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City Boy


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City Boy

[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 1976
Label: Bear Tracks (Germany - 1991)
Catalog Number: BTCD 979415-2
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. Shake My Head and Leave (4:25)
2. Deadly Delicious (4:32)
3. Surgery Hours [doctor doctor] (3:01)
4. Sunset Boulevard (6:34)
5. Oldball Dance (5:01)
6. 5000 Years/Don't Know Can't Tell (8:38)
7. The Hap-ki-do Kid (3:10)
8. The Greatest Story Ever Told (4:46)
9. Haymaking Time (5:30)

Dinner At The Ritz

[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 1976
Label: Vertigo
Catalog Number: 6360 136
Average Rating: 69 / 100 (7 ratings)


1. Momma's Boy
2. Walk On The Water
3. Narcissus
4. Dinner At The Ritz
5. Goodbye Blue Monday
6. The Violin
7. State Secrets [A Thriller]

Young Men Gone West

[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 1977
Label: Vertigo
Catalog Number: 6360 151
Average Rating: 66 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. [Dear Jean] I'm Nervous
2. Bordello Night
3. Honeymooners
4. She's Got Style
5. Bad For Business
6. Young Men Gone West
7. I've Been Spun
8. One After Two
9. The Runaround
10. The Man Who Ate His Car
11. Milllionaire

Book Early

[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 1978
Label: Vertigo
Catalog Number: 9102 028
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (11 ratings)


2. Summer In The Schoolyard
3. Goodbye Laurelie
4. Raise Your Glass [To Foolish Me]
5. Cigarettes
6. What A Night
7. Do What You Do, Do Well
8. Beth
9. The World Loves A Dancer
10. Moving In Circles
11. Dangerous Ground

The Day The Earth Caught Fire

[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 1979
Label: Vertigo
Catalog Number: 6360 173
Average Rating: 81 / 100 (7 ratings)


1. The Day The Earth Caught Fire
2. It's Only The End Of The World
3. Interrupted Melody
4. Modern Love Affair
5. New York Times
6. Up In The Eighties
7. Machines
8. Ambition
9. The End [Came Easy]

Heads Are Rolling

[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 1980
Label: Vertigo
Catalog Number: 6359 024
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (8 ratings)


1. Mr. Shoes
2. Heads Are Rolling
3. Need A Little Loving
4. Change In The Weather
5. Domino
6. Speechless
7. Bloody Sunday
8. The Sound Of The Bell
9. You're Leaving Me
10. Heaven For The Holidays
11. Life On The Balcony

It's Personal

[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 1981
Label: Vertigo
Catalog Number: 6359 066
Average Rating: 71 / 100 (6 ratings)


1. Lovers
2. Rat Race
3. Who Killed Dolores
4. The Blind Leading The Blind
5. La Guerra De Mondo
6. No Ordinary Life
7. It's Personal
8. Names And Addresses
9. Exit The Heavyweight


[City Boy  Album Cover] Year: 2001
Label: Pilot 105
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (1 rating)


1. 5-7-0-5 (3:10)
2. I've Been Spun (3:19)
3. [Moonlight] Shake My Head and Leave (4:25)
4. Dinner At the Ritz (6:41)
5. The Day the Earth Caught Fire (5:23)
6. Heads Are Rolling (3:56)
7. Beth (2:45)
8. Hap-Ki-Do-Kid (3:10)
9. Bad for Business (3:33)
10. Modern Love Affairs (3:28)
11. She's Got Style (3:23)
12. Need a Little Loving (3:38)
13. What a Night (2:57)
14. Surgery Hours [Doctor Doctor] (3:01)
15. Goodbye Blue Monday (5:09)
16. New York Times (5:09)
17. You're Leaving Me (3:55)
18. Young Men Gone West (4:05)

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular City Boy CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from City Boy are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

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