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Ginger Homepage

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Solo project from Ginger of the Wildhearts.

Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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Grievous Acoustic Behaviour

[Ginger  Album Cover] Year: 2001
Label: Sanctuary Records
Catalog Number: CMEDD1169
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (1 rating)


Disc 1
1. If You Wanna Be on a Record Here's Your Chance
2. Inside Out
3. I Hate to See People Without Drinks
4. Re-Inventing the Wheel
5. Are There Any Trouble-Makers In?
6. If I Had You
7. It's a Sad Song But I'm Just Dead Happy
8. Church of the Broken Hearted
9. He's Loaded, Careful
10. Hard Luck Woman
11. If You Cannot 'Weekend' on an Acoustic Guitar... [Suck My Sword]
12. Tom, Take the Money
13. I Thought These Things Were Supposed To Be Boring
14. In Lilly's Garden
Disc 2
15. Happy Birthday to Cheryl
16. Nita Nitro
17. They're Just As Ugly Upstairs
18. Bad Time To Be Having a Bad Time
19. Why Didn't We Do This Tour Last Year?
20. Jonesing for Jones
21. If I Ever Do This Again I'm Gonna Write a Set List Down
22. Sky Chaser High
23. Come On You Sex God!
24. 29 X the Pain
25. This Guy's Built a Glass Guitar With a Fish in It
26. Dreaming in A
27. Long Live Stidi
28. Where Did Everyone Go?
29. Danny McCormack Come on Down!
30. Geordie in Wonderland
31. Postman Pat
32. Don't Worry 'Bout Me
33. C-C-C-C-Caffeine Bomb

A Break in the Weather

[Ginger  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Sanctuary Records
Catalog Number: CMEDD1057
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (2 ratings)


Disc 1
1. I'm a Lover Not a Fighter
2. Don'T Let Me Die Lonely
3. Thailand Uber Alles
4. Cars and Vaginas
5. You, Me and BT
6. Not Bitter, Just a Little Disappointed
7. And This Time I'm Serious
8. Reinventing the Wheel
9. Blinded By Absinthe
Disc 2
10. The Saga of Me and You
11. Naked Innocence
12. A Better Man
13. Virtual Love
14. Energetic O
15. Where Did Everyone Go?
16. T.W.A.T.
17. He's a Man
18. The Dying Art of the Chorus

Live Begins At 40

[Ginger  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Independently Released
Catalog Number: None
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Mindslide
2. Urge
3. You Got To Get Through What You've Got To Go Through To Get What You Want But You Got To Know What You Want To Get Through What You Got To Go Through
4. Friend For 5 Minutes
5. Monkey Zoo
6. Animals
7. Loveshit
8. The People That Life Forgot
9. Anyway But Maybe
10. Hate The World Day

Potatoes and You

[Ginger  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Independently Released
Catalog Number: None
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Loveshit
2. Show a Little Emotion
3. Someone That Won't Let Me Go
4. So into You
5. Weekend
6. News of the World/So into You Reprise
7. Some Rehearsed Improvisation
8. One Love, Lone Life, One Girl
9. Inside Out
10. In Lilie's Garden/Someone That Won't Let Me Go
11. Unlucky in Love
12. Just in Lust
13. Bad Time We're Having a Bad Time
14. Only One Hell
15. Looking for the One
16. Shame On Me

The Great White Monkey

[Ginger  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Independently Released
Catalog Number: None
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Geordie in Wonderland
2. Skychaser High
3. Nita Nitro
4. One Love, One Life, One Girl
5. Inside Out
6. Hocus Pocus
7. The Daftness
8. Re-Inventing the Wheel
9. I'm a Lover Not a Fighter
10. There's Only One Hell
11. Ltd.
12. Danger Lust
13. Cheers
14. Does Your Mother Know
15. Sky Babies/Space Oddity
16. I Wanna Go Where the People Go

Valor Del Corazon

[Ginger  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Round Records
Catalog Number: ROUND005-2
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (2 ratings)


Disc 1
1. Ugly
2. Mother City
3. G.T.T.
4. Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
5. This Is Only A Problem
6. Ten Flaws Down
7. Paramour
8. The Man Who Cheated Death
Disc 2
9. The Drunken Lord Of Everything
10. L.O.V.E.
11. The Way
12. Drinking In The Daytime
13. Keep It Cool
14. Only Lonely
15. Your Mouth
16. Change
17. My Friend The Enemy
18. Bulb
19. Something To Believe In

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Ginger CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Ginger are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

eBay affiliate links may earn us a commission at no additional cost to you.

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