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Electric Boys


Electric Boys Homepage

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Click on a CD title or album cover below to see detailed information about the CD
and site member comments on the music.

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Halleluja! I'm on Fire

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 1989
Label: Polygram Records Sweden
Catalog Number: 874499-2
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (3 ratings)


1. Halleluja! I'm On Fire
2. Freaky Funksters
3. Into The Ditch
4. Do The Dirty Dog

Funk-O-Metal Carpet Ride

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 1990
Label: ATCO
Catalog Number: 7 91337-2
Average Rating: 79 / 100 (23 ratings)


1. Psychedelic Eyes
2. All Lips n' Hips
3. The Change
4. If I Had a Car
5. Captain of my Soul
6. Rags to Riches
7. Cheek to Cheek
8. Electrified
9. Who are You?
10. Into the Woods

Groovus Maximus

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 1992
Label: ATCO
Catalog Number: 7 92143-2
Average Rating: 81 / 100 (20 ratings)


1. Groovus Maximus (3:44)
2. Knee Deep in You (3:43)
3. Mary in the Mystery World (5:27)
4. Fire in the House (3:11)
5. The Sky Is Crying (3:37)
6. Bed of Roses (4:35)
7. She's into Something Heavy (3:47)
8. Dying to Be Loved (4:20)
9. Bad Motherfunker (2:42)
10. When Love Explodes (3:51)
11. Tambourine (2:02)
12. Tear It Up (3:28)
13. March of the Spirits (3:25)


[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 1994
Label: Polar/Polygram (Sweden)
Catalog Number: 521722-2 Polar
Average Rating: 80 / 100 (10 ratings)


1. Ready to Believe
2. Straight No Chaser
3. Groover
4. Mountains and Sunsets
5. Sad Day
6. Nothing for Nothing
7. Sleeping in the Worlds Smallest Bed
8. My Knuckles Your Face
9. Not My Cross to Bear
10. Sharpshooter
11. Some Kind of Voodoo bonus track
12. Freewheelin' bonus track
13. Black Betty bonus track

Now Dig This! The Best Of

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 2009
Label: Universal
Catalog Number: 5319269
Average Rating: 90 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Psychedelic Eyes
2. All Lips N' Hips
3. Mary In The Mystery World
4. Electrified
5. Knee Deep In You
6. Mountains And Sunsets
7. Dying To Be Loved
8. Tambourine
9. Who Are You
10. Groovus Maximus
11. Halleluja! I'm On Fire
12. The Change
13. The Groover
14. Get Nasty
15. Rags To Riches
16. Cheek To Cheek [In A Moonlit World]
17. Captain Of My Soul
18. Straight No Chaser
19. Bed Of Roses
20. All Lips N' Hips Batmix Returns Remix 2009

And Them Boys Done Swang

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 2011
Label: Escape Music
Catalog Number: ESM226
Average Rating: 82 / 100 (7 ratings)


1. Reeferlord
2. My Heart's Not for Sale
3. Father Popcorn's Magic Oysters
4. Angel in An Armoured Suit
5. Ten Thousand Times Goodbye
6. The House Is Rockin'
7. Welcome To the High Times
8. Sometimes U Gotta Go Look for the Car
9. Put Your Arms Around Me
10. The Day the Gypsies Came To Town
11. Rollin' Down the Road
12. A Mother of a Love Story

Starflight United

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 2014
Label: Ninetone Records
Catalog Number: NRCD-128
Average Rating: 77 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Spaced Out
2. Desire
3. If Only She Was Lonely
4. Life Is So Electric
5. Tramp
6. Ain't No Gettin' Over You
7. Junk in the Trunk
8. Gangin' Up
9. Lucy Fur
10. BASF
11. Starflight United
12. 59 High Mountain St.

The Ghost Ward Diaries

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 2018
Label: Mighty Music/Target
Catalog Number:
Average Rating: 83 / 100 (2 ratings)


1. Hangover In Hannover
2. There She Goes Again
3. You Spark My Heart
4. Love Is A Funny Feeling
5. Gone Gone Gone
6. Swampmotofrog
7. First The Money, Then The Honey
8. Rich Man, Poor Man
9. Knocked Out By Tyson
10. One Of The Fallen Angels

Upside Down

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 2021
Label: Mighty Music
Catalog Number: PMZ348CD
Average Rating: 78 / 100 (1 rating)


1. Upside Down Theme
2. Super God
3. Tumblin' Dominoes
4. Never Again Your Slave
5. She Never Turns Around
6. Globestrutter
7. The Dudes & The Dancers
8. Twang 'em & Kerrang 'em
9. It's Not The End
10. Interstellafella

Grand Explosivos

[Electric Boys  Album Cover] Year: 2023
Label: Mighty Music
Catalog Number: PMZ383CD
Average Rating: Not rated.


1. When Life Treats You Funky
2. Better Safe Than Sober
3. I've Got A Feelin'
4. And The Band Played On Part 1
5. Domestic Blitz
6. Karma's Gonna Get You
7. Missed Her By A Minute
8. Learjet
9. Cozmic Jagger
10. The Great Believer
11. And The Band Played On Part 2

The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Electric Boys CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

EPs and CD-singles from Electric Boys are also welcome to be added, as long as they are at least 4 songs in length.

Links to CD cover art can be posted over in the Heavy Harmonies forum/message board.

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