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Styx Homepage

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1972
Label: Wooden Nickel
Catalog Number: OW35150
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (10 ratings)


1. Movement for the Common Man (13:11)
2. Children of the Land
3. Street Collage
4. Fanfare for the Common Man
5. Mother Nature's Matinee
6. Right Away (3:40)
7. What Has Come Between Us (4:53)
8. Best Thing (3:13)
9. Quick Is the Beat of my Heart (4:49)
10. After You Leave Me (4:00)

Styx II

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1973
Label: Wooden Nickel
Catalog Number: 3111-2-R
Average Rating: 70 / 100 (10 ratings)


1. You Need Love (3:44)
2. Lady (2:56)
3. A Day (8:19)
4. You Better Ask (3:54)
5. Little Fugue In 'G' (1:17)
6. Father O.S.A (7:08)
7. Earl of Roseland (4:39)
8. I'm Gonna Make You Feel It (2:23)

The Serpent Is Rising

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1973
Label: Wooden Nickel
Catalog Number: DRC12421
Average Rating: 71 / 100 (9 ratings)


1. Witch Wolf (3:54)
2. The Grove of Eglantine (5:00)
3. Young Man (4:44)
4. As Bad as This (6:04)
5. Winner Take All (2:52)
6. 22 Years (3:26)
7. Jonas Psalter (4:37)
8. The Serpent Is Rising (4:46)
9. Krakatoa (1:31)
10. Hallelujah Chorus (1:28)

Man of Miracles

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1974
Label: Wooden Nickel
Catalog Number: 3115-2-R
Average Rating: 71 / 100 (9 ratings)


1. Rock and Roll Feeling (2:56)
2. Having a Ball (3:50)
3. Golden Lark (3:22)
4. A Song for Suzanne (5:16)
5. A Man Like Me (2:47)
6. Lies (2:45)
7. Evil Eyes (4:05)
8. Southern Woman (3:08)
9. Christopher, Mr. Christopher (3:58)
10. Man of Miracles (4:55)


[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1975
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: CD 3217
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (18 ratings)


1. Light Up (4:17)
2. Lorelei (3:19)
3. Mother Dear (5:25)
4. Lonely Child(3:47)
5. Midnight Ride (4:17)
6. Born for Adventure (5:12)
7. Prelude 12 (1:21)
8. Suite Madame Blue (6:30)

Crystal Ball

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1976
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: CD 3218
Average Rating: 83 / 100 (17 ratings)


1. Put Me On (4:56)
2. Mademoiselle (3:57)
3. Jennifer (4:16)
4. Crystal Ball (4:32)
5. Shooz (1:17)
6. This Old Man (5:11)
7. Clair de Lune/Ballerina (7:09)

Best of Styx

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1977
Label: Wooden Nickel (RCA)
Catalog Number: 3116-2-R
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. You Need Love (3:47)
2. Lady (2:58)
3. I'm Gonna Make You Feel It (2:23)
4. What Has Come Between Us (4:53)
5. Southern Woman (3:10)
6. Rock and Roll Feeling (3:02)
7. Winner Take All (3:10)
8. Best Thing (3:13)
9. Witch Wolf (3:57)
10. The Grove of Eglantine (5:00)
11. Man of Miracles (4:55)

The Grand Illusion

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1977
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: CD-3223
Average Rating: 86 / 100 (22 ratings)


1. The Grand Illusion (4:36)
2. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] (5:29)
3. Superstars (3:59)
4. Come Sail Away (6:07)
5. Miss America (5:01)
6. Man In The Wilderness (5:49)
7. Castle Walls (6:00)
8. The Grand Finale (1:58)

Pieces Of Eight

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1978
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: CD 3224
Average Rating: 88 / 100 (21 ratings)


1. Great White Hope (4:22)
2. I'm Okay (5:41)
3. Sing for the Day (4:57)
4. The Message (1:08)
5. Lords of the Ring (4:33)
6. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (4:05)
7. Queen of Spades (5:38)
8. Renegade (4:13)
9. Pieces of Eight (4:44)
10. Aku-Aku (2:57)


[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1979
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: CD 3239
Average Rating: 83 / 100 (19 ratings)


1. Lights (4:38)
2. Why Me (3:54)
3. Babe (4:25)
4. Never Say Never (3:08)
5. Boat on the River (3:10)
6. Borrowed Time (4:58)
7. First Time (4:24)
8. Eddie (4:15)
9. Love in the Midnight (5:25)

Paradise Theater

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1980
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: CD-3240
Average Rating: 87 / 100 (22 ratings)


1. A.D. 1928 (1:07)
2. Rockin' the Paradise (3:35)
3. Too Much Time on My Hands (4:31)
4. Nothing Ever Goes as Planned (4:46)
5. The Best of Times (4:17)
6. Lonely People (5:22)
7. She Cares (4:18)
8. Snowblind (4:58)
9. Half-Penny, Two-Penny (4:34)
10. A.D. 1958 (2:31)
11. State Street Sadie (0:27)

Kilroy Was Here

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1983
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: CD-3734
Average Rating: 74 / 100 (15 ratings)


1. Mr. Roboto (5:26)
2. Cold War (4:21)
3. Don't Let It End (4:53)
4. High Time (4:28)
5. Heavy Metal Poisoning (4:54)
6. Just Get Throught This Night (6:01)
7. Double Life (3:43)
8. Haven't We Been Here Before (4:04)
9. Don't Let It End [Reprise] (2:22)

Caught in the Act Live

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1984
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: 75021 6514 2
Average Rating: 84 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. Music Time live (4:45)
2. Mr. Roboto live (4:59)
3. Too Much Time on My Hands live (5:01)
4. Babe live (4:52)
5. Snowblind live (6:00)
6. The Best of Times live (6:30)
7. Suite Madame Blue live (8:51)
8. Rockin' the Paradise live (4:40)
9. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] live (4:47)
10. Miss America live (6:15)
11. Don't Let it End live (5:25)
12. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] live (6:05)
13. Crystal Ball live (6:24)
14. Come Sail Away live (8:56)

Boat on the River

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1987
Label: A and M Records (West Germany)
Catalog Number: 396959-2
Average Rating: 81 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Babe (4:27)
2. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (4:08)
3. Come Sail Away (5:32)
4. Crystal Ball (4:32)
5. Fooling Yourself (5:10)
6. Light Up (4:21)
7. Mr. Roboto (5:29)
8. Renegade (4:14)
9. The Best of Times (4:19)
10. Don't Let it End (4:55)
11. The Grand Illusion (4:37)
12. Suite Madame Blue (6:33)
13. Too Much Time on My Hands (4:33)
14. Miss America (6:24)
15. Boat on the River (3:10)

Classics Volume 15

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1987
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: D-114822
Average Rating: 90 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Babe (4:25)
2. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (4:06)
3. Come Sail Away (5:30)
4. Crystal Ball (4:27)
5. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] (5:08)
6. Light Up (4:19)
7. Mr. Roboto (5:28 )
8. Renegade (4:13)
9. The Best of Times (4:18)
10. Don't Let It End (4:53)
11. The Grand Illusion (4:36)
12. Suite Madame Blue (6:31)
13. Too Much Time on My Hands (4:32)
14. Miss America live (6:23)

Compact Hits

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1988
Label: A&M
Catalog Number: AMCD 904
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Babe
2. Come Sail Away
3. Rockin' the Paradise
4. The Best of Times

Edge of the Century

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1990
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: 75021 5327 2
Average Rating: 87 / 100 (23 ratings)


1. Love Is the Ritual (3:48)
2. Show Me the Way (4:35)
3. Edge of the Century (4:20)
4. Love at First Sight (4:35)
5. All in a Day's Work (4:11)
6. Not Dead Yet (3:32)
7. World Tonite (3:38)
8. Carrie Ann (4:26)
9. Homewrecker (5:12)
10. Back to Chicago (4:18)

Greatest Hits

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1995
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: 3154 0387 2
Average Rating: 86 / 100 (6 ratings)


1. Lady '95 (2:56)
2. The Best of Times (4:18)
3. Lorelei (3:20)
4. Too Much Time on My Hands (4:32)
5. Babe (4:25)
6. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] (5:08)
7. Show Me the Way (4:35)
8. Renegade (4:13)
9. Come Sail Away (5:30)
10. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (4:06)
11. The Grand Illusion (4:36)
12. Crystal Ball (4:27)
13. Suite Madame Blue (6:31)
14. Miss America (6:23)
15. Mr. Roboto (5:28)
16. Don't Let it End (4:53)

Greatest Hits Part 2

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1996
Label: A and M
Catalog Number: 31454 0550 2
Average Rating: 75 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. A.D. 1928 (1:07)
2. Rockin' the Paradise (3:34)
3. Light Up (4:17)
4. Sing for the Day (4:57)
5. First Time (4:23)
6. Mademoiselle (3:55)
7. Snowblind (4:58)
8. Boat on the River (3:10)
9. Borrowed Time (4:58)
10. Lights (4:37)
11. Queen of Spades (5:38)
12. Love at First Sight (4:33)
13. Haven't We Been Here Before (4:04)
14. Superstars (3:59)
15. Little Suzie (4:49)
16. It Takes Love (3:26)

Brave New World

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 1999
Label: CMC International
Catalog Number: 06076 86275-2
Average Rating: 72 / 100 (12 ratings)


1. I Will Be Your Witness (4:31)
2. Brave New World (5:14)
3. While There's Still Time (3:53)
4. Number One (4:33)
5. Best New Face (3:36)
6. What Have They Done to You (4:33)
7. Fallen Angel (4:49)
8. Everything Is Cool (5:19)
9. Great Expectations (4:44)
10. Heavy Water (4:29)
11. High Crimes and Misdemeanors [Hip Hop-Cracy] (3:26)
12. Jest Fell In (3:25)
13. Goodbye Roseland (3:49)
14. Brave New World [Reprise] (3:31)

Arch Allies - Live at Riverport

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2000
Label: CMC/BMG
Catalog Number: 06076 86299-2
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (4 ratings)


Disc 1
1. Blue Collar Man live (5:00)
2. Grand Illusion live (5:39)
3. Fooling Yourself live (6:18)
4. Lady live (4:47)
5. Brave New World live (5:43)
6. Edge of the Century live (5:10)
7. Heavy Water live (5:50)
8. Too Much Time on My Hands live (5:23)
9. Renegade live (7:24)
10. Blue Collar Man live with REO Speedwagon (5:20)
11. Roll With the Changes live with REO Speedwagon (5:57)
Disc 2
12. Don't Let Him Go live (4:30)
13. Music Man live (3:20)
14. Take It on the Run live (4:18)
15. Can't Fight This Feeling live (5:26)
16. Time for Me to Fly live (3:33)
17. Back on the Road Again live (7:09)
18. Keep on Loving You live (3:26)
19. Roll With the Changes live (6:18)
20. Ridin' the Storm Out live (5:11)
21. 157 Riverside Avenue live (7:29)
22. Blue Collar Man live with Styx (5:20)
23. Roll With the Changes live with Styx (5:58)

Extended Versions

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2000
Label: CMC/BMG
Catalog Number: 75517456132
Average Rating: 79 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Blue Collar Man live (4:34)
2. Lady live (3:29)
3. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] live (5:55)
4. Renegade live (6:02)
5. Show Me the Way live (5:11)
6. Lorelei live (4:04)
7. Babe live (4:50)
8. Too Much Time on My Hands live (5:43)
9. Come Sail Away live (8:34)
10. The Best of Times live (7:42)

The Singles Collection

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2000
Label: A&M Records
Catalog Number: 490 801-2
Average Rating: Not rated.


Disc 1
1. Boat on the River (3:10)
2. Lorelei (3:20)
3. Suite Madame Blue (6:31)
4. Queen of Spades (5:38)
5. Mademoiselle (3:55)
6. Renegade (4:13)
7. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (4:06)
8. Show Me the Way (4:35)
9. Lady '95 (2:56)
10. Borrowed Time (4:58)
11. Mr. Roboto (5:28)
12. Too Much Time on My Hands (4:32)
13. Why Me (3:54)
14. Love At First Sight (4:33)
Disc 2
15. A.D. 1928 (1:07)
16. Rockin' the Paradise (3:34)
17. Light Up (4:17)
18. Come Sail Away (5:30)
19. Sing for the Day (4:57)
20. Little Suzie (4:49)
21. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] (5:08)
22. The Best of Times (4:18)
23. The Grand Illusion (4:36)
24. Crystal Ball (4:27)
25. Babe (4:25)
26. It Takes Love (3:26)
27. High Time (4:28)
28. Don't Let It End (4:53)

Styxworld Live 2001

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2001
Label: CMC International
Catalog Number: 06076-86311-2
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. Rockin' the Paradise live
2. High Enough live
3. Lorelei live
4. A Criminal Mind live
5. Love Is the Ritual live
6. Boat on the River live
7. Half-Penny, Two-Penny live
8. Sing for the Day live
9. Snowblind live
10. Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough live
11. Crystal Ball live
12. Miss America live
13. Come Sail Away live

At The River's Edge: Live In St. Louis

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2002
Label: Sanctuary
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 60 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Everything Is Cool (4:55)
2. The Grand Illusion (5:38)
3. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (4:58)
4. Lorelei (4:09)
5. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] (6:18)
6. Lady (4:48)
7. Brave New World (5:41)
8. Edge of the Century (5:06)
9. Heavy Water (5:53)
10. Too Much Time on My Hands (5:22)
11. Renegade (7:25)

21st Century Live

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2003
Label: Sanctuary
Catalog Number: 942047
Average Rating: 60 / 100 (1 rating)


Disc 1
1. Rockin' the Paradise (4:12)
2. High Enough (2:07)
3. Lorelei (4:07)
4. Sing for the Day (4:22)
5. Boat on the River (4:25)
6. Love Is the Ritual (5:31)
7. Snowblind (5:22)
8. Miss America (5:19)
9. Come Sail Away (10:11)
10. Renegade (7:36)
Disc 2
11. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (5:01)
12. Everything Is Cool (4:51)
13. Brave New World (5:42)
14. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye (3:32)
15. A Criminal Mind (5:55)
16. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] (6:16)
17. Heavy Water (5:53)
18. Too Much Time on My Hands (5:20)
19. These Are the Times (5:42)

Cyclorama (DVD-Audio)

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2003
Label: Sanctuary/Silverline
Catalog Number: 288234-9
Average Rating: 62 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Do Things My Way (4:57)
2. Waiting for Our Time (4:12)
3. Fields of the Brave (3:23)
4. Bourgeois Pig (0:49)
5. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye (3:13)
6. These Are the Times (6:45)
7. Yes I Can (3:50)
8. More Love for the Money (3:47)
9. Together (4:46)
10. Fooling Yourself [Palm of Your Hands] (0:39)
11. Captain America (3:53)
12. Killing the Thing That You Love (5:36)
13. One With Everything (5:56)
14. Genki Desu Ka (6:13)


[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2003
Label: Sanctuary Records
Catalog Number: 06076 86337-2
Average Rating: 67 / 100 (12 ratings)


1. Do Things My Way (4:57)
2. Waiting for Our Time (4:12)
3. Fields of the Brave (3:23)
4. Bourgeois Pig (0:49)
5. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye (3:13)
6. These Are the Times (6:45)
7. Yes I Can (3:50)
8. More Love for the Money (3:47)
9. Together (4:46)
10. Fooling Yourself [Palm of Your Hands] (0:39)
11. Captain America (3:53)
12. Killing the Thing That You Love (5:36)
13. One With Everything (5:56)
14. Genki Desu Ka (6:13)

Come Sail Away - The Styx Anthology

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2004
Label: A&M/UTV Records
Catalog Number: B0002104-02
Average Rating: 91 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. Best Thing
2. You Need Love
3. Lady
4. Winner Take All
5. Rock and Roll Feeling
6. Light Up
7. Lorelei
8. Prelude 12
9. Suite Madame Blue
10. Shooz
11. Mademoiselle
12. Crystal Ball
13. The Grand Illusion
14. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man]
15. Come Sail Away
16. Miss America
17. Man in the Wilderness
Disc 2
18. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights]
19. Sing for the Day
20. Renegade
21. Pieces of Eight
22. Lights
23. Babe
24. Borrowed Time
25. Boat on the River
26. A.D. 1928
27. Rockin' the Paradise
28. Too Much Time on My Hands
29. The Best of Times
30. Snowblind
31. Mr. Roboto
32. Love Is the Ritual
33. Show Me the Way
34. Dear John
35. One With Everything

Big Bang Theory

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: New Door Records/Universal
Catalog Number: B0004414-02
Average Rating: 60 / 100 (4 ratings)


1. I Am the Walrus (4:41)
2. I Can See for Miles (4:28)
3. Can't Find My Way Home (3:24)
4. It Don't Make Sense [You Can't Make Peace] (4:10)
5. I Don't Need No Doctor (4:23)
6. One Way Out (4:42)
7. A Salty Dog (4:01)
8. Summer in the City (3:25)
9. Manic Depression (3:59)
10. Talkin' About the Good Times (3:57)
11. Locomotive Breath (3:33)
12. Find the Cost of Freedom (1:04)
13. Wishing Well (3:40)
14. Blue Collar Man @ 2120 (6:29)

One With Everything

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2006
Label: Frontiers Records (Italy)
Catalog Number: FR CD 311
Average Rating: 68 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] Live (5:34)
2. One With Everything Live (6:32)
3. It Don’t Make Sense [You Can’t Make Peace] Live (5:04)
4. Everything All The Time New Track Live (4:41)
5. I Am The Walrus Live (4:42)
6. Just Be Studio Version New Track (4:44)
7. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] Live (7:07)
8. Boat On The River Live (3:31)
9. I Don't Need No Doctor Live (4:39)
10. Crystal Ball Live (5:46)
11. Too Much Time On My Hands Live (5:21)
12. Miss America Live (5:35)
13. Renegade Live (10:45)

Regeneration Volume 1

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2010
Label: Self-Released
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. The Grand Illusion
2. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man]
3. Lorelei
4. Sing for the Day
5. Crystal Ball
6. Come Sail Away
7. Difference in the World New Track

Babe - The Collection

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2011
Label: Spectrum Music
Catalog Number: SPEC2065
Average Rating: 81 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. The Best of Times
2. Too Much Time On My Hands
3. Babe
4. Boat On the River
5. Come Sail Away
6. Mr. Roboto
7. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man]
8. Lady
9. Crystal Ball
10. Renegade
11. Lorelei
12. Mademoiselle
13. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights]
14. Heavy Metal Poisoning
15. Shooz
16. Snowblind
17. Show Me the Way
18. A.D. 1928
19. Rockin' the Paradise

Regeneration Vol. I and II

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2011
Label: Eagle Rock
Catalog Number: EDGCD469
Average Rating: 85 / 100 (4 ratings)


Disc 1
1. The Grand Illusion
2. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man]
3. Lorelei
4. Sing for the Day
5. Crystal Ball
6. Come Sail Away
7. Difference in the World
Disc 2
8. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights]
9. Miss America
10. Renegade
11. Queen of Spades
12. Boat On the River
13. Too Much Time On My Hands
14. Snowblind
15. Coming of Age
16. High Enough

The Grand Illusion/Pieces Of Eight: Live

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2013
Label: Eagle Rock
Catalog Number: 20320
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (2 ratings)


Disc 1
1. Grand Illusion (4:36)
2. Fooling Yourself [The Angry Young Man] (5:28)
3. Superstars (3:59)
4. Come Sail Away See All (5:30)
5. Miss America (5:01)
6. Man in the Wilderness (5:49)
7. Castle Walls (6:00)
8. Grand Finale (1:58)
Disc 2
9. Great White Hope (4:23)
10. I'm Okay (7:10)
11. Sing For the Day (4:56)
12. Message (1:08)
13. Lords of the Ring (4:31)
14. Blue Collar Man [Long Nights] (4:06)
15. Queen Of Spades (5:38)
16. Renegade (4:13)
17. Pieces Of Eight (4:45)
18. Aku-Aku (3:18)

The Mission

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2017
Label: UME
Catalog Number: UMEB002646602
Average Rating: 79 / 100 (9 ratings)


1. Overture
2. Gone Gone Gone
3. Hundred Million Miles
4. Trouble at the Big Show
5. Locomotive
6. Radio Silence
7. The Greater Good
8. Time May Bend
9. Ten Thousand Ways
10. The Red Storm
11. All Systems Stable
12. Khedive
13. The Outpost
14. Mission to Mars

Crash of the Crown

[Styx  Album Cover] Year: 2021
Label: UME
Catalog Number: 00602435376806
Average Rating: 79 / 100 (5 ratings)


1. The Fight of Our Lives (1:54)
2. A Monster (3:27)
3. Reveries (3:03)
4. Hold Back the Darkness (3:58)
5. Save Us from Ourselves (3:02)
6. Crash of the Crown (3:46)
7. Our Wonderful Lives (3:06)
8. Common Ground (4:00)
9. Sound the Alarm (3:25)
10. Long Live the King (2:33)
11. Lost At Sea (0:38)
12. Coming Out the Other Side (3:48)
13. To Those (3:01)
14. Another Farewell instrumental (0:26)
15. Stream (2:56)

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Styx CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Styx are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

eBay affiliate links may earn us a commission at no additional cost to you.

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