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[Angel Band Picture]

Artist: Angel

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Angel Homepage

CD Title: White Hot

Angel White Hot Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1977

Label: Casablanca (Japan)

Catalog Number: PSCW-1091 (510 958-2)


Gregg Giuffria moog IIIC synthesizer and all keyboards
Punky Meadows lead guitars and acoustic guitars
Frank DiMino lead and backing vocals
Felix Robinson bass, six-string bass, backing vocals
Barry Brandt drums, percussion, backing vocals


1.  Don't Leave Me Lonely  4:01
2.  Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore  2:52
3.  Hold Me, Squeeze Me  3:50
4.  Over and Over  3:01
5.  Under Suspicion  4:43
6.  Got Love if You Want It  4:28
7.  Stick Like Glue  2:39
8.  Flying With Broken Wings (Without You)  3:33
9.  You Could Lose Me  4:54
10.  The Winter Song  3:45
Total Running Time:  37:46

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Angel CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: novy Date: April 30, 2001 at 9:50
most unrated band i've ever listened to. this album is a classic. any angel fans e-mail me at

From: novy again Date: April 30, 2001 at 9:52
i meant under-rated band. my proofreading skills are not up to par. don't leave me lonely is a true classic. i love it!!!

From: koogles Date: January 2, 2002 at 6:10
A real stick of dynamite for your stereo! Angel's detractors wish they didn't go down this commercial road, but to belabor a dead prog rock movement when you've got THESE kind of pop sensibilities would be, well, "sinful". "White Hot" isn't quite as good as that 1979 swan song, but it's damn solid and nearly every track is a winner. Thumbs up!

From: tb4@worldnet Date: January 18, 2002 at 14:26
This should have been Angel's breaktrough album. Crafted with the help of Bob Ezrin of Kiss fame, all of the elements finally came together to result in a defining moment in glam-rock history. I still shake my head sometimes when I think about how big Angel could have been if they would have received more exposure.

From: Tony Date: April 9, 2002 at 11:00
Could possibly be one of the underrated albums of all time. To me their best cd and a shame that these guys didn't break through with this. Still in 2002 stands the test of time for me as the songs are just that good!!!

From: Katherine Date: April 23, 2003 at 23:37
One of the first concerts I ever went to when they were promoting this album,At the Paramont Theater in Portland Oregon,They opened for another under-rated band The Godz.They Put on an excellent show and sounded great.More should have happened for them. This Site is totally cool!!!

From: Lil Al Date: June 24, 2003 at 20:30
If anyones interested...I have "White Hot" and "Anthology" on cassette. Just lying around in my office. If anyone wants them, email me at

From: angelito Date: August 10, 2003 at 16:23
This is the firs step of what AOR was in the 80´s, this kind of voice, image, keybords, songs beuty-agresive. Are the standars of melodic hard rock. The cover is very enigmatic. Angel is mágico.

From: Dex Date: January 6, 2004 at 17:55
I loved angel back in the Uk in the early days of liking Kiss in 78/79 uk was like having rabbies they had the same label in casblanca at the time I love thier albums this one....It may only be me but why wasn't The winter song a class to go down in history track god it's awesome .Yes they could have been a little more heavier at times and the production at times was a bit of that time as were kiss albums who I love as well so guess it was that time.Love Angel so underated for the time.....

From: Chris Bell Date: January 26, 2004 at 2:33
A great record, and a great band. They really had the whole visual package going for them with the white outfits and the layered hair. Not that that had anything to do with the music, but it definitely set them apart from many other bands - they had 'image'. I was first exposed to them in the movie 'Foxes' which exposed me to my new friend Cherrie Currie. I met Felix Robinson when he was in White Lion. Very nice guy. Just read an article that Punky Meadows runs a few hair salons in my area..

From: MICHAEL Date: January 27, 2004 at 16:02
just wanted to share this story with my angel fans. ive been an angel fan since day 1. i always thought they where the most under rated band of their time.anyway, being a drummer since i was out of the womb, barry brandt just blew me away. i copied his drum style, i even wanted to look like him. at one point i actually did, hair, face drum kit,you name it.any way i recently saw the new reformed angel at the wreckroom in wallington last year. i was so phsyced you had no idea.i knew it wasnt going

From: Sinner Date: February 20, 2004 at 3:32
Right up to this point,,, Angel kicked! Bad Time off of Sinful was great, but sadly that was the end for this mind-blowing classic rock unit. I'll remember this full-bodied music til my dying day...they've got that "Magic Touch" sitting by the moon, sipping whiskey sours..........

From: STORM Date: April 7, 2004 at 1:39
THis Album Totally ROCKS i CAN'T SAY ENOUGH GOOD THINGS ABOUT IT This was the first Angerl album I ever listened to and even though Helluva Band is my Favorite White Hot Still gets a 10 in my book I saw The Godz, Angel and Judas Priest in the late 70's

From: Glen Date: April 7, 2004 at 1:41
Oh I just luvvvvved Angel They were the ULTIMATE hair band EVER They like totally rocked

From: Les Date: April 7, 2004 at 1:43
White Hot is a great Angel album ANGEL RULES

From: AL Date: April 7, 2004 at 1:44
Angel was ahead of their time I sure wish the other members were still around today Isn't there anyone who could create an Angfel Revisited version?

From: Rockhead Date: April 7, 2004 at 4:15
This album is a melodic rocking, pomp/pop hybrid of huge proportions. Eddie Leonetti did for Angel what he did for Legs Diamond on A diamond is... I love th sound of this album some 20 odd years after its release. Classics one and all.

From: Rycheage Date: May 23, 2004 at 16:08
Excellent pomp/pop rock outing but not as good as the last album they recorded. "Don't Leave Me Lonely" and "Flying With Broken Wings" in my opinion are the best of an awesome lot. I also really like "The Winter Song" with The California Boys Choir. Excellent stuff....

From: dorky Date: June 14, 2004 at 6:05
Anyone know how I can get an email to Barry Brandt? I understand that he's pooter shy.

From: Date: June 29, 2004 at 15:26
Angel (supported by The Godz) was the 1st concernt I ever attended (without supervision). It was at The Morris Stage in NJ, in March of 1978. I had seen Kiss the year (or 2) before, but for this show, my friend and I (both 14) got out of mommy's car and went in ourselves. Tremendous memories of this band...I had first been exposed only to White Hot, then started getting the earlier albums after the concert. Great band...too bad they never hit it that huge. Oh well...

Heavy Harmonies Volunteer
From: Jez Date: January 28, 2005 at 13:14
Another strong release, although as Koogles mentions, one that split a few people at the time because of it's more commercial direction. 'Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart', 'Don't Leave Me Lonely' and the excellent 'Winter Song' are the picks of this for me, although the rest aren't far behind.

From: Rockhead Date: January 28, 2005 at 13:20
Personally this is my favourite.

From: 92 Date: April 15, 2005 at 7:56
I personally think Under Suspicion is the best track here. A lot more poppier than their earlier releases but still a good album.

From: Metalmusicman Date: December 31, 2006 at 16:33
Another excellent release by an excellent band with a very noticeable shift in sound. We all know Gene Simmons got this band going. Maybe that's how they managed to get Bob Ezrin at the helm for this one and why the shift in sound. No matter, it just took the band to a new level in terms of where they where melodicly speaking. Not a lot of songs that make you go "Holy crap", but a solid consistant listen from start to finish. Good stuff.

From: juan carlos Date: June 8, 2007 at 12:17
Con "White Hot" y "Sinful" los Angel se alejaron de lo pomposo para hacer temas mas comerciales y para mí fué lo mejor de ellos. Esta placa es tan buena como la siguiente, De acuerdo "Don't Leave Me Lonely" es mi favorita junto a "Flying with.." Semi-Balada muy buena para la época, "Ain´t Gonna Eat.." tambien bien gustable. "The Winter Song" cierra el disco en plan Hímno o corístico, Por cierto hay otra versión de éste tema donde solo varía la letra y se titula "The Christmas Song". 8.5/10

From: rick kerch vzla Date: November 8, 2010 at 20:34
Still in here the band conserved its Pomp/Prog influence but obviously the Hard Rock/AOR sound took more perseverance..great track such as the opener "Don't Leave Me Lonely" almost as classic as The Tower,"Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore" another classic song (this wasn't an original composition,is a cover of The Young Rascals,this song has been covered also by Paul Sabu as an additional info),"Hold Me,Squeeze Me" great song along with "Over & Over","Got Love If You Want It" rocks good & "The Winter Song" closes the album gently...perfect songs,enough said!.93/100

From: Animal! Date: January 24, 2011 at 20:38
Their best to this point, Tracks 1 and 6 are the hits 7 out of 10.

From: elljam Date: May 23, 2012 at 4:34
Their best release up to this point with the writing becoming even more melodic. "Don't leave me lonely" & "Got love if you want it" are the highlights but "Hold me squeeze me", "Ain't gonna eat my heart out anymore" & "Over & over" (which must have an influence on Journey's writing in later years) aren't far behind. The two ballads "Flying with broken wings" & "The winter song" whilst sounding a little cheesy at first, eventually get into your head.

From: Reverend Mayhem Date: January 6, 2014 at 8:26
By the time this album arrived Angel had established a cult reputation as the bubblegum version of Deep Purple -- and the critics HATED them for it. Well, I LOVED it 35 years ago and still hold a nostalgic appreciation for it today, despite its dated sound. Greg Giuffria going full Keith Emerson on the keys anchors it to the '70s, but gone are the proggier song structures of their debut, replaced by more pop sensitivities. But despite only a couple overly-gooey songs ("Hold Me, Squeeze Me" & "Stick Like Glue") the rest are exemplary pop-AOR confection. "Don't Leave Me Lonely" swoons, "Got Love if You Want It" rocks, "Under Suspicion" (echoing the Stones' "Can You Hear Me Knockin'") grooves -- even the cover of "Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore" is delicious, and "Over And Over" is the best song the band ever recorded. For those born after, say, 1980 this will probably have no appeal whatsoever -- for us geezers it stands as a fantastic slice from a bygone era and genre. 90 / 100

From: hair metal again Date: June 26, 2015 at 2:49
pretty good release by ANGEL back in 77 with their great balanced hard rockin sound between guitars and keys!Frank Dimino s vocals are excellent and the songs really stand !for me they were one of the bands that helped the genre go to the next level ,especially with their great looks

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