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Guardian Homepage
CD Title: First Watch
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Category: CCM Hard Rock
Year: 1989
Label: Enigma/Benson
Catalog Number: CD02535
Paul Cawley lead vocals, guitar
David Bach bass, vocals
Rikk Hart drums
Tony Palacios lead guitar, vocals
1. | I'll Never Leave You | 4:31 |
2. | Mystery Man | 4:07 |
3. | Livin' For the Promise | 4:08 |
4. | Miracle | 4:55 |
5. | Saints Battalion | 3:47 |
6. | Kingdom of Rock | 3:25 |
7. | The Good Life | 4:41 |
8. | One of a Kind | 3:33 |
9. | World Without Love | 3:55 |
10. | Rock in Victory | 3:49 |
11. | Hyperdrive bonus track | 4:17 |
12. | Marching On bonus track | 3:55 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 49:03 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: james |
Date: June 22, 2001 at 14:49 |
First album, first singer, produced by Oz Fox!!! Sounds like Stryper, which isn't a bad thing. This CD is great
From: Dragonfly |
Date: December 13, 2001 at 8:50 |
A great release of christian rock. Better than Stryper. I have this release but sadly don't have their others.
From: ardian |
Date: February 3, 2002 at 1:41 |
Great music overall, but the lyrics are annoying for me. Sorry guys.
From: Drag-in-Bones |
Date: March 4, 2002 at 0:22 |
An enjoyable slab of melodic hard rock not a holier-than-thou christian rock band that screams,"My way or no way".welcome to the kingdom of rock!
From: Ty |
Date: March 15, 2002 at 8:00 |
My most favorite Guardian album of all. A great disc all the way around!
From: rattit38464@aol |
Date: November 3, 2002 at 11:55 |
this cd rocks
From: Undy500 |
Date: December 16, 2002 at 10:09 |
These guys are great, but if you want to hear a "AWESOME" christian metal band you need to check out a band from my hometown called "MASS"!! I have their rare "Voices in the night" album from 1989 that was produced by Michael Sweet of STRYPER... It's an outstanding effort with great rockers and impressive ballads!! The vocalist is incredible, and the band could rock with the best of em'.
From: dusty |
Date: January 13, 2003 at 11:46 |
great guitarsolos, but the vocals suxx. this guy should not be singing with a hard rock band. Jamie is much better.
From: Steve F. |
Date: February 10, 2003 at 2:35 |
The first album. I remember waiting with great anticipation for this one to be released (which seemed to take them forever to record). It's all right; at the time, I particularly liked Paul Cawley's vocals (real clean), but there are some songs on it that sound pretty dated now. One caveat: why didn't "Hyperdrive" make the cut on the cassette?
From: James |
Date: February 10, 2003 at 3:29 |
Tony really plays his heart out on this album. It is Pre-Jamie so the vocals are not of the blues'growel but of a clean sound like Michael Sweet. Solid album but the band got better with Jamie on vocals.
From: Dusty |
Date: February 18, 2003 at 10:59 |
I realy agree on the last statement. And the difference between Michael Sweet and this guy is that Michael can really scream. Just listen to the sad attempt of Paul to scream on Mystery Man. It sounds awfull! Michael can give a great scream, but this guy shouldn't have tried, it makes the album sound very silly at some points. If he wouldn't have done that it would have been better, cause the guitars are kicking fucking ass on this album!
From: Jeremy |
Date: June 12, 2003 at 8:56 |
Crawly doesnt do it for me.He lacks Power and Control in His Voice. He did not suit this band.The intro to Saints Batallion is Awesome.(Reminds me of the song "The Rock that Makes me Roll" from Stryper how the Guitars Duel in Harmony). Marching On Is excellent all around song ( one of the extras), the Solo in "Good Life" as well as the Bridge in the song is awesome. The Guitar was the Highlight in this whole album..bluesy, inventive,aggressive,fast,and controlled.Good Playin Palacios!God Bless!
From: robert |
Date: December 16, 2003 at 21:34 |
Buena banda crisiana!! 6/10
From: Fat Freddy |
Date: January 2, 2004 at 16:23 |
I picked this CD up years ago due to the Stryper connection; it was pretty cool but to me they sounded a lot like Dokken. Dokken were out of action at the time so I remember thinking "Well, if I ever start to miss Dokken I can use this band as a substitute." I traded the CD away some years later, which I now regret 'cos I'd like to hear it again now and it's somewhat hard to find. Live and learn...
From: Roxx |
Date: January 14, 2004 at 7:33 |
THis cd is my fave Guardian Album...And I like Paul's vocals..He has a higher range than Jamie..And the songs cook..Miracle sounds like floyd meets stryper...And Rock in Victory has textbook metal guitar soloing..Trying to find this on cd however is very tough
From: figgy |
Date: March 23, 2004 at 4:35 |
hey undy500 , i'm interested in that mass "voices in the night "
From: Geoff |
Date: February 16, 2005 at 3:59 |
This CD disappointed me a bit as I was expecting quite a lot from it. It's not bad, but not as good as I thought. Good solid hard rock but not great. Well played and good sounding album though.
From: Swriter |
Date: February 20, 2005 at 13:22 |
when this one came out, it was only available in CCM stores and sat next to Petra, Whiteheart,and Giant. In my book, not close to those other bands. I do enjoy this one from time to time, but never blew me away, just a good one, not a classic, maybe I will keep listening again to see if this one hits me harder.
From: Metal T |
Date: March 31, 2008 at 20:14 |
Definitely a classic.Cawley's vox and Palacious'guitar rip! Rhythm section of Bach and Hart seal the deal.Oz Fox's production-Excellent!this.Great songs,great music.A gem.
From: opec |
Date: August 4, 2008 at 17:16 |
one of my favorite great album
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: August 11, 2008 at 0:46 |
Amazing album!!!.This one along with "Fire & Love" and "Miracle Mile" are the best Guardians albums 4 sure.Highly recommended and hardly a filler in here!!!...this is one of the few albums that the bonus tracks are as oustanding as the main album songs so you get with this re-release 12 killer tunes to blast your heads off!!!.I'll give it a 90/100.God Bless You All!!!
From: hernanHRM/AOR |
Date: December 19, 2008 at 21:30 |
Marvellous disc, Totally aggressive and devastating 85/100
From: metalmaniac777 |
Date: February 14, 2010 at 9:26 |
Crisp, clean, cranking Christian commericial metal that sounds like Stryper cross-pollenated with Dokken. Paul Cawley, the band's first singer, comes across as a little weak on the vocals, but his performance isn't poor enough to ruin what is otherwise a pretty good album. If you happen to be a fish, watch out while listening to this CD, because there are razor sharp hooks all over the place.
From: elljam |
Date: May 4, 2012 at 6:05 |
Average hard rock with a Dokken feel running through the album. Paul Cawley's vocals are mediocre & they definitely improved with the addition of Jamie Rowe. If you want to hear Guardian at their best then get "Fire & Love" & "Miracle Mile"
From: skonci |
Date: June 20, 2012 at 8:04 |
decent debut album by this ccm band.great drumming and great guitar playing here but an avarage singer.I would recommend someone with the ability of hitting higher notes and having clearer voice.I like most of Whitecross's lyrics because they are straightforward.they are not ashamed using words Jesus, Lord, God.well Guardian's debut album is a bit masked here.instead of above mentioned words their lyrics mostyl consist of I and You or He which can be in some cases doble-edged sword for some christian belivers.for example I am very confused listening to the lyrics of the song The good life, cause I just don't understand the meaning of this lyrics.I understand it as hot summer parties are great and Jesus like them.?!anyone here to say if he agrees with me or not?? musically this album is a good example how ccm hard rock band sounded in the late 80s and early 90s. my faves here include tracks: 1,5,6,7 and 9. God bless you all!
From: hair metal again |
Date: January 10, 2014 at 3:27 |
pretty fine heavy hard debut by GUARDIAN back in the day under the guidance of the legendary Oz Fox !their music reminds me a lot of DOKKEN,STRYPER and a little bit of XYZ!the songs are fine but nothin blowminding and the mane attraction is the amazing guitar work by Tony!their approach later on was better ,but First Watch remains a great release!
From: 123charpenay |
Date: November 11, 2016 at 17:21 |
decent record with great guitar s solo and catchy choruses.absoluty not the best christian rock record ever.i note a big influence from dokken,and a little influence from bloogood.two excellent references but guardian don t play at the same very high level than bloodgood and dokken.all songs are building with exactly the same way.where is the originality?
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