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Pop AOR / Westcoast (453)
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Modern Hard Rock (274)
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Prog Rock (323)
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THE Hard Rock and AOR Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 10384 CDS: 25181 Songs: 299574
Feb. 3, 2025: Best of 2024 Lists Posted!Come see who made the top 10 (yes, expanded starting this year) albums of 2024 from Mike and myself. -Dan |
Here is a list of the 323 artists at Heavy Harmonies that fall into the Prog Rock genre. Click on a band name to go to the discography page for that band.
2112 3.2 3 A Circus A.C.T Accomplice Acute Mind Aeon Zen Aerial View After Lapse Agora Don Airey Ray Alder Altered State Altura Amaran's Plight AmuZeum André Andersen Anderson / Stolt Anderson Bruford Wakeman Howe Ani Lo. Projekt Animator Annex Appearance Of Nothing Arc of Life Arena Arjen Lucassen's Supersonic Revolution Ark Ars Nova Art Rebellion Artension Astrakhan Astronomy Avacost Avalon Ayreon Aztec Jade Badhoven Balance of Power Barclay James Harvest Featuring Les Holroyd Big Picture Big Thing Black Cross Merchants Blackfield Blind Ego Blind Golem Blind Owl Bodragaz Brazen Abbot Cain and Abel Cain's Alibi Cairo Cap Outrun Central Park Cerafim The Chance Charisma Chinawhite Chris Comet and Friends Cinema (Prog) Cinema Face Circa Circus Maximus Citadel Clockwise Colobar Colors of Noise Colosseum II Compass Conception Condition Red Conditioned Response Conspiracy The Covenant Cryptic Vision Crystal Maze Cullooden The Cyberiam DGM Daddy Antogna y Los De Helio Damn the Machine DarWin Darrel Treece-Birch's Atlantea Dawn Dillinger (Canada) Docker's Guild Dragon's Cave Dream Theater Dreamlore Dvinity Edenbridge Einstein El Reloj Elegy Eloy Empire (Prog) Empty Tremor Empyre Enchant Engine Eternal Flame Evidence Evil Wings Exchange Exhibit A Exit Stage Left Ezekiel's Wheel Ezra (Prog) Final Conflict Fish On Friday Flagship Flight Flying Circus Flying Colors For Absent Friends Forest Field Frameshift Frant1c Freefall Frost (Prog) GPS Jerry Gaskill Ghost of the Machine Guild of Others Gypsy Kyss Steve Hackett Hard Times Heart Healer Patrick Hemer Heroes Del Silencio IQ Inner Strength Invisible It Bites FD It Bites JFX Jadis James LaBrie's Mullmuzzler Jaugernaut [a.d.] Jaugernaut The Jelly Jam Jester (Prog) Jezebel's Tower John Hackett and Nick Fletcher John Wetton and Ken Hensley Jon Anderson and The Band Geeks Jonas Lindberg and the Other Side Jovian Storm Jump K'mono Kansas Karmakanic Kepler Ten Kerrs Pink Lee Kerslake King of Sweden The Kings Machine Kino Kite Parade Knight Area Kocab/Proudfoot/Donati/Sheehan Lalu Last Turion Geddy Lee Leggat Let See Thin Lifesigns Lightspeed Light Livit Lonely Robot Lorian Brad Love Lunatic Soul Magellan Marathon Marillion Mastermind Mattsson Mercury X Martin Miller David Minasian Mind Key Mindgames Missa Mercuria Moahni Moahna Mogg/Way Montage The Moody Blues Moon Halo Moon Letters Moonshine Blast Moria Falls Neal Morse Music Station The Mute Gods Muzak N.Ex.U.S. Nation The Neal Morse Band Neal Morse and the Resonance Negus Neverland (Prog) New Clear Daze No More Pain Nothing in Writing OSI Ryo Okumoto Operation: Mindcrime Orion's Beethoven Ozone (Prog) The Palimpsest Pathosray Henning Pauly Pendragon Perfect Era The Phase Piel De Pueblo Platitude Platypus Porcupine Tree Presto Ballet Prime Time Prog Collective Project Arcadia Proto Kaw Pyramaze Queen Quest RPWL Ra's Dawn Reason's Edge Reason Red Rocket Renaissance Rock Orchestra Renegade Ride Riddlemaster Riverside The Room Roswell Six Royal Hunt Rush SOMA Saga Saracen Scaramouche Scarlet Rayne Scary Hairy Abel Sequera Seven Tears Seventh Wonder Seventhsign Shadow Gallery Shadow Walker Shadowland Shaman Billy Sherwood Silent Edge Silent Lapse Silver Lake Six By Six Sonic Debris Sons of Apollo Southern Empire Spearfish Spellbound (USA) Robby Steinhardt Steinhardt/Moon Stramonio Stream (Canada) Stride Strongbow Stuckfish Sun Caged Swallows Taskaha Ty Taybor The Tea Party Tear (Prog) Teramaze Thin Ice (Prog) Thoughts Factory Thread Threshold Throne of Chaos Tiles Time Horizon Timelock Today Was Yesterday Touchstone Transatlantic The Truth Council Trytan Tsunami (Germany) UK Under The Sun Unit of Inheritance Until Rain VHF Vanderhoof Vision (Canada) Von Hertzen Brothers Vox Dei Vox Tempus Voyager (2) Voyager (Prog) Voyager-X John West White (2) White Willow Wicked Minds Wings Of Steel WinterStrain Wishbone Withem World Trade Worldtime Xcarnation XsavioR Yes Ywis Z-LOT-Z Zhorn