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[Jaded Heart Band Picture]

Artist: Jaded Heart

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CD Title: Helluva Time

Jaded Heart Helluva Time Album Cover


Category: Melodic Hard Rock

Year: 2005

Label: Frontiers (Italy)

Catalog Number: FRCD262


Johan Fahlberg Vocals
Barish Kepic Guitars
Michael Muller Bass
Henning Wanner Keyboards
Axel Kruse Drums


1.  Tomorrow Comes  5:30   Listen
2.  Hole In My Heart  6:04   Listen
3.  Somewhere  4:42   Listen
4.  Dreams You'll Never See  4:36   Listen
5.  Who's Foolin'  4:37   Listen
6.   Paid My Dues  4:50   Listen   Cover: Anastasia
7.  Without You  5:08   Listen
8.  Love & Desire  5:16   Listen
9.  No One  4:55   Listen
10.  Shores Of Paradise  5:06   Listen
11.  Frozen Heart  5:25   Listen
12.  Love To Live  5:18   Listen
Total Running Time:  61:27

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Existing comments about this CD

From: AOR freaky Date: October 24, 2005 at 16:40
A nice return to the top for these guys ! Despite a new singer, Jaded Heart rocks big time ! No classic, but great european hard rock. A nice surprise, and much better than the new Alien !

From: TIM (2) Date: October 25, 2005 at 7:24
Bormann may have gone but Jaded Heart have returned better than ever. This is more melodic than their recent outings, with a huge wall-of-sound thanks to heavy use of background keyboards. Those harmonised choruses are as good as ever, although every track either seems to be great or bad-there's not a lot inbetween. Tracks 1,4 & 9 are especially stunning, but it's only really after half-way this loses momentum. Ballad "Without You" is especially lame. Otherwise this is highly recommended. 8/10.

From: Geoff Date: October 26, 2005 at 19:20
Hold onto your balls!!! It's sad that Bormann is gone, but they really recovered well. Musically they are a wall of power, and as noted by Tim (2), the vocal harmonies are mind-blowing. The first 3 songs and the last one are absolute crackers, as is the monster track 'Paid my dues'. I like it all, and even the slightly weaker tracks shine because of the awesome sound. I love this band, and this CD only confirms why. Awesome.

From: swriter Date: October 29, 2005 at 19:12
man, in short, this is a killer melodic hard rock cd. I am not so familiar with the past discography, just a few, but this one does it for me, more then any other JH I have heard. Great sounding production on this also. Vocals are very original in a little lower register with some killer background vocals done nicely, catchy stuff!!!

From: Trick Taylor Date: November 1, 2005 at 10:41
I bet T-Bone has this, and would love to share

From: mauricio Date: November 4, 2005 at 19:47
hi-from COSTARICA,asi es uno de los discos que pelean por el cetro dorado del rock melodico,A mi me llegara este disco traido desde HOLANDA para finales de año junto a otros melodicos discos que ya tengo pedidos TNT-ALIEN-PLACE VENDOME-JADED HEART-entre otros, pero ya he escuchado algunos samples en Y suena barbaro muy bueno muy interesante. en eso si estoy de acuerdo vienen mejor que nunca.vienen con un gran disco bajo el brazo y grande en materia de sonido,produccion y con un

From: mauricio Date: November 4, 2005 at 19:53
nuevo cantante JOHAN FAHLBERG,ese chico que viene de una banda progro llamada SCUDIERO. que le ha dado un nuevo aire al grupo despues de la salida de MICHAEL BORMANN. el sonido de este disco es como si fuese hecho en los 80s y la voz de FAHLBERG es un cruce entre GEOFF TATE (QUEENSRYCHE)y RAY ALDER (FATES WARNING) solo escuchalo y veras que se parecen , claro en una version mas AOR. yo se de antemano que este disco va a conquistar a los fans de esta banda y de que manera solo escucha la inicial

From: mauricio Date: November 4, 2005 at 19:58
TOMORROW COMES y veras como te engancharas como ya dije un disco del cual mucha gente comentara .me muero de ganas que me llegue y muy buena la inversion que hizo SERAFINO PERUGINNO de FRONTIERS al fichar esta banda para su sello. JADED HEART ......still ROCKS

From: aorish Date: November 13, 2005 at 5:58
one helluva album from one helluva band.......their best album ever, no doubt about that. the new singer also does one helluva job here, anyone miss M.Borman....naaaaa

From: Erik Date: November 14, 2005 at 11:06
Michael who ? Absolute cracker of an album. And for me easily their best effort up to date. Awesome production. Great depth in all of the songs. Love the more melodic approach. In short... 9,1/10

From: Erik Date: November 15, 2005 at 12:22
Top 5 of 2005. Man my top is big

From: Erik Date: November 15, 2005 at 15:51
Cant praise this album enuf. What a sensational opening song "Tomorrow comes". It sets the pace and from then on it goes only one direction: upwards and full force ahead. Extremely gifted songwriter Bartish Kepic. Some stunning German based or related releases this year with Jaded Heart on top, followed closely by Place Vendome and then Karo and Boysvoice. The melodic rock future is looking bright.

From: Erik Date: November 15, 2005 at 15:54
Oeps forget to mention the excellent indie release by german based Christian Tolle.

From: metalmaniac777 Date: November 30, 2005 at 19:10
Only the most jaded melodic rocker will fail to fall in love this album. OK, so Fahlberg is no Bormann, but the band makes up for the average lead vocals with a powerhouse sound, massive production, and monster harmonies. There are some hellaciously huge hooks (try saying that 5 times fast) in these songs and when you try to take the CD out of the stereo, those hooks will reach out, snag your eardrums, and compel you to hit the "Repeat" button. Yep, a helluva album from one helluva great band.

From: Lovedrive Date: January 6, 2006 at 14:44
TACHÁN!! Mi favorito de Jaded Heart. Muy bien ese Fahlberg!

From: JF Date: April 18, 2006 at 20:29
Para mi gusto, uno de los mejores discos del año pasado y el mejor de hardrock melodico junto con el Place Vendome, luego estarian el de Gotthard, Brazen Abbot, Heartland, TNT, Oliver Hartmann . Todavía no he escuchado el de Emerald Rain. Como muchos fue un impacto saber que no seguiria Michael B., sin embargo no hay lugar a dudas que han encontrado un buen cantante, no al nivel pero muy cercano.

From: JF Date: April 18, 2006 at 20:30
Lo que me llamo mas la atención aparte de la mejora en la producción, es la inclusión de esos maravillosos coros, pero como no va ser, con la ayuda del fantastico Andy Engberg ex Lionshare y actualmente en Section A. Ademas se puede ver su aporte en coros en el DVD en vivo de Evergrey , miren si no Nosferatu y veran la potencia que tiene. Otro gran apoyo es del cantante de Eclipse, una voz cercana a los grandes Joey Tempest y Goran Edman.

From: JF Date: April 18, 2006 at 20:31
Lastima la salida de guitarrista, en los creditos se puede ver su gran aporte en el sonido del grupo. Se dice que fue por cambios en la musica. Ojala que Jaded no se vuelva un grupo con sonido noventero como Europe. Una consulta alguien sabe de algun concierto en video de ellos .Ahora a conseguirme el ultimo de Frontline.

From: Axe-Machine Date: May 7, 2006 at 10:27
Good album despite a few fillers in the second half of the album, and features a KILLER production. If every album sounded like this we wouldnt be waiting for Neil Kernon or Beau Hill to return. Bormann's absence is, despite the excellence of Trust, not missed as much as I would have thought, as Fahlberg does a fine job. Recommended listening. 8/10.

From: juan carlos Date: May 21, 2006 at 0:23
Que gran cambio! rock melódico de gran factura y el cantante tambien bueno, la verdad que pasó el test! pero no es de mis preferidos tampoco pero buenísima su voz en este gran disco que suena a clásico, buenísima producción y los solos tambien. Su disco anterior (trust) es tambien un hardrock que me encanta a la altura de este. Mis favoritas son la 1,2,6,7,9,10 sobretodo "paid my dues" y "without you". Pero en general es un gran disco. 9/10

From: the rocker Date: May 23, 2006 at 19:52
music wise this a great cd .nothing bad towards the new guy, but ithink its missing bormann. but its still in my cd changer, so great cd.

From: jmikep Date: June 29, 2006 at 20:31
Hated this one. As a rule, I usually sit on a CD for a few months after I buy it before listening, usually because it goes to the bottom of the pile of things I haven't listened to yet. Fortunately, I was able to download this before buying. It got about 3 or 4 good listens, and then "DELETE". Utter crap. I'm not a huge fan of Michael Bormann, but he was sorely missed on this disc. Even musically, it just didn't gel with me, and I'm glad I saved my money for something else.

From: AORlover Date: July 3, 2006 at 6:19
Great album with a one super Ballad!

From: DorianHawkmoon Date: September 23, 2006 at 12:21
Class album and my release of 2005, and their best release ever!

From: Metalmusicman Date: December 9, 2006 at 22:40
I have to admit, having ousted founding member and lead singer Michael Bormann (Although I completely understand why they did it) I wanted this disc to suck for some reason, but thank God I didn't get my way. I also have to admit that the disc is acutally very good. Despite the voice change, all other elements of every other classic Jaded Heart disc are well represented. The band or the songwriting is as strong as ever A little more filler than usual though. Good release from a great band!!!

From: meradona Date: December 17, 2006 at 16:05
me gusta tanto como cualquier otro de ellos, bastante regular este grupo , este disco 7.5/10

From: PODEROSO YIRO Date: January 23, 2007 at 19:12
EXCELENTE DISCO!! De esos discos que no tienen ningun tema de relleno A pesar de no contar con M. Bormann, el grupo ha sabido realizar otra explosiva bomba de hard rock melódico, contando en esta ocasión, para mi gusto, con coros mas efectivos y melodías igualmente bien logradas. Fahlberg despliega una maravillosa voz y las guitarras ganan en poderío en temas como "tomorrow comes" y "dreams you´ll never see" y los teclados magistrales en "without you" y sobre todo en "no one", a lo Survivor.

From: PODEROSO YIRO Date: January 23, 2007 at 19:20
EXCELENTE DISCO!! De esos discos que no tienen ningun tema de relleno A pesar de no contar con M. Bormann, el grupo ha sabido realizar otra explosiva bomba de hard rock melódico, contando en esta ocasión, para mi gusto, con coros mas efectivos y melodías igualmente bien logradas. Fahlberg despliega una maravillosa voz y las guitarras ganan en poderío en temas como "tomorrow comes" y "dreams you´ll never see" y los teclados magistrales en "without you" y sobre todo en "no one", a lo Survivor.

From: Melo Date: April 6, 2007 at 9:51
Uhhhhh,i had a bad feeling,when i hear,that Michael is not longer the Frontman of the band.I was really shocked,but when i hear the new album,all bad thoughts are gone.Mr.Fahlberg sings very good.Congratulation to this choice and for the Great music ! Hope the new CD comes soon !!! 9 Points

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: April 11, 2007 at 14:46
No lo tengo aun un pecado cierto, a ver si es mejor que los anteriores o un nuevo Inside Out veremos si este año logran algo asi, saludos Rockeros!!!

From: ferstyx Date: July 11, 2007 at 14:05

From: Rycheage Date: September 21, 2007 at 22:11
This is indeed a kick ass melodic rock assault on your ears. Michael Bormann left and they didn't miss a beat. "Dreams You'll Never See", "Tomorrow Comes" and "No One" are indeed my faves. There are no filler tracks anywhere on here. I even liked the ballad "Without You". If you don't have this, then what are you waiting for?

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: September 21, 2007 at 23:17
Great Melodic Hard Rock/AOR album, Gran album despues del tremendo trabajo de su primera obra maestra nuevamente nos deleitan con otro album de calidad nivel y estilo que esta casi a la par con el primero por ser muy completo y por el estilazo que se marcan como debe de ser Tomorrow Comes, Love To Live, Hole In My Heart, Somewhere, Paid My Dues... por nombrar mis favoritos pero en general es un paquete completo sin duda mi segundo favorito de la banda pero esperen debo reescuchar..

From: Rafo Phoenix Date: September 21, 2007 at 23:26
... su ultimo nuevo trabajo para poder decir eso hace una semana que lo hice pero otra escucha... mmm si muy buen album el nuevo sigue en algo los canones de este ultimo pero no llega a este status aunque debo decir que esta muy bueno asi que no perdais su ultimo "SINISTER MIND" como para un 85/100 algo mas moderno en estilo y algo mas durillos que este ultimo pero siguen dando buenos trabajos.

From: cymruaorman Date: September 22, 2007 at 8:45
the king is dead long live the king!!! jaded heart had a big job on their hands filling bormann's boots but they've pulled it off.a great melodic rock album with some killer songs and well produced harmonies.a must have album for the melodic rock faithful

From: dave Date: September 23, 2007 at 0:37
Gran Album que bien suena el nuevo vocalista .

From: 123charpenay Date: February 20, 2013 at 13:13
the last great record of jaded heart.the new singer is really excellent even if of course he can t replace in the heart of the fans, the mighty and extraordinary michael bormann.super songs,super production,super sound this record is a must have ,a jewel even if mr bormann is gone.this masterpiece of melodic hard rock never see the light of day in japan.after this album, jaded heart turn down in a very average and very common metal band.the repertoire of jaded heart stop with this record.

From: hair metal again Date: June 18, 2019 at 4:07
very good release for JADED HEART once again despite Michael Bormann s absence!the new singer isnt so rong but their sound is as usual massive with a clear commercial hard rock approach!"tomorrow comes","hole in my heart","dreams you ll never see" and "no one" are the highlights !i m sure old JH fans will be satisfied

From: SgtRock Date: December 9, 2024 at 10:03
One of Jaded Hearts best albums (if not "the" best) and the one with the least amount of "Jovi- ismns". Personally I think JH went to the dogs after this album and a direction contrary to the melodic glory of Helluva Time.

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