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Search Results

The search found 28 CDs upon which Jerry Hey performed.

Musician Artist CD
Jerry Hey HornsFiona Heart Like a Gun
Jerry HeyMichael Bolton Time Love And Tenderness
Jerry HeyGlen Burtnick Talking In Code
Jerry HeyPeter Cetera World Falling Down
Jerry HeyBill Champlin Single
Jerry HeyBryan Duncan Anonymous Confessions Of A Lunatic Friend
Jerry HeyBryan Duncan Mercy
Jerry HeyDavid Foster David Foster
Jerry HeyAlan Gorrie Sleepless Nights
Jerry HeyJay Graydon Airplay For the Planet
Jerry HeyAmy Holland On Your Every Word
Jerry HeyKurt Howell Kurt Howell
Jerry HeyJoe Bruce and 2nd Avenue Joe Bruce and 2nd Avenue
Jerry HeyMarc Jordan A Hole In The Wall
Jerry HeySteve Kipner Knock The Walls Down
Jerry HeyKenny Loggins Back to Avalon
Jerry HeyEric Martin I'm Only Fooling Myself
Jerry HeyRichard Marx Flesh and Bone
Jerry HeyRichard Marx Repeat Offender
Jerry HeyOff Course As Close as Possible
Jerry HeyPages Future Street
Jerry HeyJoe Pasquale Prey
Jerry HeyREO Speedwagon Building the Bridge
Jerry HeyDara Sedaka I'm Your Girl Friend
Jerry HeyRick Springfield Rock of Life
Jerry HeyToto Isolation
Jerry HeyToto Toto XX - 1977-1997
Jerry HeyJoseph Williams Joseph Williams

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