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Here is a list of the 853 artists at Heavy Harmonies that fall into the Melodic Metal genre. Click on a band name to go to the discography page for that band.
20 Dark Seven 220 Volt 313 4MJ 4Without A-Z A.R.E.N.A. Accept Acres Wild Adrenalin Kick Aerodyne AfterDreams Afterlife (Taken) Aftermath Aftershok Agnes Air Raid (Sweden) Airborne (Germany) Airstrike Alex and Co. Alfonzetti Alias (Metal) Alias Mangler Alice 'N Thunderland Alien Force Alkatrazz All My Shadows Allen - Lande Allen / Olzon Altaria Amanda Somerville's Trillion Amaranthe Ambush (Metal) Amethyst (Swiss) Amethyst (USA) Ammotrack Amoral Angel (Norway) Angel Heart (Germany) Angelic Force Antares (Germany) Antares Ape Apocalypse Apollo Arch Rival Archon Angel Area Arion (2) Armed Forces Arrest Ashrain Asphalt Ballet Assassin (USA 2) Assassin (USA) Astral Doors Atomik Cocktail Atro Avian The Awful Truth Axat Axton BISS BPMD Baby Tuckoo Back to Eden Backhill Balance (Chile) Balistik Kick Banshee Bark Barnabas Sky Barnabas Baron Rojo Bassinvaders Battalion Battery Park Battle Station Beast in Black Beasto Blanco Beggars Ball Bellicose Benedictum Sammy Berell Beretta Betsy Big Bad Big City (2) Big Guns Billionaires Boys Club Bitch Black Eye Black Moon June Black Rose Maze Black Rose Black Sheep Black Tide Black Veil Brides Blade Runner Blind Petition Blindview Blood Star Bloodgood Bloodstone (Australia) Bloodstone Bloody Dice Mark Boals Boguslaw Balcerak's Crylord Bomber Bone Shaker Boneyard (2) Boneyard Borealis Bottom Row Brainfever Brat Breakker Briar Bride British Lion Brother Against Brother Bullet (Sweden) Bullet Burning Point James Byrd C.O.P. UK C4 CETi Canedy Centaur Chainer Chainless Chaos Magic Chastain Chime Cholane Chrome Shift Chrysalis Chryztyne Chyld Circle II Circle Circles of Illusion Cleanbreak Clockwork Revolution Clusterhead Code Of Silence Code of Perfection The Codex Color Blind Conan Conquest (Melodic Metal) Convergence Zone Cornerstone Crack Jaw Creature Of Habit Creatures Crooked X Crossfire Crossroads Edge Crossroads Crow 7 Crow's Flight Cruizzen Cryder Crying Steel Crystal Eyes Culture Shock Cycle Sluts From Hell Cynical Limit Czakan D J Burns D'OR DC Lacroix DC4 Dagger (Baltimore) Dagger (Melodic Metal) Damien Steele Damn Dice Dancyr Dark Heart Dark Illusion Dark Sky Choir Darkwater Daydreamer De Van Dead Bang Dead End Dead Memory Dead Serious Dead Soul Tribe DeadRisen Deadly Synz Deadringer Deaf Rat Defyance Delany Desperado Destinia Destiny Calls Destroyer (USA) Deuce Deuce Dennis Develin Devils Run Devoid Diall Diamond Bruce Dickinson Dio Dirkschneider Dirty Deeds Dofka Doktor Maxx Domination Black Dominum Dorian Gray Dotti Mok Downstone Dr. Grind Dragonfly Dreamer Dreddwood Drop Out Durbin EZO Earth Lux Ecliptica Mark Edwards Electric Temple Elegant Weapons Ellefson-Soto Empires of Eden Enemy Eyes The Erinyes Escape Essex Eternal Idol Eternal Ryte Eternal of Sweden Event Evidence One Excess Eye In Time Face To Face (France) Fairytale Faith and Fire Faithful Grace Falcon Fallen Sanctuary Famous Underground Fantasia Far'N Beyond Fascination Feel Feline Melinda Felskinn The Ferrymen Fifth Angel Final Fortune Final Heir Fire Rose Fireblast Fires of Babylon Firewolfe Fist of Rage Fixer Flame Flashpoint Flatbacker Fleury Flood For Selena and Sin Force 3 Forge Rhett Forrester Fortnox Fortress (Female Fronted) Herman Frank Freakstorm French Maide Frontier (UK) Frozen Eyes Frozen Rose Fury (Melodic Metal - UK) Future Rage GX Project Galderia Gambles Bride Garcia X Garcia The Gatling Firepower Stephan Georg Getaway Ghandi Ghost Machinery Jim Gillette Giuntini Project Glass Wolfe God's Army The Grandmaster Gravestone Grim Reaper GrimmStine Steve Grimmett Gräce Gun Barrel HailMary Hammer Head Hand Over Fist Hard Bargain Harmony Lauren Harris Haven (CCM) Havoc Havy Roxx Hawk Hazy Shade Hazzard Headless The Heat Heaven 'N' Hell Heaven Rain Heaven Ward Heaven's Trail Heavy Bones Held Hostage Helker Helldorados Helloise Hellryder Hellsmoke Helltown Her Chariot Awaits The Heritage Hero Hideweaver Highway Chile Hitten Hollow Haze Hollow Illusion Esa Holopainen Holter Holy Saint Holy Soldier Horakane Horizon Hot Watt Huguenin Human Code Human Race Hurry Scuary Hyde (Melodic Metal) Icri's Witch Infinight Infrared Inner Stream Insania Intranced Invasion Invictus Iron Allies Iron Angel Iron Lamb Ivory Knight Tommy J Jack Starr's Burning Starr Jack's Hammer Jackal Jamilya Jet Jaguar Joey C. Jones and the Glory Hounds John Harv's Twisted Mind John Steel With Doogie White John Steel July Reign Jump The Gun Jynx KXM Kandia Kardinal Sin Katella Keel Keldian Kelley Wild Andy Kelli Kenziner Khryse Kick Axe Killerhit Killer Kilpi King of Darkness King's Crowd Kings Of Modesty Michael Kiske Kiss the Gun Kissin' Dynamite Klimax Knight Fury Kore Rozzik Nikolo Kotzev Kradle Krell Kuni James LaBrie Lady Sabre Landshark Lanzer The Last Act Last In Line The Last Renegades Last Tribe Laurenne-Louhimo Lawdy Lawlessness Leaflet Leatherwolf Leather Led Zeppelin Lee Z Legacy (CCM) Letchen Grey Lethal X Letter X Level 10 Leverage Liar Lightning Strikes Jani Liimatainen Like Wilds Lion Twin Lion's Share Lione/Conti Lionsheart Lipstick Liontigers Little Jimmy Liv Sin Livin' Parazite Living Insanity Lizard Eye Lizzy Borden LoanShark Lochinvar Lonely Heart Loosely Tight Lordi Lords of Black Lord Lost Madison Lostboys Loudness Love Machine Love.Might.Kill Love/Hate Lovell's Blade Luv Hunter Lydian Sea Lyriel M.A.R.S. Mad Hatter's Den Mad Max Magenda Magnus Karlsson's Free Fall Majesty (melodic) Malicious Manitou Mansson Mantric Momentum Marenne Marquis Marshall Law Mars Maryscreek Masquerade Masterplan Masterstroke (Finland) Mata Hari (prog) Andre Matos Maxine May-Linn Medalyon Medieval Steel Medusa (USA) Megasonic Megaton Blonde Mehida Mennen Mercy Rule Meridian Messiah Prophet Messiah's Kiss MetalMorphosis Metalwolf Metalworks Metharia Michael Schinkel's Eternal Flame Midas Midnight Dice Midnight Hero Midnight Phantom Midnite Sun Mirage (Denmark) Miron Mirrors Image Miss De Lane Missing Tide Mister Monster Mistful Mistreated (Melodic Metal) Misty Rox Mobius Mollo-Martin Moonmadness Mother Mercy Mr. Meaner The Murder of My Sweet My Haven The Nail Naked Sun Narita Nasson Nazareth Nemesis Neon Cross Neonfly Neptune New Horizon New Sun Nice'N'Rough Nightfall Ave. Nightshade Nitroz-X Nitro Non Iron Northern Kings Northward Northwind Nurse Ratchet Tony O'Hora OZ Obliviax Odin Oliva One Tribe Optimystical Oracle Original Sin Oriz Otherworld OverSpeedTrip Overdrive Pain And Passion Panorama Panram Pantera Panther Paradigm Parallels Paralydium Parish Ian Parry Passion (Melodic) Jizzy Pearl Aaron Pearson Perpetual Etude Persona Pettey Crime Phantom Elite Phantom Reign Pierrot Pink Cream 69 Planet Alliance Pleezer Poison Rose Poison Sun Pole Position Powerage Presence Pretty Maids Prime Creation Prowler (UK) Pryer Pump Purple Raven Queensryche R.O.X.X. Radiant Radical Dream Rail Rain'N'Steel Raise Cain Random Eyes Random Randy Piper's Animal Rattlebone Razorback Rebel Kings Rec/All Recon Red Baron Red Reign Red Sea Redemption Redline (US) Redstorm Regime Reingold Revolution Renaissance Rhoads Riccochet Rik Priem's Prime Ring of Fire Riot Ritual Road To Ruin Roadhouse Joe Robinson Robledo Rob Rock The Rockford Heroes Rogue Male Ron Coolen / Keith St John Rozario Rubber Ruxt SSSteele STS 8 Mission Saber Tiger Sabire Sacred Reign (CCM) Sacred Warrior Saint Deamon Salems Lott Samson Sandalinas Sarasin Savage Savatage Savers Saxon Scarlet Haze Scream Taker Scream Scudiero Secret Alliance Secret Chapter Secret Sphere Serious Black Serpents in Paradise Seven Ravens Seven Seals Seventh Force Seventrain Sextoyz Shadow Gang Shadow Wings Shakin Street SheWolf Shear Shining Black Shockwave Shogun Shok Paris Shokkher Siam Sick N Beautiful Silent Call Silent Force Silent Voices Silver R.I.S.C Silver Seraph Sinner's Blood Mat Sinner Sinner Sircle of Silence Six Foot Six Skarlett Riot Skin Suit Skin Tag Skin and Bones (Finland) Skinher Skintrade Skull Sky of Rage Slain Slam Dunk Sleazer (Italy) Slik Toxik Slippery Lip Sly Snake Eyes Seven Snakegod Solna Something On 11 Something Wicked Sonic Desolution Sonic Haven Soul Circus Soulhealer Soulseeker Southern Gentlemen Speed Limit Spellbound Spirits of Fire Spycastle Stancy Starbreaker Starchaser Stargazery Stargazer Steel Dawn Steel Web The Steel Steeler (Germany) Steeler Steelmade Steelover Steelwings Stella Maris Step Child Stereo Nasty Stiff Upper Lip Stormbringer Stormwitch Stormzone Straightway Strana Officina Stream Street Fighter (Denmark) Street Fighter Streetwyze Strike Force Strikeforce Striker (Canada) Stryper Stud Sturm Und Drang Sudden Thunder Sunbomb SupaRed Surveillance (USA) Swedish Hitz Goes Metal Sweet 'n' Evil Sweet Oblivion Sweet Revenge Swerve Slov Swift Kick (melodic metal) The Sygnet Synapse Sysex TYR Taipan Takashi Talon (Ger) Tana Ulen Tang Dynasty Tank Tarantula Taraxacum Tattoo Tazz Tempest (II) Tempestt Tempest Terashain Terra Rosa Terrafyght The Dead Can Wait Thieves In The Temple Chet Thompson Thomsen Thynn Ice Tidal Force Tiger Bay Tipton Entwistle and Powell Glenn Tipton Titanic Top Heavy Toxic Virgin Toxsin Tracer (melodic metal) Tragedian Trouble The Tung Bandits Tush Tusk Twisted Sister Twizted Toyz Tyger Tyger Tzar USM Ugly Wanda Under The Mountain Unisonic The Unity Untamed Untaymed V-N-R Valantino Vandal Vanishing Point Vanize Vante Vengeance Venus 5 Joey Vera Veralin Michael Vescera Vicious Circle Vicious Mary Villan Vindictiv Vision Divine Visionary Vital Viva Volymian Vypera Vyper W.A.S.P. WWIII Wanted (Melodic Metal) Warrior Waverly Lies North We Sell the Dead Weapon UK Westworld Whip White Blast Mick White Whitecross Wicked Maraya Wicked Stick Wicked Witch The Wild Mild Wild Willy's Gang Windgels Wings of Steel (USA) Winter Rose Winterborn Wired Tony Lee Wise Witch Wittnezz World XXI Wycked Synn X Factor X X Japan X-Caliber X-Sinner Zed Yago Zero Hour Zillion Zion Z