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Slade Homepage

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1969
Label: Fontana
Catalog Number: 67598
Average Rating: 60 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Genesis (3:23)
2. Everybody's Next One (2:44)
3. Knocking Nails Into My House (2:24)
4. Roach Daddy (3:01)
5. I Ain't Got No Heart (2:36)
6. Pity The Mother (4:00)
7. Mad Dog Cole (2:41)
8. Fly Me High (2:55)
9. If This World Were Mine (3:18)
10. Martha My Dear (2:17)
11. Born To Be Wild (3:36)
12. Journey To the Center of Your Mind (2:45)


[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1969
Label: Fontana STL.
Catalog Number: 5492
Average Rating: 63 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Genesis (3:23)
2. Everybody's Next One (2:44)
3. Knocking Nails Into My House (2:24)
4. Roach Daddy (3:01)
5. Ain't Got No Heart (2:36)
6. Pity the Mother (4:00)
7. Mad Dog Cole (2:41)
8. Fly Me High (2:55)
9. If This World Were Mine (3:18)
10. Martha My Dear (2:17)
11. Born To Be Wild (3:36)
12. Journey To the Centre of Your Mind (2:45)

Play It Loud

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1970
Label: Polydor
Catalog Number: 2382-026
Average Rating: 72 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Raven (2:30)
2. See Us Here (3:10)
3. Dapple Rose (3:25)
4. Could I (2:45)
5. One Way Hotel (2:35)
6. The Shape of Things To Come (2:15)
7. Know Who You Are (2:50)
8. I Remember (2:50)
9. Pouk Hill (2:20)
10. Angelina (2:45)
11. Dirty Joker (3:20)
12. Sweet Box (3:20)

Coz I Luv You

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1972
Label: Polydor
Catalog Number: 2383 107
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Coz I Luv You (3:23)
2. Dapple Rose (3:25)
3. My Life Is Natural (3:12)
4. Angelina (2:45)
5. Candidate (2:50)
6. Sweet Box (3:20)
7. Look Wot You Dun (2:56)
8. Could I (2:45)
9. Raven (2:30)
10. Gospel According To Rasputin (4:20)
11. The Shape of Things To Come (2:15)
12. Get Down and Get With It (3:45)

Slade Alive!

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1972
Label: Polygram Records
Catalog Number: 841114
Average Rating: 85 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Hear Me Calling live (5:45)
2. In Like a Shot from My Gun live (3:33)
3. Darling Be Home Soon live (5:43)
4. Know Who You Are live (3:37)
5. Keep on Rocking live (6:29)
6. Get Down and Get With It live (5:33)
7. Born to Be Wild live (8:13)


[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1972
Label: Polygram Records (United Kingdom)
Catalog Number: 849180
Average Rating: 79 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. How d'You Ride (3:11)
2. The Whole World's Goin' Crazee (3:36)
3. Look at Last Night (3:05)
4. I Won't Let It 'Appen Agen (3:17)
5. Move Over (3:44)
6. Gudbye T' Jane (3:33)
7. Gudbuy Gudbuy (3:29)
8. Mama Weer All Crazee Now (3:44)
9. I Don' Mind (3:06)
10. A. Let the Good Times Roll/B. Feel So Fine (3:45)


[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1973
Label: Polydor
Catalog Number: 2442-119
Average Rating: 89 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Cum On Feel the Noize
2. Look Wot You Dun
3. Gudbuy T' Jane
4. One Way Hotel
5. Skweeze Me, Pleeze Me
6. Pouk Hill
7. The Shape of Things To Come
8. Take Me Bak 'Ome
9. Coz I Luv You
10. Wild Winds Are Blowing
11. Know Who You Are
12. Get Down and Get With It
13. Look At Last Night
14. Mama Weer All Crazee Now

Old, New, Borrowed And Blue

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1974
Label: Polydor
Catalog Number: 2383-261
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Just Want a Little Bit
2. When the Lights Are Out
3. My Town
4. Find Yourself a Rainbow
5. Miles Out To Sea
6. We're Really Gonna Raise the Roof
7. Do We Still Do It
8. How Can It Be
9. Don't Blame Me
10. My Friend Stan
11. Everyday
12. Good Time Gals

Slade in Flames

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1974
Label: Polygram Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (6 ratings)


1. How Does It Feel
2. Them Kinda Monkeys Can't Swing
3. So Far, So Good
4. Bangin' Man
5. O.K. Yesterday Was Yesterday
6. Far Far Away
7. This Girl
8. Lay It Down
9. Thanks for the Memory
10. Standin' on the Corner

Nobody's Fools

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1976
Label: Warner Brothers
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 76 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Nobody's Fool
2. Do the Dirty
3. Let's Call It Quits
4. Pack up Your Troubles
5. in for a Penny
6. Get on Up
7. L.A. Jinx
8. Did Your Mama Ever Tell Ya
9. Scratch My Back
10. I'm a Talker
11. All the World Is a Stage

Whatever Happened To Slade

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1977
Label: Barn
Catalog Number: 2314-103
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Be
2. Lightning Never Strikes Twice
3. Gypsy Roadhog
4. Dogs of Vengeance
5. When Fantasy Calls
6. One Eyed Jacks With Moustaches
7. Big Apple Blues
8. Dead Men Don't Tell No Tales
9. She's Got the Lot
10. It Ain't Love But It Ain't Bad
11. The Soul, the Roll and the Motion

Slade Alive Vol. Two

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1978
Label: Barn
Catalog Number: 2314-106
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Get On Up
2. Take Me Bak 'Ome
3. My Baby Left Me
4. Be
5. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
6. Burning in the Heat of Love
7. Everyday
8. Gudbuy T'Jane
9. One Eyed Jacks With Moustaches
10. Cum On Feel the Noize

Return To Base....

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1979
Label: Barn
Catalog Number: NARB-003
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. Wheels Ain't Coming Down (3:40)
2. Hold On To Your Hats (2:32)
3. Chakeeta (2:26)
4. Don't Waste Your Time [Back Seat Star] (3:28)
5. Sign of the Times (3:57)
6. I'm a Rocker (2:46)
7. Nut Bolts and Screws (2:30)
8. My Baby's Got It (2:34)
9. I'm Mad (2:46)
10. Lemme Love Into Ya (3:38)
11. Ginny Ginny (3:38)
12. 9 To 5 CD Bonus Track (2:53)
13. Two Track Stereo - One Track Mind CD Bonus Track (2:53)

Till Deaf Do Us Part

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1981
Label: Castle Communications (France)
Catalog Number: CLA377
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Rock And Roll Preacher (5:45)
2. Lock Up Your Daughters (3:27)
3. Till Deaf Do Us Part (3:29)
4. Ruby Red (2:53)
5. She Brings Out The Devil In Me (3:27)
6. A Night To Remember (3:54)
7. M'Hat M'Coat (1:42)
8. It's Your Body Not Your Mind (3:04)
9. Let The Rock Roll Out of Control (4:00)
10. That Was No Lady That Was My Wife (2:35)
11. Knuckle Sandwich (3:14)
12. Till Deaf Resurrected (1:05)
13. Funk Punk & Junk bonus track (2:57)

We'll Bring the House Down

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1981
Label: Castle Communications (France)
Catalog Number: CLA380
Average Rating: 81 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. We'll Bring the House Down (3:32)
2. Night Starvation (3:05)
3. Wheels Ain't Coming Down (3:37)
4. Hold on to Your Hats (2:33)
5. When I'm Dancin' I Ain't Fightin' (3:09)
6. Dizzy Mamma (3:37)
7. Nuts Bolts and Screws (2:29)
8. My Baby's Got It (2:35)
9. Lemme Love Into Ya (3:26)
10. I'm a Rocker (2:42)
11. Chakeeta bonus track (2:28)
12. Don't Waste Your Time [Back Seat Star] bonus track (3:29)
13. Sign of The Times bonus track (3:58)
14. I'm Mad bonus track(2:48)
15. Ginny, Ginny bonus track (3:40)
16. Not Tonight Josephine bonus track (3:03)
17. Okey Cokey bonus track (3:25)
18. 9 to 5 bonus track (2:54)

Slade on Stage

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1982
Label: Polydor (United Kingdom)
Catalog Number: 547413-2
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Rock and Roll Preacher live (05:20)
2. When I'm Dancin' I Ain't Fightin' live (03:43)
3. Tak' me bak' 'ome live (04:33)
4. Everyday live (03:18)
5. Lock up Your Daughters live (04:03)
6. We'll Bring the House Down live (04:17)
7. A Night to Remember live (08:10)
8. Gudbuy t' Jane live (04:40)
9. Mama Weer All Crazee Now live (02:55)
10. You'll Never Walk Alone live (00:34)

The Amazing Kamikaze Syndrome

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1983
Label: Castle Communications (France)
Catalog Number: CLA381
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. Slam The Hammer Down (3:25)
2. In The Dog House (2:44)
3. Run Runaway (4:59)
4. High and Dry (3:10)
5. My Oh My (4:12)
6. Cocky Rock Boys (3:28)
7. Ready to Explode: The Warm Up/The Grid/The Race/The Dream (8:30)
8. [And Now the Waltz] C'est la Vie (3:50)
9. Cheap 'N' Nasty Luv (3:28)
10. Razzle Dazzle Man (4:38)
11. Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply bonus track (3:34)
12. My Oh My 12" extended version (bonus track) (5:34)
13. Don't Tame a Hurricane bonus track (2:33)
14. Run Runaway 12" extended version (bonus track) (5:26)
15. Two Track Stereo One Track Mind bonus track (2:55)
16. Slam The Hammer Down hotter mix (bonus track) (3:44)

Keep Your Hands off My Power Supply

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1984
Label: Columbia Records
Catalog Number: 39336-2
Average Rating: 84 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Run Runaway
2. My Oh My
3. High and Dry
4. Slam the Hammer Down
5. In the Doghouse
6. Keep Your Hands off My Power Supply
7. Cheap 'N' Nasty Luv
8. Can't Tame a Hurricane
9. [And Now the Waltz] C'Est la Vie
10. Ready to Explode: The Warm Up/The Grid/The


[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1985
Label: Castle Communications (France)
Catalog Number: CCSCD 401
Average Rating: 92 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Merry Xmas Everybody
2. Let's Dance
3. Santa Claus is Coming to Town
4. When I'm Dancing I Ain't Fighting
5. We'll Bring the House Down
6. Cum On Feel the Noize
7. All Join Hands
8. Do You Believe in Miracles
9. Let's Have a Party
10. Get Down and Get With It
11. My Oh My
12. Run Runaway
13. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
14. Okey Cokey
15. Here's to the New Year
16. Auld Lang Syne/You'll Never Walk Alone

Rogues Gallery

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1985
Label: Castle Communications
Catalog Number: CLACD 378
Average Rating: 89 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Hey Ho Wish You Well (5:18)
2. Little Sheila (3:56)
3. Harmony (3:43)
4. Myzsterious Mizster Jones (3:35)
5. Walking on Water, Running on Alcohol (4:57)
6. 7 Year Bitch (4:15)
7. I'll Be There (4:31)
8. I Win, You Lose (3:31)
9. Time to Rock (4:08)
10. All Join Hands (5:31)
11. Here's to..." bonus track (3:10)
12. Leave Them Girls Alone bonus track (3:14)
13. Mama Nature Is a Rocker bonus track (2:52)
14. My Oh My piano & vocal (bonus track) (3:12)
15. Do You Believe in Miracles bonus track (4:10)
16. My Oh My swing version (bonus track) (3:02)
17. 7 Year Bitch extended 12" version (bonus track) (5:38)
18. Myzsterious Mizster Jones extended 12" version (bonus track) (4:47)
19. Do You Believe in Miracles extended 12" version (bonus track) (6:14)

You Boyz Make Big Noize

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1987
Label: CBS Records
Catalog Number: ZK 40908
Average Rating: 88 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Love Is Like a Rock (3:40)
2. That's What Friends Are For (3:16)
3. Still the Same (4:13)
4. Fools Go Crazy (3:16)
5. She's Heavy (2:35)
6. We Won't Give In (3:37)
7. Won't You Rock With Me (3:47)
8. Ooh La La in L.A. (3:52)
9. Me And The Boys (2:48)
10. Sing Shout [Knock Yourself Out] (3:10)
11. The Roaring Silence (2:48)
12. It's Hard Having Fun Nowadays (3:48)
13. Still The Same 12" version (bonus track) (5:35)
14. Gotta Go Home bonus track (3:20)
15. Don't Talk to Me About Love bonus track (2:28)
16. Wild Wild Party bonus track (2:55)
17. You Boyz Make Big Noize bonus track (3:01)
18. You Boyz Make Big Noize noize remix (bonus track) (5:31)
19. You Boyz Make Big Noize instrumental version (bonus track) (3:01)
20. You Boyz Make Big Noize USA mix (bonus track) (3:00)
21. Let's Dance '88 remix (bonus track) (2:40)

The Slade Collection 81-87

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1991
Label: BMG (United Kingdom)
Catalog Number: ND 74926
Average Rating: 89 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Run Runaway
2. Everyday live
3. We'll Bring the House Down
4. Ruby Red
5. C'Est La Vie
6. Do You Believe in Miracles
7. Still the Same
8. My Oh My
9. All Join Hands
10. Wheels Ain't Coming Down
11. Seven Year Bitch
12. Myzterious Mizster Jones
13. Lock Up Your Daughters
14. Me and the Boys
15. Gudbye to Jane live
16. Mama Weer All Crazee Now live
17. Love is Like a Rock

Wall Of Hits

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1991
Label: Polydor
Catalog Number: 511 612-2
Average Rating: 85 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. Get Down and Get With It
2. Coz I Luv You
3. Look Wot You Dun
4. Take Me Bak 'Ome
5. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
6. Gudbuy T'Jane
7. Cum On Feel the Noize
8. Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
9. My Friend Stan
10. Everyday
11. Bangin' Man
12. Far Far Away
13. How Does It Feel?
14. Thanks for the Memory [Wham Bam Thank You Mam]
15. Let's Call It Quits
16. My Oh My
17. Run Run Away
18. Radio Wall of Sound
19. Universe
20. Merry Xmas Everybody

Feel the Noize: The Very Best of Slade

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 1997
Label: Polygram International
Catalog Number: 537105
Average Rating: 81 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Get Down and Get With It
2. Coz I Luv You
3. Look Wot You Dun
4. Take Me Back 'Ome
5. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
6. Gudbye T' Jane
7. Cum on Feel the Noize
8. Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
9. My Friend Stan
10. Everyday
11. Bangin' Man
12. Far Far Away
13. How Does It Feel
14. In for a Penny
15. We'll Bring the House Down
16. Lock up Your Daughters
17. My Oh My
18. Run Runaway
19. All Join Hands
20. Radio Wall of Sound
21. Merry Xmas Everybody

Cum On Let's Party!

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 2002
Label: Virgin
Catalog Number: 07243 580238 2 4
Average Rating: 83 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Cum On Let's Party!
2. Johnny Played The Guitar
3. Run Run Rudolph
4. Merry Xmas Now!
5. Black & White World
6. Hold On To Love
7. Take Me Home
8. Wild Nites
9. I Hear Ya Callin'
10. Red Hot
11. Some Exercise Bonus Track

Get Yer Boots On - The Best of Slade

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 2004
Label: Shout Factory
Catalog Number: DK 34008
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Get Down and Get With It
2. Coz I Luv You
3. Look Wot You Dun
4. Take Me Bak 'Ome
5. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
6. Gudbuy t'Jane
7. Cum on Feel the Noize
8. Skweeze Me, Pleeze Me
9. My Friend Stan
10. Merry Xmas Everybody
11. Everyday
12. Bangin' Man
13. Far Far Away
14. How Does It Feel
15. Run Runaway
16. My Oh My

The Very Best Of...SLADE

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Polydor/Universal
Catalog Number: 9800715
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (1 rating)


Disc 1
1. Get Down and Get With It
2. Coz I Luv You
3. Look What You Dun
4. Take Me Bak 'Ome
5. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
6. Gudbuy T'Jane
7. Cum On Feel the Noize
8. Skweeze Me Pleeze Me
9. My Friend Stan
10. Everyday
11. The Bangin' Man
12. Far Far Away
13. How Does It Feel?
14. Thanks for the Memory [Wham Bam Thank You Mam]
15. In for a Penny
16. Let's Call It Quits
17. We'll Bring the House Down
18. My Oh My
19. Run Run Away
20. Merry Xmas Everybody
Disc 2
21. All Join Hands
22. Lock Up Your Daughters
23. Wheels Ain't Coming Down
24. Born To Be Wild [Live At Reading]
25. Ruby Red
26. Gypsy Roadhog
27. My Baby Left Me [That's All Right]
28. [And Now - the Waltz] C'est La Vie
29. 7 Year Bitch
30. Myzsterious Mizster Jones
31. Do You Believe in Miracles
32. Still the Same
33. Radio Wall of Sound
34. Universe

The Live Anthology

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 2006
Label: Salvo
Catalog Number: SALVOCD201
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (1 rating)


Disc 1
1. Hear Me Calling
2. In Like a Shot from My Gun
3. Darling Be Home Soon
4. Know Who You Are
5. Keep On Rocking
6. Get Down With It
7. Born To Be Wild
8. Get On Up
9. Take Me Bak 'Ome
10. My Baby Left Me
11. Be
12. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
13. Burning in the Heat of Love
14. Everyday
15. Gudbuy T'Jane
16. One Eyed Jacks With Moustaches
17. Cum On Feel the Noize
Disc 2
18. Rock and Roll Preacher
19. When I'm Dancin' I Ain't Fightin'
20. Take Me Bak 'Ome
21. Everyday
22. Lock Up Your Daughters
23. We'll Bring the House Down
24. A Night To Remember
25. Gudbuy T'Jane
26. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
27. You'll Never Walk Alone
28. When I'm Dancin' I Ain't Fightin'
29. Born To Be Wild
30. Somethin' Else/Pistol Packin' Mama/Keep a Rollin'
31. Merry Xmas Everybody
32. Okey Cokey
33. Get Down and Get With It


[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 2007
Label: Salvo
Catalog Number: SALVOCD203
Average Rating: 95 / 100 (1 rating)


Disc 1
1. One Way Hotel
2. C'Mon C'Mon
3. Do You Want Me
4. Gospel According To Rasputin
5. My Life Is Natural
6. Candidate
7. Wonderin' Y
8. Man Who Speeks Evil
9. I Won't Let It 'Appen Agen
10. I'm Mee, I'm Now, An' That's Orl
11. Kill 'Em At the Hot Club Tonite
12. My Town
13. Don't Blame Me
14. She Did It To Me
15. OK Yesterday Was Yesterday
16. So Far So Good
17. Raining in My Champagne
18. Can You Just Imagine
19. When the Chips Are Down
20. L.A. Jinx
21. Forest Full of Needles
Disc 2
22. Ready Steady Kids
23. O.H.M.S.
24. Daddio
25. It's Alright Buy Me
26. Not Tonight Josephine
27. Funk Punk and Junk
28. Keep Your Hands Off My Power Supply
29. Don't Tame a Hurricane
30. Two Track Stereo One Track Mind
31. Here's To
32. Leave Them Girls Alone
33. Mama Nature Is a Rocker
34. My Oh My Swing Version
35. Gotta Go Home
36. Don't Talk To Me About Love
37. Wild Wild Party
38. You Boyz Make Big Noize
39. Lay Your Love On the Line
40. Red Hot

All The World Is A Stage

[Slade  Album Cover] Year: 2022
Label: BMG
Catalog Number: BMGCAT728BOX
Average Rating: Not rated.


Disc 1
1. Hear Me Calling
2. In Like a Shot from My Gun
3. Darling Be Home Soon
4. Know Who You Are
5. Keep On Rocking
6. Get Down and Get With It
7. Born to Be Wild
Disc 2
8. Rock 'n' Roll Preacher
9. When I'm Dancing I Ain't Fightin'
10. Take Me Bak 'Ome
11. Everyday
12. Lock Up Your Daughters
13. We'll Bring the House Down
14. A Night to Remember
15. Gudbuy T'Jane
16. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
17. You'll Never Walk Alone
Disc 3
18. Take Me Bak 'Ome
19. When I'm Dancin' I Ain't Fightin'
20. Wheels Ain't Coming Down
21. Medley Somethin' Else...
22. You'll Never Walk Alone
23. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
24. Get Down and Get With It
25. Merry Xmas Everybody
26. Cum On Feel the Noize
27. Born to Be Wild
Disc 4
28. Wheels Ain't Coming Down
29. Lemme Love Into Ya
30. Everyday
31. Somethin' Else
32. Purple Haze
33. Pistol Packin' Mama
34. Keep a Rollin'
35. When I'm Dancin' I Ain't Fightin'
36. Gudbuy T'Jane
37. Get Down and Get With It
38. You'll Never Walk Alone
39. Mama Weer All Crazee Now
40. Merry Xmas Everybody
41. I'm a Rocker
42. Born to Be Wild
Disc 5
43. Them Kinda Monkeys Can't Swing
44. The Bangin' Man
45. Gudbuy T'Jane
46. Far Far Away
47. Thanks for the Memory [Wham Bam Thank You Mam]
48. How Does It Feel
49. Just a Little Bit
50. Everyday
51. OK Yesterday Was Yesterday
52. Raining In My Champagne
53. Let the Good Times Roll
54. Mama Weer All Crazee Now

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Slade CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Slade are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

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