildside Riot Wildside Wildstreet Wilkes Booth Van Wilks Will Wallner / Vivien Vain Will and the Kill Will the Thrill Jeff Williams Wendy O Williams Willow Wine South Wine Spirit The Winery Dogs Wing N A Prayer Winger Winter Parade Winterkat Wired (USA) Wired Desire Wireless Wishdoctor Wishing Well (Finland) Wishing Well Witch Burning Without Love Witz End Wizniz Wizzo Don Wolf Wolfchild Wolfpakk Wolfsbane Wolvz Wonderworld Woodbury Boys Woodstock World Affairs World Gone Crazy World on Fire Worry Blast Wounded Cougar Wounded Wraith Wrecking Crew Wretched Excess Stevie Wright Wulf Gang Wyld Ryde Zakk Wylde Wyred X Of Eden The X Union X-15 X-Drive X-Hero X-Piracy X-Plicit [Italy] X-Plicit X-Ray X-izt XL New York XLR8 XL XOX XT XX Badboy XYZ Xaja Xalt Xavier Xciter Xcursion Xenon Xeron Xhibition Xntrik Xpress Xtasy Y and T Yankee Yardstones Yeah Bop Station You Tellus Young Blood Young Gun Young Heart Attack Young Turk Youngblood Your Roses Youthex Yukon Yves Choir Z Toyz Chip Z'Nuff ZO2 Zaffire David Zaffiro Zinny J. Zan Zanderhaus Zardoz Zar Zebra Zeelion Zele Zeno Zero Division Zero Nine Zero One Zero Zero Verdict Zero Zhiva Ziad Zion Knight The Zippers Zodiac Mindwarp and the Love Reaction Zodiac Zoltan (Denmark) Zooboys Zoser Mez Zwarte Zychek Zyris Zötl