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CD Title: Rise
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Category: Hard Rock
Year: 1999
Label: Spitfire
Catalog Number: 5072-2
Ryan Cook vocals, guitar
Mike Dupke drums
Boot bass, background vocals
John A. Sepetys guitar
1. | Rise | |
2. | Five to Nine | |
3. | Color Me Fire | |
4. | You Are the One | |
5. | Mokur Jahoobees | |
6. | I Can't Fight You | |
7. | Rescue Me | |
8. | Bum Jenkins | |
9. | Twice | |
10. | The Almighty Strut | |
11. | Sometimes Is Enough | |
12. | Hammered | |
13. | I | | | Cover: KISS |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Glam Forever |
Date: August 24, 2001 at 11:47 |
Horrible band with just one wonderful song: You Are The One!
From: John |
Date: September 26, 2001 at 12:32 |
Not a horrible band. Great rock and roll. You Are The One is a great song, but anyone who doesn't 'get' what the band is about is lost.
From: ezed |
Date: February 25, 2002 at 19:54 |
ohh,people..if you love kick ass balls and chunk in your face 80s style rock,you MUST listen to hotd,the 1st cd kicks harder then rise,songs like cadillac jack,the party aint over,whiskey tango and monster flat out jam! these guys bring back what great jumpin,crank it up in the car rock is suppose to be..while putting to shame all the new crap out there like blink 182,beck,godsmackgreenday and all that MUST give hotd a listen.their style is a mesh of ac/dc+jackyl+kiss. get the 1st cd.
From: jason |
Date: May 19, 2002 at 19:30 |
This isn't a new band. This album came out in 2001, but it's not their first. I saw these guys when they opened for cinderella. Their first album is self titled and I picked it up at the show. I got to meet these guy after the show and they signed the CD. This band is alot of fun to see live! If you get the chance, check them out. I don't know which album I like better? The first one is like Jackyl and the new one is more main stream pop rock. Good stuff! Oh, also, the 1st album came out in '97.
From: Reno |
Date: May 20, 2002 at 5:52 |
Hey jason, check out their new cd called Ignite. It kicks some major ass. John Sepetys is no longer playing guitar due to a muscle control problem in his hand. One of Johns best friends is Steve Vai. His sister Ruta Sepetys is Steve's Manager. I saw them for the first time on their first tour with Ratt and got the chance to meet them and then again with Cinderella about 8 months later. They are one of the better rock bands to come out in the late 90's.
From: jason |
Date: May 20, 2002 at 15:59 |
Reno, I have the Ignite album and I made a mistake. The album that came out in 2001 IS Ignite. I had my wires crossed there for a bit. Ignite is the album that I thought sounded more main stream rock. "Devil May Care" & "Ignite" are pretty good songs!
From: RichieRocker |
Date: June 1, 2002 at 12:07 |
I saw these guys open for Cinderella in Boston a few years back. I cant remember much of their songs but I did love Cadillac Jack. Does anybody know what album that song is on???
From: T-BONE |
Date: June 2, 2002 at 1:30 |
Cadillac Jack is on the first cd.
From: |
Date: September 11, 2002 at 18:25 |
Average band that wants to be Kiss. I traded this CD.
From: The Fizzy One |
Date: September 16, 2002 at 1:29 |
Aw guys, how can you NOT like a song about boobs? Mokur Jahoobees, baby! Actualy, this band is on the good side of average. I think a lot of it on this album is due to a rather dry production. FOr me, it doesn't get good until track #5, and then after that it's pretty good. BTW, there's another track, a Kiss cover, of "I," from the Elder. And this came out in 2000, not '99.
From: purrfect-kat |
Date: September 16, 2002 at 11:25 |
hello ezed . . . . . . . I was reading your quote "if you love kick ass balls and chunk in your face" . . . . . . . . . what does this mean?
From: purrfect-kat |
Date: September 16, 2002 at 11:30 |
I have this cd and the song called "You are the One" is Excellent . . . . I don't understand how lovin balls or kickin someone balls has anything to do with their music cuz they are not a power band.
From: Steve T |
Date: September 16, 2002 at 19:10 |
I actually believed the hype with this cd and brought it blind. Sold it a week later......nothing outstanding about this at all. Bar band at best.
From: T-BONE |
Date: September 17, 2002 at 0:29 |
Don't give up that easily Steve. This wasn't the best of them. I have all three. The debut is alot better and the third release called Ignite is more on the melodic side for the most part, but still good.
From: Steve T |
Date: September 17, 2002 at 7:14 |
T-BONE......okay I'll give something else a shot. Rise is the only cd I have heard so I won't dismiss the band out of hand just yet. Thanks for the heads up
From: timpop |
Date: February 28, 2003 at 21:53 |
What ever happened to this band ? I went to school with a couple of them..
From: ezed |
Date: March 18, 2003 at 23:36 |
1st off purrfect kat..."balls and chunk" is a quote from the worlds BEST drummer,mike portnoy from dream theater,check out their video from images and means fun kick ass great rock.. 2nd timpop,im in kansas,didnt go to school with ryan but saw him thru the local circuit a few times. i saw them on the cinderella tour in wichita,threw the frizbee around (and a "few" beers)after the show. i have a letter and a "not for sale " ep cd that ruta sent me saying thanks for helping get airtime!!
From: ezed |
Date: March 18, 2003 at 23:40 |
p.s. ....purrfect kat...the 1st cd kicks harder then rise. u might check it out too. great summer fun rock!
From: Rycheage |
Date: June 15, 2003 at 2:44 |
The result is one of the most solid and consistently great American hard rock albums of the last few years. Bands like Hair Of The Dog, Union and Mars Electric are going to be the new bread of commercial melodic rock. Radio DJ's take notice! Give these guys airplay, you are your listeners will not be disappointed! Hair Of The Dog play straight forward good time, fun rock n roll.
From: Matt |
Date: June 30, 2003 at 13:09 |
Hi guys, I heard that HOTD broke up. Is this true? I went to and the page is gone. If anyone knows, please email me at Thanks, Matt
From: Hrudet |
Date: July 2, 2003 at 21:47 |
Anyone who missed the classic American hard rock sound of bands like Little Caesar, the bluesy based hard rocking party anthems and feel good hard rock of the best era of music this century need to find this album ASAP. Simply one of the best straight ahead classic American hard rock releases in the past several years.
From: John |
Date: August 20, 2003 at 13:43 |
'Color Me Fire', 'Mokur Jahoobees', 'Hammered'...all awesome hard rock songs. Any band that comes up with the lyric 'we're getting hammered like a railroad spike' is okay with me. I can't fight you rips off an old AC/DC riff, but I don't care because that's a great one too. I love this band.
From: Craig Wold |
Date: August 29, 2003 at 0:29 |
Unfortunately I believe Hair of the Dog is no more. They were having major problems with their record label; Spitfire Records. HOTD rocked and had the best time seeing them live here in Wisconsin. Its very sad - because they have a huge following here in Central WI!! Z104 continues to play them in regular rotation!!
From: Jamie |
Date: December 6, 2003 at 8:07 |
Excellent album. Excellent band. Pity the've split up because I would have liked to see them live.
From: |
Date: April 12, 2004 at 22:13 |
I like this CD. You Are The One is easily the best track. Many people don't like HOTD stuff, so if you don't wanna risk being one of them and picking up the CD, then at least download You Are The One. A must have
From: Geoff |
Date: February 11, 2005 at 18:10 |
Glad to see that there are some albums where pretty much everyone involved knows and appreciates a single song so you know you must be on some sort of right track, and in this case there is no doubt that 'You are the one' is easily the best and only excellent song on this disc. The pre-chorus is simply outstanding and it's a beautiful song. I've kept the disc for that song alone but the rest is okay average hard rock. Just very, very average.
From: LUST |
Date: April 27, 2005 at 0:31 |
Great band with a southern flare. 'You Are The One', as mentioned numerous times above, is an amazing track. Actually my wedding song! Fun band just looking to rock and sing about the important things - girls, partying, girls, drinking and girls. I miss the 80's!!!
From: RattnRoll |
Date: December 13, 2005 at 5:48 |
This is a great album, it's hardrock for the new millenium. I believe the band called it quits after the third album, such a shame.
From: aMetalhead1966 |
Date: January 25, 2006 at 11:18 |
A big let down here...Thought this would be really good, alas it isn't IMO.3/10.
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: June 26, 2008 at 1:24 |
I guess I'm in the minority, in that I actually like Rise a little better than the debut. True, it's not as heavy or aggressive, adn those rhythms don't clobber you over the head this time around, but at the same time, the band seems to be concentrating more on good, strong melodies which, let's face it, were a little lacking on the first one. "Rise," "Color Me Fire," "I Can't Fight You," "The Almighty Strut" and "Hammered" are all great songs, and "Rescue Me" is a nice ballad that could've gone somewhere in another time. Oh yeah, and then there's the boob song ...
From: metalmastermusic |
Date: June 26, 2008 at 9:58 |
Well it seems there are a lot of houses divided on this one. I for one like this album but not quite as well as the first self titled one. For those who like AOR this is not for you but then neither are Jackyl or AC/DC for you either. This band blends a little bit of each in. They have some great guitarwork and a straigt ahead in your face approach to music. Fave songs on this one are Five to Nine, You Are the One, and Mokur Jahoobes...if you like Dirty Looks,AC/DC, Jackyl, Rumbledog this will be up your alley. 81/100
From: Ydol eM |
Date: August 21, 2013 at 14:26 |
Really, kick ass hard rock sometimes mixed with southern rock. There are several bands I could find "points of contact" with, some of them have already been mentioned above. IMO, it is halfway between The Almighty and Little Caesar. Not exactly my cup of tea, anyway tasty. 70/100.
From: hair metal again |
Date: March 14, 2025 at 12:43 |
very good release for HAIR OF THE DOG ,a band that offers the basics of the US hard rock sound of the 80s with that street party attitude !if you like bands like KISS ,LITTLE CAESAR or JACKYL then you should def check em out !"you are the one","mokur jahoobees","i cant fight you" and "twice" are fine songs indeed! not many bands did that in the late 90 s
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