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[Fozzy Band Picture]

Artist: Fozzy

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Fozzy Homepage

CD Title: Happenstance

Fozzy Happenstance Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 2002

Label: Megaforce Records

Catalog Number: MEGA1981


Moongoose McQueen lead vocals
Duke Larue guitars, backing vocals
KK LaFlame drums, backing vocals
The Kidd guitars
Claude "Watty" Watson bass
Lord Edgar Bayden Powell guest guitars


1.  Whitechapel 1888  1:00
2.  To Kill a Stranger  4:00
3.  Happenstance  5:01
4.  Freewheel Burning  4:47  Cover: Judas Priest
5.  The Mob Rules  3:18  Cover: Black Sabbath
6.  Big City Nights  4:25  Cover: Scorpions
7.  Crucify Yourself  4:30
8.  L.O.V.E. Machine  4:11  Cover: W.A.S.P.
9.  Balls to the Wall  5:43  Cover: Accept
10.  With the Fire  4:44
11.  Where Eagles Dare  6:19  Cover: Iron Maiden
12.  Balls to the Wall video  2:54
Total Running Time:  50:52

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Fozzy CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: jason (FA - Q) Date: August 18, 2002 at 21:34
I wonder why Chris (the singer) didn't use his really name? Isn't he the guy from WWF/WWE? Anyway, I would like to check this band out.

From: TIM Date: August 18, 2002 at 21:40
Chris Jericho aka Y2J. I don't know. I've heard To Kill A Stranger and I'm not overly impressed. I might have to check the other samples on here.

From: Ben Walker Date: August 31, 2002 at 17:53
Fozzy Rules & CHRIS JERICHO A.K.A Y2J Is The Icing The The Cake !!!!!!

From: Axelinger Date: September 10, 2002 at 9:20
Crap - The Sequel...

From: Fozzy-is-Vlad Date: October 22, 2002 at 5:16
FOZZY are huge Rock stars you sons of bitches and they rock and to any of you ASS-Clowns out there who think that Fozzy Sux dont you understand and i Quote "I am the iotola of rock'n'rolla, a larger than life living ledgend, King of the World!"-Chris Jericho

From: Axelinger Date: October 24, 2002 at 22:19
You wouldn't happenstance to mean "Ayatollah", would you, or is it some other "ledgendairy" word I'm searching for? Was completing Grade 5 really that tough?

From: Brandon Date: December 21, 2002 at 18:41
Great Hard Rock Album! Rich Ward is one of the best guitarists there are. Jericho's vocals really add flare to this album.

From: ScorpSting Date: March 10, 2003 at 3:36
This album is really great. A definitely must for any hard rock/metal fans out there. Fozzy is a very talented band and Chris Jericho can really throw down some cool vocals. You will not be disappointed (unless you're a 12 year old kis who still doesn't understand that Chris Jericho is more talented than any other WWE Superstar.) -rock on

From: WidoMakr Date: March 16, 2003 at 1:32
How simply can i put this...THESE GUYS SUCK!!! while I think Jericho is a good wrestler (remember my sign off comes from a relative who is one with NWA/TNA) HE BLOWS as a singer...I mean this stuff is terrible...All I can say is Jericho better keep kissing Vince McFags ASS/better not quit his day job....Quote the WidoMakr....never more

From: jfox66 Date: March 28, 2003 at 21:45
I am a huge rock fan and I like the original versions of all the covers here but, this.... Sounds like a bad bar band on an even worse night. Hopefully Jericho will get the message when this tanks badly. to quote another WWE star: NEVERMORE!

From: Ryan Date: August 23, 2003 at 1:31
Chris Jericho is the greatest wrestler, greatest on the mike and will go down as the BEST EVER because he he the HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT, THE KING OF BLINK BLINK THE IOTOLA OF ROCK'N'ROLLA And a HUGE Rockstar

From: Axelinger Date: August 23, 2003 at 17:04
The word is, "Ayatollah", but I guess 8th Grade dropouts have extreme difficulty even getting past "cat"... Jericho and this idiotic gimmick band are nothing more than a joke for naive teenyboppers to buy into... Might I suggest you visit their website, but make sure you have Daddy's credit card close at hand 'cause everything you click on screams, "BUY SOMETHING! BUY OUR USELESS CRAP!! GET YOUR OFFICIAL MONGOOSE MCQUEEN POSER RING!!!"... Money-grubbing greed at its worst...

From: CC Date: October 19, 2003 at 16:00
Dude I aint no teeny bopper & if you had any idea of what the band are about you`d realise that both Rich & Chris are both huge fans of 80`s rock/metal acts,and that even includes lighter stuff such as Stryper! Yes its done tongue in cheek,but the music is taken very seriously by them. And in case you`re interested both Adrian Smith of Maiden & the guitarist from Accept have both said they prefer Fozzys versions of some of their songs!

From: Axelinger Date: October 20, 2003 at 11:29
Have you seen the idiotic Spinal Tap rip-off these (unfunny) clowns made? They have all the originality of acts, who paint up their faces, and then say, "Alice Who? KISS? Never heard of 'em"... Yeah, Adrian Smith and Wolf Hoffmann (along with their bandmates) should hang their heads in shame if they think Fozzy can do anything (apart from picking their nose) better than them... In Math terms: 3rd-rate losers (Stuck Mojo) + Wrestler-as-frontman (Jericho) = Gimmick (Obvious)... Nuff said...

From: mushmouth Date: June 17, 2004 at 13:50
Duh, of course its tongue-in-cheek, but I happened 2 like this album, and imo To Kill A Stranger blows all the cover songs on this (& the previous) album out of the water, don't but it just coz ur a wrestling fan, but get it coz its good (imo)

From: CC Date: October 19, 2004 at 17:24
Axeslinger,so you dont like Fozzy,but others do so please feel free to not bother posting here insulting other people because they do. Fozzy aint a waste of space but you are with your "5th grade" insults!

From: Axelinger Date: December 24, 2004 at 3:25
Such advice might hold more credibility if it were delivered by someone with a username not denoting homage to one of the truly untalented hacks the music business has ever seen... CC DeVille-worship username; lauding Fozzy as greatness over gimmickry; calling people they don't know as, "Dude" -- Oh, yeah, we're in the presence of unbiased opinion and wisdom here, folks...

From: Geoff Date: December 24, 2004 at 18:03
Firstly, I love CC (that is Deville), but in reference to this album, it really doesn't do it for me. I quite like it musically - sounds pretty damn solid, but I don't like the songs (covers OR originals) and just find the album lacking. 'To kill a stranger' is cool and there are some razor sharp riffs, but I can't say this really does it for me. Not bad, but I'd prefer my aud$15 back.

From: Carmine Rose Date: January 16, 2005 at 13:10
Fozzy has a new album coming out this year called 'All That Remains,' it's supposed to be an album of all originals.

From: Raiven Vainn Date: February 1, 2005 at 7:27
Its all in good fun, prefer the first one.

From: CC Date: February 8, 2005 at 9:05
Axelinger,firstly this isnt a user its my initials. The simple fact is people like this band but rather than insult just the band,you seem to think its ok to insult the fans as well. Now if that isnt imature,I dont know what is. You dont like something,fine,just let other people have their opinions without resulting to insults all the time!

From: Axelinger Date: February 9, 2005 at 0:30
I see... So I'm not entitled to voice my opinion that people, who buy into gimmicks aren't very bright? Freedom of speech? Freedom of expression? Take a rip at a band I like -- an adult can take it...

From: rick kerch vzla Date: December 7, 2008 at 19:02
This is what people expected fron Fozzy in the future to do musically but shamely he did not do it so.I heard recently his latest album and it sounded so "NEW" that i wouldn't believe myself.In this case he did some nice and strong covers that made some people wonder that this was gonna be their orientation but the are betting more into the as i said new sound of rock.Talkin' about the happenstance i'll give a 90/100

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