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[Journey Band Picture]

Artist: Journey

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Journey Homepage

CD Title: Frontiers

Journey Frontiers Album Cover


Category: AOR

Year: 1983

Label: Sony Records

Catalog Number: 38504


Steve Perry vocals
Neal Schon guitar, vocals
Steve Smith drums
Jonathan Cain guitar, keyboards, vocals
Ross Valory bass, vocals

Remastered Re-issue in 2006 + bonus tracks


1.  Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)  5:23
2.  Send Her My Love  3:55
3.  Chain Reaction  4:21
4.  After The Fall  5:01
5.  Faithfully  4:27
6.  Edge of The Blade  4:30
7.  Troubled Child  4:29
8.  Back Talk  3:17
9.  Frontiers  4:10
10.  Rubicon  4:19
11.  Only The Young bonus track  4:18
12.  Ask The Lonely bonus track  3:55
13.  Liberty bonus track  2:54
14.  Only Solutions bonus track  3:33
Total Running Time:  58:32

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The music discographies on this site are works in progress. If you notice that a particular Journey CD release or compilation is missing from the list above, please submit that CD using the CD submission page. The ultimate goal is to make the discographies here at Heavy Harmonies as complete as possible. Even if it is an obscure greatest-hits or live compilation CD, we want to add it to the site. Please only submit official CD releases; no bootlegs or cassette-only or LP-only releases.

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Existing comments about this CD

From: Darren Date: May 5, 2001 at 13:13
One of the best CD's of all time. First rate songs and lots of money spent on production to make it sound great. There aren't many that compare to this one, but their later work with Steve Augeri on 'Arrival' is just as good.

From: Amy Redding Date: May 17, 2001 at 12:43
Possibly Journey's best studio work, but I will agree that 'Arrival' is just as good. It would be hard to chose, but this one and 'Arrival' would probably tie for best ever. Production on this one is super--great all the way.

From: Billy Date: May 18, 2001 at 1:09
Killer guitar sound and the drums are AWESOME. The bass thumps WAY LOW and Perry sang like it was going out of style. Frontiers COOKS!!

From: Tina Date: May 22, 2001 at 11:25
Journey's best album.

From: TIM Date: October 19, 2001 at 21:41

From: koogles Date: January 2, 2002 at 17:03
This is Journey's darkest album: some last-minute song retractions ('Only the Young' and 'Ask the Lonely') having abetted in this, of course. Had those two remained, I'd say 'Frontiers' might have given 'Escape' a serious run for its money. However, 'Back Talk' and 'Troubled Child' are bothersome tracks that mar an otherwise excellent album. 'Separate Ways', 'Faithfully' and 'Send Her My Love' are some of the finest songs Journey (or anyone for that matter) has ever recorded. BRILLIANT!

From: mojo Date: January 9, 2002 at 21:00
Thier best album.I agree with koogles about 'back talk'.Take that track away and frontiers is a perfect 10.

From: mindy Date: January 21, 2002 at 14:09
One of my favorite albums. The only track I dont like is BACK TALK but one bad song on an album this good is definitely forgivable! 9.5 out of 10!

From: TIM Date: April 26, 2002 at 3:40
I have to agree with Koogles also. Although this is a great album, it could have been perfected.

From: JOURNEY Date: May 4, 2002 at 4:26

From: ThunderDan Date: June 13, 2002 at 19:26
Great album. Had potential to be their best had they not taken out 'Ask the Lonely' and 'Only the Young'. 'Chain Reaction' is my fave!

From: Ger Date: July 16, 2002 at 6:14
This is Journey's best album, although I'm probably in the minority with the popular choice being Escape. This album rocked, even the ballads did! Schonn's guitar and Perry's voice lifted this above all the other AOR pretenders around at the time, even here in UK the band were AOR/Metal Kings despite the sugary moments the classic tracks are After The Fall (great guitar work on this) Edge Of Blade & Problem Child any heavy metal band would have been proud of these.

From: Steve T Date: July 28, 2002 at 13:46
Good album though it is, following on from Escape, I found this a little weak. Separate Ways is excellent but the songs, on the whole, just weren't as good as on Escape. Escape has NO filler material but Frontiers has one or two.

From: luca Date: September 28, 2002 at 16:49
per me il miglior album della band immensi non c è più nulla da aggiungere questo è A.O.R

From: freddy de keyze Date: December 20, 2002 at 10:50
Personally I think this indeed the best album by Journey ! Better than Escape, which is softer. This CD is a mix of ballads (Send Her My LOve is one of the all time great ballads!)and great rockers ! A must, and I'm no Journey fan at all, but this is great !!!!!

From: Tom Morton Date: January 25, 2003 at 21:18
So many comments and I have to agree and disagree with some Escape is an outstanding masterpiece but Frontiers is more aggresive in its format than Escape was but listen to Faithfully and Open Arms back to back and you have two of the best power ballads any band could ask for in their career and to come from to very differnt styles of album is quite an acheivement even for Perry,Schon and Cain these guys new how to blend their talents to the max and it shows, Legends thats what they are Wow!

From: lance Date: April 14, 2003 at 5:54
AS good as it gets...other than back talk a 10. Arrival on the other hand is dung...barely charted..had 1 decent song(higher place) did it even go gold...journey without perry is like WW2 without Hitler. Yeah boston's new album is better than their first right!!! See how dumb some of you sound.

From: davide Date: May 10, 2003 at 13:52
si, sono pienamente d'accordo con Luca!!! !!! Il miglior album di AOR che esista!!! Nessuno come loro è riuscito a riprodurre tale suono, nonostante, ancora oggi, esistano delle band davvero fantastiche!!! LONG LIFE TO AOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Date: May 31, 2003 at 22:48

From: JoUrNeY[ELP] Date: July 31, 2003 at 12:00
Disco Grosisimo, uno de los mejores que puede haber. Este disco va de la mano junto con Raised On Radio, son los discos del A.O.R. por exelencia, mi puntaje para esta maravilla es 10!!!!!. Es mas, se saco un juego de este disco y banda para Mame jajajj increible!!!! La verdad que es una banda grosisima. JoUrNeY[ELP]..... Felipe de Argentina ^_____________^

From: Hun Gary Date: August 24, 2003 at 15:47
One of my all time favourites. 'Send her my love' and 'After the fall' are what AOR is about. 'Back talk' is weaker than the others, but 'Troubled child' is not bothersome. It's my favourite track with 'After the fall' and the the classic opener, 'Separate ways'. Title track is strange and it's the most progressive tune of the Perry era.

From: John Date: September 29, 2003 at 13:39
Hun Gary I agree that 'After The Fall' is what AOR is all about. Journey's penchant for the obiligatory ballad is what p!sses me off. I can only imagine what Schon thinks about it. Other than that drivel that is 'Send Her My Love', Jouney kicks out another awesome slice of hook laden AOR. 8.5/10.

From: Rocker76 Date: October 31, 2003 at 11:52
I have to disagree with Koogles about his Jan 2002 entry. I think 'Troubled Child' is a killer song. Not necessarily the best one on the album but I think it has a good sound to it. This and Escape are my favorite Journey albums and really stand as the essence of Journey for me. The mixture of the power rock and ballads made them famous (and for good reason) - they were damn good at it. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)is classic and 'Faithfully' helped the lighter market stay afloat in the 80s!

From: ROBERT Date: November 28, 2003 at 13:22
OBRA D ARTE ABSOLUTA!!! no comments!!!

From: holyroller Date: January 16, 2004 at 0:52
I've always liked this album more than any other Journey album, I feel it has the best album tracks (i.e. non-singles) Anytime I ever heard someone call Journey a 'wimpy, syrupy' ballad band, I conveniently put on 'Edge Of The Blade' and let Neal and the boys do the rest.

From: Jessicarabbit Date: January 19, 2004 at 5:10
I think that all of the Journey albums are equally excellent, except for all of the Journey albums with Steve Augeri. I think that Steve Augeri is a terrible singer and could never replace Steve Perry. I think that replacing Steve Perry is like replacing Mick Jagger from the Rolling Stones. It just doesn't work. I think that all of the songs on the Frontiers album are excellent. I think that 'Back Talk' and 'Troubled Child' are excellent Journey songs. I may only be 23-years-old, but I know what

From: Jessicarabbit Date: January 19, 2004 at 5:12
I think that the Frontiers album definitely deserves a 10+++

From: AOR freaky Date: January 19, 2004 at 6:33
I'm not a big Journey fan, but this is a great album. Their best !

From: Date: January 19, 2004 at 21:58
Simply the best album of Journey's. 'Only The Young' on the Tron movie soundtrack was great as well.

From: E>W> Date: June 23, 2004 at 15:20
My favorite album of all time. Really kick ass. Favorite song is edge of a blade, have to agree if this album had only the young and ask the lonely it quite possibly could be in the top ten of albums of all time.

From: Rycheage Date: July 11, 2004 at 19:31
I wholeheartedly agree that if 'Ask The Lonely' and 'Only The Young' had stayed on the tracklist, this would've surpassed 'Escape'. 'Send Her My Love' is a ballad that tugs on the heart strings, as does 'Faithfully'. 'Separate Ways' to this days remains one of their AOR-perfection staples. Even the so-called 'filler' songs 'Back Talk' and 'Troubled Child' are excellent. Highly recommended for all melodic rock fans.

From: Dean Date: July 11, 2004 at 22:27
For me this one is a mixed bag-half of it is classic Journey and the other half is not. The first half is so strong but after that i consider filler material. I do agree with the above postings that if those other two tunes would've been on here it would've been a much stronger album. I still prefer Escape to this one. 7/10

From: Wotty Date: August 25, 2004 at 17:13
Played this today,still impressive with the excellent Edge of the Blade still being Neal Schons tour de-force.If Ask the Lonely and Only the Young had not been lifted from this album,who knows what the sales figures would have been.....

From: Augusto Date: August 27, 2004 at 16:26
Hola, soy de Argentina, donde tambien se escucha el AOR, saludos a todos, en especial a los hermanos de España, por el buen gusto que tienen, sus criticas son excelentes y sirven de recomendadores. Sobre este disco, que voy a decir, es la OBRA MAESTRA DEL AOR DE TODOS LOS TIEMPOS,todos los temas, sobre todo EDGE OF THE BALDE. Steve Perry:big,big,big. Saludos.Felicitaciones por la

From: mauricio Date: September 9, 2004 at 23:31
hola desde igual que en argentina y otro lugar del mundo se oye A.O.R y este disco es un claro ejemplo de unos delos grupos que han hecho historia , sin duda su mejor disco un clasico para tener en casa.muy bueno buenisimo sin palabras para expresar la obra de arte de este producto,pero no olvidemos su monumental ESCAPE-y su fabuloso RAISED ON RADIO y por nada en el mundo los venderia te quedaras frio oyendo send her my love -faithfully-y la rompedora separate ways

From: mauricio Date: September 9, 2004 at 23:33
perdon olvide decirlo ALTAMENTE RECOMENDADO no lo peses mucho y compra este tambien

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: October 14, 2004 at 1:48

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: October 14, 2004 at 1:51

From: Axe Machine Date: November 29, 2004 at 9:52
Why Oh Why did they leave Only The Young and Ask The Lonely off this disc, only some schmo at Sony knows, but still stands up as an enjoyable listen, especially the opening track, Edge of the Blade, Troubled Child and After The Fall. Reccomended

From: Propane Date: December 2, 2004 at 20:39
There was no possible way to top that last one, but these dudes dug deep and worked hard. Separate ways, Chain reaction, man!!! How many times can you get it right? Perfecto.

From: Rene Date: December 5, 2004 at 3:31
This album is great. Songs like Separate Ways (Worlds Apart), maybe my favorite JOURNEY song ever, or Faithfully are just increible songs that any AOR or HARD ROCK fan would love. If you want to buy a JOURNEY album, buy this one.

From: Nick C Date: January 28, 2005 at 14:01
I have to sympathise with Axe machines comment above with regards to the two tracks omitted. If they had been included it would have made an awesome album even more awesomerererer ! haha! Truly magnificent album with a nice ballance of strong ballads and rockers!

From: AOR freaky Date: January 29, 2005 at 2:00
I'm not a big Journey fan, but this is a good CD ! By far their best. Period !

From: 26@ynttre7ol Date: April 6, 2005 at 22:40
yeah aor freaky i like my keys with more pomp you know? Journey was a very good band though. anyone Heard of a band called artica. pretty good music with lots of heavy keys the way i like it. kind of sounds like journey to but more like asia or even older KANsas. best Journey song ever was open arms imo. bye for now eVEryone

From: AOR freaky Date: April 7, 2005 at 4:32
Yeah,26 etc. , Artica is a great act ! And did you know that their album wil be re-released, fully digitally remastered and with one bonus track on Escape label soon ? ! The keys on the Artica album are indeed heavy. By the way : give your comment on the Artica album HERE 26... ! They are on these mighty pages ! And one of the guys is even talking about a new record ! Too good to be true. Search at Artica ! Bye !

From: Harald Date: May 4, 2005 at 16:43
I can honestly say that 'Separate Ways', 'Faithfully' and 'Edge Of A Blade' changed my taste in music being the most perfect AOR ever produced. If you want to introduce a young rock fan into AOR, play this one!!!

From: JF Date: May 12, 2005 at 21:02
El mejor disco de Journey por la combinación de melodía y fuerza que no tendrían los sgts discos. Baladas como Faithfully o Send Her My Love o la fuerza de Chain Reaction o la súper clásica Separate Ways (Worlds Apart) son canciones que marcaron el futuro del aor. El trabajo de Neal para mi gusto es el mejor que ha realizado ningún solo tiene desperdicio.

From: PAUL Date: September 14, 2005 at 13:23
JOURNEY is a big band for soure.30 years career,many hits,soundtracks,concerts all over the world,contributions with big names etc...But i think never made a true masterpiece.Always missed something for me to give 10/10.This is their best in my opinion,but i can't rate it over 8,2/10.The A side is ok.'separate ways' is classic song and 'send her my love'&'faithfully' two perfect ballads.The B side has nothing special for me.Great album,but i can live without it.

From: PAUL Date: September 14, 2005 at 13:23
JOURNEY is a big band for soure.30 years career,many hits,soundtracks,concerts all over the world,contributions with big names etc...But i think never made a true masterpiece.Always missed something for me to give 10/10.This is their best in my opinion,but i can't rate it over 8,2/10.The A side is ok.'separate ways' is classic song and 'send her my love'&'faithfully' two perfect ballads.The B side has nothing special for me.Great album,but i can live without it.

From: Wotty Date: September 14, 2005 at 14:09
Some intrigueing comments there Frea,err I mean PAUL.Too many similarities I'm afraid.One appears,criticises,then disappears then the other shows up.Very sad,if you're going to slag the same bands and albums use different expressions etc etc....This is quality Journey,just edging Escape by a fraction.'Edge Of The Blade' is the stand-out track for me...

From: AOR freaky Date: September 14, 2005 at 16:49
Wotty : man, how idiot can you be ? ! You accuse me and PAUL to be the same person ! STUPID !!! We even don't know each other, man, but we seem to have the same quality taste ! If you don't believe me, ask Dan !!! I even don't know where PAUL lives ! Man, you're so obsessed and full of hate, like a lot of others here ! So sad, so sad, so sad. You see ghosts, Wotty !!! !! You need a brain doctor ASAP !!! Think what you want, people !, I know how Wotty really is and he knows me ! Good CD

From: juan carlos Date: October 23, 2005 at 20:39
para mi su segunda mejor obra de arte! mas profusion de la guitarra lo cual tambien me encanta! separate ways es uno de mis favoritas del siglo. de acuerdo beto, aca neal schon se luce a todo dar, siempre con ese estilo de tocar los solos que realmente son inconfundibles. 9.5/10

From: Lovedrive Date: January 6, 2006 at 7:42
Mola pero prefiero Escape y sobretodo RAISED ON RADIO

From: Carlos A. Date: March 31, 2006 at 13:21
Este disco inmenso es una cachetada para todas las Bandas que sufren por ser originales y tener un estilo propio...temas grandes grandisimos: Separate Ways ...,Send Her My Love,Chain Reaction,Faithfully,Troubled Child etc etc. Con este disco refuerzan el sonido journey caracteristico de los 80´s Exquisito 9/10 Saludos desde Trujillo-Peru

From: TomStavely Date: May 19, 2006 at 5:46
The best Journey album just slightly better than Escape 9.5/10 frontiers 10/10 just simply awesum. Dont listen to people who say there are 1 or 2 fillers on here they are all awesum Troubled Child and Rubicon are massively underated. The weakest track is Backtalk but still its a good song and enjoyable to listen to. So really this is it for Journey they never bettered it and if youve heard theyr last album you can really understand why the Steve Perry fans insist he was the most important member

From: ROBERT Date: December 16, 2006 at 10:29
JOURNEY LIVE!!! SABADO 24 MARZO, SALA RIVIERA DE MADRID, por 1ª Vez en Directo en Spain!!!

From: BigCock Date: April 22, 2007 at 0:31
I have to say, I got this cassette right after it came out and have had some sort of copy for (gasp!) 24 years now, and have worn out each copy. I remember first hearing 'Send Her My Love' then hearing 'Faithfully.' I don't about any of you, but to this day, I'll still listen to 'Send Her My Love' more. 'After The Fall' and 'Chain Reaction' were my other favs. 'Back Talk' is filler, but I can stand it because Journey will always be one of the greatest bands, with some of the greatest music ever.

From: girapolli Date: June 3, 2007 at 19:56
not only because that's the 1st aor/mhr album i listened on 1983 (i was more on the metal side that time) but i think this one it's their BEST work, a true masterpiece 100%, just listen to 'edge of the blade' to realize what i mean....10/10

From: hernanHRM/AOR Date: September 22, 2007 at 1:11
Banda clasica y lejendaria icono del AOR, empezando el Disco con tremendo temaso 'Separate Ways' temas como a mi me gustan con con un arranque misterioso y agresivo!!! vaya que temasos tiene este tremendo albun y siguiendo con los temas otra de mis favoritas 'Chain Reaction'..

From: DanDare Date: September 21, 2008 at 18:38
Sorry, but for me this does not hit the heights of Escape. Don't get me wrong it's still Journey and that's always gonna mean quality but I prefer the preceding album. Obviously highlights are 'Separate Ways', 'Send Her My Love', 'Chain Reaction' and 'Faithfully', but any band would be proud to have this album in their catalogue. 95/100.

From: Kim HP Date: February 9, 2009 at 14:25
Agree with PAUL here. The first two tracks are great, and I love "After The Fall", but the rest is a bit uneven. Not a classic in my book, but a nice AOR album.

From: hair metal again Date: May 22, 2011 at 2:42
fantastic release by JOURNEY BACK IN 83.excellent sound by mike stone and kevin elson,top class songwriting,excellent musicianship and the result is some classic songs like "faithfully","send her my love","seperate ways(words apart)" and "after the fall".surely one of their best and for me an essential release

From: rick kerch vzla Date: May 22, 2011 at 11:03
One of those albums that were meant to be huge and that marked a stage in Journey's career...mostly it settled down Journey's career along with "Escape"...plenty of nowadays classics of the band(from tracks 1 to 5 is just melodic mayhem!!! )...the rest of the tracks are just fantastic but weren't "hit singles"...undoubtebly an album that has to be in every self respected AOR lover...98/100

From: pibe Date: November 5, 2012 at 17:23
para mi el mejor disco de journey

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