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CD Title: Mood Swings
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Category: AOR
Year: 1993
Label: Warner (Canada)
Catalog Number: CD 93139
Mike Gionet bass, vocals
Pete Lesperance guitars, vocals
Harold Hess vocals, keyboards
Darren Smith drums, vocals
1. | Saviors Never Cry | 4:00 |
2. | No Justice | 4:33 |
3. | Stranger Than Love | 3:57 |
4. | Change Comes Around | 4:59 |
5. | Jealousy | 4:08 |
6. | Sentimental Boulevard | 4:22 |
7. | Mandy | 1:53 |
8. | Empty Promises | 4:16 |
9. | If There Was a Time | 4:55 |
10. | Just Like I Planned | 3:16 |
11. | Had Enough | 3:54 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 44:13 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Van Alan |
Date: July 11, 2001 at 23:34 |
'Stranger Than Love' sounds like a Def Leppard song. Very good CD!
From: MigasMan |
Date: August 28, 2001 at 8:29 |
This band sure knows how to rock! One of the best rock albuns of the 90's. Buy it!
From: KatDaddy |
Date: December 19, 2001 at 7:03 |
The ultimate Harem Scarem CD which would have dominated the 80s scene. I wondered where the solid great 80s metal had Canada, Europe, and the far East. Absolutley a classic masterpiece. Very well produced with subperb guitar work. Go to and search for Harem Scarem for more info. The good news is that Harem Scarem has gotten back together and recording a classic Harem Scarem CD similar to Moodswings to be released in 2002!
From: mallorca island |
Date: December 29, 2001 at 4:00 |
es una gran banda de canada la recomiendo a todo el mundo , sobretodo este y el 1° el resto no es tan bueno
From: José Carlos |
Date: February 25, 2002 at 12:29 |
Obra maestra del hard rock canadiense, ¡INMENSO!
From: alex-greece |
Date: March 1, 2002 at 20:42 |
simply the greatest hard rock band of the 90's. killer cd! P Lesperance great guitar maestro! check out their new ''weight of the world'' cd, out on 25 march.
From: |
Date: March 10, 2002 at 2:22 |
The best AOR you will ever hear.Lesperance's guitar playing is amazing! This is MEGA.10 out of 10 -PERFECT!!
From: West Of Sunset |
Date: March 29, 2002 at 5:58 |
INcreible, grandioso y jodidamente espectacular!!! VAYA DISCAZO!!!!, yo le doy un 15 de 10, porque no creo que escuche otra salvajada como esta.Es el mejor cd que he comprado en mi vida, Pete Lesperance debe de tener 6 dedos en cada mano igual que Mr Matthias IA Ekhlund, el colega se sale en temas como "If There Was A Time"; que por cierto me parece el mejor tema de Harem Scarem.Si no eres capaz de aprciar discos como estos, debes estar mal de la
From: Dan Friml |
Date: April 7, 2002 at 6:01 |
simply one word: GENIAL!
From: Steve T |
Date: April 29, 2002 at 10:34 |
A hard rock MASTERPIECE.This album should have sent the band into ORBIT but it was 3 years too late sadly Everything is right here....there are no weak links and Pete's guitar is incredible. Harry's voice is perfection and the production and songs are first class. This is every bit as good as Pyromania or Hysteria and it's HEAVIER! Easily in the top 5 hard rock albums of all time.
From: Craig |
Date: April 29, 2002 at 21:50 |
A masterpiece of melodic rock! If this had been released 5 years earlier it would probably have got the commercial recognition all us HEAVY ROCK fans know it already deserves! Hess & Lesperance write songs that ohers can only dream of. This is what MELODIC ROCK is all about. If you do not have this album in your collection then you need your head examined!
From: |
Date: June 30, 2002 at 1:46 |
From: koogles |
Date: July 4, 2002 at 8:22 |
Probably the best melodic hard rock album ever to come out of Canada, this is Harem Scarem's finest hour. If you love this CD, check out Emerald Rain, Fiore, Dr. Rock and The Wild Bunch ("Eye of the Hurricane"... avoid "Stark Raving Mad"), Rude "Touch It" and, if you can find/afford them, Simon Says "Spin This" and Shelter "s/t". These are just a few CDs that try to come close to the sweet perfection of "Mood Swings".
Date: August 29, 2002 at 10:40 |
Date: August 31, 2002 at 17:42 |
Buenisimo, mejor que el 1º. La verdad es que lo tengo quemado de tanto oirlo, ya no lo aprecio igual. No, de veras,es una joya.
From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 |
Date: October 12, 2002 at 6:09 |
Si la verdad que es un discazo,pero yo prefiero el 1º.Pero este tiene dos puntos a favor con respecto al anterior,1ºel trabajo de guitarra de Lesperance es una pasada,vamos para los que echaban de menos a Vito Bratta,y 2º el temazo If There Was A Time,para mi el mejor tema que jamas compusieron.MUCHA CALIDAD.
From: robert |
Date: October 20, 2002 at 11:31 |
que bestial!!! aki se salen, yeso q me gusta mas el 1º, pero no se no se, esta la cosa ahi ahi. Gracias HAREM POR creer todavia en el hard aor!!! Os kiero!!!
From: scott |
Date: October 22, 2002 at 23:06 |
great cd stranger than love isone of there best song they have ever done.pete and harry are 2 of the best song writers ever.even there rubber cds are great and i hate most modern rock. check out there new cd weight of the world GREAT GREAT cd
From: SrFloppy5 |
Date: November 18, 2002 at 15:49 |
Grande!! Elprimero mola pero es muy sencillo y muuuuy comercialillo, no sé, falta fuerza, son todas iguales. El último es genial, casi tanto como éste
From: xavieskay |
Date: January 17, 2003 at 22:37 |
tan bueno como el primero, los 2 discos en su estilo son de lo mejor de la historia ysu ultimo cd tambien es una pasada!!!
From: kürsch |
Date: February 14, 2003 at 9:40 |
From: freddy de keyze |
Date: February 24, 2003 at 11:16 |
Normally I agree with Koogles, but not on Harem Scarem, the most overrated, so called melodic rock act, ever. Personally, they made only one reasonable CD, their debut. After that, crap ! They always change their style and they have created that 'nu-breed' rubbish ! And the length of their records ! Only a good 35 minutes on most of 'em. A real shame ! No, this is a band I hate, in fact, the band I hate most in the melodic field. Sorry !
From: Connaisseur |
Date: February 24, 2003 at 19:44 |
indeed, the debutalbum is by far their best effort.
Heavy Harmonies Owner |
From: Dan |
Date: March 1, 2003 at 23:16 |
En este disco el trabajo de guitarra es de lo mejor que puedas escuchar en tu vida. Sin ninguna duda es uno de los 10 mejores discos de Hard Melódico de la historia.
From: Rocknroll |
Date: March 31, 2003 at 13:12 |
Big hair band from Canada, but unfortunately after this album the band has lost the rock-hard style and went to a more 'popish' style...
From: sgn |
Date: May 29, 2003 at 6:27 |
este cd para mi humilde opinion es un clasico del rock de todos los tiempos , es perfecto , lo tiene todo y la dupla hess y lesperance es demoledora aaa , me olvidaba , nadie se dio cuenta que darren smith canta igual a paul stanley ¿saben porque lo digo ? porque me parece mentira que nadie lo halla resaltado.sentimental boulevard es la cancion para los despistados aaa y agrego uno de mis discos favoritos de todos los tiempos y por si hay que agregar algo , AMO TODO LO QUE HACE ESTA BANDA , HARE
From: Chris |
Date: June 3, 2003 at 7:49 |
This is a good album, but nothing more than that (imo).the band nailed it big time with their debut, but although most fans prefer this one, it simply isn't as good and flowing. It is a fair bit heavier though, so if you prefer your AOR a little more rockier then you should go for this. Not the classic that it has been hailed as.
From: wendal09 |
Date: July 17, 2003 at 9:51 |
This may not be a "classic" but it is certainly very good in my opinion. The production is great. The vocals are strong and their is a nice variation of songs. The vocals are a mix of Def Leppard, Pretty Maids and Winger. If you like AOR with an edge you cannot go wrong with this or the S/T.
From: John |
Date: August 25, 2003 at 14:50 |
While I think 'Change Comes Around' is one of the finest things they've ever put to tape, this record has some head scratchers. I can't figure out for the life of me what exactly 'Saviours Never Cry' is regarding, but I'm not sure I really care either. The songs sound so good I can overlook the weirdness of the titles. 8.5/10.
From: Casey Robertson |
Date: November 1, 2003 at 11:11 |
Spectactular. The vocals, harmonies, guitars and production, all first class. HS is undoubtably my favourite Canadian band. It's unfortunate that HS recieves little airplay within Canada these days. Interestingly enough, they actually came briefly back into the charts here when "Rubber" was released but apparently stations pulled it from the air when they discovered their HS past, as media here seems to have a stigma against their genre. A masterpiece compared to anything heard here today
From: ROBERT |
Date: November 1, 2003 at 12:39 |
Para mi los 2 primeros trabajos d esta pedazo d banda Canadiense, son los mejores d calle. a años luz d los demas. el 2º, aparte d ser una obra d arte absoluta, aunque me sigo quedando con el 1º, es un disco fresco, impactante y q suena d lujo. tanto la voz del Harry como esa alucinante guitarra del PETE hacen d la escucha un verdadero placer. Han pasado 10 años, y se ha convertido en un d los clasicos imprescindibles del HARD ROCK / AOR Con mayusculas. mi tema: STRANGER THAN LOVE (q no tocaron
From: Harvey |
Date: November 26, 2003 at 17:46 |
An album of astounding invention! Should have propelled them to superstardom...Proof postive that life ain't fair.
From: Tony BCN |
Date: December 27, 2003 at 19:25 |
Buenísimos músicos,fuerza y buenos temas.Aun así no es el típico disco que no paro de pinchar,nunca me han enganchado.
Date: January 2, 2004 at 0:08 |
From: meradona |
Date: January 17, 2004 at 16:31 |
IMPRESIONANTE. Es casi mejor que el 1º . Lesperance se sale y Hess es un dios de la voz . el mejor tema para mi No Justice. un 15
From: CTS |
Date: April 12, 2004 at 22:17 |
Great follow up cd. Change Comes Around and Jealousy are the real stand outs, but the otehr songs are cool too
From: rock_dawg1 |
Date: May 9, 2004 at 21:48 |
Simply put a masterpiece! This is my definitive album. Others may say that the Beatles or Led Zeppelin put out the ultimate rock albums but this release just delivers so much in one listen. Still sounds fresh and consistent after 11 years and kicks my ass every time I listen to it. Great lyrics, great vocal work, great heavy guitar work. Just an amazing from start to finish, if you don't have this one in your collect - Shame On You!!
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 15, 2005 at 0:36 |
Good work, no tan bueno como el primero pero!!! Santa Madre de DIOS aca se encuentra 1 joya de todos los tiempos   If There Was a Time(Que temazo para DEMOLEDOR uno de los mejores que jamas haya escuchado canciones asi elevan un disco de manera enorme, ahora si lo digo el solo tener esta JOYAZA paga el disco porque es Insuperable), Stranger Than Love(otra TREMENDA Cancion la segunda sin duda), Sentimental Boulevard(otro buen tema muy a lo Survivor)  
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: April 15, 2005 at 0:44 |
los 3 mejores cortes en onda AOR como nos gusta, despues el disco se orienta mas en Hard Rock que tambien tiene sus buenos temas pero para ser un disco de AOR deberieron sacar al menos un par mas en este estilo al igual que ocurre en los albums de Giant, y como lei por ahi juntando los mejores cortes de ambos albums tendriamos un disco Inspurable como seria el caso de Giant, pero por esas 2 PERLAS ya esta pagado el album, otro disco que no debe faltar en tu coleccion.
From: Beto |
Date: April 18, 2005 at 20:57 |
Mi disco favorito, sera por que me gusta más el trabajo de guitarra y que mi estilo es el hard rock melódico más que el aor.Pero los dos primeros discos son buenísimos, que pena que salió en una época que aparecía el grunge. Mi favorita no justice y la 9
From: Dave Stamos |
Date: May 6, 2005 at 12:43 |
Hablar de estos cuatro canadienses es hablar de uno de los mejores grupos de hard melódico: una banda sensacional con grandes ideas, originales y capaces de aportar nuevos esquemas al Hard/Aor, lo que la convierte en una de las formaciones fundamentales para entender este estilo. Su creatividad se plasmo en sus dos primeros álbumes de forma sublime. En este segundo aun se podría decir que sorprenden un poco más, aunque sinceramente yo sería incapaz de elegir entre uno u otro trabajo.
From: jrscan77 |
Date: October 7, 2005 at 20:36 |
Grandes temas, solo que un poco mas agresivos que en el primero, pero igual es un disco maravilloso, este si que patea culos, 9.5/10
From: mauricio |
Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:28 |
hi-from COSTARICA.grande y genial album por parte de los HAREM SCAREM su segundo mejor disco,como lo mas essencial de esta banda canadiense.MOOD SWINGS es un gran disco pero pierde en elegancia a comparacion de su grandioso disco debut,sin embargo gana en fuerza y contundencia de eso no hay que negarlo pero aun asi retiene la melodia de su album un disco con mas orientacion hacia el hard rock segun mi punto de vista y con un sonido mas estridente donde sobresale las grandes guitarras
From: mauricio |
Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:29 |
de PETE LESPERANCE,la voz de HARRY HESS tan genial.solo escucha la apertura del album SAVIORS NEVER CRY que temazo muy cañero por la dureza de la rabiosa guitarra y el verso principal se nos hace recordar a unos HONEYMOON lenta NO JUSTICE en donde predomina algunos temas lentos que tiene este disco.STRANGER THAN LOVE uno de los temas que retiene el sonido de su debut.CHANGE COMES AROUND otro de los temas mas rockeros.JEALOUSLY es el tema mas simple del disco yo lo veo muy sencillo
From: mauricio |
Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:29 |
SENTIMENTAL BLVD como dijo alguien DARREN SMITH es oir a PAUL STANLEY cantando y tocando la bateria ala vez y saber que este es uno de los mejores cortes muy melodicos(recomiendo el FALLEN HEROES de FERREIRA tiene cortes similares a este, me refiero ala melodia y sentimiento del SENTIMENTAL BLVD).otro de los mejores temas es la preciosa instrumental de MANDY que manera y que sentimiento de tocar la guitarra.EMPTY PROMISES muy buen tema,IF THERE WAS A TIME es la mejor balada de HAREM SCAREM
From: mauricio |
Date: December 18, 2005 at 13:29 |
y esta balada es mejor que HONESTLY y cuidado si es uno de los mejores temas del MOOD capella de JUST LIKE I PLANNED Y la hard rockera de HAD ENOUGH hace cerrar este buen disco.un gran disco de coleccion muy indispensable,es un crimen no tenerlo.VALE LA PENA COMPRARLO ORIGINAL.RECOMENDADO 10/10 yo solo tengo de HAREM SCAREM su S/T-MOOD SWINGS-B SIDES COLLECTION si no esta en tu pais yo os lo puedo conseguir desde HOLANDA.yo te ayudo, no te quedes sin el tuyo..
From: Lovedrive |
Date: January 6, 2006 at 14:31 |
Aunque no me tiran mucho los Harem, MANDY me vuelve loco. Me encanta esa canción, que caña!!
From: Welsh Dragon |
Date: March 18, 2006 at 18:05 |
This has got to be one of the best albums of the 90's. Great songs, great playing and great production. Unfortunately as other people have said, it probably arrived a couple of years too late, but isn't it about whether or not you like the music on the disc and not the year on the label. I don't care what year it came out, if I like it, I'll be playing it. I'm glad it came late than not at all. 10/10
From: DANTE |
Date: June 2, 2006 at 6:43 |
From: juan carlos |
Date: June 2, 2006 at 23:30 |
Un peldaño abajo que su obra maestra anterior pero casi nada. Ya lo dijeron todo, el trabajo guitarríco aquí es elogiable y se nota la influencia Satriani en la forma de tocar de Pete, mas en temas como "no justice" y "change comes around". Todas son una gozada menos la 5 y 10. Esa instrumental me recuerda horrores a las melodías en el "somewhere in time" album de Maiden. Super-recomendado. 9.5/10
From: Ale_Carro |
Date: June 12, 2006 at 13:51 |
Coincido,Juan Carlos,apenas un escalòn debajo del disco debut, a todas luces irrepetible. Con un tinte màs hard rockero,la banda entrega otra colecciòn de gemas como Stranger Than Love,Empty Promise , Saviors Never Cry,las infinitas Just Like I Planned y If There Was a Time.Otra vez la producciòn a la altura de las circunstacias en un disco cuya ùnica contra es precisamente su predecesor.Por lo demàs,muchas bandas matarìan por algo como esto. 9.50/
From: JF |
Date: June 13, 2006 at 21:07 |
Llego a mis manos en 1993 gracias a un error de alguien que venia de Canada y se lo compro pensando que era otro grupo. Pasarian varios meses y decidi venderlo a un amigo de mi hermana, por supuesto luego compraria otro. Este chico era el hijo del dueño de una conocida radio aqui en Lima. Le encanto el grupo, le gustaba tambien este estilo. Un dia estaba con un amigo, escuchando la radio y fue increible escuchar que Stranger Than Love se encontraba en el primer lugar.
From: JF |
Date: June 13, 2006 at 21:13 |
Gracias a el se hizo conocido este grupo, tambien sonaria Sentimental Boulevard. Despues conseguiria el primer disco antes que yo. En esa radio pasaban grupos como Alien, Stage Dolls y por supuesto toda clase de musica rock de esa epoca. Hace mucho tiempo que no sabiamos nada de el, mi hermana vive en Canada. Lamentablemete ayer en las noticias me entere que se habia suicidado. Descansa en paz
From: sluss528 |
Date: August 8, 2006 at 17:15 |
ya know i have to agree with freddie on this band. they are the most over rated mhr act out there period!!! i own 1 cd buy them and it is weight of the world which is very good indeed! the rest of ther shit is just down right boring. had this one and punted it on e bay and glad i did!
From: swriter |
Date: November 24, 2006 at 21:23 |
wonder what happenned with all the older comments on this, well, I started my HS with this and was not crazy over it, thought it was ok, a little on the harder side, thats before I heard the masterpiece of the first album, this is much harder and less catchy, not bad, but, u must have the debut album!!!
From: Metalmusicman |
Date: December 10, 2006 at 20:47 |
This is almost a carbon copy of the Fantastic debut!!! Tracks 1 - 8 are all contenders for a top ten list. Just amazing stuff. Maybe a step behind the debut. Maybe... Absolutely essential!!!
From: lalorock |
Date: February 2, 2007 at 23:52 |
Discazo! discazo! lleno de fuerza y melodía, a pesar de que su primer album es uno de mis favoritos, este no se queda atras porque tiene unos temazos memorables Saviors never cry,No justice, Stranger than love en plan power ballad,Jealousy, Sentimental Boulevard,If there was a time, todas excelentes y mágicas, todo un clásico del AOR, hard rock de los 90´s y un deber para cualquier buen coleccionista del mejor rock melódico. 9/10.
From: Whitesnake |
Date: February 3, 2007 at 5:47 |
This cd is in my alltime top 10. "Mood Swings" is in my opinion melodic hard rock and not aor. Sluss528 and Freddy I can`t follow You at all. Have You listened to this album? The first two Harem Scarem albums are so close to perfection. Pete Lesperance`s guitarplaying sounds a little like Nuno Bettencourt sometimes, but Pete is even better here on "Mood Swings". Great feeling and technic. "Had Enogh" is out of this world!! 10/10
From: DANTE |
Date: February 11, 2007 at 9:42 |
From: Figge |
Date: August 4, 2007 at 16:36 |
Great album, without a doubt the best release from this band. Now, I may make me a lot of enemies here, but it's certainly not the fantastic album I know many people think. I know it's all opinions, but to be fair, it's pretty inconsistent. The first half of the disc is really good with highlights like "Saviours" & "No Justice". However, the second half is pretty dodgy with the pretty boring "If There Was A Time", the completely unnecessary "Mandy" and the worst example "Just Like I Planned".
Date: August 13, 2007 at 5:23 |
THE BEST AOR RECORD OF AL TIME ???? MAYBE Tha guitar playing is stellar amazing like a mix between VAI/BETENCOURT/MAY/VAN HALEN/LE TEKRO A M A Z I N G Nobody is writing about the TNT influences ? It's for me the strong point of the songs: the EURO influences inside the strong BIG US stuff ! If you don't have it then you have nothin' BUY OR DIE my friends
From: Lennie |
Date: August 15, 2007 at 7:35 |
Figge hits the nail on the head with this release (except for saying it is HS's best - it isnt!). Up to track 6 this is easily a 10/10 effort...all songs are awesome. BUT after that the album goes seriously down hill. I would rate the second half at about 7/10 AT BEST. Stand out tracks are 'Saviours Never Cry' and 'Sentimental Blvd', although Hess's version of this track on his solo album is miles better IMHO.
From: metalmastermusic |
Date: June 26, 2008 at 10:17 |
This is an instant classic. This is one of all time favorites. They show such diversity on this album. Every track is good and there is no filler found here. One of the best melodic releases ever released !! Anyway you get the point that I REALLY like this disc. Jealousy and Sentimental Blvd are my two favorites on this one. 98/100
From: RockMan10 |
Date: July 16, 2008 at 12:42 |
I agree with metalmastermusic. This, along with the debut, will forever go down in my book as hard rock perfection. While I enjoyed a lot of the tunes from the discs after this, they just didn't have the same "flavor" as the first two. This is just a great disc from start to finish with all players hitting every note perfectly. 99/100
From: erik |
Date: July 17, 2008 at 12:41 |
everything good you can come up with has already been written about this gem. nothing to add apart from my personal rating. melodic rock bliss 95/100
From: liq |
Date: May 25, 2009 at 10:09 |
Que se puede decir de este disco que no este dicho ya, Obra Maestra absoluta del mundo mundial, que discazo!!! y que produccion, No Justice antologica, con uno de los mejores solos que he escuchado, Stranger Than Love sin palabras... o Changes Come Around, sin llegar a superar su primer disco pero absolutamente bestial. Absolutamente Necesario
From: WookieEnthal |
Date: July 10, 2009 at 4:12 |
The best band that no one has ever heard of. Had these guys come around 5 years earlier than they did, they would have been monsters. Other than a few too many ballads, I don't have anything bad to say about them (Modern sounding releases excluded...they don't count )
From: metalmaniac777 |
Date: March 4, 2010 at 13:52 |
Trying to decipher which CD I prefer, this one or the eponyous debut, is kind of like trying to decide whether I'd rather sleep with Anna Kournikova or Megan Fox; it all depends on my mood on a particular day. That said, if you're in the mood for melodic rock with a tough edge, this album is definitely the way to go, as it is definitely heavier than the more AOR-oriented debut. Frankly, you really don't have to pick a favorite, because they're both as essential to any melodic rock collection as a swingset is to a playground.
From: rockhardrock |
Date: January 24, 2011 at 16:28 |
from reading so great comments of you folks here I decided to listen to harem scarem's first two studio albums and I must admit that this one is a winner. great melodies and rhythm and the musicanship....oh my God, this really rocks. my faves: saviours never cry, no justice and if there was a time.
From: Pee Dee |
Date: May 23, 2011 at 19:20 |
Utterly gutted! After the melodic debut album (slowly slipping away, anybody?)What the hell is this? They went from AOR to heavy metal. So why is it still tagged as AOR? It isn't AOR! The bastards set me up! This is a mindless noise. No thought has gone into it, musically. Not a crotchet or a quaver in sight! If you are going to tag an album, please show the genre correcly.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: June 12, 2011 at 20:20 |
Not as solid as their self titled previews one but still very pleasant to listen to!!! shots are "Saviours Never Cry"(rocks good),"No Justice"(wonderful),"Stranger Than Love"(killer ballad),"Change Comes Around"(wonderful),"Empty Promises"(rocks great ),"Just Like I Planned"(nice acapella song) & "Had Enough"(rocks great too!)...92/100...recommended album...
From: edwithmj |
Date: August 9, 2011 at 17:02 |
A departure from the debut and it took me a while to get accustomed to the different style. It starts off quite weakly with Saviors Never Cry and No Justice but picks up nicely with Jealousy and Sentimental BLVD. Not as AORish as the original and not as melodic too but still top class.
From: 123charpenay |
Date: August 27, 2013 at 15:24 |
after a sumptuous first record (one of the best aor realise ever),they change their direction.they plays on mood swing a melodic rock, more hard ,limit metal.this album have nothing in common with their first masterpiece.the singer force too much his voice,logic they forget aor and here they plays hard,so finish the beautiful mélodies.i never understand the Frenzy (essential,super masterpiece ,ect ect)about this record.for me a big deception after their extraordinary debut.
From: davidgil80 |
Date: October 28, 2014 at 11:51 |
My fauvorite all time album. Pure perfection. "If There Was A Time" is possibly, one of the best songs I´ve ever heard in my life. Breathtainkg album, nothing is better than this.
From: playhogan |
Date: April 23, 2017 at 17:09 |
So from what I read in the previous comments I decided to take a chance and purchase this release. I must say I am a big fan of Pete Lesperance guitar playing from the first album. With this release some of his playing is once again killer stuff. Then Hess starts to sing and it is like WTF happened? Way to alternative sounding and that modern rock sound which I despise. Too bad, their 1st release is amazing.
From: edwithmj |
Date: April 24, 2017 at 18:34 |
Timw to expand: The album is definitely a lot heavier and less easy to get into than the first but once gotten into, it's easy to see why this is arguably their best and one of the best album's of the genre. My picks from this one are Stranger Than Love: very melodic; the wonderful Jealousy: Hess's vocals exude passion on this; Sentimental BLVD: for some reason Darren Smith decided to sing on this one and it's really, really good, the vocals are catchy as hell; Mandy: one of the most emotional instrumentals I've ever heard, it has to be heard to be believed; If There Was A Time: probably my favourite, it has one of those solos in the middle that keeps going and surprises you th its direction, one of my all time favourite songs. The quality from the first album is here coupled with some maturity and unique songwriting.
From: titothetitan |
Date: October 31, 2019 at 12:55 |
Indeed the first thing the caught my attention was the kickass guitar work. Overall the album is as good as the first, but a bit heavier and more guitar-driven. Unfortunately no bonus tracks in the japan release.
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