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Galactic Cowboys


Galactic Cowboys Homepage

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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Galactic Cowboys

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 1991
Label: Geffen
Catalog Number: DGCD-24324
Average Rating: 89 / 100 (7 ratings)


1. I'm Not Amused
2. My School
3. Why Can't You Believe in Me
4. Kaptain Krude
5. Someone for Everyone
6. Sea of Tranquility
7. Kill Floor
8. Pump Up the Space Suit
9. Ranch on Mars Reprise
10. Speak to Me

Space In Your Face

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 1993
Label: Geffen Records
Catalog Number: DGCD-24524
Average Rating: 68 / 100 (10 ratings)


1. Space in Your Face (1:39)
2. You Make Me Smile (4:20)
3. I Do What I Do (5:21)
4. Circles in the Fields (4:47)
5. If I Were a Killer (3:52)
6. Blind (7:49)
7. No Problems (7:23)
8. About Mrs. Leslie (5:12)
9. Where Are You Now? (7:50)

Feel The Rage

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 1996
Label: Metal Blade Records
Catalog Number: 14117
Average Rating: 83 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Feel the Rage (3:12)
2. Paradigm Shift (7:28)
3. I Want You (4:11)
4. Junior's Farm (5:14)
5. Idle Minds live (4:28)
6. 9th of June live (6:15)
7. Grandmother's Closet (0:44)

Machine Fish

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 1996
Label: Metal Blade Records
Catalog Number: 14105
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Feel the Rage (3:13)
2. The Struggle (5:54)
3. Fear Not (5:02)
4. Stress (4:35)
5. Psychotic Companion (7:32)
6. In This Life (3:13)
7. Easy To Love (4:08)
8. Red Sun (4:59)
9. Idle Minds (4:11)
10. The Lens (5:24)
11. Pattin' Yourself On the Back (3:45)
12. In a Lonely Room (4:45)
13. 9th of June (5:23)
14. Arrow (6:57)
15. It's Raining [Again] Japanese Bonus Track

The Horse That Bud Bought

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 1997
Label: Metal Blade Records
Catalog Number: 14127
Average Rating: 72 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Tilt-A-Whirl (3:22)
2. Evil Twin (3:06)
3. Oregon (4:30)
4. The Buzz (1:25)
5. Tomorrow (4:48)
6. Ribbon (5:03)
7. Breakthrough (3:38)
8. Bound (4:35)
9. Media Slant (3:10)
10. Mona Lisa (6:08)
11. I Can't Wait (3:26)
12. Trip On Love (4:04)
13. You've Changed (3:42)
14. My Life (6:00)
15. Every Knee Japanese Bonus Track (5:59)

At The End Of The Day

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 1998
Label: Metal Blade Records
Catalog Number: 14138
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Nothing To Say
2. Ants
3. Just Like Me
4. The Machine Fish Suite: a Where Do I Sign?
5. The Machine Fish Suite: b Bright Horizons
6. The Machine Fish Suite: c Puppet Show
7. The Machine Fish Suite: d Mr. Magnet
8. The Machine Fish Suite: e Never Understand
9. The Machine Fish Suite: f Ranch On Mars Pt. 2
10. The Machine Fish Suite: g How Does It Feel
11. Young Man's Dream
12. Shine
13. The Shape
14. It's Not Over
15. Through
16. At the End of the Day
17. Things They Couldn't Say Japanese Bonus Track

Let It Go

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 2000
Label: Metal Blade Records
Catalog Number: 14299
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Intro (1:13)
2. T.I.M. (3:34)
3. A Different Way (3:32)
4. Life and Times (4:33)
5. Flag (3:15)
6. Disney's Spinnin' (4:35)
7. Hey Mr. (5:51)
8. Another Hill (4:49)
9. Dirty Hands (3:31)
10. Boom! (1:20)
11. Ordinary (2:52)
12. Internalize (2:43)
13. Swimming in December (10:28)
14. Song for Sybo (2:51)
15. Future (3:31)
16. Bucket of Chicken (2:42)
17. The Record Ends (12:33)

Long Way Back to the Moon

[Galactic Cowboys  Album Cover] Year: 2017
Label: Music Theories Recordings y
Catalog Number: MTR75402
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. In The Clouds
2. Internal Masquerade
3. Blood In My Eyes
4. Next Joke
5. Zombies
6. Drama
7. Amisarewas
8. Hate Me
9. Losing Ourselves
10. Agenda
11. Long Way Back To The Moon
12. Believing The Hype Bonus Track
13. Say Goodbye To Utopia Bonus Track

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Galactic Cowboys CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Galactic Cowboys are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

eBay affiliate links may earn us a commission at no additional cost to you.

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