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Year: 1978
Label: Prim Records
Catalog Number: LP 570 430
Average Rating: 72 / 100 (2 ratings)
1. Tänk Om Jesus Har Rätt (3:34)
2. Noa (3:30)
3. Kanske (4:22)
4. Pappa Vem Har Gjort (3:50)
5. Mr Ego (3:22)
6. Kom Till Mej (3:40)
7. Om Du Lyssnar (4:08)
8. Dagarna Går (4:54)
9. Jesus Är Det Underbaraste (2:23)
10. Hög Tid (5:26)
11. Fångsång (2:48)
12. Neutral (2:42)
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Year: 1980
Label: Prim Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (2 ratings)
1. Pass På
2. Bara Rock 'N' Roll
3. Kärlekssång
4. Getsemane
5. Jag Behöver Dej
6. Introduktion
7. Dialog
8. Ajöss Med Dej Värld
9. Jag Vill Ge Dej En Blomma
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Year: 1981
Label: Prim Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (2 ratings)
1. Ständig Förändring
2. Krigsman
3. Du Är
4. It's Mad
5. Moderne man
6. Sodom
7. Domedagsprofeter
8. Farväl
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Year: 1983
Label: Refuge Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (3 ratings)
1. Can't Stop Us Now
2. Loves You More
3. The Wind Is Blowing
4. Tomorrow's World
5. The Waiting
6. Let's Go [Dancin']
7. Mourner's Parade
8. Read Between the Lines
9. The Missing Piece
10. Heartbeat
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Year: 1985
Label: Refuge Records
Catalog Number: 84026
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (1 rating)
1. In His Majesty's Service
2. From the Bottom of Our Heart
3. I'm Waiting for You
4. Read Between the Lines
5. The Tide
6. Ashes in Our Hands
7. Can't Stop Us Now
8. Time
9. Man of the World
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Year: 1987
Label: JM Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (3 ratings)
1. Dancing On the Head of the Serpent
2. Plunder Hell and Populate Heaven
3. Rebels of Jesus Christ
4. Listen To Me
5. Woe, Woe... the Great Fall
6. We're Gonna Take Europe
7. Come Higher
8. Catch the Devil, Catch the Thief
9. The Night When the Revelation Came Into My Life
10. Still
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Year: 1988
Label: Refuge Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (2 ratings)
Disc 1
1. Noah
2. Mr Ego
3. Wake Up
4. The Flower
5. Contantly Changing
6. Warrior
7. It's Mad
8. Practice What You Preach
9. Reach for the Stars
Disc 2
10. Can't Stop Us Now
11. The Wind Is Blowing
12. Let's Go Dancing
13. In His Majesty's Service
14. Read Between the Lines
15. Plunder Hell
16. Dancing On the Head of the Serpent
17. Covered By Blood Unreleased Bonus Track
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Year: 1993
Label: Fruit Records (Sweden)
Catalog Number: FRCD 55009
Average Rating: 76 / 100 (3 ratings)
1. Tank Om Jesus Har Ratt (3:36)
2. Noa (3:33)
3. Kanske (4:24)
4. Pappa Vem Har Gjort (3:49)
5. Mr Ego (3:38)
6. Kom Till Mej (3:41)
7. Om Du Lyssnar (4:12)
8. Jesus Ar Det Underbaraste (2:25)
9. Hog Tid (5:29)
10. Neutral (2:45)
11. Pass Pa (5:35)
12. Bara Rock 'N Roll (4:19)
13. Getsemane (3:45)
14. Jag Behover Dej (4:41)
15. Introduktion (8:04)
16. Ajoss Med Dej Varld (5:30)
17. Jag Vill Ge Dej En Blomma (4:15)
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Year: 1994
Label: R.E.X. Records
Catalog Number: REX 41010-2
Average Rating: 79 / 100 (5 ratings)
1. City on Fire (5:43)
2. Risen (5:07)
3. The Waiting Zone (4:40)
4. Umbrella (5:36)
5. Be There With You (6:43)
6. On the Road (3:20)
7. Likes Them (4:11)
8. Truth (4:52)
9. Face in the Crowd (5:50)
10. Tomorrow (4:19)
11. Berlin 38 [Next Year in Jerusalem] (9:07)
12. Soldier (5:39)
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Year: 1996
Label: Fruit Records
Catalog Number: FRCD 55014
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (2 ratings)
1. Those Were the Days
2. Must Come First
3. You're a Liar
4. Travelling Through the Ages
5. Who's Got the Guts
6. Smile, Smile, Smile
7. Wherever You Are
8. The Truth Has To Come
9. Superstar
10. Our Love Was Dead
11. I'm Still Alive
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Year: 1998
Label: Jerusalem Music International
Catalog Number: JMI-CD 7701
Average Rating: 56 / 100 (4 ratings)
1. Constantly Changing (5:42)
2. Warrior (6:13)
3. Pilgrim (4:14)
4. It's Mad (5:39)
5. Man of the World (4:28)
6. Sodom (12:12)
7. Ashes in Our Hands (4:32)
8. Can't Stop Us Now (4:02)
9. Loves You More (3:57)
10. The Wind Is Blowing (4:25)
11. Tomorrow's World (5:34)
12. The Waiting (4:34)
13. Let's Go [Dancin'] (3:42)
14. Mourner's Parade (4:38)
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Year: 1998
Label: Fruit Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (1 rating)
Disc 1
1. Introduktion
2. Du Kommer Först
3. Mossberg...Hej...Hej
4. Så Va' De' Då
5. Krigsman
6. It's Mad
7. Dagarna Går
8. Var Du Än Är
9. Pappa Vem Har Gjort
10. Jag Längtar Efter Mer Av Dej
11. Hög Tid
12. Sodom
Disc 2
13. Moderne Man
14. Neutral
15. Jag Vill Ge Dig En Blomma
16. Uffes Story...
17. Vänd Om
18. Flugit Genom Rymden
19. Trumdrag Ifrån Klas
20. Ständig Förändring
21. Noa
22. Ajöss Med Dej Värld
23. Kom Till Mej
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Year: 1998
Label: Fruit Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (2 ratings)
1. Hey To You
2. Tell Me the Story
3. Close
4. Did You Ever
5. Take a Little Moment
6. R.A.D.
7. Glorylevel
8. Power and Glory
9. Vänd Om
10. Look in Your Bible
11. Surrender
12. Only With You
13. Lost Track: Dags Att Bryta Upp
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Year: 2006
Label: Fruit Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 60 / 100 (1 rating)
1. Ständig Förändring
2. Getsemane
3. Pass På
4. Krigsman
5. Pappa Vem Har Gjort
6. Mr Ego
7. Vi Kan Inte Stoppas
8. Noa
9. Jesus Är Den Underbaraste
10. Neutral
11. It's Mad
12. Moderne Man
13. Dancing On the Head of the Serpent
14. In His Majesty's Service
15. City On Fire
16. Jag Vill Ge Dej En Blomma
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Year: 2006
Label: Pierced Records
Catalog Number: PCD 0011
Average Rating: 60 / 100 (1 rating)
Disc 1
1. Hej Lyssna New Track
2. Coming Down
3. Ständig Förändring
4. Moderne Man
5. I'm Waiting for You Live
6. Pappa Vem Har Gjort Live
7. Krigsman Live
8. Risen
9. Covered By Blood
10. Vi Kan Inte Stoppas
11. Kärlekssång
12. Farväl
13. Så Va' De' Då
14. Plunder Hell and Populate Heaven
15. Kom Till Mej Live
16. Heartbeat Light Remix
Disc 2
17. City On Fire
18. Dancing On the Head of the Serpent
19. Du Ljuger
20. Dialog
21. Ge Mej Ett Svar
22. In His Majesty's Service Live
23. It's Mad Live
24. Dagarna Går Live
25. Pusselbiten
26. Noa Live
27. Popidol
28. Neutral Live
29. Jag Vill Ge Dej En Blomma Live
30. Sodom
31. Bara Hos Dej
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Year: 2010
Label: Pierced Records
Catalog Number: PCD 0014
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (1 rating)
1. Calling on (5:04)
2. Come on (4:36)
3. I Want to Leave Her (6:05)
4. Suddenly (5:10)
5. Supernatural (6:46)
6. Save My Life (3:51)
7. She (6:33)
8. Amos 5 (5:19)
9. Crown the King (5:55)
10. The Story of D (7:01)
11. Heaven (5:47)
12. The Greatest Party (4:51)
13. Standing At Jericho (3:09)
The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you
notice that a particular Jerusalem CD release or compilation is missing
from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page.
The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies
as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live
compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official
CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.
EPs and CD-singles from Jerusalem are also welcome to be added, as
long as they are at least 4 songs in length.
Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy
Harmonies forum/message board.
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