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Tempesta Homepage

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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[Tempesta  Album Cover] Year: 2003
Label: Membrane Records
Catalog Number: none
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Platinum (4:28)
2. What's Up (3:42)
3. Say Please (3:21)
4. At This Moment (5:12)
5. Just Fo One Day (4:08)
6. In Another World (4:20)
7. F*** (4:28)
8. Rotting Ways (3:24)
9. Out Of The Dark (4:00)
10. Two Men In My Head (5:45)
11. My Girlfriend's Door II (4:43)
12. Opposite (3:16)

Fulltime Joker (Fill the Voids)

[Tempesta  Album Cover] Year: 2006
Label: Quam Libet Records
Catalog Number: QLR-200607-2
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Fulltime Joker (3:52)
2. Stagedive (3:19)
3. Ain't Gonna Tell Ya (3:32)
4. Pain (4:11)
5. Grow (4:38)
6. I'm Back (4:33)
7. Do You Understand (5:09)
8. The Chosen One (3:32)
9. Seeing Ain't Believing (4:04)
10. Bluesman (3:23)

The Other Side

[Tempesta  Album Cover] Year: 2009
Label: Fastball Music
Catalog Number: BM09C310
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. The Other Side (3:29)
2. Talk Of The Town (4:06)
3. The Way It Is (3:33)
4. Lose You Once More (5:14)
5. Nashville (3:24)
6. Jack (4:13)
7. No Matter What They Say (3:50)
8. Get Over This (3:33)
9. Hicktown (3:39)
10. I'm Sorry (4:03)
11. Hurts Me (3:38)
12. Up To You (4:41)


[Tempesta  Album Cover] Year: 2012
Label: Fastball Music
Catalog Number: Temp2012-001
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Intro
2. Crazy
3. The Going Rate
4. Children Of Innocents
5. I'll Be Your Only One
6. All I Ever Wanted
7. Living Room
8. Wait
9. The Way You Love Me
10. Without You
11. I'm Back Live
12. The Way It Is Live

Roller Coaster

[Tempesta  Album Cover] Year: 2014
Label: Sonic Revolution
Catalog Number: BM14C1579
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Swallow The Saint
2. Heartache
3. Roller Coaster
4. Rockstar
5. Cheap Trick
6. Drag You Down
7. Heart'n'Soul
8. Feels Like Yesterday
9. Beer On The Table
10. Bottom Line
11. Better Being You
12. Cry For Help
13. Drag You Down


[Tempesta  Album Cover] Year: 2024
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Reason
2. Last Night Again
3. Reborn
4. Goodbye to Yesterday
5. Highlife [Twenty-Four]
6. No Smoke Without a Fire
7. Rise Up
8. Carolina
9. Home Tonight
10. I Hold Your Hand
11. Good Morning Earth
12. Shake up All
13. Sharp Dressed Man feat. Marc Storace & Freddy Steady

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Tempesta CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Tempesta are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

eBay affiliate links may earn us a commission at no additional cost to you.

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