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Stikki Fykk

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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Fazt Carz An' Rock 'N' Roll Starz

[Stikki Fykk  Album Cover] Year: 2000
Label: B.O. Records
Catalog Number: CD 5.7065.20.561
Average Rating: 40 / 100 (6 ratings)


1. Blow Job (:21)
2. Bang Bang Shoot to Kill (2:13)
3. Fazt Carz An' Rock 'N' Roll Starz (2:18)
4. Vikky Stikk (2:11)
5. Luv' Iz in the Room (2:51)
6. Female Sperm Rubber (3:26)
7. Gangbang in the Afternoon (2:26)
8. Hit Me, Beat Me and Bit Me (1:50)
9. Rokkin' All Nite Long (3:25)
10. Lady of the Hottest Nite (2:24)
11. Lonely Boy (3:35)
12. Sleazy Boyz (3:17)
13. Under the Redlite (2:07)
14. Talk Dirty to Me (3:09)
15. Stikki Fykk (3:03)

Eight Ladiez in the Late Eightiez

[Stikki Fykk  Album Cover] Year: 2002
Label: Sunset Records
Catalog Number: SR3002
Average Rating: 55 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Porn Rock Airlinez (1:15)
2. Glam Rock Boulevard (3:44)
3. Whiskey Luvin Nymphoz (3:19)
4. A Good Girlz Money and a Bad Girlz Titz (3:05)
5. Pour Sum Sugar Down on Me (3:50
6. Intro Eight Ladiez (:37)
7. Eight Ladiez in the Late Eightiez (3:09)
8. Chapel of Sleaze (3:15)
9. Proud to Be Intolerant (2:03)
10. Lippstikk Luverz (2:30)
11. Neighborhood in Hollywood (2:22)
12. Your Sisterz My Next Homework Session (3:31)
13. Sex Police Can't Catch Me (2:28)
14. Dr. Vinnie Stikk (2:49)
15. Angoracatz in Dollywood (1:50)
16. Lady Dynamite (2:58)
17. Sexxy Nunn (4:14)

Pink Lippstikkz In The Northern Sky

[Stikki Fykk  Album Cover] Year: 2005
Label: Sunset Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 40 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Born To Lick
2. Lippservice In Orgyland
3. The Sleazy Burniung Of Bethlehem
4. Johnny Swingz Hiz Sword To Betty Ford
5. Angel in White
6. The Unholy Force Of The Yellow Legion
7. Sidekixx An' Luvtrixx
8. The Peaceful Rape Of A Perfumed Ookewhore
9. Pink Lippstikkz In The Northern Sky
10. Fixxi Takez A Bite From A Tranzveztite
11. Pornrockolip On A Viking Ship
12. An ode To My Peniz
13. Aktin' Kool In Glamrock School

Sleazy We Meow

[Stikki Fykk  Album Cover] Year: 2006
Label: Sunset Records
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 40 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Kinky Butthole Party In LuluLand
2. Callboyz From L.A.
3. Silicon Party In Boobie Town
4. Gangbang Secretary
5. Buttfukk Princezz Izabelle
6. Tell Me Who The Queen Iz, An' She Will Sukk My Peniz
7. Your Cream Iz Az Pink Az My Cadillac
8. Sleazy We Rot
9. Get a Little Nazty
10. Baby Hold Me Tight
11. True Defenderz Of Pink Steel

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Stikki Fykk CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Stikki Fykk are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

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