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CD Title: Brigade
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Category: AOR
Year: 1990
Label: Capitol Records
Catalog Number: C4-591820
Ann Wilson lead vocals, background vocals
Nancy Wilson vocals, background vocals, electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards, mandolin, blues harp, dobro
Howard Leese background vocals, lead and rhythm guitars, keyboards, mandolin, autoharp
Denny Carmassi drums
Mark Andes background vocals, bass
1. | Wild Child | |
2. | All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You | |
3. | Secret | |
4. | Tall-Dark-Handsome Stranger | |
5. | I Didn't Want to Need You | |
6. | The Night | |
7. | Fallen from Grace | |
8. | Under the Sky | |
9. | Cruel Nights | |
10. | Stranded | |
11. | Call of the Wild | |
12. | I Want Your World to Turn | |
13. | I Love You | |
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Existing comments about this CD
From: Federico |
Date: May 20, 2002 at 13:54 |
My favorite cd from this band is for sure the self titled. This one is good too. Fallen from grace, the night(both written with Sammy Hagar) are my favs togheter with Wild child. From the 8th song to the 13th the cd lose some points.
From: Jenni |
Date: June 2, 2002 at 20:09 |
My favorite hard rock band of ALL TIME! I can't say anything bad about this CD, it is awesome.
From: tomcat |
Date: June 20, 2002 at 7:52 |
my favorite heart cd although i did miss most of their 70's stuff... thanx
From: 9 CHAMPIONS A 1 |
Date: September 14, 2002 at 6:12 |
Recuperan el nivel de su disco Heart(1985),incluso en mi opinion lo superan,temas que llevan la melodia por bandera,excelentes baladas,la producción no te digo nada(Richie Zito),y como tema, me quedo con I Want You World To Turn,un temazo esplendido,claro que miras en los creditos quien compone el tema y son ni mas ni menos que otro de los duos de oro componiendo temas en los 80 B.Steinberg y T.Kelly.(sacan temas buenos como rosquillas)Por lo demás, un disco de BUEN PALADAR.
From: Baris |
Date: September 16, 2002 at 3:06 |
The romantic-pop-rock fest of Heart continues in this album. Ann Wilson is again incredible. "All I wanna...", "Fallen From Grace", "Under The Sky", "I Want Your World To Turn"... all are perfect. After the classic "Bad Animals" this is also a very strong album from Heart.
From: robert |
Date: October 20, 2002 at 11:45 |
Para mi lo mejor de Heart, este disco es increible, es una verdadera pasada, una obra de arte de las buenas, llenita de temazos brutales: STRANDED,SECRET, ALL I WANNA... NO me puedo creer q se pueda cantar tan bien, y ademas con tanta elegancia y buen gusto, opino q esto no lo puede superar ni ellas mismas, es su disco mas grande y mas genial(para mi) Thanks HEART por darnos estos momentos de placer en forma de misica.... os amo!!!!!!!
From: Axelinger |
Date: November 17, 2002 at 11:55 |
For the third time, this album is nothing more than useless, limp-wristed pap, dragged down by wimpy material supplied by hired hacks like Warren and Knight... Why someone deems it necessary to censor my opinion of this lousy album reeks of political correctness... Face it censor, it can't hold a candle to Crazy On You, Barracuda, Magic Man, etc.
From: AORGOD |
Date: November 19, 2002 at 0:40 |
Only a complete moron would call an album "wimpy". Get a life. This is a well-written AOR album. Accept it or SHADDAP.
From: Axelinger |
Date: November 21, 2002 at 3:10 |
Spoken like a true disciple of Desmond Child... If you had even half a clue, you'd know the record label as much as told the Wilson sisters they had to bring in outside songwriters in order to generate increased revenue for the suits and ties... The very fact that they caved to corporate pressure and compromised the sound that garnered them success in the first place can certainly be described as wimpy... Sorry, pal, but they allowed themselves to be neutered in search of the almighty buck...
From: AFRUTI |
Date: April 17, 2003 at 14:00 |
From: Phantasmak |
Date: April 18, 2003 at 12:09 |
What's wrong with searching the buck? Halford did just the same by returning to metal. Sure, they might have betrayed their classic sound but this album doesn't stop to have good moments.
From: Axelinger |
Date: April 19, 2003 at 6:33 |
I maintain it's like a Rolls Royce with a Golf engine under the hood -- slick and polished on the outside, but gutless on the inside... Watered down with syrupy, soppy excuses for lyrics; that All I Wanna Do slop turned my stomach with its insipid, pathetic attempt at telling a hokey, contrived story... Awful pap at its absolute worst... The last thing I ever heard of Heart -- it completly soured me on anything that came after...
From: Scandinavia |
Date: June 28, 2003 at 10:56 |
Pretty good effort here..Should've had more tracks like "Wild Child" though...
From: Carajo, Hombre! |
Date: August 20, 2003 at 7:46 |
Carajo, Axelinger! For yo, este ciede es like una motosierra con un motor de 500 cavachos! Es pretty feiozo por fuera, mas estas chinas Wilson know how hoder colos con sus estupiendas canciones! "Siegredo" arregaza pregas!
From: Axelinger |
Date: August 20, 2003 at 8:19 |
Uh, okay... Seeing as I misunderstand whatever language that is fluently, I have no idea if you're insulting me or praising me... For all I know, you could be calling me a stupid cancer, offering to sell me a motor for $500, or asking me if Siegredo is aggressively pregnant...
From: Españenglish |
Date: August 20, 2003 at 23:25 |
Ulalá, hombre! "Siegredo" is not preña. Ella is un cavacho que pull mi motosierra. $500 es what las Wilson sisters pieden for arregazar sus pregas.
From: Axelinger |
Date: August 21, 2003 at 2:04 |
The Wilson sisters arranged to prepay $500 for gas while pulling Ella's cavacho as they motored through the sierra? With gas prices as high as they are now, this hombre can certainly believe it...
From: Coração |
Date: August 21, 2003 at 15:16 |
I'm sorry you can't speak Españenglish It's the Hard Rock language
From: razor2467 |
Date: November 15, 2003 at 12:08 |
Hi.....Im sorry but I do agree with Axeslinger somewhat. This cd isnt one of Heart's better releases. The S/T & Bad Animals discs are much better. This band could write their own material quite well, they didnt need any outside help. I would only recommended this to diehards and fans of Journey/Bad English style AOR
From: Harvey |
Date: November 26, 2003 at 17:33 |
Fantastic comments from Axelinger! I have also had comments censored on this website and, as long as it's a comment on the music/artist in question, I can't for the life of me understand the webmaster's thinking in doing so. Anyway...crap album. Female fronted rock bands? Buy Patti Smith's Horses album instead.
From: Chris |
Date: December 1, 2003 at 18:18 |
Man, you guy's can't be serious, surely? This album is in no way shape or form CRAP. Anyone who likes AOR/Melodic rock should love this album as i do. Who cares whether they used outside writers or not, its the damned songs that count, and anyone who says that the likes of 'Wild Child', 'TDHS', and 'Fallen From Grace' are wimpy and crap tunes have surely got shit in their ears. This is a fine release by the Wilsons, not their best, but its a fine release nonetheless.
From: AOR freaky |
Date: December 2, 2003 at 8:24 |
I support Chris on this one ! Not their best, but still great female fronted AOR !!! Harvey, are you indeed serious ? If yes, check out other sites ! AOR/melodic rock/pomprock is not your taste ! I think you're more in Butch Walker, Blink 182, Sum 41, Vonray, and other non-talent ! Fine, but don't tell us Heart is crap, man !
From: ROBERT |
Date: December 29, 2003 at 13:36 |
Otra pedazo d Obra d Arte d 1990!! 10 d 10!!! Empatado con el d Alias y vixen!!! ACOJONANTE!!
From: Blaine |
Date: February 3, 2004 at 3:06 |
When I listen of this CD, I think of the 1990's, which I was no fan of. I'm a long time Heart fan. This CD is not bad, but I felt this disc marked the beginning of the down for them. It gets a 5/10. This is just my opinion. BAD ANIMALS and the self titled CD were way better, though. I bring these two discs with me when I'm going to Seattle. The lyrics for "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You" was a bit controversial for me.
Heavy Harmonies Volunteer |
From: Jez |
Date: April 16, 2004 at 14:08 |
The 3rd installment of the 'Biggies' and the hits still keep coming, and once again right up there with 'S/T' & 'Bad Animals'in the quality stakes. The limited Japanese deluxe version Includes a 3'' bonus disc featuring 3 bonus tracks (Cruel Tears,The Will To Love & Never Stop loving you), which should definately have been on all the other versions. Great Stuff
From: tomcat |
Date: April 17, 2004 at 5:02 |
always been a fan of this album, since i first heard it in highschool..these songs were melodic and always appeared to me..with maybe the exception of their huge hit here in belgium 'all i wanna do..'. 9/10
From: Big Papa K |
Date: June 29, 2004 at 1:34 |
This one is not as overproduces in parts as their last two albums were, but it continues the streak of awesome songs such as "Stranded" and "Wild Child". Unfortunately, their is more filler than "Bad Animals" and this contains probably the worst Heart song ever in "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You". 6/10
From: Propane |
Date: December 2, 2004 at 19:35 |
Complete idiotic mumbo-jombo! What happened to the perfect song writing duo?? Just because you get a little older doesn't mean you have to start getting lazy. Another complete loser.
From: Geoff |
Date: February 12, 2005 at 0:31 |
Oh how I love this disc. Such solid, juicy musicianship and an awesome sound. 'Wild Child' is the perfect opener, 'All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You' is nonsense but damn me for loving it, 'Secret' is beautiful, though eclipsed by the magnificent 'I Didn't Want to Need You' and then a clear highlight in 'Cruel Nights' comes along, but by far the best track on this disc, IMO is the stunning 'I Want Your World to Turn'. What an opus, perfectly crafted track! Great song, great disc.
From: Swriter |
Date: April 11, 2005 at 10:40 |
I really like this one, two different Heart's before 1980 and after 1980, of xourse the early is great but after 1980 they really did the 80's sounding production nicely. This one is a great aor/late 80's release. Great songs include Wild Child, Make Love, Tall dark, I didn't want, and the night. Great one, check it out if you have not!!!
From: Rafo Phoenix |
Date: July 26, 2005 at 22:15 |
Great AOR album, un gran trabajo y con cortes mejores que el del 85, otra vez de acuerdo con Champions   I Want Your World to Turn   el mejor del album y de los mejores de la banda   Wild Child, All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You, Fallen from Grace, Cruel Nights   4 cortes Extraordinarios y que elevan la calidad del disco, el resto de cortes hay algunos que no llaman la atencion y otros mas rockerillos a diferencia del 85 que es parejo en ese sentido.
From: caritosmatanza |
Date: January 28, 2006 at 11:56 |
Un buen disco , el riff de Tall-Dark-Handsome Stranger se te pega como una ladilla y all I wanna do es una de esas cancioncillas que gustan hasta a los más reticentes con el rock. Wild child es fabulosas, también. Aor baladístico pero con temas con pegada rockera y las hermanas wilson más comerciales que nunca en su mejor momento.Uno de sus mejores trabajos.9/10
From: ROBERT |
Date: July 21, 2006 at 12:09 |
Es uno d esos Tantisimos Discos q tengo repetidos tanto en Cinta como en Cd Original!! me lo compre a los pocos meses d su 1ª edicion.. Este es sin duda mi disco Favorito Cantado por una Tia, Junto con el 1º d ROBIN BECK y el 2º d VIXEN (REV IT UP) Una Absoluta Obra Maestra del AOR!!, d mis favoritos sin duda del Glorioso y Apoteosico 1990! (Tenia q ser la continuacion del 89'!)
From: ROBERT |
Date: July 21, 2006 at 12:09 |
Los Orgasmos: 1. Wild Child - Vaya Comienzo tan Arrebatador y Desgarrador, Espectacular y super Hard Rockero, d los temas mas cañeros del Disco. Una autentica Gozada. 2. All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You - Recuerdos, Sueños, Risas, Lagrimas, Placer, Melancolia, Nostalgia, Felicidad, y muxos mas Sentimientos me provocan cada vez q escuxo este puto jodido Himno del AMOR digo AOR!!! Temazo Bestial para hacer el Amor (q no Foyar) Una d mis Baladas a medio tiempo Favoritas d Siempre, una d mis 2 gra
From: ROBERT |
Date: July 21, 2006 at 12:09 |
3. Secret - Otro autentico Super Orgasmo Baladistico fuera d serie!!! al mas puro estilo ABBA (mas kisieran las Suecas) claro q las d Seatle son un Triyon d veces elevada a la maxima potencia muxisimo mejores!! Esto es la mas pura esencia d la Melodia, una demostracion d como se puede cantar con un par d pelotas siendo una tia, Insuperable!!!! 4. Tall-Dark-Handsome Stranger - Otra cañerota, hard rock sucio y del mas puro. 5. I Didn't Want to Need You - Mitico Riff!! tema importante del disco, pu
From: ROBERT |
Date: July 21, 2006 at 12:10 |
6. The Night - Comienzo En Royo Acustico, Mid West/country!!! Estas nenas le daban a todo!! 7. Fallen from Grace - Normalito... 8. Under the Sky - Bueno, bueno, esto es ABBA TOTAL!! Q Temazo, q coros, q estribiyo, q melodias. Me encanta, para disfrutar segundo a segundo!! t yeva directo al puto cielo, no, mejor al Jodido Paraiso! 9. Cruel Nights - Dificil, muy dificil decir kien canta mejor d las hermanas, ¿Ann o Nancy? Delicioso temazo... Exkisito AOR con Garra Made in USA From 1990!!!
From: ROBERT |
Date: July 21, 2006 at 12:10 |
10. Stranded - Romanticismo en estado puro!!! me hace Gozar, Yorar... Power Ballad desgarradora q me produce Escalofrios d Placer, mi favorita d Siempre... Para Enamorarse. pero no recomendable para encerrarse en una habitacion si estas pasando "mal d amores", podrias inundar tu cuarto d lagrimas!!! Sin duda una d mis 10 Baladas Favoritas d Toda la Historia d la Musica!!! Cuando penetre en tu Alma y se apodere d tus sentidos: Permanecera grabada a fuego en tu HEART por toda la Eternidad!!! 11. C
From: ROBERT |
Date: July 21, 2006 at 12:10 |
12. I Want Your World to Turn - Vaya Tela!!!! Uffffffffffffff!! q pedazo d Tema tan Brutalmente Acojonantisimo!! es algo q se sale d lo normal... Touch me, Touch me, Touch me... Sensual dd los haya, un tema Erotico d puro y Salvaje AOR del mas Maraviyoso, con unas teclas estratosfericas y alucinantes, y unos Riffs d Guitarras super poderosos y portentosos... es como para correrse d gusto!!! Recuerda: TOUCH ME!!! 13. I Love You - Un Gran final, Cantando casi a "capella". Preciosisima!!
From: ROBERT |
Date: July 21, 2006 at 12:10 |
Elegancia, Clase, Feeling, Garra, Magia, Locura Genial, Cielo d A.O.R. en definitiva d Biyones d Kilates... esto no tiene precio, es una puta locura!! Amo este disco con toda mi alma y sobre todo con mi HEART!! En definitiva puro AMOR exo AOR!!! A la misma altura d otros grandiosos Discos Super Romanticos como: ALIAS, BAD ENGLISH, SIGNAL... etc No t lo pierdas por nada del mundo si kieres darle Sentimientos Romanticos a tu HEART!! 10000000 d 10000000!!!!
From: Carlos A. |
Date: July 22, 2006 at 12:47 |
Gran disco no cabe duda, con un estilo mas fuerte y trepidante que Heart haya hecho antes, me quedo con "Wild Child", "All I Wanna Do...", "Want Your World to Turn", "I Didn't Want..." y "Secret" aunque casi el 90% de este disco es una delicia 9.5/10
From: lalorock |
Date: July 15, 2007 at 23:30 |
Gran discazo, para mí el mejor de Heart,aquí los temas estan compuestos con arreglos al milímetro, y se nota! solo escuchar Secret baladasa con unos guitarrazos maravillosos, Stranded,All i Wanna do... medio tiempo increíble, delicia para los oídos;todos con un sonido impecable,pero mi favorita llega con I want your world to turn donde los teclados y las guitrras se entrelazan dándole un aire único, puro AOR!!, temazo donde encaja a la perfección la voz de una mujer,gran voz de Ann Wilson, 9/10.
From: rick kerch vzla |
Date: July 7, 2012 at 17:41 |
Never had the chance 2 write a comment about this album and today,well,i decided 2 undust my old vinyl of this "Brigade" by Heart and gave it a full spin once again...what can i say that it hasn't been said???...ENORMOUS!!!...for me there are 4 killer tracks that are "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love To You","Wild Child","Secret" & "Cruel Nights"...then we have some other very fine moments in tracks 5,7,10 & 12...highly recommended album,'nuff said...94/100
From: lukemaz |
Date: April 10, 2013 at 22:29 |
This has got to be the heaviest Heart album they have released. It's not Little Queen by a long shot, that was 1977, this album is from 1990 and its evident Heart kept evolving to keep up with mainstream radio and MTV. 1985-1993 are the best years of Heart music in my opinion. This album 9/10.
From: nimzo |
Date: October 31, 2015 at 23:36 |
Great album from Heart. One of the best female voice. At the level of Vixen or Robin Beck. The best tracks are "Wild Child" with a perfect intro, "All I Wanna Do Is Make Love to You" very comercial and melidic, "Secret", "Cruel nights" and the awesome highlight "I Want Your World to Turn" 90/100 Aor Classic killer
From: petermexico13 |
Date: June 20, 2018 at 16:55 |
Otro de mis favoritos incluso del año 1990, lo disfruté mucho en mi auto junto al primero de Bad English, Still Got the bLues de Gary Moore y el primero de Alannah Myles! Es uno de esos grandes discos que se disfrutan completos de principio a fin, canciones de diferentes compositores, pero muy bien unidas en un álbum que sirvió para despedir la época de oro de una de las bandas más grandes que ha dado el Rock con mujeres al frente. Indispensable
From: hair metal again |
Date: June 22, 2022 at 12:55 |
glorious release for HEART in the early 90 s and my all time fav of them that stands on top of their long catalogue!massive commercial sound,astonishing performance,crystal clear polished production by Richie Zito ,amazing songwritingwith diverse styles ,this album has it all!a masterpiece of the 90s rock scene
From: Doghouse Reilly |
Date: June 22, 2022 at 14:02 |
1990 was kind of the end of the line for a great many rock bands from the mid-to-late '70's, as far as chart-topping success goes. Heart were not alone in extending their longevity through the '80's by becoming more of an adult-contemporary act, but they were among the most successful at it. Brigade" really their last hurrah before transitioning to more of a "legacy" act. This album spawned four singles, one of them a monster hit, but honestly, the people who really dug this were more the type of people who were also into contemporary releases by Don Henley or Rod Stewart. Older people, in other words. Squares. "All I Wanna Do" caused a bit of an uproar in England for its lyrics, which literally portray a woman picking up a hitchhiker to act as a sperm donor.
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