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[Badlands Band Picture]

Artist: Badlands

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CD Title: Voodoo Highway

Badlands Voodoo Highway Album Cover


Category: Glam Metal

Year: 1991

Label: Atlantic

Catalog Number: 7 82251-2


Jake E. Lee guitars
Ray Gillen vocals
Greg Chaisson bass
Jeff Martin drums


1.  The Last Time  3:41
2.  Show Me the Way  4:12
3.  Shine On  4:22
4.  Whiskey Dust  4:18
5.  Joe's Blues  0:57
6.  Soul Stealer  2:58
7.  Three Day Funk  3:52
8.  Silver Horses  4:40
9.  Love Don't Mean a Thing  4:01
10.  Voodoo Highway  2:22
11.  Fire and Rain  3:40
12.  Heaven's Train  3:57
13.  In a Dream  2:14
Total Running Time:  45:14

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Rikker Mortis Date: April 28, 2001 at 16:27
This is totally awesome blues-rock. An essential purchase if you can find it.

From: Greg Date: June 23, 2001 at 11:28
Voodoo Highway is an overlooked, underrated masterpiece of hard rock. As none of the singles from the album were hits, many people write this album off as inferior to their first album. Though I agree it is not better than the first album, I would have to say that it is equal in quality in terms of songwriting, production, and playing. Some of their most catchy material is present on this album in songs like "Show Me The Way" and "Three Day Funk." If you can find it, definitely pick this one up.

From: Mike G. Date: June 26, 2001 at 12:45
Awesome driving blues rock!! You'll never find more soul and heart in a hard rock band!! What else is there to say?!?!?!?

From: fredman Date: July 17, 2001 at 1:48
agreed,but the soul of this band is the late ray gillen,lets not forget to give him his props!

From: Bisho Date: July 31, 2001 at 11:54
Similar to the first but a lot more GROOVY (dare I say that word?) RAY GILLEN was the heart & soul of this band and it shows no better than on this album. Gotta love WHISKY DUSK and THREE DAY FUNK!

From: James Date: January 26, 2002 at 20:28
The cover of James Taylor's "Fire and Rain" is awesome. reminds me of how Guns-n-Roses redone Knockin On Heavens Door. Yes, it is that good.

From: Tony Date: April 10, 2002 at 4:03
Glam metal??? Badlands?? Oh well. God I love this album. I rediscovered it years after it came out and I just love everything about it. Like an updated Humble Pie to me. Just has a great groove all the way through it and Jake E. Lee's rhythm playing blows your mind. Don't know why this didn't catch on as I think the songs are just superior. One of the top 5 forgotten classics of this era & that's unfortanate.

From: tomcat Date: May 11, 2002 at 12:18
beautifull rock tunes...

From: TIM Date: May 18, 2002 at 22:02
Didn't like this one either.

From: Sarracenia Date: May 19, 2002 at 6:59
I didn't like this album as much as their debut. It seems a little more commercialized than their debut. There are song truly awesome songs on it though, and Ray's voice shines as always.

From: Baris Date: September 8, 2002 at 9:36
I LOVE THIS. In my opinion, this is a brilliant album. The wonder skills of Ray Gillen and Jake E. Lee continues. The sound is somewhat deeper than the first. Perhaps more underground. Sometimes gets closer to 1970s. May bother people who expect more simple and catchy melody patterns. But I've been filled with quality music while listening really. Convenient to be played in a smoky bar atmosphere. It can never be out-dated. Think it as a drug to take sometimes. It has a quality in itself.

From: robert Date: October 22, 2002 at 9:09
igual de bueno q el 1š. es q no se puede hacer nada malo con esto pedazo de magos. aunque personalmente me quedo con su primer bateria, el eric.gran disco!

From: BRM Date: March 20, 2003 at 19:55
I first listened to this album and the only track that stood out to me was the first, great track. It gathered a bit of dust and when I finally came to listen to it again oh my god was I amazed RAY GILLEN, what a voice. I havent heared their other albums yet but the tracks here sound raw but they have excellent sound, if you can get your hands on this I'm sure you won't be dissapointed, but you dont have to listen to my opinion just look above (and no doubt below!) to see how good this album is.

From: Eric Carr Date: April 8, 2003 at 14:32
Jeff Martin Drums??? I'm not sure pal!!!!

From: jarett r. Date: August 27, 2003 at 12:07
greg chaisson and jeff martin also played together in the blindside blues band.

From: Gar Date: November 22, 2003 at 3:43
I wasn't a big fan of their debut album, but this one really hit home for me. It combines classic rock with the hookiness of 80s style metal. Plus, Ray Gillen posessed a great vocal range. This release may not be for everyone, but if you're into bluesy rock performed by some of the most talented musicians of the era you should definitely check this one out.

From: Scandinavia Date: December 21, 2003 at 7:47
Interesting line up alright but it's just too damn far from being relevant...Waaaay to bluesy...What's with all the funky stuff??? Only good thing here is Lee's shredding...

From: John Date: December 21, 2003 at 21:30
Scandanavia, I don't understand what you mean by 'way too bluesy'. Do you mean for YOUR tastes? These guys are a blues rock band, so I'm not quite sure what you were expecting. I think this album picks up where the last one left off. These songs just BURNED live by the way. This record is a musician's wet dream. The jam portions of the songs are SO focused and original. 9/10.

From: Kryiis Karl Date: January 5, 2004 at 16:45
Remains one of my favourite rock stuff. Better than the first one to my opinion, more soul, more groove, better vocals, a little better in every thing. Sad Gillen passed away.

From: Ray Gayo Date: April 30, 2004 at 22:29
I believe they made an error when they cathegoried this cd is not GLAM METAL but BLUES METAL. As a matter of fact because of the GLAM scen this more than excellent band didnt get to make it big. ANy BADALAND fans please visit my tribute page This recording deserves a 10++ is too good and if anyone doesnt like it, they have deaf ears. This band rules......!!!!

From: Enrico Date: May 5, 2004 at 19:29
Not as pounding as the first one but definitely this has a lot more feeling and vibe in it. "Whisky dust" is among the all-time best blues based rock songs. Why didn't they get the success they deserved...

From: Big Papa K Date: June 23, 2004 at 2:32
I don't know if I will ever get this band. I like "The Last Time" and the James Taylor cover, but the rest is boring blues rock. 4/10

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Blue Charvel Date: June 23, 2004 at 8:57
No doubt if you don't like blues, you will feel much like Big Papa K above. However if you DO like bluesy hard rock, with awesome shredding courtesy of Lee and some of Ray Gillen's finest vocal moments you will LOVE this shit to death. I have to say this is definitely one of my top ten favorite albums of all time of any genre. This stuff is straight from the heart, kick your ass, feel-driven rock 'n' roll. But hey that's just my opinion...

From: Fizz Date: June 29, 2004 at 1:51
Man, I dunno about this one. If it's not as good as the debut, it's close. Doesn't have the obvious hits that the s/t had, but some great songs nonetheless, but also some throwaway tunes as well. Unfortunately, Ray Gillen's vocal style is not one of my favorites, as I think a lower register would've worked better on some of these songs. The Fizz Picks: "The Last Time," 'Soul Stealer," "Love Don't Mean a Thing" and "Heaven's Train." So far. I just got it today though.

From: Metal T Date: June 30, 2004 at 12:12
While i prefer the debut--Blue Charvel you nailed it."Voodoo Highway" is good ol' no bull rock'n'roll with a heckuva singer in Ray'.Usually prefer the heaviest of metal,but i like alot of the bluesy hard rock kind of stuff . --

From: wyrm Date: November 4, 2004 at 0:35
Indeed a classic! Hard to compare with their first album because it differs to much in style. Personally I prefer this one. Excellent bluesy hard rock. If you like this album, you should check ou firebird too!

From: tomcat Date: November 4, 2004 at 5:05
some excellent songwriting on this album, especially "whiskey dust" is excellent..i do believe that the production could be better..but excellent disc..

From: Kryiis Karl Date: November 5, 2004 at 14:03
Dear wyrm, if I'm thinking of the same Firebird, then I would say it is a good band, musicianship is frankly ok but Bill Steer should concentrate on guitar playing (excellent) and let a pro taking hold of the mic because he is somewhat a weak vocalist and lower musical impact. And be careful talking on this site of a band related to the Stoner family (though we are far from a Kyuss-like band).

From: Kryiis karl Date: November 5, 2004 at 14:05
dear Tomcat, i highly respect your opinion but I don't share it. I think it is excellent and that it would have been a mistake to produce this release as a clasical hard / heavy rock record.

From: Propane Date: December 1, 2004 at 10:53
They only got better with age. Too bad we lost Gillan, Jake needs to reform these guys too. This one is yet another testament to perfect musicainship.

From: onemorecast Date: February 19, 2005 at 0:48
I agree with tomcat, I thought the production could have been better. Whiskey Dust was my favorite song on the cd. this is my favorite badlands cd, fire and rain was a great cover too.

From: Geoff Date: March 9, 2005 at 23:41
Just reading through the comments, I'm glad to see I'm not on my own here. I never got into this band at all. I think the debut is better than this, but that said I still don't think either will ever appeal to me at all - I sold both. As I say, completely my opinion, but this just bores me and didn't seem like appealing hard rock to me. Just average, IMO, regardless of the stellar cast.

From: howe Date: March 10, 2005 at 6:13
This is one of the best albums with a bluesy vibe ever! Fire and Rain is such a great cover. And then there's the fantastic groovy rockers Three Day Funk and Silver Horses and the bluesy ballads Show Me the Way and In a Dream. Great music, great musicians!

From: howe Date: March 10, 2005 at 6:16
BTW, category: glam metal??? I don't know, but to me this doesn't sound like glam metal at all... Hard Rock. Period!

From: tony Date: March 17, 2005 at 22:41

From: Trick Taylor Date: May 18, 2005 at 8:54
Bo Bice sang "In a Dream" acapella on American Idol last night! Maybe he will put a version on his album, leading to all Badlands CDs being re-issued, and Misters Lee and Gillen getting the respect they deserve. Maybe he will break out "Wind" from Child's Play next.

From: vixengelika Date: May 18, 2005 at 17:10
I could not believe yesterday when I heard the name "BADLANDS" from Ryan Seacrest mouth in AMERCAN IDOL!!! I was like "..the Jake E. Lee Badlands????" That's amazing! Great album/Great band...but very underrated ,unfortunately. I am glad that BO showed national TV a good music lesson, because most of national tv artists are so overrated and without talent. Thanks Bo for that! I would love to hear somebody sing "I'll Never Let You Go" by Steelheart on national tv...maybe someday...

From: Metalmusicman Date: January 1, 2007 at 13:37
I had to give this band another chance, thinking that the last albums lakluster performance had to be a freak of nature and while this one is better, I'm sad to say that it is still just not there for me. It is a nice rock album with a blues flavor, but it just left me wanting. How could a band with so much potential be so mediocre?

From: rallen399 Date: January 16, 2007 at 17:22
This cd and the first are in my top ten cds of all time, any catagory, the musicianship is world class(including Jeff Martins druming),IMO better then Eric Singer on the 1st cd,just listen to the high hat work on The Last Time the slide guitar on Whiskey Dust the consist drivig beat from bassist Greg Chaison and of coarse Ray Gillens vocals,(If after listening to In A Dream you get goosebumps or feel something you don't get the blues).Jake is one of the finest virtuosos to ever pick up the guita

From: metalizzer Date: May 18, 2007 at 6:22
just to try the majesty of mr. RAY GILLEN turn the lights off put the record on track 13 "in a dream " and listen to it , fuck the guy recorded this already in heaven! this is what a hard rock voice is all about!; allways these fuckes around saying that this isnīt a great band! you got to go back in the 60īs and 70īs to learn what rock is about assholes! (you guys know who you are!! donīt you??)

From: Rycheage Date: September 30, 2007 at 18:00
Blues rock never really appealed to me and this one was no different. Other than "Soul Stealer" and "In A Dream", this falls even flatter than the debut. Ray sang his heart out on this one and it shows but just couldn't save the day. I sold both as well.

From: YNGWIEVIKING Date: October 1, 2007 at 4:09
GREAT CD 89/100 with a singer like the great RAY GILLEN you can't do a bad record even if you try too ! JAKE E LEE is great too on this one and we have to wait until 2005 and his "retraced"cover CD to hear a good performance from him ! And yes , the rythm section is from MIKE ONESKO's BLINDSIDE BLUES BAND and the christian band RED SEA: GREG CHAISSON on BASS & JEFF MARTIN (the singer of the mighty RACER X !!later with BLACK SYMPHONY and LEATHERWOLF)on DRUMS(later with MSG/UFO/LYNCH MOB)

From: metalmastermusic Date: July 3, 2008 at 13:08
Hmmm, hung jury out there on this one. It's not bad at all but it does no compare to their debut. Maybe a little more bluesy mojo on this one. It just doen't have that killer outstanding track that the debut had to give it great credibility with me. Not a essential disc to any collection unless you just have to have all of the Lee/Gillens stuff. 75/100

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: July 4, 2008 at 1:50
It's true Voodoo Highway doesn't have as many instant favorites as the debut, but for some reason, I like this one just a little bit better. The guitarwork is even more advanced, so the riffs tend to stick out more than, say, the choruses. Gillen's voice is a little on the thin side in places, and we won't even get into the lyrics. Even so, I still prefer this one just slightly. Favorite songs: "The Last Time," "Whiskey Dust," "Soul Stealer," "Love Don't Mean A Thing."

From: rockhardrock Date: May 1, 2009 at 9:38
the debut kicks ass and so this one. i love ray's vocals-awsome voice. i think this one is a bit heavier on the moments than the debut but this doesn't move this one far away from the debut. my favs here: The Last Time, Show Me the Way, Whiskey Dust and Fire & Rain

From: z4roxx Date: November 19, 2010 at 13:59
I think to liked only the debut album but honestly this is a must too.More of the comments above are more detailed than mine.Great band.

From: happy2849 Date: December 12, 2010 at 12:20
I do prefer this over their 1st for some reason. At a time when the music industry went to the dogs, releasee like this one kept me sane. Ray and Jake put out some fine hard/blues rock. This one gets a lot of play!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: February 8, 2011 at 20:37
Bluesy Rock album with some 70's influences and with the great Ray Gillen on vocals and Jake E Lee on guitars(they were the heart & soul of the band) everybody knows Ray Gillen passed away some years ago ..."The Last Time" surely rocks,"Shine On" ,"Soul Stealer" reminded me of Led Zeppelin & Jimmi Hendrix ,"Three Day Funk" rocking track,"Silver Horses" excellent song,like it a lot,"Voodoo Highway" nice acoustic track,"Heaven's Train" is another hot shot & the final song "In A Dream" which is only a vocal/acoustic guitar song,ends the whole thing with pleasure...worthy album if u like the blues side of rock...88/100

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: February 8, 2011 at 21:29
Oh HELL yes! "3 Day Funk" just flat-out JAMS, especially that double-time part in the middle and and at the end!

From: halfordhughes Date: April 23, 2011 at 11:48
this is great bluesy hard rock!!! highly recommended!!!

From: patriotsfan29 Date: August 18, 2012 at 15:30
I'll be completely honest, this album never really grabbed me for whatever reason. I always felt like they had the talent to be massive, they just seemed to underachieve. I did like The Last time, Fire And Rain and Voodoo Highway, but the rest was very average at best.

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