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Living Colour


Living Colour Homepage

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 1988
Label: Sony Music
Catalog Number: ?
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (15 ratings)


1. Cult Of Personality
2. I Want To Know
3. Middle Man
4. Desperate People
5. Open Letter [To A Land Lord]
6. Funny Vibe
7. Memories Can't Wait
8. Broken Hearts
9. Glamour Boys
10. What's Your Favorite Color? [Theme Song]
11. Which Way To America

Time's Up

[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 1990
Label: Epic
Catalog Number: EK 46202
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (15 ratings)


1. Time's Up
2. History Lesson
3. Pride
4. Love Rears Its Ugly Head
5. New Jack Theme
6. Someone Like You
7. Elvis Is Dead
8. Type
9. Information Overload
10. Under Cover Of Darkness
11. Ology 1
12. Fight The Fight
13. Tag Team Partners
14. Solace Of You
15. This Is The Life


[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 1991
Label: Epic/Sony Records (Japan)
Catalog Number: ESCA 5410
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. Talkin' Loud And Sayin' Nothing
2. Burning Of The Midnight Lamp
3. Money Talks
4. Love And Happiness
5. Should I Stay Or Should I Go
6. Love Rears Its Ugly Head Soulpower US Mix
7. Desperate People Live
8. Final Solution Live
9. Middle Man Live
10. Memories Can't Wait Live
11. Information Overload
12. The Ocean Live
13. Sailin' On Live
14. Type Live
15. Solace Of You Live


[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 1993
Label: Epic/Sony Records (Japan)
Catalog Number: ESCA 5820
Average Rating: 76 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Leave It Alone Live
2. Time's Up Live
3. Go Away Live
4. Funny Vibe Live
5. Ausländer Live
6. Middle Man Live
7. Cult Of Personality Live
8. Nothingness Live
9. Postman Live
10. This Little Pig Live
11. Never Satisfied Live
12. Love Rears Its Ugly Head Live
13. Open Letter [To A Landlord] Live
14. Nothingness Live
15. 17 Days
16. TV News


[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 1993
Label: Sony
Catalog Number: 52780
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (8 ratings)


1. Go Away
2. Ignorance Is Bliss
3. Leave It Alone
4. Bi
5. Mind Your Own Business
6. Ausländer
7. Never Satisfied
8. Nothingness
9. Postman
10. Wtff
11. This Little Pig
12. Hemp
13. Wall


[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 1995
Label: Epic
Catalog Number: EK57698
Average Rating: 71 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Pride
2. Release The Pressure
3. Sacred Ground
4. Visions
5. Love Rears Its Ugly Head Soulpower Remix
6. These Are Happy Times
7. Memories Can't Wait Live
8. Cult Of Personality
9. Funny Vibe
10. Wtff
11. Glamour Boys
12. Open Letter To A Landlord
13. Solace Of You
14. Nothingness
15. Type
16. Time's Up
17. What's Your Favorite Color? Theme Song


[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 2003
Label: Sanctuary
Catalog Number: 06076-84638-2
Average Rating: 74 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Song Without Sin
2. A ? Of When
3. Operation: Mind Control
4. Flying
5. In Your Name
6. Back In Black
7. Nightmare City
8. Lost Halo
9. Holy Roller
10. Great Expectations
11. Choices Mash Up
12. Pocket Of Tears
13. Sacred Ground
14. Tomorrow Never Knows
15. Nova

Live From CBGB'S

[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 2004
Label: Epic/Legacy
Catalog Number: EK 92867
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Cult of Personality Live
2. Pride Live
3. Someone Like You Live
4. Fight the Fight Live
5. Funny Vibe Live
6. Sailin' On Live
7. Information Overload Live
8. Love Rears Its Ugly Head Live
9. Soldier's Blues Live
10. Open Letter to a Landlord Live
11. Solace of You Live
12. Middle Man Live
13. Little Lies Live

What's Your Favorite Color

[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Sony/BMG Music
Catalog Number: A 93729
Average Rating: 69 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Ausländer overload mix
2. Sunshine of Your Love Adrian Sherwood and Skip McDonald remix
3. Love Rears Its Ugly Head Hip Hop Mix
4. What's Your Favorite Color? [Theme Song] Leblanc remix
5. Love and Happiness
6. Nothingness acoustic version
7. Leave It Alone acoustic version
8. Solace of You acoustic version
9. Cult of Personality live
10. Talkin' Bout a Revolution live

The Chair in the Doorway

[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 2009
Label: Megaforce Records
Catalog Number: NONE
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Burned Bridges
2. The Chair
3. DecaDance
4. Young Man
5. Method
6. Behind the Sun
7. Bless Those [Little Annie's Prayer]
8. Hard Times
9. That's What You Taught Me
10. Out of Mind
11. Not Tomorrow
12. [silence]
13. Asshole hidden track

The Paris Concert

[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 2009
Label: Inakustik
Catalog Number: INAK 9093
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (1 rating)


Disc 1
1. Type
2. Middle Man
3. Funny Vibe
4. Song Without Sin
5. Nova/Wall
6. Sacred Ground
7. Memories Can't Wait
8. Papa Was A Rolling Stone
9. Glamour Boys
10. Crosstown Traffic
Disc 2
11. Go Away
12. Either Way
13. Ignorance Is Bliss
14. Drum Solo
15. Flying
16. Love Rears It's Ugly Head
17. Cult Of Personality


[Living Colour  Album Cover] Year: 2017
Label: Megaforce Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Freedom of Expression [F.O.X.]
2. Preachin' Blues
3. Come On
4. Program
5. Who Shot Ya
6. Always Wrong
7. Blak Out
8. Pattern in Time
9. Who's That
10. Glass Teeth
11. Invisible
12. Inner City Blues
13. Two Sides

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Living Colour CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Living Colour are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

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