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[Babylon A.D. Band Picture]

Artist: Babylon A.D.

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Babylon A.D. Homepage

CD Title: Nothing Sacred

Babylon A.D. Nothing Sacred Album Cover


Category: Hard Rock

Year: 1992

Label: Arista

Catalog Number: 07822-18702-2


Derek vocals
Danny DeLaRosa guitars, banjo
Ron Freschi guitars, backing vocals
Robb Reid bass, backing vocals
Jamey Pacheco drums


1.  Take the Dog Off the Chain  4:40
2.  Bad Blood  3:57
3.  So Savage the Heart  5:14
4.  Sacrifice Your Love  5:36
5.  Redemption  4:57
6.  Down the River of No Return  3:08
7.  Psychedelic Sex Reaction  4:28
8.  Dream Train  4:52
9.  Blind Ambition  4:31
10.  Slave Your Body  3:50
11.  Of the Rose  1:36
12.  Pray for the Wicked  4:27
Total Running Time:  51:16

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Babylon A.D. CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: JerseyGuy71 Date: October 15, 2001 at 13:56
This album is a rockin' good time with some emotianally touching moments added. My fav tracks. 1. Sacrifice Your Love (a very melodic, HARD rockin' masterpiece - BRAVO!) 2. Redemption (very STRONG - lyrically & musically - power ballad) 3. Down The River Of No Return (so good it feels like only 30 seconds in length) 4. Dream Train (this one has their Aerosmith influence all over it - FUN song) semi-favs include 1. So Savage The Heart 2. Psychedelic Sex Reaction Overall: 8 (Very Good) Hard Rock/M

From: dokken6008 Date: March 13, 2002 at 3:45
I think that it's a bit sad that there is only one review up here for an album like this. Sure, Babylon A.D.'s second record 'Nothing Sacred' may not be earth-shattering but it IS pretty damn good. I have only heard this album and B.A.D.'s live album so far, but I can tell that they have a lot of talent. The first four tracks alone are worth the price of the cd. Also let me mention that B.A.D.'s fist two cds are out of print, so start looking. Highlight of album: Sacrifice Your Love

From: Tony Date: April 11, 2002 at 3:53
Sorry man but this might be one of the worst albums of this musical style put out at the time. And hey I bought the thing so I can complain as I loved the first cd. Horrendous songwriting that makes me think they might have blew their musical load on the first cd. In 20 years when I'm asked about the demise of pop-metal I probably will hand them this cd. Sorry people.

From: dokken6008 Date: April 14, 2002 at 3:32
I know by this time people may recognise me as the ultimate review basher; I'm sorry, sometimes I can get out of hand. So I guess I can start redeeming myself right here. Well Tony, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree--I think that 'Nothing Sacred' contains a lot of great songs. I have to start somewhere.....

From: ARMAND KUCI Date: April 23, 2002 at 4:52
hallall ja boft zoti me muziken qe bojne jane grupi me klas i viteve 80 u kthefshin sa me shpejte dhe per gjithmone ato vite dhe kjo muzike i qifsha gjithe rrymat e tjera snobe LONG LIVE ROCK'N ROLL (HAIR METAL)

From: Sarracenia Date: May 19, 2002 at 6:48
This is my personal favorite of all B.A.D.'s albums. I think their songwriting improved tremendously from their debut. Each song has its own sound, unlike the debut. However, I think some of the tracks on this were filler (Slave Your Body & Sacrifice Your Love are horrible, IMHO). I think the best tracks are: So Savage The Heart, Psychedelic Sex Reaction, Dream Train, & Down the River Of Know Return.

From: Steve T Date: July 29, 2002 at 7:48
Take The Dog Off The Chain and So Savage The Heart are great songs....and the band sound much better than on the debut.

From: Baris Date: September 6, 2002 at 3:48
This album shows an overall improvement for the band. Personal skills, lyrics and melodies are all higher than the first one. When listened to this Nothin Sacred staff, I had been pretty optimistic about the future of the band. They had really a potential to easily match other bands such as Motley Crue or Roxx Gang. But ahhh this damn grunge era!!!!!!! As to my favourites; 'Take the dog...' really makes you to go off the chain and tempts to push the gas pedal harder. 3, 5, 8, 9 also drive cool.

From: M. Allen Date: December 23, 2002 at 22:38
BABYLON A.D. goes back to the studio and comes up with another hair-metal classic, completely avoiding any trace of the dreaded sophomore jinx. While the debut is better (by just an edge), this follow-up album contains the band's best song: 'Redemption.' With a powerful sound and even more powerful lyrics, this track is, simply put, perfect in every way, shape, & form. This CD deserves nothing less than a 9.0 rating.

From: angry Date: January 5, 2003 at 15:22
this aibum sound a bit commercial,but still rock!!

From: R.O.D. Date: February 13, 2003 at 18:55
Killer album..anyone know if they are still around, like in the clubs?

From: Emilio Date: March 25, 2003 at 12:44
¿Nadie que escriba en español ha oido este disco?. Para mi es una correcta mezcla entre Motley Crue, Poison, etc. De todas formas esta fue una banda que lamentablemente no tuvo continuidad.

From: robert Date: March 26, 2003 at 22:58
Yo lo tengo Emilio, y la verdad nunca le preste demasiada atencion, me parece un grupo mas bien del monton, pero igual hay q oirlo mas... joder es q llega un momento q tienes mas discos q tiempo... yo voy por los 2000, y los q me faltan!!! Saludos desde Barna! FORÇA HARD/AOR!!!!!

From: sebastian Date: March 28, 2003 at 17:45
'slave your body' and 'pray for the wicked' are alone worth of buying this album-just listen to them in the car and you will fly!

From: vince Date: April 1, 2003 at 16:51
can't find the album? any idea how to get it? MP3s?

From: Blue Tequila Date: April 2, 2003 at 1:05
Hey Vince, I dont know if you live here in the states but if you do I don't know how you are having a problem finding this album. This thing is as common as Poison's Native Tongue (which means I see it everywhere - pawn shops, use CD stores, etc...) If you don't live in the U.S. try Ebay--you can get it real cheap.

From: byrdman69 Date: May 2, 2003 at 15:59

From: Gar Date: May 2, 2003 at 17:53
This cd's not bad at all. I've never heard their first, so I don't know how well this one measures up. But NOTHING SACRED is a slightly better than average album. There's not anything earth-shattering on this, but there aren't any bad songs on it either. I see this cheap in a lot of used cd stores, so its definitely worth picking up.

From: firehouse Date: October 27, 2003 at 12:35
dónde podría conseguir este disco? según parece está ya descatalogado. alguna tienda en internet en español donde lo pueda conseguir? gracias por las posibles respuestas.

From: FM Date: December 25, 2003 at 21:16
I just noted that my favorite songs selection would be exactly like JerseyGuy's one! :O 'Redemption' and 'Sacrifice Your Love' are definitely the best ones, and I have a thing for 'Down the river of no return' too The instrumental track is very cool too, and there are some very tasty guitar parts in this album. Good album, I'd give it a good 7.5/8 out of 10!

From: Fat Freddy Date: January 2, 2004 at 10:49
I dig this album, not as much as their debut, but it's still a decent listen. Unfortunately by the time this was released in 1992 hair metal was already dead, so it went absolutely nowhere. There's a lesson to be learned here... don't take three years between albums!

From: Kevin Date: February 6, 2004 at 22:43
Tony, if you think this album is what caused the demise of 80's metal, you probably havent' heard any Pretty Boy Floyd or Kingofthehill. I think this is a pretty good album. Good Aerosmith-influenced follow up CD.

From: pablo Date: February 12, 2004 at 18:04
Firehouse creo q te lo pueden conseguir en Rock Shop a buen precio ademas ,es un gran cd de Hard Rock USA comercial ,llama a RS al 902 01 49 19 y pregunta por el

From: SHOOTO Date: February 14, 2004 at 13:01
pasate por mi web tio jejejejeje

From: Date: April 12, 2004 at 21:57
On my sons first day of kinder garten, every kid had to get up and sing a song to the class. He wandered up and started screaching out 'so savage the heart, that beats in me.....' The teachers looked at each other and started pissing them selves. Bit different from Old McDonald Had A Farm. Anyway, that song must be one of the best ballads ever. And Take The Dog Of The Chain is one of the best 'fire up' songs ever. Redemption, Dream Train, Psychedelic Sex Reation.... very cool cd

From: run2u Date: May 19, 2004 at 20:24
Gran HARD ROCK USA!!!Rollo sleaze-glam,pero más consistente que muchas de esas bandas.Una especie de cruce entre Aerosmith & Motley Crue,con cantante muy personal,buenos temas y Tom Werman haciendo de Tom Werman en la producción.El único problema es que salió en el momento menos adecuado...aún así,merece la pena darle otra oportunidad si no le prestaste atención.Disco que se disfruta con varias escuchas,y ritmillos que perduran en tu mente durante muuucho tiempo. 8'5/10

From: Gabriel Alves Date: June 17, 2004 at 2:58
A very good hard rock cd with good guitar sounds and good guitar playin´. Although the singer is not very good, it does not compromise the audition. The first three songs are killer! It´s worth the purchase! The other songs won´t let you down!

From: Memole Date: August 6, 2004 at 8:05
Nice cd, good songs..maybe a little bit too long...

From: Geoff Date: August 31, 2004 at 10:24
10/10... for the 'So savage the heart' song. One of the best ballads I will ever lay my ears upon, and an eternal fave. As for the rest, good consistent, solid hard rock. But man, what a song!!!

From: Rycheage Date: November 7, 2004 at 20:08
Too bad this was released in '92, the birth year for grunge. This should've been huge. Most songs are good, but like Geoff said, "So Savage The Heart" makes this one a great one. "Take The Dog Off The Chain" and "Bad Blood" are real rousing numbers. Worth the price of admission because the price of admission is relatively cheap. Good fun stuff.

From: Richierocker Date: December 18, 2004 at 14:20
A pretty good collection of songs on this one. At first listen I skipped through a few songs and was kinda dissapointed. I played it through entirly a while ago and I was more pleased. Great Vocals and song arraingemnt. Pick it up if you see it I think it has something to offer everyone.

From: Melodiker Date: March 21, 2005 at 7:40
Solid second Album ! Track 3 is Awesome ! 7,5\10

From: Cotton C. Lover Date: April 3, 2005 at 1:52
If you can get it cheap, buy it for So Savage the Heart and Redemption. Other than those two excellent tracks, the debut blows this thing out of the water.

From: ERIK Date: April 3, 2005 at 20:08
Hey! Dream Train, Bad Blood (promo video made for this one) and Take The Dog Off the Chain are very good tunes too!!! Think you can get it cheap, but it's worth at least 10 bucks in my opinion...

From: RattnRoll Date: December 13, 2005 at 5:31
It took me a while to appreciate this album, but once you get into it, it's very good. A solid hardrockin' album. I'm still trying to get their s/t album, but it's hard to get.

From: Rob Date: August 19, 2006 at 18:03
While not nearly as good as the debut, it's still has its moments. I agree with Geoff about "So Savage The Heart". GREAT SONG!!

From: headbanger4life Date: September 8, 2006 at 6:30
A lot of mixed reviews on this one. I'll tell you that I love it. I even scored a copy of the Japanese version with 2 bonus tracks. Take the Dog Off the Chain, So Savage the Heart, and Sacrifice Your Love are my personal favs off this one.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: December 17, 2006 at 13:23
I just bought this cd for less than a dollar!!!!.I'm just listening to it now while i'm writing this line.....hmmmmm....sounds quite good....anyway i will write my opinion as soon as i finish the listen.cheers!

From: rick kerch vzla Date: December 22, 2006 at 19:39
I listened to this album and is not bad one(although any of the songs did not kill me-sorry!)but of course is listeneable.For glam rockers out there this must be a blast of an album.It reminded me sometimes of "White Lion" but edgy.

From: Metalmusicman Date: December 31, 2006 at 16:54
This thing is just freakin' amazing!!! Brilliant from start to end!!! There is not one bad song or a single weak moment to be found here. It's so rare for an album to be this damn good. It's not just that it's consistant either, it's loaded with gems too. "Take The Dog Off The Chain", "Sacrifice Your Love", and "Psychedelic Sex Reaction, just to name a few. This pure melodic rock bliss. I can't recomend this one enough!!!

From: andym2691 Date: December 31, 2006 at 20:51
METALMUSICMAN - I like your and agree with most of your comments on the CDs I know (from your reviews 31/12, must get a new ones!) I agree with your comments on this one. A word of warning though - if you haven't already, I wouldn't bother with 'American Blitzkrieg' - I bought it a few years ago, tried to listen to it on many occasions but gave up and threw it away. It is not the BAD of the first 2 superb albums. (IMHO Crap)

From: Steelheart Date: April 5, 2007 at 15:14
'So Savage The Heart' is one of the best ballads I have ever heard by ANY AOR band. I'd definitely have it in my top ten. The rest of the album is the same BAD that fans will be familiar with from the original album, definitely worth it.

From: Metzi Date: August 9, 2007 at 3:48
Love this record so much, good poser songs and sound!

From: Rambo Rockerman Date: January 20, 2008 at 13:06
This is another great one,not as good as th first,but still great.

From: metalmastermusic Date: June 27, 2008 at 23:42
I really liked this album...better than the first one. It is that what I call fun rock n roll. Take the dog off the chain is one killer track and so savage the heart is one great ballad as well. This is a seriously under-rated album. 80/100

From: Metal T Date: June 8, 2010 at 18:37
Had this since it was released.Nothing generic about these guys to me.The first three tunes punched you in the mouth.Solid album overall.Derek could really belt it out-strong voice and really liked his delivery.

From: happy2849 Date: November 15, 2010 at 17:58
Having had this one, and their 1st release, for years I do give this a few less points. It does have some great tracks but is not as consistant as their first.

From: rockhardrock Date: December 26, 2010 at 19:15
could say this one is a bit easier than their first self titled album but even though it rocks! my faves:so savage the heart (their best ballad), sacrifice your love and redemption.

From: rick kerch vzla Date: February 11, 2011 at 21:31
Ok,another album that needed to be commented in a more specific way...more consistent than their debut surely is...basically edgier(something than the debut lacked of)but at the end quite in the same line..."Take The Dog Off The Chain"(good rocking opener),"Bad Blood"( ),"Sacrifice Your Love"(rocks),"Psychedelic Sex Reaction" ( ),"Slave Your Body" & "Pray For The Wicked(both excellent songs /m/ )...90/100

From: the rocker Date: January 2, 2012 at 22:47
So Savage The Heart, holy crap what a ballad! I prefer the debut over this one, but that song alone makes this cd awesome. Other good tracks are Take the dog off of the chain, Bad blood, Sacrifice your love, Redemption, Blind ambition & Pray for the wicked.

From: SLEEZEROCKER Date: March 22, 2012 at 3:38
Great album.melodic and also hard,it is one of the (too) many very good bands that got lost in the alternative shitwave (which up till now has given 10 good songs and bands in over 20 years of being mainstream,imagine what we have lost from gays like these) and despite the poor front cover its very worth having....

From: 123charpenay Date: June 16, 2013 at 8:48
the perfect follow up to their first realise.maybe a little more mature and a little more their first cd a super class american hard rock realise.this time on the japan import there is some bonus tracks live.(not for their first effort).enjoy it!!!!!pleasure guanranted!!!buy buy buy!!!!

From: 123charpenay Date: September 27, 2013 at 11:16
for fans of aerosmith.more mature and better produce than their first realise but....i prefer their debut album.(more hits straight in your brain).nevertheless "nothing sacred stay a great record.

From: Doug Date: September 27, 2013 at 14:05
Man, Aerosmith is not the band that comes to my mind when comparing - hmmm, interesting choice. "Bad Blood" is the tune that gets my foot tapping on this album.

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: September 27, 2013 at 20:25
Yeah, me neither. I mean, pretty much every L.A. band was influenced by Aerosmith, and they all show it to some extent. But to me, Babylon A.D. were another fairly faceless also-ran hair-band, with some cool tunes and good players, but never really separated themselves from the pack. Charpenay's right, this is more mature, meaning a bit less sleazy. "Bad Blood" and the maudlin ballad "So Savage The Heart" were the singles, but neither went anywhere. Other goood songs are "Take The Dog Off The Chain" and "psychedelic Sex Reaction."

From: hair metal again Date: September 21, 2016 at 4:27
hair metal masterpiece for the legendary BABYLON A.D. and for us that lived it when it was released ,revisiting it after so many years brings back great memories of our youth!superb performing ,great hard rockin songs ,attitude,looks ,everything you need is here:'take the dog off the chain","bad blood","so savage the heart" "sacrifice your love" are sensational indeed and overall Nothing Sacred an absolute classic

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: July 6, 2021 at 18:16
According to

From: Doghouse Reilly Date: July 6, 2021 at 18:26
According to, Babylon A.D. played the Pier 6 Concert Pavilion in Baltimore sometime in July of 1992. Also on the bill were Wildside and Roxy Blue. That's a medium-sized outdoor venue that generally featured pop-country and oldies artists, and some mellow classic rock at the time. I just find it interesting that three come-lately, C-list (at best) hair bands) would get to play at such a place on a tour that was mostly hitting clubs. None of these bands were exactly marquee acts. I guess Babylon got to headline because they were on their second album—road warrior veterans compared to the other two. I wonder if the show might've been sponsored by 98 Rock or, more likely, 103.1 The Underground, the metal station in town.

From: Alphamale Date: February 1, 2023 at 20:38
Pretty decent CD. Not as good as their first but some good tunes on here.

From: Alphamale Date: February 1, 2023 at 20:39
I was there Doghouse! Great show!! Front row seats too!!

From: 123charpenay Date: January 20, 2025 at 12:35
not a the same very high level than their first realise.nevertheless this record is a top class hard us record.derek is a super singer,very charismatic.he reminds me steven tyler.tracks 6 and 8 somme fillers but the rest is really excellent.redemption is an extraordinary s a hit!!!!!!!!!!!!i recommand the bad reputation s reissue(french label from paris) cause we have 3 bonus tracks live with a very good sound.

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