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THE Hard Rock and AOR Reference on the Internet!
Bands: 10403 CDS: 25291 Songs: 301034
The search found 21 CDs upon which Jerry Dixon performed.
Musician | Artist | CD |
Jerry Dixon | Ashba | Addiction to the Friction |
Jerry Dixon | Bang Tango | Big Bangs and Live Explosions |
Jerry Dixon | Hollywood Underground | Hollywood Underground |
Jerry Dixon | Jani Lane | Catch a Falling Star |
Jerry Dixon | Liberty N' Justice | Independence Day |
Jerry Dixon | Liberty N' Justice | Light It Up |
Jerry Dixon | Tributes | Leppardmania - A Tribute to Def Leppard |
Jerry Dixon | Tributes | Livin On A Prayer: A Tribute To Bon Jovi |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | 86-97 Live |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Belly to Belly, Vol. 1 |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Born Again |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Cherry Pie |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Cherry Pie (All The Hitz 'N' More) |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Dirty Rotten Filthy Stinking Rich |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Dog Eat Dog |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Greatest and Latest |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Louder Harder Faster |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Rockaholic |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Then And Now |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Ultraphobic |
Jerry Dixon | Warrant | Under the Influence |