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Millenium Homepage
CD Title: Hourglass
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Category: AOR
Year: 2000
Label: Frontiers (Italy)
Catalog Number: FR CD 0666
Jorn Lande lead and backing vocals
Ralph Santolla lead guitar, keyboards
Shane French lead and rhythm guitar
Manfred binder bass
oliver Hanson drums, percussion
Don Airey guest keyboards
Dag Stokke guest keyboards, piano
Howard Helm additional keyboards
Tracy LaBarbera additional vocals, tambourine, keyboards
1. | Power to Love | 4:29 |
2. | Wheels Are Turning | 4:10 |
3. | Hourglass | 6:41 |
4. | No More Miracles | 3:48 |
5. | Superstar | 3:09 |
6. | Rocket Ride | 3:23 |
7. | I Will Follow | 5:35 |
8. | I Still Believe | 5:09 |
9. | Masquerade | 4:12 |
10. | Chasing Time | 5:15 |
| |
Total Running Time: | 45:51 |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Janxy |
Date: April 7, 2001 at 7:20 |
Incredibly album. Every track is a winner. New vocalist completements the band so well and will be endlessly compared to David Coverdale, but IMHO he supercedes Mr. Whitesnake. This album is an absolute MUST have.
From: Rick |
Date: April 15, 2001 at 8:09 |
Millenium are the future... The A.O.R. has found its leaders. A great album for a great band!
From: Craig |
Date: July 31, 2001 at 10:24 |
JORN LANDE adds a whole new dimension to the band. Good to see the Florida boys mixing it with the best of Europe's POWER METAL bands. Not a dull moment on this one!
From: Reno |
Date: May 29, 2002 at 3:37 |
Jorn has left Millenium and has gone to work with Ralph Santolla on another project. Former Harem Scarem Drummer Darren Smith is now the lead vocalist. Strange turn of events
From: JoseM(Spain)Sev |
Date: September 19, 2002 at 10:33 |
Millenium es el mejor Grupo de Rock-Melodico de esta epoca, y su cantante Jorn Lande, (en Hourglass), demuestra que es uno de los mejores cantantes de todos los tiempos. Su voz es increible tiene influencias de: David Coverdale, R.James Dio y Jeff Scott Soto. Jorn Lande tambien canta en: ARK "Metal-Progresivo".
From: JoseM(Spain)Sev |
Date: September 29, 2002 at 10:15 |
Millenium is the best Melodic-Rock Band of this times, and Jorn Lande, (In Hourglass), shows that he's one of best Singers of all times. His voice is amazing!!, sounds like: David Coverdale, R.James Dio and Jeff Scott Soto. Jorn Lande also sings in ARK "Progresive-Metal".
From: JoseM(Spain)Sev |
Date: September 29, 2002 at 10:29 |
Excelent CD, 9 of 10, but the sound is horrible, doesn't sound clear, the production cold be a lot better. Excelente CD, 9 de 10, pero suena horrible, no suena limpio, suena muy cerrado, la producción podría haber sido mucho mejor.
From: xavieskay |
Date: October 5, 2002 at 16:31 |
great album, one of the best singers in the world, bad production, but it's amazing!
From: Bilboker |
Date: November 20, 2002 at 14:52 |
Un album kojonudo. Komo aknta Lande buaah!! ke pasada!! uno de las grandes voces del rock kontemporaneo!
From: Longshot_BR |
Date: June 29, 2003 at 12:52 |
WOW!! Great formation, extreme lyrics !! it's hard to find AOR and all of these Hadd Rock/AOR bands here in Brazil ... please help us!!!!
From: Nortum |
Date: September 5, 2003 at 19:15 |
Un super disco: 10/10.....Jorn Lande en el tema Hourglass demuestra que es el Coverdale del nuevo milenio. Consiguelo!
Date: January 22, 2004 at 16:59 |
very few and i mean...VERY FEW!! frontmen can combine power and melody the way jorn does and if i point out this, its because this album excells specially in the vocal department.if apart of having a great singer,you have the songs and a production to match then what we have here is a top class album of melodic rock bliss!and thats exactly what you get!.without doubt the best millenium album so far.
From: OrionCrystalIce |
Date: February 19, 2004 at 22:43 |
The best album this style has seen in the last 10 years, easily. (Though, David Coverdale's 'Into the Light' is great too, but not exactly the same thing, so..) The songwriting on this is freakishly rock solid for the most part and some songs are just masterpieces i.e. Masquerade, Hourglass, Power to Love, Chasing Time.... Wish there was a little less stupid lyrics in certain songs (I was married to the mayor's daughter..) (She's a two thousand girl in a two thousand world..what in the world?),
From: Rick G |
Date: May 9, 2004 at 7:24 |
anyone who ahs any kind of melodic SOUL will highly agree that this is TRULY A MASTERPIECE (AOR) rules!
From: Rockhead |
Date: October 12, 2004 at 2:57 |
This is a very good album but not a patch on it's predecessor Angelfire. Angelfire is an immense hard rock album that puts this mixed bag of tunes firmly in its place
From: Geoff |
Date: January 8, 2005 at 2:25 |
I agree with Rockhead here. Jorn has an immense reputation, andI can fully understand. He is a marvel and I love his work and his voice. Musically and vocally this is outstanding and there are some amazing songs, also very melodic. But as far as consistency I do think 'Angelfire' is a little better. Still, when it's good on this CD it's really quite spectacular - eg. 'Superstar'. Great solid album.
From: 7800°Fahrenheit |
Date: February 18, 2006 at 5:45 |
From Frontiers, a meteor * A piece of 'Rock' from outer space that makes a bright line across the night sky as it burns up while falling through the earth's atmosphere. Myvote:10/10 Jorn Lande:10/10
From: Carlos A. |
Date: June 29, 2006 at 16:18 |
Es el unico disco que tengo de esta banda y me parecen geniales estilo AOR epico y varipinto,aunque el ritmo deca un poco al final, el cantante Jorn Lande (en Allen-Lande se puede percibir la vena epica vanguardista que tiene) sobresale en los temas mas rockeros como "hourglass" ( con algunos estribillos a lo whitesnake includos)los demas temas son de interes 8.9/10
From: Heavy.AOR |
Date: July 10, 2006 at 7:36 |
GOLD 9/10.
From: juan carlos |
Date: October 15, 2006 at 10:39 |
Es como la cuarta vez que me borran mis comentarios!! Que pasa ehh!! Que yo sepa no he insultado a nadie. Considero como maravillosa a esta página y entro con mucha nostalgia a la misma como siempre, para estar enterado de los nuevos grupos, los nuevos comentarios de los demás, información de discos, etc y ocurre esto! Que yo sepa no he robado ni he hecho nada malo. Espero que no vuelva a pasar o en todo caso suplicar encarecidamente al Webmaster cual es el inconveniente
From: juan carlos |
Date: October 17, 2006 at 23:40 |
Rock melódico de gran factura con Jorn Lande indiscutiblemente la figura del disco. El nuevo David Coverdale! Canciones compactas, todas muy parejas. "Hourglass" Un tema que me recuerda al principio al "Judgement Day" de Whitesnake. "Power to Love" como no empezar el album con un feroz y melódico tema a la vez! "Superstar" temón. Gran disco. 9/10
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: December 19, 2006 at 8:27 |
This is such a phenomenal album I cannot believe it is not more popular than it is. I'm not as familiar with Angelfire so I'll have to give that some quality time before commenting but if it's that much better than this it must truly be marvelous. The cool thing about this disc IMHO is that it's got killer hooks and harmonies all over it but not once does it sound cliched or tired. It's got a 70's kinda vibe in places especially with the harmonies, and a touch of prog without being too proggy.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Blue Charvel |
Date: December 19, 2006 at 8:41 |
This is just great, no other words for it. I think my fav is "Wheels are Turning", but everything is just freakin' awesome on this disc.
From: roxas |
Date: January 1, 2007 at 4:13 |
I was just browsing this disc to see my comments....but I haven't left my amazement. This is outstanding and features some incredible songs. "Power of Love" is theatrical brillance, Jorn just sings the twat out of this disc. "Superstar" is sensational, all the tracks are good though. "Hourglass" and "Still Believe" are slow powerful bastards that stay wth you. The best...oh my God the Best, is one of the greatest songs I've ever heard...Chasing Time...Perfection. What a tune that is!
From: darobinson |
Date: April 9, 2008 at 19:25 |
Not sure why this would be called AOR but whatever you want to call it it is great. I would say it is nice kick ass melodic rock with one of the best guitar players around. Get it.......
From: darobinson |
Date: April 9, 2008 at 19:26 |
Lets not forget Shane French. That boy can also play the guitar.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: November 7, 2010 at 21:25 |
Ok guys this album is not AOR in its a mix of Prog,Blues("I Will Follow") & AOR...that's the concept i have towards this release which by the way is a very good one ..."Power To Love" is a brilliant starter,"Hourglass" is Whitesnake by the 4 sides(musically & vocally),"No More Miracles" is a wonderful smooth track,"Superstar" is a friendly AOR one,"Chasing Time" is great & the hidden bonus track "Jane" original by Jefferson Starship ends the album decently...Jorn Lande is IMHO one of the best vocalist around the european circuit at this very moment and his vocal skills have been more than proved(the guy can really personify,vocally talking,the likes of David Coverdale & Dio(r.i.p.) wonderfully...anyway,get this album and enjoy it!.89/100
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