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Pop AOR / Westcoast (453)
Melodic Rock / AOR (2256)
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THE Hard Rock and AOR Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 10403 CDS: 25291 Songs: 301034
Here is a list of the 2256 artists at Heavy Harmonies that fall into the AOR or Melodic Rock genre. Click on a band name to go to the discography page for that band.
10 P.M. 1000 Pleasures 101 South 12 Strung Gypsy 1st Avenue 2 Rocks 20th Century Boys 24K 2hot4u 2nd East 2nd Nature 38 Special 4 Sale 40 Thieves 415 58K 6AM 7 Almas 7 Months 707 7thdb 8-Is 91 Suite 9th Street A Foot In Cold Water A Neverending John's Dream A Touch of Class A.K.A AKA (AOR) AM:PM ARGI Jay Aaron Abigail Abraxas Absolute Zero Absolutely Acacia Avenue Aces High The Action Action Bryan Adams Jone Addic The Addiction Adecence Adellaide Adrenalin Aerial The Affair After Adam After Hours After the Fall Age of Reflection Agent Agnes Stone Aidean Ailafar Aina Air Raid Airborne Airborn Airbound Airless Airrace Airstream Aka Lance Akela Akiba Music Alannah Albert Fayth Alessandro Del Vecchio And Friends Sam Alex Alexa Alexis Aliados Alianza Alias Alibi Alien (2) Alien All 4 1 All Eyes All I Know All-Night Newsboys Allegiance Alliance (Finland) Alliance (UK) Alliance Allied Forces Allied Nation Allison Almost Human (AOR) Alpha Centauri Alpha AlternativA Alyson Avenue Amaro Amaze Me Amazone Ambition Amboaje Amen American Noise American Tears America Among Thieves Kerri Anderson Michael Anderson Angel Edge Angel of Mercy - Marc Anthony Angela and the Rude Angelheart Angelica (Sweden) Angelica Angels or Kings Ann Wilson and Tripsitter Annica Another Colour The Answer Chris Antblad Anthony and The Anamals Antics Tone Antone Anxious Any Day Now Apostle (AOR) April Wine Arc Angel Arcana Kings Arena (AOR) Aries Arion Aris Arkado Arnt Rye Arrival (II) Arrival (Swiss) Arrival The Arrows Art Nation Art of Illusion Arti Tisi Artica Ashton Asia Athen Rye Derek Atherton Atlantic Atlantis Airport Atlas (UK) Atticus Fault Attraction 65 Steve Augeri Auras Authority Autodrive Autograf The Automatix Autumn's Child Avalon (AOR) Avalon (Australia) Avalon (Spain) Avalon (USA) Avenue Talk Aviary Aviator Avion Awol Axe B-Joe B.E. Taylor Group BST Baby Animals The Babys Back Max Bacon Bad English Bad Habit Bad Radiator Badd Apple Baileys Comet Mark Baker Balance Balanx Marty Balin Russ Ballard Ballard Baltimoore Band of Brothers (SE) Barbed Wire Philip Bardowell Don Barnes Jimmy Barnes Brian Barnhouse Barrage Norman Barratt Drew Barrett Kevin Barrett Bobby Barth Baton Rouge Dion Bayman Be For You [B4U] Be Sharp Beau Geste Jean Beauvoir Robin Beck Beckett Bedrokk Beggar's Bride Maggie Bell Pat Benatar Beneath the Surface Bensalem Bentwood Rocker Berggren Kerslake Band Tyrone Berkeley Robert Berry Owen Beverly Beyond the Blue Don Bianchi Big Deal (Germany) The Big Deal Big Deal Big Franklin Big Horizon Big House Big Krush Big Left Turn Big Life Big Mouth Big Nothing Big Red Fire Truck Big Shot Big Smile Big Sun Big Talk Big Ugly Fish Big Wave Bighorn Bigstorm Bill Champlin And Wunderground Biloxi Bitch Boys Bitter Suite Black Jack I Black Orchid Black Tiger Black Velvet Paris Black Blackfoot Sue Blade Cisco BlakJak Blanc Faces Rick Blessing Blind Alley Blind Panic Blindside The Bliss Band Blonde Enuff The Blondes Blood Red Saints Blue 46 Blue Mountain SWE Blue Rain Blue Ruby Blue Tears Blue World Blue X Blue Bobby and The Midnites Jackie Bodimead Bodymotors Bogart Co Boheme Michael Bolton Bombay Jon Bon Jovi Bonfire Bernie Bonvoisin Boom Boom Mancini Bootcamp Borgogna Michael Bormann Boulder Boulevard (Sweden) Boulevard Bounce the Ocean Brent Bourgeois Bowes and Morley Boxer Boys From Heaven Boystown Daryl Braithwaite Srdjan Brankovic John Brannen Bratz Inc. The Brave Break Point Breathless Michael Breen Brett Walker Brian McDonald Group Brian Robertson Brian White And Justice Brickyard Bridger Bright Morning Star Orchestra Brighton Martin Briley Brinx Robin Brock Terry Brock Broke N Blue Broken Glass (Sweden) Broken Home Bronz Craig Brooks Mick Brosnan Brother Brother Brother Love Brothers The Band David Brown Brunette Brunorock The Bryan Hughes Group Marc Bryant Cindy Bullens Burns Blue The Burns Sisters Burntfield Glen Burtnick Joan Burton Stan Bush The Bushdoctors Rosemary Butler By The Way Bystander C'Vello C.I.T.A. C.O.P Tane Cain Steve Camp Candy Cannata Canterro Jim Capaldi Cape Chrome Caprice Captive Heart Vince Cardillo Care Of Night Tony Carey Carisma Terry Carolan David Caron The Carpet Frogs Ryan Carr Casanova David Cassidy Cast of Shadows The Cast Casting Crowns Bob Catley Cats Don't Bark Cats In Space Tom Caufield Caught in Action The Cauze Cellarful Of Noise Chain Reaction (France) Kevin Chalfant Challenge Chameleon Champion (USA) Champion Tamara Champlin Change of Heart Channel Chapter 23 Chapter Charade Charlie Charming Grace Chase Chasing Violets Cheater Cheri Heat Cherry Suede Cher Chess Chevi Eye Chicks 'n' Tricks Desmond Child Chilliwack China Blue China Doll China Sky China Chosin Few Chrissy Christian Tolle Project James Christian Christillow Chyna J.C. Cinel Cinema Circle of Friends Circus (South Africa) Citizen City Of Lights City People City of Faith The City Clara and Black Cars Clark Kent Class Act Cleopatra Clevelend Clipper Clockwise (Portugal) Clock Coastline Cobra Tom Cochrane Code Blue Code Red Code John Cody Jeff Coffey Bryan Cole Keith Collin Simon Collins Colortone Colorvine Company Of Strangers Compulsive Behavior Confusion of the Senses Kevin Connelly Constancia Convertible Blondes Carlo Cori Corvus Jeff Cosco Cosmic Desert Paul Cotton Counterline Covered Call Craaft Cracked Actor Stephen Crane Creation V Creye Crimson Rain Cristeen Phil Cristian Crossection Crown of Thorns The Crows Cruel Game Cindy Cruse Crush (Latin) Cruzados Cruzh Cry Before Dawn Cry Cin Cry Havoc Cry Holy Cry of Dawn Crying Souls Crysis Crystal Project Crystal Culver Kingz Curfew Cherie Marie Currie D Drive Billy D'Vette D-Tale D.O.X DC Drive DK Rocks Da Vinci Dag Finn Kimberley Dahme Jamie Dakota Dallas Steve Dalton Dalton Dannie Damien Jesse Damon Danger Alley Danger Avenue Dante Fox Darby Mills And The Unsung Heroes Darby Mills Project Dare Force Dare Dark Sky The Darker My Horizon Darkhorse Darlin's Darlin' The Darren Phillips Project Brad Darrid David Carl Band David Robyn and the Shivertown Band David Day One (2) Day One Daylight Robbery Daytona (Sweden) Daytona De 5 Gabrielle De Val De-Arrow Tommy DeCarlo DeGarmo and Key DeLaurian Tom DeLuca Deacon Street Project Donald Dean Decarlo Decoy (Switzerland) Defender Johnnie Degiuli Della Street Delp and Goudreau Demon Drive Den Of Thieves Tommy Denander Departure Teri Desario Desert Rain Desmond Child and Rouge Destination Unknown Destiny Deuces Wild Devay Devils In Heaven Dewey Dezire (AOR) Dhamm Vince DiCola Diamond Dreams Diamond Eye Diamond in the Rough Dirty Tryx Discovery Distance Diving for Pearls Divorce Dixon House Band Dizzy Park Doctor Rock and the Wild Bunch Doctor Weird Domain Lisa Dominique Domino Drive Dominoe Don Lewis Band Dorian Gray (Sweden) Double Cross Double Heart Doubletake Doucette Douglas Derin Dow Doxa Dr. Martini Michael C Dragon Drama (2) Drama (Norway) Dream Police Dreamer (AOR) Dreamer (USA) Dreamhunter Dreams (AOR) Dreamstreet Dreamtide David Drew Dennis Churchill Dries The Drift Drive She Said Driver Drivin' Like Buddah Drye Blue Dual Equation Dubay Duke Jupiter Dukes of the Orient Duke EZ Early Warning Earthshaker East Coast East Temple Avenue Eclipse (USA) The Eddie St. James Project Eddie and The Tide Eden (Italy) Edge (Sweden) Edge (Swiss) Edge Martina Edoff The Effect Eight Seconds David Glen Eisley Andy Eklund Eklypce El Norte The Electric Lady John Elefante Elektradrive Elements Of Friction Eleven Bloody Men Eleven Eleven Elevener Elyte Emerald Rain Emigranci Steve Emm Emotional Fire Empire Endless Entropy Epic Epitaph Equator Equus Eric Martin Band Erika Anders Eriksson Erin Cody and the Drum Hank Erix Mikael Erlandsson Escape (UK) Euphoria Eva Even Steven Even EverLevel Everest Except You Expedition Delta Exposure Eye (Sweden) Eyes (Sweden) Eyes of Wise Eyewitness (AOR) Eye FM (Canada) FM Face Dancer Face Face Face to Face Fahrenheit (Spain) Fahrenheit Fair Warning Fairchild Fairytale (AOR) Faith and Desire Faithealer Billy Falcon Fandango John Fannon Far Corporation Faragher Brothers Farraday Charlie Farren Fast Forward Fatal Vision (Canada) Fate Featherstone Feed The Rhino Tim Feehan Felix Fenrik Lane Jay Ferguson Ferreira Final Frontier Find Me Finger Print Fiore Fire Tiger The Fire Firefly Firehouse (Italy) The Firm First Light First Night First Signal Fix Flag Torstein Flakne Flamedown Robert Fleischman Florence 99 Flyte Flyweil David Forbes Force 10 The Force Garnett Ford Foreigner Forever (Canada) Forget-Me-Not Forsale Forte Jean-Pierre Fortin Fortress Fortune (Harlan Cage) Fortune (Sweden) Fortune (U.S. Indy) Jim Foster Fragile Frame Peter Frampton Andy Fraser Frederiksen-Denander Frederiksen/Phillips Free 2 Fly Marcie Free Mark Free Scott Free Freight Train Freiheit French Kiss Alan Friedman Bobby Friss From the Fire The (Tommy Funderburk) Front Frontier Frontline Frozen Ghost Frozen Rain Tommy Funderburk Furioso Michael Furlong Fury (AOR) Fury (ZNE Records USA) Michael Fury Future Tense GNP GTR GTS Galaxy (Netherlands) Galaxy Gallery Terry Gann Hirsh Gardner Giulio Garghentini Bruce Gast Gas Gathering of Kings Gatling Gun Gee Four Geisha Gemini Souls Generation Radio Geneva (USA) Geneva Ghost Giant Gideon's Army Nick Gilder Gilrain Gladstone Glass Canoe Glass Moon Suzanne Glass Glory Jimi Goare God's Gift Paul Gold Golden Farm Golgatha Goodbye Thrill Gordon Gotthard Barry Goudreau Gowan Gral Lou Gramm Grand Design Grand Illusion Grand Prix Grand Slam (Sweden) Grand Slam Grand The Gray Malkin Band Gray Malkin Jack Green Greenback Greenhouze Greenway The Greg Billings Band Gregg Rolie Band Grex Groundbreaker Groundstar Guardian Angels Guild Of Ages Guilty Pleasure Gunner Sixx Gunshy Gypsy Queen H.E.A.T. HUSH HYTS Hackers The Hades Band Halestorm Halifax Hall of Fame (Australia) Hall of Fame Bob Halligan David Hallyday Hamish...The Mac Hammered Blue Hand Of Fate Hangman Jury Bob Hanson Hard Rain Hardinger Band Hardreams Harem Scarem Harlan Cage Harlequin Harlot Al Harlow Jimmy Harnen Loren Harriet Corey Hart Robert Hart Dan Hartman Lisa Hartman Hartmann Haven Hay Kay Haywire Head Dizzy Head East Headline (Swiss) Headline The Headpins Heads Up Headway Healing Sixes Hear Here Heart 2 Heart Heart Line Beau Heart Heartbanger Heartbreak Alley Heartbreak Radio Heartland Heartplay Hearts on Fire Heart The Heat (AOR) Heaven (Norway) Heaven and Earth Heaven's Basement Heaven's Reign Heaven's Touch Heavy Pettin Heavy Star The Heavy's Paul Heeren Heidi and the Hijackers Hell and Then Hellcity 13 Heretix Herland Kristian Hermanson Chris Herriges Hess Benny Hester Hideaway High Cost of Livin' High Park Higher Power Highest Dream Highway Horizon Highwind Kent Hilli Willie Hines Hit The Ground Runnin' Toby Hitchcock Hobbit Hobin Roger Hodgson Hodson Holograf Holy Cross Honeymoon Suite Honeywagon Hooligan Hope Horizon (USA) Horizontal Ladies Club Hors La Loi Horyzon Hot Boy Hotel Hunger Hotel House Of Mirrors House of Shakira James House Hovland Brian Howe Gary Hughes Hughes/Thrall Hugo's Voyage Hugo Hunter (Canada) Hunter (Chile) Hunter - Greer Hunter Hush (Austria) Hush (USA) Hybrid Ice Hyper I Still Love Lisa I-Ten Ice Blue Icebreaker Iconic Eye Icon Identical Strangers Idle Cure Idle Tears Ignition Terry Ilous Imperium Impression Impulsia In 3-D In Mynd In Vitro In-Side Indicco Indigo Dying Indigo Infidels Infinity Dag Ingebrigtsen The (Texas) Innocent The Innocent Intruder Invisible Boys Donnie Iris Irrwisch Chris Irvine Isis Child Isom Ivory Rose Ivory Tower Project J. K. Northrup and David Cagle JAG JC Jace Brian Jack Jacklyn The Jacks Jacksquat Jacky the Band Jaded Heart James Gang The James Project James Young Group Melvin James Jimi Jamison The Jan Holberg Project Paul Janz Jato Javan Jeerk The Jeff Austin Project Jeff Cosco and Times Square Jefferson Starship Jesse's Powertrip Jet (USA) Jet Trail Jet Vanish Jetliner Jett Black Jettison Eddy Jillian Jim Peterik and World Stage Jim Jimi Anderson Group Jimi Jamison and Jim Peterik Jimmy Davis and Junction Jimmy Martin and New Deal Jimmy Waldo and Steven Rosen The Jitters Joal Joe's Friend John Lawton and Steve Dunning John Payne and Andy Nye John Young Band Ranveig Johnsen Don Johnson Frank Johnson Jojo Joker Jon Bon Jovi and Friends Jonah Koslen and Breathless Jonah Koslen and The Heroes Jonathan M Jonny's Bomb Jono Sass Jordan Josephine's Quarantine Josette Joshua Journey Juise Jukebox Heroes Julie Massino and George Gakis Jupiter Just Jay K. West KBC Band KEON KPS Kalico Palace Kalista Kamera Karen Single Band Karla Kasim Kee Of Hearts J.D. Kelly Kenilworth Kenny Leckremo’s Spectra Kevin Lee and the Lonesome City Kings Key West Keystone Keys Kharma Khymera The Kick Kidd Glove Eddie Kidd John Kilzer Kimball Jamison Tom Kimmel King Kobra King of Balance King of Hearts King of Spades Kingdom Of Desire Kingdom Kirka Tony Kishman Klaxon Billy Klippert Knight Crawler Know Illusion Koma Red Konkurent The Koo Korea Jonah Koslen Kourosh Krakatoa Greg Kroll The Kry Krystal (US) Kultakuume Kyd Trigger Jaime Kyle Kyzon L.A.N.D L.A. L.R.S. The LRW Project La Fase La Marca La Roque Bernie LaBarge Robbie LaBlanc Marc Labossiere Lace The Ladder Laden Lady Macbeth Gerry Laffy Marc Lafrance Rick Laine Hunter, Ronson, Pappalardi Laing Greg Lake Lake Joe Lamont Lamorna Lance Jorn Lande Lana Lane Laneslide Laos Lapointe Liz Larin Laroche Sven Larsson Thomas Lassar Last Adam LastWorld Later Sons Laurie And The Sighs The Law Linda Lawley Jimmy Lawrence John Lawry John Lawton Peter Lazar Le Roux League Of Lights The Lec Zorn Project Lee Red Kevin Lee Kevin Lee Ronny Lee Legal Tender Legend (AOR) Legend Daniel Leigh The Lenny MacDowell Project Leonard The Dog Leroy (Swiss) Pete Lesperance Level Jaime Levi Timothy Lewis Tony Lewis Leyden Zar Licx Lifeforce (USA) Lifeforce Lifer Lightyears Limousine Line of Fire Line-Up In Paris Linehouse Lionheart Lionville Litterer Little America Little Big Little Yankees Kerry Livgren LoReLey Lodgic Lombard London Calling London Drive Lonely Fire Los Angeles Lost Image Lost Weekend The Lou Gramm Band Robert Louden Love Hunter Love Jones Love Saves The Day Love Toyz The Lovemongers Lover Under Cover Loverboy Lovering Dan Lucas Steve Lukather Luley Luminare Christmas! Ray Lyell Gregory Lynn Hall Lynx (Belgium) Lynx (Canada) Lynx'e Lyon King Lyons and Wells Lytron M and R Rush M.T. Eyes MPG (Retrospect) Craig MacFarlane Made In Heaven Maeday Magic Dance Magic Garden Cliff Magness The Magnificent Magnum Mai Rouge Main Attraction Majesty (AOR) Mitch Malloy Malloz Mammoth Rob Mancini Don Mancuso Manito Park Manteye Marathon (AOR) Benny Mardones Mariner Mark Allen Band Mark Pogue and Fortress Mark Vigil Project J.C. Mark Johnny Markin Kenny Marks Marquee Seth Marsh Eric Martin Jimmy Martin Marty and the Bad Punch Mary Magdalene Masaki Mason (AOR) Masque of Art Mastedon Rick Mathews Mattador The Max Edde Maxx May Child May Run Brian May Mayank Mayday Jerome Mazza Steven McClintock Brian McDonald Rod McInnes Dugan McNeill The Meadia Mecca Stan Meissner Melodica Memoria Avenue Dave Mendenhall Mere Mortals Message Messenger Metal Rose Metropolis Michael Hughes Project Michael Stanley Band Michael Thompson Band Louis Michael Theresa Michaels Michele Luppi's Heaven Michelle Deneen and Warriors Midway (Sweden) Mighty Fools Miles Above John Miles Millenium Miller's Crossing Robin Miller Tony Mills Milo Savage Milo Mindfeels Mindstorm Mindwork Mirage Mirror Mirror Miss B Haven Missionary X Misslead Mistaken Identity (Canada) Mister Wonderful Mixed Breed Eddie Money Moneytalks Money Monkeyhouse Monomakh Monro Gary Moon The Moon Moonland Moonpark Geoff Moore Pamela Moore Andy Morabito Michael Morales Rob Moratti Moritz Morning Wood Morningstar Morse Code Ian Moss The Mothers Moving Pictures Mr Scary (Australia) Mr. Blue Mr. Clean Mr. Moon Mr. Rubik The Muggs Robert Murdock Mydra Myland Alannah Myles Mysterell Mystery Moon Mystic Healer Mystic Playground Naked (Scandi) Nantucket Phil Naro Nation (Swiss) Nationwide Native Window Jean Navarr Negative Neil Norman/Bobby Sexton Nekstep Nelson Nemesis (Canada) Neo A4 Neon Rider Nerbus Rex Nettie Q Network (1970s) Network Nevena Never 'N' Again The Neverland Express New Bulsara New England The New Eyes New Frontier New Regime Newcity Rockers Newman Nexx Niagara Night Pleasure Hotel Night Ranger The Night NightWork Night Nikki Cruze Nikki Peter H Nilsson Nite Nitrate Nize Boyz No Angel No Credit No Exqze No More Johnny No Such Thing No Sweat Noah Noble Street Noiseworks Nordica North Sar Northern Light (Greenland) Northern Light Paul Norton Tone Norum Norway Notorious Nova the Band Novacaine Novak Novella Novo Combo Nuclear Valdez John Nymann O'Ryan Ochsenknecht Off Broadway Off Limits Off the Edge Arthur Offen Oien Okey T.T. Oksala Ole Anette Olzon On the Rise One By One One Heart One Hundred Days One Man's Trash One Way Street One Open Skyz Opposites Attract Optic Lock Opus Orion the Hunter Orphan Oshin Osukaru Otherside Ousey / Mann Chris Ousey Out Law Out of This World Out-Fit Outland Outlasted Outrider Outside Edge Over the Edge Overdrive (US) Overland Oxygen Oz Hawe Petersson's Rendezvous Oz Knozz Ozone P.M. Heat P.O.W.E.R. PM Paganini David Paich Palace Palatinate Pale Divine Rosanna Palmer Tom Palmer Pandora's Box (NJ) Pandora's Box Pangea Paolo Morbini Project The Paradigm Shift Paradise (AOR) Paradise Inc. Paradox (Canada) Jeff Paris Paris Parmesan John Parr Partners In Crime (Germany) Passion Play Passion Street The Paul Godfrey Band Paul Pope - Robbie Rist and The Tower Of Light Beer Rhythm Section Paul Pope/Robbie Rist The Paul Reed Smith Band Paul Stanley's Soul Station Pauline Gillan Band Jace Pawlak Peace and Quiet Pearls and Flames Pedro Botero Bruce Pegg Joshua Perahia Nilver Perez Perfect Plan Perfect View Perfect World Peroux Shawn Perry Steve Perry Person to Person Perticone Pete Sandberg's Jade Peter Stevens Band Jim Peterik Peterik/Scherer David J. Petovar Petra Phantom's Opera Phase 4 Phenomena Phoenix Rising Picture Your Own Fabrizio Pieraccini Pink Flamingos Pink Sapphire Pinnacle Point Pioneers Places Of Power Planet P Project Platens Platforms Platinum Blonde Pleasureland Poetry in Motion Poker Face Poley-Pichler Mark Pont Pooh Powell - Payne Mick Powell Powerglide (Ohio) Powerglide Powerplay John Pratt Prayer Prepare For War The Press Preview Lisa Price Price-Sulton Pride (Sweden) Pride of Lions Pride Primal Heart Prime Suspect Prism Prisoner Private Eye Project L.E.E The Promise Prototype Pseudo Echo Public Domain Pulse John Purdell Pure Passion Purple Cross Purple Heart Purple Lake Push Down and Turn Push UK Q5 Quattro Marc Quee Queen with Paul Rodgers The Quest Questionnaires Andy Quinta REO Classics Band REO Speedwagon RPM RSO RTZ Trevor Rabin Rachel Rachel Stevie Rachelle Radio Exile Radio Moscow The Radio Sun Radioactive Rage n' Rox Rage of Angels (UK) Rain Cheque Raindancer Raine Rainheart Rainlight Rainmaker Raintimes Ralph Graham and Day III Ram (AOR) Ramos-Hugo Ramos Ransom (AOR) Raspberry Park Rated R Rathskeller The Ravyns Raw Silk Ray Lyell And The Storm Ray Wheeler and The Edge Ray of Light Razor Sharp Razzmattazz The Reach Rebel Gel Reckless Faith Red Cinder Red Hot The Red Locusts Red Moon Red Phoenix Red Rider Red Siren Red Tape Robin Red Redliner Redlock Redstone Redstripe David Reece Dan Reed Edward Reekers Refugee (Canada) Refuge Regatta Remain The Same Remedy Stone Renegade Mike Reno Reporter Rescue Return Revlin Project Rex James Reyne Rhythm House Rian Ricco The Rich Kelly Band Landon Richards The Richards Richrath Rick Springfield-Jeff Silverman Riddler Michael Riesenbeck Riggs Riopel Rio Risk Rivermaya Roadmaster Roadside Attraction Robby and the Splash The Robert Murdock Band Robin George and Dangerous Music Robin Trip Robin Rocha Rock Machine Rock Rose Andy Rock Rick Rock RockRoad John Rockwell Rokbox Scott Rolaf Gregg Rolie Romeo's Daughter Romeo Ron Bolton Band Mats Ronander Room Experience Rooster Ray Roper Roq Royale Rosacruz Chris Rosander Sharon Rose Rough Justice Roulette (Sweden) Roulette Roupa Nova Simon Rowe Roxanne Royal Flush Rubicon Ruby Faith and the Waiting World Rude Awakening Rudy's Journey The Runaway Wild Runner Ruscha Russell Russia James S. Rutherford Brett Ryan Frank Ryan Jimmy Ryser S.A.Y S.O.S. SAS Band SNAVS Sabaretto Saber Paul Sabu Safire Sahara (Sweden) Sahara Snow Saigon Saint (AOR) Salute Sand and Gold Pete Sandberg Sangre Azul Santa Ana Winds Santers Sapphire Eyes Sarah Saris Enrico Sarzi Sass Satin Savage Affair Savage Heart Savannah Save the World Say Colour David A Saylor Say Scam Scarlet Rose Scarlett (Germay) Scarlett and Black Jan Schaberg Scherer/Batten Torben Schmidt Clint Schuler Eddie Schwartz Michael Sciuto Tony Sciuto The Score Jef Scott Scram Scrooge Seasons In Color Second Sight Second Way Secret Smile Secrets Of The Universe Secret Seeing Red Jay Seever SeiduC Sencelled The Senior Management Sequel Serious Jokers Serpentine Sky Seven Ltd Seventh Crystal Seventh Key Seventh Son (Canada) Seven Charlie Sexton Sha-Boom Shades and Peters Rene Shades Shadow King Shadow Page Band Shadowman Shaker Road Bernie Shanahan Sharks Sharx Tommy Shaw Shaw-Blades Shayle She Bites Shea Roxi Sheela Shell and The Ocean Shelter (US) J.T. Shelter Shelter Jim Shepard The Sherbs Sheriff Sherwood Ball 'n Chain Shineth Shining Line Shooting Star Shot Gone Shotgun Symphony Show Ya Shyanne Shyboy Shy Sierra Emil Sigfridsson Sign of the Times Signal Silence (France) Silent Cry Silent Running Silent Tiger Silent Silver Condor Silver Shadow Silvernite Simon Chase Simon Says Simple Service Sing Sing (Europe) Sing Sing Sinister Minister Sinnocence Sister Sky Skagarack The Skam Grzegorz Skawinski Skin Diver Frederic Slama Slappy White Slaves Of New Brunswick Slide Sluka Slyce Slyside Small Talk Wayne Smart Stuart Smith Patty Smyth Snail Snakeskin Cowboy Sneaker Snowblind Snowfall Snowstorm So! Sojourn Soleil Moon Solid State The Sonic Walthers Alberto Sonzogni Patricia Sosa Jeff Scott Soto Soul Sound Trip Sound of Eternity Sound of Heart Soundoctrine Southern Cross Space Elevator Sparklands Speak Easy The Speds Speedway Blvd Brian Spence Spencer / Bullock Spiced Ice Spider Spilt Milk Spina and Sullivan Mark Spiro Splash Spoyld Spys Spyz Spy Squared Billy Squier St. Clair Derek St. Holmes Alan St. Jon Glen Stace Stage Dolls Frank Stallone Stan Bush and Barrage Stand Star Chase Star Collector Star Vision Stardust Starship State Of Rock State of Salazar Statement Stealin Horses Steel Breeze SteelRush Chad Steele Steelwind Steeplechase Jim Steinman Stencil Forest Steve Grimm Band Steve Rogers Band Jon Stevens Stiletto (AOR) Stiletto (Canada) Stiletto Heels Stingray Stone By Stone Stone Fury Stone Soup Atom Stone Stonebolt Stoneflower The Storm (Female Fronted) The Storm Storming Heaven Stormwing Storyteller Straight Eight Straight Lines The Strand Stranded Strange Advance Stranger (Argentina) Strangerland Strangeways Strategy Stratus Streek Street Talk Streetlight Streetlore Streets Strike (Swiss) Strutt Strutz Style Styx The Substitutes Todd Sucherman Sugarcreek Suite Oblivion Henry Lee Summer Peter Sundell Sunshine Jive Sunstorm Sunstrike Superstitious Supertramp Surgin Surprises Surprise Surrender (3) Surrender (4) Surrender (II) Survivor Swak Swedish Funk Connection Sweeney Todd Mark Sweeney Sweet Comfort Band Sweet Elaine Sweet Mary Jane Michael Sweet Switch Swords Sydney Synch Syndia T.H. and the Wreckage T3nors TC Express TIM TOBB TRW John Taglieri Takara The Take (Utah) The (Canada) Take The Take Talk of the Town Tall Dark Stranger Tall Stories Tami Show Tandym Tangent Tangram Tanna Tantrum (AOR) Tanzen Tapper and Bridge Tara's Secret Target (Sweden) Target Tarmat The Tarney/Spencer Band Taste Taxxi Andy Taylor Roger Taylor Teer Joey Tempest Ten Robert Tepper Terje Terra Nova Terrarosa The Theander Expression Themm the Mood Thieves Guild Jake Thomas Mickey Thomas Chris Thompson Billy Thorpe Three Lions Thrill Hill Thrills Throwback Thunder (Us) Thunder Tight Fit Tim Wright With Little Brother Time Gallery Timepeace Timmy Teri Tims Timson Tintenfish Jari Tiura Tobruk Toby and the Whole Truth Todd Hobin Band Todd Hobin and The Heat The Toi Tokio Rose Tokyo (UK) Tokyo Tola Tola Tom E. and the Bad Habits The Tomboys Tommy Shaw and Contemporary Orchestra Tommy Shaw and Contemporary Youth Orchestra Tomorrow's Child Tonto Tonto Tony Harnell and the Mercury Train Too Many Cooks The Tools Top Johnny! Topaz Torino Toronto Total Stranger Toto Touch Touris Toxic Oscar Toyo Toyz Tradia The Tram Mike Tramp Transit (USA) Roger Trash Treason Treasure Treat Trendline Trial Mile Trillion Gregg Tripp Triumph (UK) Trombi (Cashmir) Trooper Tropic of Cancer The (AOR) Truth Tug of War The Tundra Turbo Red Turbulent Bruce Turgon Turkish Delight Turning Point Turn Twelve at Dawn Twenty Twenty Two Fires Two Of A Kind Tycoon Tyketto Bonnie Tyler US Under Suspicion Under Your Skin Undercover (Canada) Undercover Underground Outlaws The Union of Sinners and Saints Unique United Nations Universe Infinity Unruly Child Up All Night Urban Tale Urgent (Canada) Urgent UsBest Used Records The VU VXN Valensia Cindy Valentine Robby Valentine Valentine Valor Van Stephenson Van Zant Vancouver Vangouw Vanguard Vanilla Ninja Vanity Kills Stevie Vann Gino Vannelli Eddie Vantez Vega Velocity Velvet Dreams Velvet Hammer Venture Venus And Mars Danny Veras John Verity Vertigo Frank Vestry Claire Vezina Viana Vibe A Tribe David Victor Victory Group The View Inside Vigilants Jim Vilandre Kyle Vincent Phil Vincent Vinci Vinyl Sun Violet Iron Violet Janine Violet Virginia Wolf Virgo Vision (2) Vision (AOR 2) Vision (AOR) Vision 180 Vision Fields Vision Quest Visionary (CCM) Vision Vital Path Vital Signs Vital Sign Vitalines Vitrea Vivian Touch Vizions Vogen Voices of Rock Voice The Void Von Baltzer Von Groove Roger Voudouris Voyager (Germany) Voyager UK Voyage John Waite Waiting For Monday Wake The Nations Walk On Fire Walk the Walk Walk the Wire Brett Walker Aaron Walpole Steve Walsh Matthew Ward Warpipes John Warren Ricky Warwick Luis Wasques Watchmen Watership Down Fee Waybill Wayne Nicholson And The East End Mike Weaver Well Well Well Wellington Scott Wenzel Troy Werner West Alley West John Wetton What If Whiskey Gypsy White Diamond White Heart White Lies (US) White Sister White Skies White Vision White Widdow White Wolf Ernie White Whiteface Whitford/St. Holmes Who Knows Wickman Road Wigelius Wild Blue The Wild Boys The Wild Lies Wild Rose Danny Wilde Ian Wilde Wildkard Wildland Wildlife Wildness Williams / Friestedt Fredrik Willstrand Ann Wilson Nancy Wilson Windfall Winding Road The Windows Windsor Drive Erik Winger Kip Winger Winner Winterland Winters Reign Wise Guy Wiser Sin Wishing Well (Germany) Witness Jessica Wolff Amy Wolter Wonderland Joseph Lee Wood Holly Woods Word of Honour Work Force Work of Art The Works Worlds Apart Worrall Wrabit Bill Wray X-Romance XIX Years XOrigin Xanadu Xillion YOSO Ya Ya Ya-Men-Ja Yahoo Yale Bate Yankee (Norway) Yankee Heaven Yo Yo Young Saints James Young Z Plan Zac Master Zach Bair and No Control Zadra Zambelis Zandem Robin Zander Zaneta Zappacosta Zaza Michael Zee Zelbo Zero Zero Zhenx Zia Ziggurat Zinatra Zingo Zion (Curci) Zon The Zoo Paul Zubot Zuka